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Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. [A] The movie was really wonderful. [B] The movie was full of violent scenes. [C] The movie wasn’t as good as he had expected.

[D] The movie was overly concerned with romantic relationships.

12. [A] He left it at the airport. [C] He lost it on his trip.

13. [A] At 9:00. [C] At 9:25.

14. [A] In an office. [C] In a theatre.

15. [A] Tony could not continue the experiment. [B] Tony finished the experiment last night. [C] Tony thought the experiment was well done. [D] Tony had expected the experiment to be easier.

16. [A] She can’t even decide what she will do tonight. [B] She wants to hand in her report as soon as possible. [C] She will be very likely to go to the symphony with the man. [D] She can’t go to the symphony because of her unfinished report.

17. [A] He is always punctual for his class. [B] He rarely notices which students are late. [C] He wants his students to be on time for class. [D] He doesn’t allow his students to tell jokes in class.

[B] In a restaurant. [D] At the information desk.

[B] At 9:15. [D] At 10:00.

[B] He enjoyed using it. [D] He left it in his friend’s car.

18. [A] The man doesn’t know how to vote. [B] The man is going to reveal his vote later. [C] The man refuses to answer the woman’s question. [D] The man doesn’t understand the woman’s question.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] He can’t find his office key. [B] He has misplaced some exams. [C] He is unable to speak.

20. [A] Mark the latest homework assignment. [B] Put a cancellation notice on the classroom door. [C] Make an appointment with the doctor. [D] Return some exams to his students.

21. [A] Teach David’s class while he is absent.

[B] Give Professor Winston the key to David’s office. [C] Leave a message on the board in David’s classroom. [D] Bring David the homework that was due today.

22. [A] To put the homework on David’s desk. [B] To leave the master key for David.

[C] To give David’s students the next assignment. [D] To call David at the end of the afternoon.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. [A] They are going to buy tickets. [B] They are going to buy a violin. [C] They are going to City Hall. [D] They are going to Peter’s Home.

24. [A] She enjoys them very much.

[B] They sound more or less like a human voice. [C] They are complicated but soft. [D] She can’t understand them.

[D] He doesn’t like his classroom.

25. [A] There is a ticket free of charge. [B] She loves violin.

[C] She can listen to some music outside. [D] She has nothing to do tonight.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. [A] Making the problem of food shortage even more serious. [B] Increasing the awareness of the world’s large population. [C] Increasing the number of babies who survive early childhood. [D] Providing world population with more nutrition ever before.

27. [A] 2%.

28. [A] Latin America. [C] Asia.

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. [A] They didn’t care. [C] They loved it.

30. [A] There was not enough maintenance. [B] People didn’t care whatever mess it might be. [C] There were no effective regulations over visitors. [D] It was constructed badly.

31. [A] It was more respected. [B] More people used it.

[C] It was damaged by tourists again.

[D] It quickly got worse again after Lincoln’s death.

Passage Three

[B] They hated it.

[D] They have mixed feelings.

[B] Africa. [D] Europe.

[B] 3%.

[C] 4%.

[D] 5%.

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. [A] It is easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia. [B] The prices of houses in Asia are quite low now. [C] The word “DINKS” first appeared in an Asian country. [D] Fewer and fewer married women want to have a job.

33. [A] $900.

34. [A] Let women stay at home and have a baby. [B] Care for the growing needs of women for job. [C] Allow only one of the parents to go out to work. [D] Punish the companies that permit women to leave.

35. [A] The small number of newborn babies. [B] The changing social situation of women. [C] The high prices of houses and education. [D] The necessary steps of Asian governments.

[B] $5,000.

[C] $10,800.

[D] $15,800.

Section C

No event has had such a decisive effect in shaping the attitude of the Irish people towards the British as the Irish Famine. Looking back on the famine, the most (36) _________ fact was that it should ever have reached such (37) _________. Although the potato crop failed, there was plenty of food left in Ireland, and while thousands died some of it was being (38) _________. Even if the local organizations for dealing with a crisis of such magnitude were completely (39) _________, more positive and generous action by the British Government could have (40) _________ some of the worst effects. In the light of the large scale Government relief projects (41) _________ today, the supreme irony of all was that the richest nation in Europe should have allowed one of the poorest to starve on its doorstep.

Yet the famine looked very different through nineteen-century eyes. Then, the (42) _________ of letting people do things without the government’s (43) _________ were generally accepted — in fact, were regarded as almost sacred. (44) _____________________________________________________________.

In the case of the Irish famine, it was argued, the Government had done all it could to help.

(45) __________________________________________________________, and it seems strange that the reports of suffering could have failed to move the Government









________________________________________________________________. Few Irish families had not been severely hit by the famine, and there were even fewer who did not lay the blame fairly and directly at Britain’s door.


Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. [A] He doesn’t like the paintings. [B] He hasn’t seen the paintings yet. [C] He doesn’t enjoy his art history course. [D] He would like to own one of the paintings.

12. [A] Her name is on the top of the list. [B] She is expecting a job interview. [C] She will be the last to be interviewed. [D] She must fix a date for the job interview.

13. [A] Their father is unable to keep his promise. [B] Their father is going on a vacation without her. [C] Their father isn’t telling her the truth. [D] Their father doesn’t want to travel abroad.

14. [A] Substitute for Laura at work. [B] Meet Laura at the restaurant. [C] Go out of town with Laura. [D] Accept a full-time job.

15. [A] He thinks the woman is wasting her time. [B] He is eager to know the woman’s answer.

[C] He can wait and there is no need for the woman to hurry. [D] He thinks the woman should make full use of her time.

