2017届高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 The Tang Poems课时作业 外研版选修8

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Module 6 The Tang Poems


Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.They went to the concert with their friends with their parents' ________(approve). 2.After long ________(reflect), I was determined to set up my own business. 3.There isn't much ________(correspond) between their views and ours. 4.He has some ________(acquaint) with the Tang poems.

5.She is a very good nurse and always shows great ______(patient) while working. 答案 1.approval 2.reflection 3.correspond 4.acquaintance 5.patience Ⅱ.完成句子


Can you ________________ the rope? 答案 take hold of


Now, many children ____________ computer games. 答案 are addicted to


Success and diligence always go ________________. 答案 hand in hand


The driver always drives ________________. 答案 with caution

5.在过去那段日子里,我们同甘共苦。 We ________________ in those days. 答案 shared the joys and hardships Ⅲ.翻译句子

1.看看我现在所处的困境,要是我接受了他的建议就好了。(if only) 答案 Look at the trouble I am in. If only I had taken his advice. 2.孩子们玩搭房子的积木玩得很开心。(have fun)

答案 The children were having fun with the building blocks. 3.孩子们手拉着手走出了教室。(hand in hand)

答案 The children walked out of the classroom, hand in hand. 4.抓住绳子,我把你从河里拉出来。(take hold of)

答案 Take hold of the rope, and I'll pull you out of the river. 5.他和哥哥共住一间房。(share)

答案 He shares (in) a room with his brother. 二、七选五阅读

(2016·云南师大附中适应性考试) Do You Have the Time? In English,this question has two different meanings. The first one is “Do you know what time it is?” While commonly, this is less frequently used than the simpler question with the same meaning “What time is it?” The other is “Do you have the time (e.g. to do this or that)?” This is a very commonly asked question, whether in American,British,or Australian English. I think the response “I don't have the time” is most commonly used year after year. __1__

Think about how often you (and I) have used this as an explanation of why we couldn't do something, take on a new task,help someone, visit someone,etc. Sometimes it's a statement of fact, and sometimes it's just an excuse. __2__ However,deep down we each have a pretty clear idea of the difference. In practical terms, the lack


of available time seems to be and often is a true reason for why we cannot take something on. __3__ “I just don't have the time” is too often an escape. Once we get to a certain age, when we are generally considered to be grown-ups, we are expected to have developed time management skills. In many instances,“I don't have the time” has the same meaning as “I am not willing to make the time”. Sure,we're all busy,but in the end,it's a matter of which is more important.

__4__ It doesn't grow on trees or fall from the sky like raindrops. You make the time as well as most of the related decisions about what is important. __5__ If you don't decide on the use of your time, the decision will be taken away from you. It's really up to us to decide on how to balance and manage time, and that's a challenge. A. No one gives you the time.

B. After all, it's so convenient as an excuse.

C. The key is what criteria you rely on to make decisions.

D. The distinction here between them is blurry (模糊不清的) and subjective.

E. Be aware it's the world's most common excuse,whether you speak it out or not. F. But it does mean we need to develop a clear approach to time management.

G. Actually if we try to rearrange our time, or make a sacrifice, we can make it. 答案与解析

语篇解读 这是一篇议论文。作者从“Do You Have the Time? (你有时间吗?)”这个问题引入,借此讨论了人们应如何看待时间。

1.B 根据空前的“这是一个使用最为普遍的答复”可知,B项“毕竟,它是一个如此方便的借口”符合语境。

2.D 根据空前的“有时它陈述的是事实,有时它只是一个借口”可知,D项“它们之间的区分很模糊,也很主观”符合语境。

3.G 根据空前的内容,再结合空后的叙述可知,G项“事实上,如果我们重新安排自己的时间,或者做出牺牲,我们就能够解决好”符合语境。

4.A 空后说“时间不是树上结出的果子,也不会像雨点般从天而降”,这也就暗示出,没有人会给你时间,故正确答案为A。

5.C 根据空后的“如何平衡和管理时间确实要由我们自己决定,这是一个挑战”可知,前面应该说“关键的问题是,你以什么样的标准来作决定”,故正确答案为C。 三、语法填空


When you decide you're going to live alone, you get upset. This is __1__ (nature). But there's no need to get __2__ (worry). Below are some ideas __3__ can help you out.

