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张道真全范围英语语法之 副词

担纲指导 张道真 执行主编 席玉虎 编 著 陈 静




出 版人 雷俊林 出版策划 苗补坤 责任编辑 王爱仙 ISBN 978-7-5440-6436-1


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对中国学生来说,尤其是成年人,我看是学点语法好。语法,顾名思义,乃是语言的法则和规律。学习语法,尤其是一些基本法则,至少有下列几个好处: 第一 可以使你学得快些,因为已有现成的前人总结的法则,用不着你从头摸索。

第二 可以使你学得透些,因为通过语法对语言现象不仅可以知其然,而且可以知其所以然。

第三 可以使你学得准些,因为语法法则就是一条条准绳,可以用以衡量一句话是否正确。

第四 语法不但可以引你入门,更可以引你入胜,使你逐渐眼界开阔,语感加深,从而使你的英语水平不断提高。



第一 基本概念最重要。在学习每个语法项目时,一定要把它的基本概念搞清,牢记在心。

第二 要大量地实践,大量地练习。实践要包括听、说、读、写四个方面,练习要着重说和写。

第三 学习语法时,应多用比较法。如对动词时态、冠词、介词、名词的单、复数等较难的语法项目进行相互比较,效果就比较好。

第四 要将语法法则与习惯用法分开。碰到习惯用法,就不必钻牛角尖,进行徒劳的分析。而习惯用法在英语中则是大量地存在着的。

第五 将一本语法书通读一遍,当然也不无好处。但最好将它作为工具书,像词典一样地经常查阅,始能学得比较细致牢靠。

第六 实用英语语法只应是入门的向导,像一根拐棍一样。英语达到一定水平之后,就应将它扔掉。起码不要让许多语法条条充斥头脑,影响你说和写的流利性。

最后 可能还会有人说,语法应该学,就是太枯燥。我的感觉是:开头有点枯燥,过些时候,就会像嚼橄榄似的,越学越有味了。如若不信,请试试看。





目 录


A 副词的作用

作状语 作表语

副词的其他用法 B 副词的位置

一般副词的位置 频度副词的位置 其他副词的位置

C 副词的比较级和最高级


副词比较级的用法 副词最高级的用法 基础练习 能力提升

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Unit 8 副 词


副词是表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词以及整个句子,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。如: (1) 按照词汇意义的分类: 普通副词:以上已作讲解

例证:We walked slowly downstairs. 我们慢慢地向楼下走去。

People came together from all over the country to attend his funeral. 民众从全国各地来到一起,参加他的葬礼。

疑问副词:用来引导特殊疑问句,表示时间、地点、方式、原因等。 例证:How are you getting along with your studies? 你们的学习情况怎样? Where shall we stay for the night? 我们在哪儿过夜? 关系副词:用来引导定语从句

例证:Sunday is a holiday when people do not go to work. 星期天是一个假日,这一天人们不上班。

Is that the reason why you didn't put it on the agenda? 这就是你们不把它列入议程的理由吗?


例证:When she'll be back depends on the weather. 她什么时候回来得看天气。 You know how I love music. 你知道我多么喜欢音乐。 (2) 按照句法功能的分类:


例证:How long ago did he leave? 他是多久以前离开的?

The 1948 election was unlike any other election, before or since. 1948年的选举不同于以前或以后的任何其他选举。

地点副词:包括表示地点的副词和表示位置关系的副词。 例证:Come in, please. 请进。

Let's go on with the work. 咱们继续工作吧。 She looked around. 她环顾四周。


例证:Leave the house at once,” said the man threateningly. 这人用威胁的口气说:“你马上离开这屋子。”

The letter arrived quite unexpectedly. 这信来得很突然。

频率副词:Sometimes I come by train, but usually I come by car. 有时我乘火车来,但通常我乘汽车。

Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sunset. 我很少见到这样美丽的落日。

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程度副词:多数用来修饰形容词或副词,有少数也可用来修饰动词或介词短语。 例证:

His pronunciation is very good. 他的发音很好。 You are partly right. 你部分正确。

I can hardly agree with you. 我完全不同意你的看法。

其他副词:It should surely be possible for them to reach an agreement. 想必他们应该可以达成协议的。

I saw him only yesterday. 我只是昨天才见到他。 相关试题解析

1. —Is this physics problem______?(中考题) —Yes. I can work it out______.

