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function hintonwb(w,b,max_m,min_m)

% HINTONWB Hinton graph of weight matrix and bias vector. % Syntax

% hintonwb(W,b,maxw,minw) % Description

% HINTONWB(W,B,M1,M2) % W - SxR weight matrix % B - Sx1 bias vector.

% MAXW - Maximum weight, default = max(max(abs(W))). % MINW - Minimum weight, default = M1/100.

%and displays a weight matrix and a bias vector represented as a grid of squares.

% Each square's AREA represents a weight's magnitude. % Each square's COLOR represents a weight's sign. % RED for negative weights, GREEN for positive. % Examples

% W = rands(4,5); % b = rands(4,1); % hintonwb(W,b) % See also HINTONW.



function hintonw(w,max_m,min_m)

% HINTONW Hinton graph of weight matrix. % Syntax

% hintonw(W,maxw,minw) % Description

% HINTONW(W,MAXW,MINW) takes these inputs, % W - SxR weight matrix

% MAXW - Maximum weight, default = max(max(abs(W))). % MINW - Minimum weight, default = M1/100.


% and displays a weight matrix represented as a grid of squares. % Each square's AREA represents a weight's magnitude. % Each square's COLOR represents a weight's sign. % RED for negative weights, GREEN for positive. % Examples

% W = rands(4,5); % hintonw(W)

% See also HINTONWB.

if nargin < 1,error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.');end if nargin < 2, max_m = max(max(abs(w))); end if nargin < 3, min_m = max_m / 100; end

if max_m == min_m, max_m = 1; min_m = 0; end TFINE BOX EDGES xn1 = [-1 -1 +1]*0.5; xn2 = [+1 +1 -1]*0.5; yn1 = [+1 -1 -1]*0.5; yn2 = [-1 +1 +1]*0.5;

% DEFINE POSITIVE BOX xn = [-1 -1 +1 +1 -1]*0.5; yn = [-1 +1 +1 -1 -1]*0.5; % DEFINE POSITIVE BOX


function hh = plotep(w,b,e,h)

%PLOTEP Plot a weight-bias position on an error surface. % Syntax

% h = plotep(w,b,e) % h = plotep(w,b,e,h) % Description

% PLOTEP is used to show network learning on a plot % already created by PLOTES.

% PLOTEP(W,B,E) takes these arguments % W - Current weight value. % B - Current bias value. % E - Current error.

% and returns a vector H containing information for % continuing the plot.


% PLOTEP(W,B,E,H) continues plotting using the vector H, % returned by the last call to PLOTEP.

% H contains handles to dots plotted on the error surface, so they can be deleted next time, as well as points on the error contour, so they can be connected.





function plotes(wv,bv,es,v)

%PLOTES Plot the error surface of a single input neuron. % Syntax

% plotes(wv,bv,es,v) % Description

% PLOTES(WV,BV,ES,V) takes these arguments, % WV - 1xN row vector of values of W. % BV - 1xM row vector of values of B. % ES - MxN matrix of error vectors. % V - View, default = [-37.5, 30].

% and plots the error surface with a contour underneath. % Calculate the error surface ES with ERRSURF. % Examples % p = [3 2]; % t = [0.4 0.8];

% wv = -4:0.4:4; bv = wv;

% ES = errsurf(p,t,wv,bv,'logsig'); % plotes(wv,bv,ES,[60 30]) % See also ERRSURF. % SURFACE

sh = surf(wv,bv,es,scolor); hold on

sh = surf(wv,bv,zeros(length(wv),length(bv))+surfpos,scolor); set(sh,'edgecolor',[0.5 0.5 0.5]) % ERROR GOAL % TITLES


xlabel('Weight W'); ylabel('Bias B');

zlabel('Sum Squared Error') title('Error Surface') % WEIGHT & BIAS

set(gca,'xlim',[min(wv),max(wv)]) set(gca,'ylim',[min(bv),max(bv)]) zlim = get(gca,'zlim'); % VIEW

