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马鞍山工业学校2003-2004 学年第二学期期末考试


课程 英语 使用班级(中专) 02机修 02数电(1)(2) 02计算机(1)(2)

姓名 班级 得分



1.crowd A allow B grow C throw D show 2.anymore A map B want C many D canal 3.pink A unlike B angrily C point D mainly 4.deal A dealt B theatre C death D team 5.rule A put B full Cuse D June 二. 单项选择(25分)

6.I did not like the house; ,it was too high-priced. A when B otherwise C but D moreover

7. me to introduce you to my friend Mr.Thomas. A Take B Allow C Make D Let

8.The boss told us that the machine had to by himself. A have controlled B be controlled C controlled D controlling

9.We people around us not only by words, but aslo by facial expressions and body movements.

A talk about B speak of C communicate with D say that 10.She all her money on the new car. A cost B spent C took D paid

11.That won’t help things . A at all B for all C in all D of all

12.Her father has decided not to smoke . A whenever B moreover C anymore D much more

13.Next morning,his secretary came to work earlier, her face happiness. A shine with B shining with C filling with D end with 14.She stood in the rain her husband. A waited for B waits for C waiting for D wait for

15.Marco Polo’s father, Niccolo, was an Italian businessman. A calling B was called C named D who names 16.The head will tell us in Africa. A what does he see and hear B what did he see and hear C what he sees and hears D what he saw and heard

17.Scientists let us know that moon-light is only sun-light . A shone on the moon B reflected by the moon C reflected on the moon D shining in the sky

18. is to practise oral English more. A That we need B What we vneed C Why we need D Which we need

19.The following day, Maxwell arrived at his office earlier and at once dug into the mountain of letters and telegrams that waited for him. A as usual B than usual C in usual D usually

20.African elephants are the biggest animals living on land, much bigger cars,longer tusks and a hollow back. A has B have C had D having

21.It took them two months to from Europe to Australia. A sail B fail C mail D nail

22.He didn’t say before he left. A nothing B something C anything D thing

23.John a glass with wine and handed it to Tom. A lift B filled C brought D bring

24.”What’s that?”he asked, to the top of the building. A shining B directing C pointing D shouting 25.The girl a talk to the class was my friend. A giving B given C gave D give 26.These are books long ago. A publish B published C publishing D publishs

27. The old woman felt very happy with her children back to live with her.

A came B to come C coming D come

28.The ground was covered with leaves. A fallen B fell C falling D fall

29.I thought a good idea to translate this book into English. A What B it C that D that is

30.What shall we do with the gifts these days? A received B receive C receiving D to receive

三. 完形填空(10分)

Miss Sullivan had to find a way to reach Helen Keller 31 language is.Helen had to learn that words are used 32 naming things. 33 the child had never heard or seen a word, 34 her seemed almost impossible.

The teacher began with 35 of spelling which uses the sense of touch.In this system,the person who is spelling a word touches the student’s hand very quickly,tapping(轻敲)the hand 36 different ways to give the idea of differert letters.

Several times 37 day, MissSullivan would tap the letters of a word into Helen’s hand.Then she would put into the child’s hand the thing which was named by that word.

The first word Helen learned was “doll(洋娃娃)”.She had become interested in her teacher’s way and finally succeeded in 38 the letters. She ran to her mother and showed her that she could make the letters for “doll”. But she still did not 39 that she was spelling a word. She did not know that words are the 40 for things. 31.A that B what C how D why 32.A to B with C for D of

33.A Since B As C Because D If

34.A teach B teaches C teaching D taught 35.A why B a method C an idea D a system 36.A with B in C to D for 37.A every B each C one D a

38.A make B made C making D makes

39.A know B knowing C understand D understanding 40.A meaning B means C naming D names

四. 阅读理解(40分)


A well is a hole in the ground, There is water at the bottom. To get the water we turn a handle. This lets a bucket go down the well and into the water. Then we turn the handle to bring the bucket up.

One night a foolish man looked down a well. He could see the moon in the ckear water.

“The moon has fallen down the well,” he said, ”I must get it out.”