A. easy; easily B. easy; easy C. easily; easy D. easily; easily


2. Although she's a(n)______talented dancer, she still practices several hours every day.


A. traditionally B. additionally C. exceptionally D. rationally


A. 副词的作用

副词在句中主要作状语,修饰形容词、动词、介词短语、副词或整个句子,除此之外,还可以充当表语、定语等。 1. 作状语

(1) 修饰动词或动词的非谓语形式。如:

Study hard or you will fail. 努力学习,不然你会失败的。 Sammy agreed to come over right away. 萨米同意马上过来。 What make you tremble so? 什么使你这样发抖? (2) 修饰形容词或副词。如:

It's not humanly possible to finish that work in a week. 一周内完成那项工作非人力之所及。

You must work much more carefully. 你应更加细心地工作。 (3) 修饰整个句子。如:

Ironically, Randy became ill on the day of his marriage. 也是命运捉弄人,就在结婚的那天兰迪病倒了。

Miraculously, Phoebe survived the crash without injury. 真是奇迹,飞机失事菲比竟没有死,且未受伤。 相关试题解析

1. If you want to know the meaning of the word_____, you'd better look it up in the dictionary.


A. mostly B. exactly C. nearly D. hardly

【选B】 译文:如果你想知道单词的确切意思,最好查一下词典。

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2. Mary actually saw lung cancer killed her father, who had smoked______since he was a teenager.(高考题)

A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. fiercely 【选C】 heavily意为“厉害地,大量地”,修饰smoke只能用heavily。badly意为“糟糕地”;seriously意为“严重地”;fiercely意为“猛烈地”。 2. 作表语

(1) 大部分与介词同形的副词可作表语。如:

Mary was down with a slight fever. 玛丽有点发烧。 We are behind in our plan. 我们落在计划后面了。 Ryan'll be round in an hour. 赖安一个小时后就到。

Be along here at two tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午两点到这里来。 (2) 有些表示位置的副词常用作表语。如: When will you be back? 你什么时候回来?

I'll only be away a few minutes. 我只离开一会儿。 Denny was still abroad. 丹妮还在国外。

The copy was there and the original was gone. 复印件还在那里,原件却不见了。 3. 副词的其他用法

(1) 作宾语的补足语,构成复合宾语。如:

I saw you out with your sister last Saturday. 我上星期六看见你和你姐姐一起上街了。 Sorry to have kept you up so late. 对不起,让你等这么晚。

I'm counting on you to help me through. 我指望你帮助我渡过难关。 (2) 构成成语动词。如:

They set out as the sun was rising. 太阳升起时他们出发了。

The actors were making up when we arrived. 我们到达时演员们正在上妆。 Aimee has done herself up for the party. 艾米已打扮好,准备去参加聚会。 (3) 作定语。如:

The buildings around are mostly of modern construction. 这一带的楼房多为现代化建筑。 Is there anything on tonight? 今晚有演出吗?

I'll come over to see you on my next day off. 我下次休假时再来看你。

B. 副词的位置 1. 一般副词的位置

(1) 多数副词都放在所修饰动词之后或句末,即在宾语或状语之后。如: I work hard and play hard. 我努力工作,也好好地玩。

The whole queue stared at him coldly. 整整一行人都冷冷地瞧着他。 You typed this letter very badly. 这封信你打得很糟。 (2) 有时副词放在行为动词之前对动作加以强调。如:

Jim angrily slammed the door behind him. 吉姆生气地把门“砰”的一声关上。

The firemen bravely went into the burning house. 消防队员勇敢地进入熊熊燃烧的房子。 Carry generously offered to share it with us. 凯丽大方地提出和我们共用。 注意


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I'm still waiting for an answer. 我还在等候回答。 I've already seen the report. 这报告我已经看过。 I've just finished reading the paper. 我刚看完报纸。 (3) 有些副词在特别强调时放于句首。如:

Really, that was a terrible mistake. 那的确是一个可怕的错误。 Indeed the note has disappointed me. 这个通知确实很使我失望。 Honestly, I don't know. 老实说,我不知道。 Recently, I went to Berlin. 最近我去了一趟柏林。 2. 频度副词的位置