if nargin == 4, view(v), end set(gca,'zlim',[surfpos maxe]); % RIGHT 2-D PLOT subplot(1,2,2); % SURFACE

sh = surf(wv,bv,es*0,scolor); hold on

set(sh,'edgecolor',[0.5 0.5 0.5]) % CONTOUR

[cc,ch] = contour(wv,bv,es,12); hold off

set(ch,'edgecolor',[1 1 1]) % TITLES

xlabel('Weight W'); ylabel('Bias B'); title('Error Contour') % VIEW view([0 90])

set(gca,'xlim',[min(wv) max(wv)]) set(gca,'ylim',[min(bv) max(bv)]) % COLOR colormap(cool);


function h = plotpc(w,b,hh)

%PLOTPC Plot a classification line on a perceptron vector plot. % Syntax

% plotpc(W,b)


% plotpc(W,b,h) % Description

% PLOTPC(W,B) takes these inputs,

% W - SxR weight matrix (R must be 3 or less). % B - Sx1 bias vector.

% and returns a handle to a plotted classification line. % PLOTPC(W,B,H) takes these inputs, % H - Handle to last plotted line.

% and deletes the last line before plotting the new one. This function does

not change the current axis and is intended to be called after PLOTPV. % Example

% The code below defines and plots the inputs and targets for a perceptron:

% p = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1]; % t = [0 0 0 1]; % plotpv(p,t)

% The following code creates a perceptron with inputs ranging over the values in P, assigns values to its weights and biases, and plots the resulting classification line.

% net = newp(minmax(p),1); % net.iw{1,1} = [-1.2 -0.5]; % net.b{1} = 1;

% plotpc(net.iw{1,1},net.b{1}) % See also PLOTPV. %ERROR CHECKING % PLOTTING % 2-D PLOT % 3-D PLOT


function result = plotperform(varargin)

%PLOTPERFORM Plot network performance. % Syntax

% plotperform(tr) % Description

% PLOTPERFORM(TR) plots the training, validation and test

performances given the training record TR returned by the function


TRAIN. % Example

% load simplefit_dataset

% net = newff(simplefitInputs,simplefitTargets,20); % [net,tr] = train(net,simplefitInputs,simplefitTargets); % plotperform(tr); % See also plottrainstate % Plot

% New Figure


function plotpv(p,t,v)

%PLOTPV Plot perceptron input/target vectors. % Syntax

% plotpv(p,t) % plotpv(p,t,v) % Description

% PLOTPV(P,T) take these inputs,

% P - RxQ matrix of input vectors (R must be 3 or less).

% T - SxQ matrix of binary target vectors (S must be 3 or less). % and plots column vectors in P with markers based on T. % PLOTPV(P,T,V) takes an additional input,

% V - Graph limits = [x_min x_max y_min y_max] % and plots the column vectors with limits set by V. % Example

% The code below defines and plots the inputs and targets for a perceptron:

% p = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1]; % t = [0 0 0 1]; % plotpv(p,t)

% The following code creates a perceptron with inputs ranging over the

values in P, assigns values to its weights and biases, and plots the resulting classification line. % net = newp(minmax(p),1); % net.iw{1,1} = [-1.2 -0.5]; % net.b{1} = 1;

% plotpc(net.iw{1,1},net.b{1})




function result = plotsomhits(varargin)

%PLOTSOMHITS Plot self-organizing map sample hits. % Syntax

% plotsomhits(net,inputs)

% plotsomhits(net,inputs,targets) % Description

% PLOTSOMHITS(NET,INPUTS) plots a SOM layer, with each neuron

showing the number of input vectors that it classifies. The relative number of vectors for each neuron is shown via the size of a colored patch. % Example

% load iris_dataset

% net = newsom(irisInputs,[5 5]); % [net,tr] = train(net,irisInputs); % plotsomhits(net,irisInputs); % See also plotsomplanes