16. [A] Jane is the laughing stock of the class. [B] Jane works in the ABC Company. [C] Jane’s laughter is quite impressive. [D] Jane survived the interview.

17. [A] Moving out.

18. [A] The woman is inviting the man to dinner. [B] The man probably won’t visit the woman. [C] The woman enjoyed her holiday very much. [D] The man is going to visit the woman without Mary.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] Yesterday morning.

20. [A] He doesn’t have good qualifications.

[B] His resume hasn’t outlined his past in a proper way. [C] He is not nervous when taking an interview.

[D] He always thinks that the interviewer is like an enemy.

21. [A] He should outline his past better.

[B] He should send his resume directly to the manager.

[C] He should create a new area in his resume called “value offered”. [D] He needn’t write different resumes to different employers.

22. [A] A shipping company.

[B] A consulting company.

[C] An accounting company. [D] A headhunting company. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. [A] The hotel doesn’t open that day. [B] She doesn’t work that day.

[B] Yesterday noon. [D] Yesterday evening.

[C] Yesterday afternoon.

[B] Repairing the house. [D] Building a private residence.

[C] Doing up the kitchen.

[C] There is no room available that day. [D] There is no discount on books that day.

24. [A] He wants to give his wife a surprise on their anniversary. [B] The woman can’t cancel his reservation record. [C] He doesn’t appreciate the woman’s calling. [D] He doesn’t understand what the woman means.

25. [A] The receptionist is not serious.

[B] The receptionist’s advice is helpful to him. [C] Its charge is reasonable.

[D] Its reservation service is very poor.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. [A] Direct the driver.

[B] Look ahead to see where there’s a turn. [C] Move to the back seat if feeling uncomfortable. [D] Keep looking at the map to find a place to go to.

27. [A] To get information when in danger. [B] To be saved in case of an accident. [C] To share the fun with them in exploration.

[D] To tell them what’s going on with the group members.

28. [A] They can make people work fast. [B] They can help people stay healthy.

[C] They can help people organize other activities. [D] They can make people get prepared for sports.

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. [A] By producing pressure waves going in the opposite direction.

[B] By mixing new sound waves with the noise and sending them out


[C] By mixing high-frequency sound waves with low-frequency ones. [D] By making a copy of the unwanted sound waves and letting it out a little


30. [A] It can make a car lighter. [B] It can make a car faster.

[C] It can reduce the cost of a silencer.

[D] It can improve the performance of a silencer.

31. [A] It is still being tried out. [B] People still have their doubts. [C] It increases the cost of car production. [D] Carmakers are not sure if it is necessary.

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. [A] One must read books in a critical way. [B] A student should not have a complicated idea. [C] It was impossible for one to read two thousand books. [D] Students ought to make a list of the books they had read.

33. [A] He had plans for reading. [B] He learned to educate himself. [C] He only read books over 100 pages. [D] He read only one book several times.

34. [A] To explain why it was included in the list. [B] To describe why he seriously crossed it off the list.

[C] To prove that he understood most of it because he had looked at every


[D] To show that he read the books blindly though they were hard to


35. [A] To show how he developed his point of view. [B] To tell his reading experience at high school. [C] To introduce the two persons’ reading methods. [D] To explain that he read many books at high school.

Section C

Can we generate the new cultural attitudes required by our technological virtuosity? History is not very reassuring here. It has taken centuries to learn how to live (36) _________ in the family, the tribe, the city, the state, and the nation. Each new (37) _________ of human sensitivity and loyalty has taken generations to become firmly (38) _________ in the human mind. And now we are forced into a quantum leap from the mutual suspicion and (39) _________ that have marked the past relations between peoples in a world in which (40) _________ respect and comprehension are necessary.

Even events of recent decades provide little basis for (41) _________. Increasing physical proximity has brought no millennium in human relations. If anything, it has appeared to (42) _________ the divisions among people rather than to create a broader intimacy. Every new (43) _________ in physical distance has made us more painfully aware of the psychic distance that divides people and has increased alarm over real or imagined differences. If today people occasionally choke on what seem to be indigestible differences between rich and poor, male and female, specialist and non-specialist within cultures, what will happen tomorrow when people must assimilate and cope with still greater contrasts





________________________________________________________________. Time and space have long cushioned intercultural encounters, confining them to touristic exchanges. But this insulation is rapidly wearing thin. (45) _________________________________________________________________. There we will be surrounded by foreigners for long periods of time, working with










Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. [A] The weather is mild compared to the past years. [B] They are having the coldest winter ever. [C] The weather will soon get warmer. [D] The weather may get even colder.

12. [A] He might attend the wedding. [B] He may postpone handing in his paper. [C] He may not prepare for his exam and essay. [D] He is too busy with his study to attend the wedding.

13. [A] The man didn’t want the woman to have her hair cut. [B] The woman didn’t follow the man’s advice. [C] The woman is wearing long hair now.

[D] The man didn’t care if the woman had her hair cut or not.

14. [A] She doesn’t enjoy going to the beach. [B] The beach was too crowded to go.

[C] There wasn’t enough food for every one at the barbecue. [D] The barbecue was canceled because of the weather.

15. [A] Three lessons. [C] Twelve lessons.

16. [A] He decided not to sell the piano. [B] No one has bought the piano yet. [C] He’s looking for a place to store the piano.

[D] He hasn’t been able to find an inexpensive piano yet.

17. [A] She has red hair.

18. [A] The stories probably weren’t true.

[B] She has black hair.

[C] Her photo is in the newspaper. [D] She looks like the missing girl.

[B] Five lessons. [D] Fifteen lessons.