Saving money is __4__ you need to start several months before you move out. You need to save enough money __5__ (help) you survive for at least a month in the new place. The __6__ (easy) of all ways is to spend less!

Search for a place to live in before __7__ (move) out. Make sure that the place you choose is in a good location. Besides, you can afford __8__. If you're going to stay in an expensive city, find a roommate so that you can share the expenses.

And if you have to live __9__ your own for a long time, you'll have to look for a part-time job. If you're __10__ student, you can work in restaurants, theaters, etc. And don't spend a lot of money in a wasteful way! Try and save every penny of what you earn. 答案与解析

语篇解读 本文主要讲述了单独在外居住时应如何摆脱沮丧的心情。

1.natural 考查词类转换。这是很自然的事情。natural在此表示“自然的,正常的”。 2.worried 考查词类转换。get worried表示“担心,担忧”。

3.that 考查定语从句。先行词ideas前有some,关系词在限制性定语从句中作主语,故用that。


4.what 考查表语从句。what在此引导表语从句,并在从句中作宾语,相当于the thing that。 5.to help 考查动词不定式。你需要存足够的钱,帮助你在新的地方生存至少一个月。动词不定式在此作目的状语。

6.easiest 考查最高级。所有的方法中“最容易的”就是少花钱。故填easiest。 7.moving 考查非谓语动词。介词before后跟动名词作宾语,故填moving。 8.it 考查代词。此处用it特指前面的“the place”。 9.on 考查介词。on one's own表示“单独,独自”。 10.a 考查冠词。如果你是“一名”学生,你能在餐馆、剧院等地方工作。所填词表示“一名”,student以辅音音素开头,故填a。 四、短文改错

July 24th, ThursdaySunny

On the way to the classroom, beautiful scenery came into my sight. Both side of the road were lined with a plenty of trees, green and tall. When raise my head, I got a view of many lovely birds flying free in the blue sky. Then I lost in thought. How I wished I were a bird, that could go wherever it wanted to go and did whatever it liked. Impossible like it was, I still felt very happy. How I was grateful that he was a man who had the ability to imagine and enjoy the happiness it brought! As I walked on slowly, a bright smile appeared in my face. 答案

July 24th, ThursdaySunny

On the way to the classroom, beautiful scenery came into my sight. Both side of


the road were lined with aplenty of trees, green and tall. When raise my head,


I got a view of many lovely birds flying free in the blue sky. Then I ∧ lost


in thought. How I wished I were a bird, that could go wherever it wanted to go and


did whatever it liked. Impossible like it was, I still felt very happy. How I was doas

grateful that he was a man who had the ability to imagine and enjoy the happiness


it brought! As I walked on slowly, a bright smile appeared in my face.


五、书面表达 (2016·九江模拟)


支持(大部分):增强体质;磨炼意志;放松自我?? 反对(少数):单调;天气寒冷;学业繁重?? 你的观点:??

注意:1.词数100左右(开头已写好,不计入总词数); 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Recently our class had a heated discussion about the Winter Morning Jogging Activity in our school.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 范文


Recently_our_class_had_a_heated_discussion_about_the_Winter_Morning_Jogging_Activity_in_our_school. Opinions are divided on this topic. Most students are in favor of this activity. They believe that the activity in winter can not only help improve physical health but develop a strong will. Besides, it's a good way to relieve stress. On the other hand, a minority of the students are opposed to it. They think the activity is too dull. In addition, there is so much heavy study and it's so cold outside that they would rather stay in the classroom to study. As far as I'm concerned, I support the activity because it benefits us greatly. The modem society requires many qualities of us, so bookworms can't keep up with the times any longer.


