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3B Module 1 Unit 1(1)


I. Read and judge T/F 1 rubber super ( ) 2 fat jam ( ) 3 cake paper ( ) 4 ship sheep ( ) 5 like it ( )

6 bee bed

( )

II. Read and choose

1 A circle B star C square D hear ( ) 2 A draw B cut

C apple

D use

( )

3 A winter B white C black D brown

( )

4 A ball B doll C kite D bird ( ) 5 A many B some C any D six

( ) 6 A you

B I C they

D them

( )


I. Read and write

1 I can hear a bus, a , an , and a . 2 The flowers are red, , , and . 3 On the farm, we can see chicks, , and . 4 I can see, , and . II. Answer the following questions 1 What can you see? (football)

2 What can you hear? (wolf)

3 What colour can you see? (white)

4 How many ships? (ten)


I. Copy the sentences

1 what can you hear I can hear a bee and a bird

2 how many cars there are ten

II. Fill in the blanks

1 What can you hear? I can hear many (bus). 2 I can make a colourful (spinner). 3 The car (be) grey.

4 Can Danny skate? No, he (can) skate.


5 That is (a) aeroplane. 6 How many (toothpick)? III. Sentences transformation

1 They can see some birds. (改为一般疑问句)

2 There are twelve aeroplanes in the sky.(划线部分提问)

3 Those spinners are green. (划线部分提问)

4 I can hear a ship. (划线部分提问)

5 I can see an apple on the table. (改为否定句)

6 What is it? It’s a box.(改为复数句)

IV. Reading comprehension ( ) 我愿意做

I have got a toy dog. Its name’s Jimmy. It’s white. Its face is round. It can speak, “Hello. How are you?” My sister has got a bird. It’s green and blue. It can’t fly high. It can speak too. It can speak “Good morning.” “ Come in, please.” We play with them every night. We are happy. 1 Jimmy is my toy cat. ( )

2 My dog’s face is round. ( ) 4 We play with them every day.( )

3 My sister’s bird is blue and green. ( ) 6 The bird can fly high. ( )

3B Module 1 Unit 1(2)


I Read and judge 1 bus

car ( )

2 hear

chair ( )

3 ship

she ( )

( )

4 chair Charlie ( ) 5 how bowl ( ) 6 have plate

5 My dog can speak, “Hello. Come in, please.” ( )

II. Fill in the blanks with “a, an, the, /”

1 Look at sun. It’s big and round. 2 I can see aeroplane in sky. 3 Give me book, please. OK.

4 blue balloon is big and nice. But I have old one. 练习二

I Fill in the blanks with “ am, is , are, have, has”

1 That is my father. He tall. He a new car. 2 Look at the plant. It roots.


3 The boys a big ball. It yellow. 4 An apple on the table.

5 I a new friend. Joe. We good friends.

6 Insects two feelers and six legs. They lovely. 7 What do you ? I a toy ship. II. Answer the following questions 1 Can you see the moon?

2 What can you draw?

3 How many students are there in your class?

4 What can you see in the playground?


I Write the words as required

1 hear(同音词) 2 see(动名词) 3 aeroplane(同义词) 4 use(现在分词) 5 too(同音词) 6 spin(名词) II. Copy the sentences

listen ben what can you hear I can hear an aeroplane

III. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word 1. There (be) much water in the bowl. 2. Look, Tom (make) a paper boat. 3. The girl can (play) the violin. 4. Please give (he) some pens. 5. We often call (she) Alice. 6 These dogs like (eat) bones. 7 Jack (go) to school every day. 8 There (be) any milk in the bottle. 9 There two pens and a pencil in the pencil-box. 10 Jam (like) playing football in the playground. 11 The girl and the boy (be) good friends.

12 The policeman can (help) people (know) where they are. IV. Sentences transformation 1 I can hear a bus. (划线部分提问)


2 I can hear a bus. (划线部分提问)

3 I can hear a bus. (划线部分提问)

4 We can see some children.(单数句)

V. Reading comprehension

Mimi and Juicy are good friends. They are dogs. Mimi is fat but Juicy is not. It is a thin dog. They both like to eat bones. One day, Mimi gets two nice bones. One bone is very big and the other is small. Then Mimi gives the big one to Juicy and it says to Juicy “ Eat the big bone and you can be strong.” Then Mimi eats the small bone and Juicy eats the big bone. They are very happy.