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end % Info % Plot

v1 = varargin{1};

if isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 2) % User arguments - New plot [net,inputs] = deal(varargin{:}); fig = new_figure('');

elseif (isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 3))

% Standard Plotting Function Arguments - Recycle plot % New Figure

% Standardize inputs % Clear Figure



function result = plotsompos(varargin)

%PLOTSOMPOS Plot self-organizing map weight positions. % Syntax

% plotsomtop(net)

% plotsomtop(net,inputs) % Description

% PLOTSOMPOS(NET) plots the input vectors as green dots, and shows %how the SOM classifies the input space by showing blue-gray dots for each

% neuron's weight vector and connecting neighboring neurons with red lines. % Example

% load simplecluster_dataset

% net = newsom(simpleclusterInputs,[10 10]); % net = train(net,simpleclusterInputs); % plotsompos(net,simpleclusterInputs);

% See also plotsomnd, plotsomplanes, plotsomhits

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end % Info % Plot

v1 = varargin{1};

if (nargin < 3) || (~ isa(varargin{2},'struct')) % User arguments - New plot

% Standard Plotting Function Arguments - Recycle plot %Update Figure % Plot Figure

function plot_figure(fig,net,inputs) % Standardize inputs % Setup neurons %Inputs

if ~isempty(inputs) % Weights %Clear Figure



function result = plotsomtop(varargin)

%PLOTSOMTOP Plot self-organizing map topology. % Syntax

% plotsomtop(net) % Description

% PLOTSOMTOP(NET) plots the topology of a SOM layer. % Example

% load iris_dataset

% net = newsom(irisInputs,[8 8]); % plotsomtop(net);

% See also plotsomnd, plotsomplanes, plotsomhits % Plot

% Standard Plotting Function Arguments - Recycle plot % New Figure % Update Figure % Plot Figure

function plot_figure(fig,net,inputs) % Standardize inputs % Clear Figure


function plotsom(w,d,nd)

%PLOTSOM Plot self-organizing map. % Syntax

% plotsom(pos) % plotsom(W,d,nd) % Description

% PLOTSOM(POS) takes one argument,

% POS - NxS matrix of S N-dimension neural positions.

% and plots the neuron positions with red dots, linking the neurons within

a Euclidean distance of 1.

% PLOTSOM(W,D,ND) takes three arguments, % W - SxR weight matrix. % D - SxS distance matrix.

% ND - Neighborhood distance, default = 1.

% and plots the neuron's weight vectors with connections between weight

vectors whose neurons are within a distance of 1.


% Examples

% Here are some neat plots of various layer topologies: % pos = hextop(5,6); plotsom(pos) % pos = gridtop(4,5); plotsom(pos) % pos = randtop(18,12); plotsom(pos) % pos = gridtop(4,5,2); plotsom(pos) % pos = hextop(4,4,3); plotsom(pos)

% See NEWSOM for an example of plotting a layer's weight vectors with the input vectors they map.

% See also NEWSOM, LEARNSOM, INITSOM. % Arguments

% Check Dimensions % Line coordinates % Plot


function result = plottrainstate(varargin)

%PLOTTRAINSTATE Plot training state values. % Syntax

% plottrainstate(tr) % Description

% PLOTTRAINSTATE(TR) plots the training state from a training record

TR returned by TRAIN. % Example

% load housing

% net = newff(p,t,20); % [net,tr] = train(net,p,t); % plottrainstate(tr); % See also plottrainstate

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end % Info % Plot

if nargin == 1

% User arguments - New plot tr = varargin{1}; fig = new_figure(''); else


% Standard Plotting Function Arguments - Recycle plot % New Figure % Update Figure % Update Figure

function clear_figure(fig) drawnow


function hh = plotvec(x,c,m)

%PLOTVEC Plot vectors with different colors. % Syntax

% plotvec(x,c,m) % Description

% PLOTVEC(X,C,M) takes these inputs, % X - Matrix of (column) vectors. % C - Row vector of color coordinate. % M - Marker, default = '+'.