He turned the handle and let the bucket go down into the well. He wanted the bucket to hold the moon and pull it up! The bucket reached the water and the man turned the handle to pull up the bucket. But the bucket caught a big stone which lay at the bottom of the water. The man pulled and pulled but the handle would not move. Suddenly the stone moved. The bucket flew up the well. The man fell on to his back. He could see the sky. The moon was in the sky.

“Good!” he said. “I have put the moon back into the sky!” 41.We get from a well. A water B the bucket C the rope D the moon

42.At the highest end of the rope is . A a hole B a handle C a bucket D a stone 43.The foolish man tried to . A get water from the well B let the bucket go down the well C pull up the big stone D get out the moon

44.When he pulled and pulled,suddenly .

A the stone moved B the bucket flew up C the man fell on to his back D all A,B and C

45.The moon was . A pulled back into the sky B not pulled back into the sky C in the sky all the time D not in the sky all the time

46.At the bottom end of the rope is . A a hole B a handle C a bucket D a stone


The story of the English language is a story of change, The Old English language, or Old English,is different from Modern English, If we do not study Old English, we can’t understand it. Some of the words are the same but many are not used now.The story of the English language begins some time after the year 400 AD. At that time some people came to England from North West Europe. There were many groups of people. They were called Angles,Saons and Jutes. Their

languagewere from North-West Europe. In Old English the endings had many

meanings. They showed past time and present time and many other things.In Modern English most of these endings are gone. This is the biggest difference between Old and modern English.

47.What is the greatest difference between Old English and Modern English?

A Old English is used by people from North-West Europe while Modern English is used by people in England.

B Old English was used by people 400 years ago but Modern English is used by people today.

C Old English has changed into Modern English.

D The story of the English language is one of how people change the language. 48.What does the first sentence of the passage mean? A The story of the English language changes.

B The English language keeps changing as time as goes on. C Old English has changed into Modern English.

D The story of the English language is one of how people changde the language. 49.Old English was first used by people from .

A Old England B England C North-West England D North-West Europe 50.Which of the following is not true about Old English?

A The endings easy of words gave specific(肯定的)meanings.

B It is not easy for most English-speakers today to understand the language. C Its vacabulary is completely different from that of Modern English. D It was spoken by mang groups of people from North-West Europe.


There was once a boy who loved to read. There is nothing wrong with reading but the trouble was that he didn’t know how to read the most interesting books of all books─books about nature. So he couldn’t tell one bird from another, or one tree from another.

Once other children called this boy to go and help them with the garden. But he

was just then reading a story and said, “wait a minute. I just want to finish this story.” “All right ,” the children said, “We’ll leave you a plot(小块地) to do by yourself.” The boy finished reading the story and went to the garden. Well, he started

weeding and, what do you think he did? He pulled up all the little cabbages(白菜) and left all the weeds.

51. The boy couldn’t .

A make two trees or birds speak to each other B tell the difference between a tree and a bird C tell the difference between trees and birds. D tell the difference between one tree and another

52.Once some children called this boy to go and help them in the garden.

A pull up the weeds(杂草) B pull up the little cabbages C dig the earth D water the cabbages

53.The boy didn’t go to the garden . A because he was not interested in books about nature B until he finished reading story C for he liked to work alone D though he very much wanted to 54.The boy knew . A the difference between birds B the difference between trees C the difference between cabbages and weeds D little about nature

55.Accoding to the passage . A knowledge in books is no use B it’s no good reading stories

C those who love to read can’t tell cabbages from weeds D children should read books and learn from nature


American families often invite foreign visitors their homes for dinner, or even for stays of several days. If the guests are incited for dinner, especially for a holiday dinner, they shouldn’t eat too much before leaving. On holidays housewives like to demostrate their ability to cook as well as real cooks in a restaurant. A guest

compliments(恭维)his hostess by asking for a second serving.That’s a particularly (特别)nice custom, don’t you think?

56.According to the passage,American families . A dislike foreign visitors B are very friendly and polite to foreign visitors C are usually very big D like to eat together

57.If a guest is invited for dinner by an American family, he . A should refuse the invitation B shouldn’t eat anything C will be murdered(谋杀)some day D shouldn’t eat as much as he can

58.The word “demonstrate” in the passage means “ ” . A show B hide C pick up D introduce

59.Asking for a second serving . A is an impolite thing to be hostess B is not right for the guest to do C is a compliment to the hostess D is bad table manners(用餐风度)