1 Find two groups of antonyms(反义词) — — 2 Mimi has a good f . It’s J . 3 Mimi and Juicy both like to eat b .

3B Module 1 Unit 1(3)


I Choose the different word 1 A bicycle B bus 3 A draw 1 缩写:

II. Read and write

can not is not are not



2 近义词: see hear 3 同音词: hear

II. Fill in the blanks with“have,has, am, is, are” 1 ---Who that boy? ---- He Ben. 2 Alice my friend. We good friends. 3 ---Does the cat a long tail? Yes, it does.

4 There a teacher and some children in the classroom. 5 There some children and a teacher in the classroom. 6 It a plant. It a flower. It red. 7 I Kitty Li. I some seeds.

8 Alice and Tom two books. They are nice. 练习二

I. Read and choose 1. A child 3. A colour

B peach

B cut

C chair

C blue

D chick D some

2. A chicken B he

C she D me C toy ( )

2 A brown B read

C red ( )

B spinner C spin ( ) 4 A chair

B chick C table ( )


4. A plate 5. A tiger 6. A drink

B make B high B drive

C cake

C dinner

D thank

D gift D spinner C sky

II. Write the following phrases

1 画一个圆 剪下这个圆

2 给这个圆涂色 用一根牙签 3 转动这个转盘 在窗边 练习三

I. Read and fill in the blanks

1 ---What can see, Ben? --- can see a yellow cat. 2 I can see , and black on the spinner. 3 Danny and Eddie go to Shanghai by . 4 We can see some toy cars some toy ships on the desk. 5 I can’t sing dance. II. Complete the dialogue A: What can you see, Alice?

B: I can see an . I go to Beijing by it. A: Yes, it’s and fast.

B: Listen, Eddie. What can you ?

A: I can hear a in the tree. “Tweet, Tweet” III. Fill in the blanks空

1. There (be) a bird in the tree. 2. Two small (baby) are in the rain.

3. Peter and I (be) good friends. We (have) a new teacher. 4. ---Is that (you) classroom? --- Yes, it is.

5. There are some (child) in the library. They (can) read books. IV. Sentence transformation

1 Peter can see an aeroplane in the sky.(否定句)

2 My new bicycle is black. (划线部分提问)

3 There are five pencils in my pencil case. (划线部分提问)

4 I have a toy car. It is red and blue. (两句合为一句)

5 Kitty can see some kites in the sky. (划线部分提问)

6 I have many books in my bag. (同义句)


V. Reading comprehension ( ) 我愿意做

I’m Jack. I’m eight. birthday is on June 5th. I’m thin tall. I

reading and drawing. favourite colour is blue. My bag, my shoes and my T-shirt all blue. I have a pet. It is a cat. It is small, it is nice. I like playing it. I swim and play football. I have many friends. After school, we often football together. I a happy school life.

3B Module 1 Unit 2 (1)


I Copy the sentences

Touch the bananas how does it feel its smooth

II. Write the words 反义词:smooth_________ soft__________




two 复数: family__________ child__________


III. Read and judge 1 make fat ( )

2 tree see ( ) 3 she

red ( )

4 chair school ( )

5 snake

like ( )

6 shop ship ( )


I. Rewrite the sentence 1 The pineapple is hard. 2 How does the bread feel?

3 I can see two bananas. 4 The desk is hard. (否定句,句意不变)

5 I can touch the rabbit. (否定句)

II Think and write

1 在超市 2 在月亮上 3 在桌子上 4 在包里 5 在天上 6 在树下 7 在树上 8 在操场 9 在校门口 10 在冰上 11 过来看看 12 做一个调查 13 睡得好 14 太硬 15 多少钱



I Fill in the blanks smooth hard do soft rough nice hungry does 1 Touch this glass. It’s and . 2 The pineapple is not . It’s . 3 ---What you like? ---I like pineapples. 4 Superdog is . He wants some bread. 5 The Moon pie is and . 6 ---How it feel? ---It’s hard.

II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words 1 ---How (do) the pineapple feel? ---It’s rough. 2 ---Alice, how (do) the cakes feel?---They’re soft. 3 Supergirl (like) the Moon pie.

4 I have two ears and two (eye). I can (see) and hear. 5 There (be) two balloons and (a) aeroplane in the sky. 6 There (be) some bread on the plate. 7 ---How many (glass) on the table?---One. 8 Please listen to (I). Don’t look at (they). 9 Look at (I) spinner. It’s colourful. III. Answer the following questions 1 Can you skip a rope?