% and plots each ith vector in X with a marker M, using the ith value in C

as the color coordinate.

% PLOTVEC(X) only takes a matrix X and plots each ith vector in X

with marker '+' using the index i as the color coordinate. % Examples

% x = [0 1 0.5 0.7; -1 2 0.5 0.1]; % c = [1 2 3 4]; % plotvec(x,c)

%if nargin < 1,error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end % VECTORS [xr,xc] = size(x); if xr < 2

x = [x; zeros(2-xr,xc)]; xr = 2; end





function plotv(m,t)

%PLOTV Plot vectors as lines from the origin. % Syntax

% plotv(m,t) % Description

% PLOTV(M,T) takes two inputs,

% M - RxQ matrix of Q column vectors with R elements. % T - (optional) the line plotting type, default = '-'. % and plots the column vectors of M.

% R must be 2 or greater. If R is greater than two, % only the first two rows of M are used for the plot. % Examples

% plotv([-.4 0.7 .2; -0.5 .1 0.5],'-')

%if nargin < 1,error('NNET:Arguments','Wrong number of arguments.');end



function hintonwb(w,b,max_m,min_m) %hinton曲线表示权矩阵和的偏移矢量 %语法

% hintonwb(W,b,maxw,minw) % 描述

% HINTONWB(W,B,M1,M2) % W - SxR 权矩阵 % B - Sx1 偏移矢量

%MAXW -最大权重, 定义 = max(max(abs(W)))。MINW -最小权重, 定%义 = M1/100.显示一个权矩阵和一个偏移矢量代替. 作为一个矩形方 %块.每个矩形方块的面积是权重的大小.每个矩形方块的颜色是权重的标%志.红色代表负权重,绿色代表正权重. %如例

% W = 区间为(4,5); % b = 区间为(4,1); % hintonwb(W,b)

% 也可以参考HINTONW函数 %定义格子的边界(代码略去) %定义在格子里的 %定义在格子里的


function hintonw(w,max_m,min_m) %hinton权矩阵函数图形. %语法

% hintonw(W,maxw,minw) % 描述

% HINTONW(W,MAXW,MINW) 将这些函数输入 % W - SxR weight matrix

% MAXW - 最大权重, 默认值= max(max(abs(W))). % MINW -最小权重 默认值= M1/100.

% 显示一个方形的矩阵函数图形。每个矩形的面积代表权重的大小。每 %个矩形的颜色代表权重信号。红色代表负权重,绿色代表正权重。 %例如


% W = 区间为(4,5); % hintonw(W)


if nargin < 1,error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.');end if nargin < 2, max_m = max(max(abs(w))); end if nargin < 3, min_m = max_m / 100; end

if max_m == min_m, max_m = 1; min_m = 0; end %定义格子的边界 xn1 = [-1 -1 +1]*0.5; xn2 = [+1 +1 -1]*0.5; yn1 = [+1 -1 -1]*0.5; yn2 = [-1 +1 +1]*0.5; %定义在格子里的

xn = [-1 -1 +1 +1 -1]*0.5; yn = [-1 +1 +1 -1 -1]*0.5; %定义在格子里的


function hh = plotep(w,b,e,h)

%在一个误差的平面绘制PLOTEP函数的权偏移变量的位置. %语法

% h = plotep(w,b,e) % h = plotep(w,b,e,h) % 描述

% 在网络学习显示之前绘制PLOTEP函数 % PLOTEP(W,B,E) 以这些论点 % W -通常的权值 % B -通常的偏离值 % E -通常的错误

% 返回矢量H包含的信息是持续的绘图. % PLOTEP(W,B,E,H) 持续用矢量H绘图,最后返回PLOTEP函数.矢

量H包换点的绘制在误差的平面,所以他们可以下次删除,同样也可以点出误差的轮廓,银次他们可以被连接. % 也可以参考ERRSURF,PLOTES函数.