(1) 频度副词通常放在动词之前、系动词之后,如果句中含有情态动词、助动词等,就放在这类动词之后,主要动词之前。如:

Anne usually gets up at seven. 安妮通常7:00起床。 I was never any good at mathematics. 我数学从来不好。 Dinner is generally served at 7p.m. 通常晚上7点开饭。

Frieda would occasionally drop me a note. 弗里达偶尔给我写一封短信。 (2) 放在句首表示强调。如:

Generally she remained in on Sunday evening. 礼拜天晚上她一般会留在家里。 Sometimes we got a lot of rain in August. 有时候八月份雨水很多。

Very often the phone rings when I'm in the bath. 常常在我洗澡时电话铃响。 (3) 有时放在情态动词、助动词及动词be之前,表示强调。如:

We usually don't get up before 9on Sundays. 礼拜天我们通常九点前不会起床。 I never can make out what you are talking about. 我从来听不明白你在说什么。

Philip always is late when we have an important meeting. 有重要会议时菲利普总是迟到。 (4) 有时可放在句末或动词后面。如:

I get paid on Fridays usually. 我通常星期五发薪。

Every man is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. 每个人都有发傻的时候,不过没有人总是发傻。

Eva glanced frequently at Jamie. 伊娃不断地望着杰米。 3. 其他副词的位置

(1) 疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词和一些形容整个句子的副词通常都放在句子或从句之首。如:

How did you like the concert? 你觉得音乐会怎样?

I still remember the day when we first met. 我仍然记得我们初次见面的日子。 Evidently he was queer in some way. 显然他在某方面有些怪。 Perhaps they wouldn't like our coming. 或许他们不喜欢我们去。

(2) at first,certainly,evidently,first,of course,perhaps,probably,surely,secondly,unfortunately等副词,可放在主语后的动词前、助动词或情态动词和主要动词之间,有时可放在句末。如:


He actually expected me to do the work for him. 他实际上是指望我替他干这工作。 [助动词和主要动词之间]

I should certainly be on my guard. 我肯定应当警惕。

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You must first finish your work. 你必须首先完成你的工作。

(3) 时间副词也可放在句子开头,有时放在主语后、动词前,或助动词、情态动词及动词be之后,有时放在句末。如:

Tomorrow many people will be on the beach. 明天很多人会到海滨去。 Grace finally gained control of herself. 最后格瑞丝控制住了自己。 Paul is presently living in New York. 现在保罗住在纽约。

Roy knew he could write better now. 罗伊知道他现在能写得好一点了。 (4) 程度副词通常都放在它所修饰的词之前。如: We meet fairly often. 我们见面相当频繁。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

I am awfully sorry for it. 对此我非常抱歉。 注意


Spike didn't work hard enough. 斯派克不够努力。 Is it large enough? 这够大吗? 相关试题解析

_____to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.(高考题) A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave 【选C】 本题考查语序以及enough的用法,作定语的形容词短语为brave enough to take this adventure course,应放在被修饰的中心词 students的后面。

(5) 有少数副词位置非常灵活,如only和even,可放在与它们意思最密切的词前。如: Warren can only read. He can't speak. 沃伦只会阅读,不会表达。 Kate spoke only for five minutes. 凯特只讲了五分钟。

Even our teacher doesn't know this word. 连我们的老师都不认识这个单词。 Kitty didn't even come to see him off. 凯蒂甚至没有来为他送行。

C. 副词的比较级和最高级 1. 构成

(1) 副词和形容词一样,也有比较级和最高级,单音节词及少数双音节词以加-er,-est构成,双音节及多音节词大多以加more和most构成。如: 原级 比较级 最高级 quick quicker quickest early earlier earliest strongly more strongly most strongly effectively more effectively most effectively (2) 不规则的变化。如: 原级 比较级 最高级 well better best badly worse worst much more most




little less least far farther / further farthest / furthest 相关试题解析

If you wish to study hard, you must play computer games______.(中考题) A. more often B. oftener C. less often D. few often 【选C】译文:如果你想努力学习,你必须少玩电脑游戏。 2. 副词比较级的用法