2 Do you like playing football?

3 How does your hair feel?

4 Touch your bed. How does it feel?

5 Smell the flower. Is it nice?

6 How much is your pencil?

V. Reading comprehension ( ) 我愿意做

Today is Sunday. The sun shines and shines. It’s a fine day. Some pupils are in the park. Look at the girl in yellow. She’s Alice. She has a yellow blouse and a white skirt. She is drawing. Look, the girl is Alice’s friend,Kitty. She is eating an ice-cream. She is wearing a beautiful dress.


It’s pink and white. Eddie and Danny are playing football. Eddie has a blue T-shirt and Danny has a pair of shorts. How happy they are! 1 Today is Sunday. ( ) 2 The pupils are in the school. ( ) 3 Kitty has a yellow blouse. ( )

4 The girl in yellow is Alice.

( )

5 Danny is playing football. ( )

3B Module 1 Unit 2 (2)


I Copy the sentences.

How does it feel miss fang its smooth and hard

II Read and write

1 buses(单数) rough(反义词) she(同类词) 2 here(同音词) do(单三) brown(同类词) 练习二

I Choose and fill in the blanks apple sweet smooth aeroplane does are feel soft can friends 1 Taste the . It’s . 2 How it ? It’s hard.

3 What you see? I can see an . 4 Touch the fish. It’s and . 5 We good . II Complete the dialogue A: Hello, Ruth.

B: , Michael.

A: Look, this is pineapple. Do you like pineapples? B: , I pineapples very much. A: Michael, touch . B: Oh, it’s and . A: Taste . B: It’s very . III Write about the picture (three sentence patterns) 练习三

I Fill in the blanks

1 They are (strawberry).


2 How many (bus)? 3 (not close) the door. 4 How (do) it taste? It’s (salt). 5 There (be) a rainbow in the sky. 6 Can you (swim)? No, I (can). 7 It’s sour. It isn’t (sweet). 8 Give (I) a pineapple, please. II Rewrite the sentences

1 Michael can fly a kite.(改为一般疑问句)

2 These sweets are nine yuan.(划线部分提问)

3 The coffee is bitter. (划线部分提问)

4 It is a ship. (划线部分提问)

5 My mother has a red bicycle.(改为否定句)

6 The flower are pink. (划线部分提问)

III Read and judge 1 taste can 5 sweet sheep ( ) ( )

2 help bee ( ) 3 coffee book ( ) 4 smell lemon( ) 6 much use ( ) 7 whale who ( )

8 white what( )

IV Reading comprehension T/F ( ) 我愿意做

Look at the photograph. This is Sue’s family. They are at home. Sue’s mother is making a chocolate cake. It’s sweet and nice. Sue is making a cake, too. But the cake is bitter. She is sad. Sue’s father is drinking some water. He doesn’t like black coffee. It’s bitter. And he is eating the sweet cake. It’s yummy. Sue’s mother is a good baker. Sue is not a good baker. It is a happy family.

1 Sue has a happy family. ( ) 3 Sue’s cake is sweet.

2 Sue’s mother can’t make a cake. ( )

( )

4 Her father likes her mother’s cake. ( ) 5 Sue can make a cake well. ( )


3B Module 1 Unit 2 (3)


I Fill in the blanks with “do” or “does”. 1. How __________ it feel? It feels soft.

2. How __________ they feel? They are smooth.

3. How ___________ the desks feel? They’re hard and smooth. 4. How ____________ the ice cream feel? It’s too cold. 5. What _________ your father do? He’s a doctor.

6. __________ the children get up early every day? Yes, they ____________. 7. ___________ your teacher go to school by bicycle? Yes, he ____________. 8. __________ she swim well? Yes, she ___________. 9. __________ he play football well? Yes, he ______________. II. Read and judge T/F 1. pineapple cake

( ) 2. desk


( )

3. shop wash ( ) 4. ruler

rubber ( ) 5. school watch ( ) 6. glass banana

( ) 7. soft


( )

8. do


( 练习二

I Fill in the blanks with proper preposition 1. Let’s go ___________ the supermarket.

2. I can see some toys _____________ the supermarket. 3. We feel __________ our fingers.

4. Is there a white rabbit ____________ the Moon? 5. Look ____________ the picture. 6. Listen ____________ the tape. II Choose and fill in the blanks.

smooth hard soft rough nice hungry 1. Touch this glass. It’s __________ and ___________. 2. The pineapple is not __________. It’s ____________. 3. Superdog is ____________. He wants some bread. 4. The pie is ___________ and _____________. 练习三

I Finish the sentences according to the picture 1. Look at the __________. It’s ___________.

Touch it. How does it _____________? It’s ___________.

Taste it. It’s not ___________. It’s ___________.