if nargin < 3, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments'),end % 得到最后的位置 if nargin == 4


w2 = h(1); b2 = h(2);

delete(h(3:length(h))); end

%移动标记 %连接新的位置


function plotes(wv,bv,es,v)

%绘制PLOTES函数单独的神经元输入在一个误差平面式. % 语法

% plotes(wv,bv,es,v) % 描述

% PLOTES(WV,BV,ES,V) 以这些论点, % WV - 1xN 行向量的价值是 W. % BV - 1xM 行向量的价值是B. % ES - MxN 误差向量的矩阵. % V -查看, 定义 = [-37.5, 30].

% 划分这个误差的平面以下平面的轮廓.计算这个误差平面ES用ERRSURF函数. % 例如

% p = [3 2]; % t = [0.4 0.8];

% wv = -4:0.4:4; bv = wv;

% ES = errsurf(p,t,wv,bv,'logsig'); % plotes(wv,bv,ES,[60 30]) % 参考ERRSURF函数. % 左边的3D绘制 subplot(1,2,1);

[px,py] = gradient(es,wv,bv); scolor = sqrt(px.^2+py.^2); %表面

sh = surf(wv,bv,es,scolor); hold on

sh = surf(wv,bv,zeros(length(wv),length(bv))+surfpos,scolor); set(sh,'edgecolor',[0.5 0.5 0.5]) %误差的目标



xlabel('Weight W'); ylabel('Bias B');

zlabel('Sum Squared Error') title('Error Surface') %权重&偏移

set(gca,'xlim',[min(wv),max(wv)]) set(gca,'ylim',[min(bv),max(bv)]) zlim = get(gca,'zlim'); %查看

if nargin == 4, view(v), end set(gca,'zlim',[surfpos maxe]); %正确的2D绘图 subplot(1,2,2); %表面

sh = surf(wv,bv,es*0,scolor); hold on

set(sh,'edgecolor',[0.5 0.5 0.5]) %轮廓

[cc,ch] = contour(wv,bv,es,12); hold off

set(ch,'edgecolor',[1 1 1]) %主题

xlabel('Weight W'); ylabel('Bias B'); title('Error Contour') %观点 view([0 90])

set(gca,'xlim',[min(wv) max(wv)]) set(gca,'ylim',[min(bv) max(bv)]) %颜色



function h = plotpc(w,b,hh)

%PLOTPC Plot a classification line on a perceptron vector plot. % 绘制PLOTPC函数模块的划分线和感知向量


% Syntax %语法

% plotpc(W,b) % plotpc(W,b,h) %描述

% PLOTPC(W,B) 将这些变量输入,

% W - SxR权重矩阵(R的值必须是3或更小). % B - Sx1偏移向量. % 然后返回处理绘制分类线

% PLOTPC(W,B,H) 将这些变量输入, % H -处理最后的绘制线.

% 在绘制新线之前删掉最后的线。这个函数不能改变当前的当前的轴,其目的是在PLOTPV之后访问 % 例如

%感知器的目标是输入下面的代码定义和绘制 % p = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1]; % t = [0 0 0 1]; % plotpv(p,t)

% 以下的代码运用排列测量值P创造一个感知器,指定值的偏重和偏差,绘制结果产生的分类。 % net = newp(minmax(p),1); % net.iw{1,1} = [-1.2 -0.5]; % net.b{1} = 1;

% plotpc(net.iw{1,1},net.b{1}) %参考函数PLOTPV %检查误差 %默认值 %绘制中 -绘制 =绘制


function plotpv(p,t,v)

%绘制PLOTPV函数感知器输入或目标向量 % 语法

% plotpv(p,t) % plotpv(p,t,v)


% 描述

% PLOTPV(P,T) 将这些变量输入,

% P - RxQ 输入函数的矩阵(R的值必须是3或比3小).