(1) 副词比较级可单独使用。如:

You probably learn quicker by having lessons. 借助上课你或许可以学得更快。 Would you mind speaking less quickly? 你可否说得不那么快? Try to do better next time. 下次干得再好一点。 (2) 常用于“比较级+than”结构。如:

You should sleep more than you do. 你应当比现在睡得多。

Kelly was received more warmly than she had expected. 凯莉受到的接待比她预料的更热情。

Keith learns more quickly than the others. 凯斯比别人学得快。 相关试题解析

1. I like watching TV______to the cinema.(高考题) A. more than to go B. than going

C. more than going D. rather than to go

【选C】本句是比较对“看电视”和“看电影”这两件事喜欢的程度。选项A与前半句的watching不一致。选项B,than going中只有引出比较对象的than,而没有比较级more,所以是错误的。选项D,rather than to go中的rather than是个习惯用法,后接动词原形表示“宁愿??而不??”选项C连接两个相同的结构,表示“是??而不是??”。

2. Although Asian countries are generally more______in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leaders in both China and India. (四级题) A. conservative B. confidential C. comprehensive D. consistent


(3) 比较级前加状语说明程度。如:

Jason went no further than the station. 到了车站詹森没再往前走了。 Could you speak a bit more slowly? 你可否说得稍微慢一点? (4) as...as和(not)so...as结构

as...as结构可用在肯定句中,表示“像??一样”,后面的副词要用原级。如: Please send us the technical data as soon as possible. 请把技术资料尽快寄给我们。

Marks can speak English as fluently as an Englishman. 马科斯的英语说得像英国人一样流利。

We must arrange everything as well as we can. 我们要尽量把一切安排好。 在否定句和疑问句中,as...as或so...as都可以用。如:

Did you finish the work as soon as you had hoped? 这工作你完成得有你希望的那样快吗?

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I don't go out as much as I used to. 我外出没有过去多了。

Judith didn't sing so (as) well that night as she usually does. 那天晚上朱迪丝没有平常唱得那样好。

as...as和(not) so...as结构可用一个表示程度的状语如al-most,nearly,just,quite,three times等修饰。如:

June can read twice as fast as he does. 朱恩阅读速度比他快一倍。

This substance reacts three times as fast as the other one. 这种物质的反应速度比那种物质大两倍。


The computer revolution may well change society as______as did the Industrial Revolution.


A. certainly B. insignificantly C. fundamentally D. comparatively

【选C】译文:像工业革命一样,计算机革命也会给社会带来根本性的变化。 3. 副词最高级的用法


(1) more and more... 越来越??

It rained more and more heavily. 雨越下越大。 Larry played it better and better. 拉里越弹越好了。

The raft drifted farther and farther from the dock. 木筏漂得离码头越来越远。 (2) the more...the more 越??越

The faster I type, the more mistakes I make. 我打得越快,错误也越多。 The less we talk about that, the better. 我们越少谈这事越好。 相关试题解析

As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn,_____you'll get.(高考题) A. the most B. the more C. most D. more 【选B】本题属于比较级的特殊用法。该结构为“the+比较级,the+比较级”,表示“越??就越??”。

(3) had better 最好

We'd better be off now. 我们最好现在就走。

Hadn't you better go with her? 你是不是和她一块儿去更好? You'd better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好把行装准备好。 (4) know better than (to) 懂得不应做某事

You ought to know better than stay away from school. 你应该知道不应逃学。

Jerry knew better than to mention the subject to her. 杰瑞知道不宜向她提及此事。 (5) think better (of) 改变主意,决定不这样做

Lawrence was going to leave school, but later he thought better of it. 劳伦斯准备退学,但后来改变了主意。

Nicholas was going to answer her back, but he thought better of it. 尼古拉斯本想和她顶嘴的,但没有这样做。

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(6) had best 最好

You had best get home before midnight. 你最好夜间12点以前回家。

I have not yet decided as to which newspaper it had best be sent to. 我还没决定最好把它寄到哪家报社。

(7) as best one can 尽量(好)地

I'll answer your questions as best I can. 我尽量回答你们的问题。 We comforted her as best we could. 我们尽量安慰她。

学以致用 【基础练习】

1. 选择最佳答案填空。

(1) You have______got to know him, have you?

