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1、()——Please help me move the table in.——But there is not enough()for it. A.place B.floor C.room D.ground 参考答案:C 2、()The rich man is living in a()building. A.two-story B.two stories C.two story D.two-stories 参考答案:A 3、()Either of the answers()right. A.are B.were C.is D.work

参考答案:B 4、()Can you tell me()? A.who are you B.who you are C.you are who D.who you be 参考答案:C 5、()There are ten computers in the computer room.Three were made in Japan and()seven were made in China. A.another B.other C.the other D.the others 参考答案:C 6、()Lin Tao didn’t recite the text()he had a fever last night. A.why B.because C.until D.unless

参考答案:B 7、()The door(). A.isn’t going to shut B.isn’t going to be shut C.won’t shut

D.won’t be shutted 参考答案:C 8、()My brother said he()going()his friend the next day. A.was,to meet B.would go,has

C.will go,was going to D.will go,will 参考答案:A 9、()We can see the sun in()daytime,but we can't see it at()night. A.a,the B.the,/ C.a,/ D.an,/

参考答案:B 10、()I’m going to()my teacher tomorrow. A.look B.look at C.see D.watch

参考答案:C 11、()Mary lost her pen,()? A.didn’t she B.didn’t Mary C.doesn’t she D.wasn’t she 参考答案:A 12、()Remember()the book in time when you have finished()it. A.to return,reading B.returning,reading C.returning,to read D.to return,to read 参考答案:A 13、()Someone()knocking at the door now. A.is B.are C.was D.were

参考答案:A 14、()Jim asked Li Ping()his best wishes to everybody. A.give B.gave C.giving D.to give


15、()The student()to move the bag of rice()he heard the sound of motorbike. A.was running,when B.was running,while C.runs,when D.ran,while

参考答案:A 16、()He leans Russian(). A.good B.nice C.well D.fine

参考答案:C 17、()They()next Wednesday,aren’t they? A.will leave

B.are going to leaving C.are leaving

D.aren’t going to leave 参考答案:C 18、()There()a little milk in the bottle. A.is B.has C.are D.have

参考答案:C 19、()Mr.Read doesn’t drive()Mrs.Read. A.carefully

B.more carefully C.careful as D.as carefully as 参考答案:D 20、()He looked at it()again. A.care

B.carefulness C.careful D.carefully

参考答案:A 21、()The children()by the nurse. A.were looked B.looked after

C.were looked after D.looked 参考答案:C 22、()The nurse is very tired()she is still working very hard. A.but

B.and C.or D.if

参考答案:C 23、()The boy asked()I()any noise from outside. A.when,heard B.why,had learned C.whether,had heard D.what,heard

参考答案:C 24、()We()in the factory since we moved to Shanghai. A.have worked B.worked C.will work D.are working 参考答案:A 25、()Your father can speak German,()? A.does he B.is he

C.doesn’t he D.can’t he 参考答案:A 26、()“Have you met Peter today?”“Yes,I()him in the street.” A.meet B.met

C.have watched D.will find

参考答案:B 27、()It’s very important()me to say something()you. A.for,for B.to,to C.for,to D.to,for

参考答案:C 28、()I can’t help()that he is still alive. A.thinking B.think C.to think D.of thinking 参考答案:A 29、()He()from home for a long time. A.has gone away B.had gone away C.has left

D.has been away

参考答案:D 30、()I have been happy since he()me the news. A.tells B.told C.has told D.tell

参考答案:B 31、()“Quick”is another way of()fast. A.saying B.to say C.says D.said

参考答案:A 32、()Thank you very much()leading the eraser()me. A.for,at B.to,to C.for,to D.to,for

参考答案:D 33、()There()a bag of apples on the ground. A.is B.are C.were D.was

参考答案:A 34、()Tom is short for(). A.Kate B.Catch C.Tom D.Thomas 参考答案:D 35、()Did you hear()? A.what did I say B.what do I say C.that I said D.what I said 参考答案:D 36、()The doctor advised Lao Li()more rest. A.that he get B.to get C.would get D.get


37、()Be quiet!The child(). A.sleeps B.spelt

C.is sleeping D.has slept

参考答案:C 38、()The vegetable market is()walk from our school. A.a quarter of an hours’ B.a quarter-of-an-hour’s C.a quarter of an hour’s D.a quarter-of-an-hours’ 参考答案:C 39、()The fish smells().Take it out,please, A.well B.nice C.good D.bad

参考答案:D 40、()He is one of the best teachers who()at our school. A.works B.working C.is working D.work