% T - SxQ二进制目标向量的矩阵(S的值必须是3或比3小). % 根据T向量在P函数里绘制列向量, % PLOTPV(P,T,V) 将一个变量额外的输入, % V -图的限制= [x_min x_max y_min y_max] % 用nd绘制圆向量的被V函数限制 %例如

% 在代码下面输入定义和绘制目标作为感知器 % p = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1]; % t = [0 0 0 1]; % plotpv(p,t)

% 以下的代码运用排列测量值P创造一个感知器,指定值的偏重和偏差,绘制结果所产生的分类。 % net = newp(minmax(p),1); % net.iw{1,1} = [-1.2 -0.5]; % net.b{1} = 1;

% plotpc(net.iw{1,1},net.b{1}) %参考PLOTPC函数 %输入错误

if nargin < 2, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough arguments.'),end [pr,pc] = size(p); [tr,tc] = size(t);

if (pr > 3), error('NNET:Arguments','P must 1, 2, or 3 rows.'), end if tr > 3, error('NNET:Arguments','T must have 1, 2, or 3 rows.'), end %默认值 %标记

marker = ['ob';'or';'*b';'*r';'+b';'+r';'xb';'xr']; %绘制中 for i=1:pc

m = marker([4 2 1]*t(:,i)+1,:); plot3(p(1,i),p(2,i),p(3,i),m) hold on end




function result = plotsomhits(varargin)

%绘制PLOTSOMHITS函数的自我组织映射的样品命中 %语法

% plotsomhits(net,inputs)

% plotsomhits(net,inputs,targets) % 描述

% PLOTSOMHITS(NET,INPUTS) 绘制一个SOM函数的层次,用每个神经元数目的输入向量表示分类,相对数目的向量引导每个神经元是通过一个色彩的补丁 % 例如

% load iris_dataset

% net = newsom(irisInputs,[5 5]); % [net,tr] = train(net,irisInputs); % plotsomhits(net,irisInputs); %参考函数plotsomplanes

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end %信息 %绘制

v1 = varargin{1};

if isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 2) % 用户参数-新的绘制

[net,inputs] = deal(varargin{:}); fig = new_figure('');

elseif (isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 3)) % 标准的绘制运行参数-循环绘制 %新图形 %修正图形 %绘制图形

function plot_figure(fig,net,inputs) %标准化验证 %清理图形


function result = plotsompos(varargin).


% 绘制PLOTSOMPOS函数自组织映射权函数位置 %语法

% plotsomtop(net)

% plotsomtop(net,inputs) %描述

% PLOTSOMPOS(NET) 绘制输入向量用绿色的点,显示怎么分类SOM函数输入空格是蓝灰色点,每个神经元的权重矢量和链接边上神经元用红线划分 % 例如

% load simplecluster_dataset

% net = newsom(simpleclusterInputs,[10 10]); % net = train(net,simpleclusterInputs); % plotsompos(net,simpleclusterInputs);

%参考plotsomnd函数, plotsomplanes函数, plotsomhits函数

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end %信息 %绘制

v1 = varargin{1};

if (nargin < 3) || (~ isa(varargin{2},'struct')) % 用户参数-新的绘制

varargin = fill_defaults(varargin,[]); [net,inputs] = deal(varargin{:}); fig = new_figure('');

elseif (isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 3)) % 开始绘制函数参数 –循环绘制 [net,tr,signals] = deal(varargin{:}); %新图像 %修正图像 %绘制图像

function plot_figure(fig,net,inputs) %标准化输入 %安装神经元 %输入 %连接 %权重 %轴线

if numDimensions == 2 set(ud.axis,'view',[0 90])





function result = plotsomtop(varargin)