A. hard B. hardly C. nearly D. almost (2) _____the man wasn't hurt badly.

A. Luck B. Lucky C. Luckly D. Luckily (3) _____should I put all these things? A. However B. Whatever C. Wherever D. Whenever (4) I have gone______, for I have a dozen irons in the fire. A. nowhere recently B. recently nowhere C. everywhere recently D. recently everywhere (5) I have learned______a thousand English words.

A. not than B. more not than C. more than no D. no more than

2. 将下面的汉语句子译为英语,每空词数不限。 (1) 他写得不如我仔细。 He writes____________.

(2) 我计划在那里能待多久就待多久。 I plan to stay there______. (3) 我讲得不及你一半好。 I don't speak______you. (4) 她和我都不擅长英语。 She is____________I.

(5) 你学得越多, 知道得就越多。

______you study,______you know.

3. 根据汉语提示或所给的词语填空,完成下面的短文。

My brother is a good student. He is always careful about everything. One day, he stayed at home (1) ______(alone, lonely). At first, he practiced writing. He wrote very (2) ______(又仔细又慢). Soon he felt very hot and he opened the door (3) ______(wide, widely). About half an hour (4)______(late, lately, later), a thief broke into the house. He tied my brother and began to look for money in the room. My brother tried to untie the rope, but failed. He didn't (5)______(放弃). He moved himself to the door slowly. At last he ran out of the house and shouted. The neighbours came and caught the thief. People spoke (6)______(high, highly) of my brother.

全国优秀畅销书,薄冰、张道真系列语法图书销售突破220万册! 根据课改全面修订第四版条理更分明,针对性更强,重点更突出!



1. 选择最佳答案填空。

(1) He was______moved by the girls' tears. A. a lot B. much C. quick D. quite (2) I saw your design______. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. where (3) The flood is a bit______the safety level.

A. below B. under C. down D. over (4) Let's go______upstairs.

A. to B. below C. up D. /

(5) Can you believe that in______a rich city there should be______many poor people? A. such; such B. such; so C. so; so D. so; such

(6) They decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining______. A. badly B. hardly C. strongly D. heavily (7) ______, his wife will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However late he is D. However is he late

(8) If I had_____, I'd visit India, stopping at all the small interesting places. A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holiday C. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough (9) We'll have to finish the job,_____.

A. long it takes however B. however long it takes C. long however it takes D. it takes however long

(10) It's always difficult being in a foreign country,_____if you don't speak the language. A. extremely B. natural C. basicly D. especially 2. 用适当的副词形式填空。

(1) Grandpa can walk (far,farther,farthest)_____than a younger man. (2) Have you anything (much,many,more)_____to say? (3) I was ten minutes (late,later,latter)_____for the train.

(4) I like your handwriting (good,better,best)_____of the five.

(5) He does not play basketball as (well,worse,worst)_____as his brother.

(6) We don't need to go any (far,farther,farthest)______, the bookstore is right here. (7) It is_____(easy,easier,easiest) to work out a plan than to carry it out.

(8) I received my brother's letter_____(soon,sooner,soonest) than I had expected. (9) She ran_____(fast,faster,fastest) and won the first prize.

(10) The TV sets made in China are_____(good,better,best) than those made in the USA.

全国优秀畅销书,薄冰、张道真系列语法图书销售突破220万册! 根据课改全面修订第四版条理更分明,针对性更强,重点更突出!




1. (1)B (2)D (3)C (4)A (5)D

2. (1)less carefully than I do (2)as long as I can / as long as possible

(3)half so well as (4)no better at English than (5)The more; the more 3. (1)alone (2)slowly and carefully (3)wide (4)later (5)give it up (6)highly 【能力提升】

1. (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)D (5)B (6)D (7)C (8)A (9)B (10)D 2. (1)farther (2)more (3)late (4)best (5)well

全国优秀畅销书,薄冰、张道真系列语法图书销售突破220万册! 根据课改全面修订第四版条理更分明,针对性更强,重点更突出!


(6)farther (7)easier (8)sooner (9)fastest (10)better

3. (1)D—skinned (2)C—most poor-taught (3)B—gradually (4)C—fast (5)B—more


