人教Book1 Unit 5基础训练

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Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela — a modern hero

说明:1. 标注的页码为本单元词汇在第12 版《新高中英语词汇》中的页码;

2. 带*词为课标外词汇。 quality warm-hearted mean active generous easy-going self selfish selfless devote devoted found republic principle peaceful *giant mankind lawyer guidance legal fee out of work hopeful youth league stage vote attack violence

P350 P217 P275 P9 P197 P146 P384 P384 P384 P130 P130 P190 P366 P338 P320 P200 P270 P250 P210 P253 P175 P490 P225 P495 P251 P413 P470 P37 P468 as a matter of fact blow up equal in trouble willing unfair turn to *quote *release lose heart escape blanket educate educated come to power beg relative terror cruelty reward set up sentence be sentenced to anti-[前缀] president opinion P168 P56 P155 P454 P485 P461 P457 P351 P362 P218 P156 P55 P147 P147 P334 P47 P362 P437 P115 P370 P388 P386 P386 P24 P337 P307

说明:1. 本页词汇按在第12 版《新高中英语词汇》中的页码排序; 2. 带*词为课标外词汇。 active anti-[前缀] attack beg blanket cruelty devote devoted easy-going educate educated equal escape fee found generous *giant guidance warm-hearted hopeful lawyer league legal mankind mean opinion peaceful president P9 P24

P37 P47 P55 P115 P130 P130 P146 P147 P147 P155 P156 P175 P190 P197 P200 P210 P217 P225 P250 P251 P253 P270 P274 P307 P320 P337 principle

quality *quote *release relative republic reward self selfish selfless sentence stage terror unfair violence vote willing youth blow up as a matter of fact lose heart come to power be sentenced to set up in trouble turn to out of work



P350 P351 P362 P362 P366 P370 P384 P384 P384 P386 P413 P437 P461 P468 P470 P485 P495 P56 P168 P218 P334 P386 P388 P454 P457 P490

Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela — a modern hero基础训练


1. What _______________ (品质) does a great person have?

2. We get along very well because he is so _______________ (随和的).

3. My grandmother is a _______________ (热心肠的) person and likes to help others. 4. We should be grateful to our parents for their _______________ (无私的) love.

5. Andorra is a small mountain _______________ (共和国) between France and Spain. 6. Excellent customer service should be our guiding _______________ (原则). 7. Sydney wants to become a _______________ (律师) in the future. 8. The _______________ (费用) for membership is $25 a year.

9. Boys and girls are _______________ (平等的), and thus they should be treated fairly. 10. It’s cold today. Please put another _______________ (毯子) on the bed.

11. My grandmother says that a good deed (行为) is its own _______________ (回报). 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 1. He has always been mean with his money. _______________ 2. He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful. _______________ 3. He is standing at the top of a giant mountain. _______________ 4. Mankind is much cleverer than it was thousands of years ago. _______________ 5. This is a book for the guidance of beginners in English. _______________ 6. He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. _______________ 7. The youth of today has greater opportunities than ever before. _______________ 8. The League of Nations came into being after the end of World War One. _______________ 9. The children are at different stages of development. _______________ 10. His remarks were attacked in the newspaper. _______________ 11. A bill will be passed to protect women against domestic (家庭的) violence. _______________ 12. Discuss in pairs and explain the quotes in your own words. _______________ 13. Everyone seemed to be a relative of Tombe’s. _______________ 14. I remembered the beatings and the cruelty of the guards. _______________ 15. Mandela became President of South Africa in 1994. _______________ 三、选出能替换画线部分的单词或短语。

1. Harvard University, founded in 1636, is the oldest university in the United States. (put up / set up) 2. As a matter of fact, there are educational, music and art websites that are truly helpful to teenagers. (Finally / Actually)

3. He released the bird from its cage. (freed / kept) 4. The hunter tried to escape from the forest, but he lost his way. (get away from / stay away from) 5. People fled (逃) in terror when the fire broke out. (in a great hurry / in extreme fear) 四、在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. She is very ____________________ (self). She cares only about herself.

2. Her son, to whom she was so ____________________ (devote), went abroad ten years ago. 3. Martin liked Gandhi’s ideas about ____________________ (peace) protest (抗议). 4. The fans are all ____________________ (hope) that the team will do well this year. 5. TV viewers vote ____________________ their favorite person on the show. 6. It seems unfair ____________________ him to make him pay for everything. 7. She was a highly ____________________ (educate) woman.

8. He was so poor that he had to beg ____________________ food from passers-by. 五、根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。


1. I was worried about whether I would be ______________________________ (失业).

2. The terrorists are threatening (恐吓) to ______________________________ (使爆炸) the building.

3. We should trust our friends, respect them and always be ready to help them when they are ______________________________ (处于困境中).

4. Don’t ______________________________ (灰心), whatever happens. 5. The party ______________________________ (执政) at the last election.

6. For all three years I have been working for others. I’m hoping I’ll ______________________________ (成立) my own business someday.

7. In the USA in the last 100 years, 23 men have been wrongly ______________________________ (判死刑). 六、根据汉语提示,将下列句子译成英语。

1. 作为一个活跃的年轻人,我喜欢体育运动和户外活动。(active)

_______________________________________, I like sports and outdoor activities. 2. 她为救助穷人耗尽了毕生的精力。(devote)

She _______________________________________ the poor. 3. 你愿意义务做公共服务工作吗?(willing)

_______________________________________ public service work without pay? 4. 遇到困难时请向警察求助。(turn)

Please _______________________________________ when you are in trouble. 5. 每个重大决定他都会征求妻子的意见。(opinion)

He _______________________________________ every important decision.


Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela — a modern hero基础训练答案


1. qualities 2. easy-going 3. warm-hearted 4. selfless 5. republic 6. principle 7. lawyer 8. fee 9. equal 10. blanket 11. reward 二、

1. 吝啬的 / 小气的 [be mean with 在……方面吝啬] 2. 慷慨的 / 大方的 [be generous with 在……方面慷慨] 3. 巨大的 4. 人类 5. 指导 6. 法律的 7. 青年 / 年轻人 8. 联盟 9. 阶段 / 时期 10. 抨击 11. 暴力 12. 引语 13. 亲戚 14. 残忍 / 残酷 15. 总统 三、

1. set up 2. Actually 3. freed 4. get away from 5. in extreme fear 四、

1. selfish 2. devoted [be devoted to sb 深爱某人] 3. peaceful 4. hopeful 5. for [vote for sb 投票支持某人] 6. on / to [be unfair on / to sb 对某人不公平] 7. educated 8. for [beg (for) sth from sb 向某人乞讨某物] 五、

1. out of work / a job 2. blow up 3. in trouble 4. lose heart 5. came to power 6. set up 7. sentenced to death 六、

1. As / Being an active young person 2. devoted her life to helping [devote one’s life to (doing) sth 奉献毕生精力于 (做) 某事] 3. Are you willing to do [be willing to do sth 愿意做某事] 4. turn to the police for help 5. asked his wife for her opinion / asked (for) his wife’s opinion on / about [ask (for) sb’s opinion on / about sth 就某事征询某人的意见]