%绘制PLOTSOMTOP函数自组织映射的拓扑结构 %语法

% plotsomtop(net) %描述

% PLOTSOMTOP(NET) 绘制SOM层的拓扑结构. %例如

% load iris_dataset

% net = newsom(irisInputs,[8 8]); % plotsomtop(net);

%参考plotsomnd函数, plotsomplanes函数, plotsomhits函数

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end %信息 %绘制

v1 = varargin{1};

if (isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 1)) % User arguments - New plot [net,inputs] = deal(varargin{:}); fig = new_figure('');

elseif (isa(v1,'network') && (nargin == 3)) % 标准的绘制运行参数-循环绘制 %新图形 %修正图形 %绘制图形

function plot_figure(fig,net,inputs) %标准化验证 % 安装神经元 %清理图像



function plotsom(w,d,nd)

%绘制PLOTSOM函数自组织映射图网路 %语法

% plotsom(pos) % plotsom(W,d,nd) %描述

% PLOTSOM(POS) 拿出一个变量,

% POS - NxS matrix of S N-矩阵的神经元位置. % S N-dimension

%用红色的点绘制神经元的位置,连接神经元的欧式距离为1 % PLOTSOM(W,D,ND) 取出三个变量, % W - SxR 权矩阵. % D - SxS 距离矩阵. % ND – 接近的距离, default = 1.

%绘制神经元权向量,并且连接权重向量的神经元距离在1之内 % 例如

% 这里绘制了各种拓扑结构

% pos = hextop(5,6); plotsom(pos) % pos = gridtop(4,5); plotsom(pos) % pos = randtop(18,12); plotsom(pos) % pos = gridtop(4,5,2); plotsom(pos) % pos = hextop(4,4,3); plotsom(pos) %参考NEWSOM函数,例如绘制一个分成的权重向量依靠输入向量的图纸


%检测大小 %坐标排成一排 %绘制


function result = plottrainstate(varargin)

%绘制PLOTTRAINSTATE函数的训练状态值 % 语法

% plottrainstate(tr) % 描述


%PLOTTRAINSTATE(TR) 从TR函数中记录和绘制训练状态然后返回训练

% 例如

% load housing

% net = newff(p,t,20); % [net,tr] = train(net,p,t); % plottrainstate(tr); %参考函数plottrainstate

if nargin < 1, error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end % 信息 %绘制

if nargin == 1

% 用户参数-新的绘制 tr = varargin{1};

fig = new_figure(''); else

%标准的绘制运行参数-循环绘制 %新图形 %修正图形 %修正图形

function clear_figure(fig) drawnow


function hh = plotvec(x,c,m)

%用不同颜色绘制PLOTVEC函数向量 %语法

% plotvec(x,c,m) %描述

% PLOTVEC(X,C,M) 将这些变量输入, % X -矩阵向量.

% C -行向量的颜色协调. % M –标记, default = '+'.

% 绘制每一个向量标记一个M,用C的值作为颜色的来协调

% PLOTVEC(X) 只需要一个矩阵X,绘制每一个矩阵X都需要标


记’+’,并指出i作为颜色协调 % 例如

% x = [0 1 0.5 0.7; -1 2 0.5 0.1]; % c = [1 2 3 4]; % plotvec(x,c)

if nargin < 1,error('NNET:Arguments','Not enough input arguments.'); end %向量

[xr,xc] = size(x); if xr < 2

x = [x; zeros(2-xr,xc)]; xr = 2; end %颜色 %标志 -绘制 =绘制


function plotv(m,t)

%绘制PLOTV函数载体线的起源 % 语法

% plotv(m,t) % 描述

% PLOTV(M,T) 将这两个变量输入, % M - RxQ矩阵和列向量R的原理

% T - (optional)线绘制的种类和原理, 默认值 = '-'. % 绘制列向量M

% R的值是2或比2大。如果R比2大只有第一个的前两排是用M来绘制的 % 例如

% plotv([-.4 0.7 .2; -0.5 .1 0.5],'-')


