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NC technology development trends——数控技术发展趋势

1 NC system developments at home and abroad

With the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional beginning of a fundamental change manufacturing, the industrial developed countries spent huge sums of money on the modern manufacturing technology research and development, to create a new model. In modern manufacturing systems, CNC technology is the key to technology, which combines microelectronics, computers, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control, such as the integration of advanced, a high-precision, high-efficiency, flexible automation, and other characteristics, the manufacturing industry Flexible automation, integrated, intelligent play the pivotal role. At present, NC technology is undergoing a fundamental change, from a special closed-loop control mode to general-purpose real-time dynamic open all closed-loop control mode. In the integrated on the basis of the CNC systems

ultra-thin, ultra-light; on the basis of the intelligent, integrated computers, multimedia, fuzzy control, neural network and other technical disciplines, NC system to achieve high-speed, high-precision, Efficient control, automatic processing can be amended to regulate compensation and the parameters for an online intelligent fault diagnosis and treatment of the network based on the CAD / CAM and CNC systems integration as one machine network, makes the central government centralized control of the group control processing.

For a long time, China''s CNC system for traditional closed architecture, but only as a non-intelligent CNC machine controller. Process variables based on experience in the form of pre-fixed parameters, processing procedures before the actual processing by hand or through CAD / CAM and automatic programming system prepared. CAD / CAM and CNC have no feedback control link, the entire manufacturing process CNC is a closed ring-opening implementing agencies. In a complex and changing environment under the conditions of processing tool in the process of composition, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step, allowance and other processing parameters, not at the scene circumstances under external interference and real-time dynamic random factors, not by random amendment feedback control link CAD / CAM settings volume, in turn, affect the work of CNC machining efficiency and product quality. Clearly, the traditional fixed CNC system that controlled mode and closed architecture, limiting the CNC to the development

of more intelligent control variables, can no longer meet the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, the CNC technology in the potential for change inevitable.

2 NC technology development trends

2.1 Performance development direction

(1) high-speed high-precision efficient speed, accuracy and efficiency of machinery manufacturing technology is the key performance indicators. As a result of the high-speed CPU chips, RISC chip, as well as multi-CPU control system with high-resolution detector of the absolute exchange digital servo system, taken at the same time improve the machine dynamic and static characteristics of effective measures, the high-speed high-precision machine has been efficient greatly enhanced.

(2) Flexible includes two aspects: CNC system itself flexibility, NC system is modular in design, functional coverage, can be cut and strong, and easy to meet the needs of different users; group control system flexibility, with a control system pursuant to the requirements of different production processes, materials flow and information flow automatically dynamically adjusted to maximize their group control system performance.

(3) Process of composite and multi-axis to reduce the process time for the main purpose of supporting the composite processing, and are moving towards multi-axis, multi-function control of the direction of series development. NC Machine Tool Technology composite refers to the workpiece in a single machine on a fixture, through an automatic tool change, rotating spindle head or turntable, and other measures to accomplish multiple processes, multi-surface machining compound. Axis CNC technology, Siemens 880-axis control system for up to 24 axes.

(4) Real-time Intelligent early for the real-time system is usually relatively simple ideal environment, and its role is to scheduling tasks, to ensure that the task be completed within a specified time limit. And artificial intelligence is used to model the realization of mankind''s various intelligent behaviors. To the development of science and technology today, real-time systems and artificial intelligence combined with each other towards artificial intelligence is a real-time

response, a more realistic field of development, and also in the real-time system with intelligent behavior, the more complex application development, resulting in the Intelligent real-time control of this new area. NC technology in the field, real-time intelligent control of the research and application of development along several main branches: adaptive control, fuzzy control, neural network control, experts control, learning control, feed-forward control. For example, in CNC programming system with expert systems, fault diagnosis expert system parameters automatically set and tool management and automatic compensation, such as adaptive conditioning systems, in high-speed processing of the integrated motion control ahead of the introduction of budget projections and functional, dynamic Feedforward functions in pressure, temperature, position, velocity, control, fuzzy control, the control of the NC system performance greatly improved, so as to achieve optimal control purposes.

2.2 functional development direction

(1) The user interface is graphical user interface with the CNC system of dialogue between the user interface. Since different users interface requirements are different, thus the development of the workload of great user interface, user interface software developed into the most difficult part of. At present INTERNET, virtual reality, visualization in scientific computing and multimedia technologies, such as the user interface has put a higher demand. Graphical user interface greatly facilitates the use of non-professional users, it can be carried out through the window and menu operation, ease of programming and blueprint for rapid programming, three-dimensional dynamic three-dimensional color graphics, graphics, simulation, graphics, dynamic tracking and simulation, and the different directions view and partial display ratio scaling function can be achieved.

(2) visualization in scientific computing visualization in scientific

computing can be used for efficient data processing and interpretation of data, so that the exchange of information is no longer limited to using the written word and language, and can direct the use of graphics, image, animation, video and other information. Visualization technology and virtual environment technology, to further broaden the application areas, such as a drawing design, virtual prototyping technology, which shorten product design cycles, improving product quality, reduce production cost is of great significance. NC technology in the areas of visualization

technology can be used for CAD / CAM, such as automatic programming design parameters automatically set, tool compensation and tool management of dynamic data processing and display, as well as the processing of visual simulation, and other presentations.

(3) interpolation, and a variety of methods of compensation interpolation methods such as multiple linear interpolation, circular interpolation, cylindrical interpolation, space elliptical surface interpolation, thread interpolation, polar coordinates interpolation, 2 D +2 helical interpolation , NANO interpolation, interpolation NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline interpolation), spline interpolation (A, B, C kind), such as polynomial interpolation. A variety of functions such as compensation gap compensation vertical compensation quadrant error compensation, and measurement systems pitch error compensation, and

speed-related feedforward compensation and temperature compensation, with nearly smooth and exit, as well as the opposite point of the cutter radius compensation.

(4) high-performance PLC contents contents performance CNC system PLC control module can be directly used ladder diagram or high-level language programming, with intuitive online debugging and online help function. Programming tools include the standard used lathe and milling machine PLC user program an example, users may PLC user program standards on the basis of editorial changes, thus easily build their own applications.

(5) application of multimedia technology of multimedia technology-computers, audio-visual and communication technology, and it has the computer integrated voice, text, images and video information. In NC technology, multimedia technology can be applied to information processing integrated, intelligent, real-time monitoring system in the field and production equipment fault diagnosis, monitoring of process parameters such as production has a significant value.

2.3 Development of the Architecture

(1) integration of a highly integrated CPU, programmable RISC chips and

large-scale integrated circuits FPGA, EPLD, CPLD and ASIC ASIC chips that can improve the CNC system integration and hardware and software operating speed. Application FPD flat panel display technology can improve display performance. Flat-panel displays with high science and technology content, light weight, small size, low

power consumption and portability advantages can be realized Supersized, a

counterweight to the emerging and CRT display technology, display technology in the 21st century the mainstream. Application of advanced packaging and interconnect technologies, semiconductors and surface mount technology integration. By

increasing the density of integrated circuits, reducing the length and number of interconnection products to reduce prices, improve performance, reduce component size, improve the reliability of the system.

(2) easy to implement modular hardware modular NC systems integration and standardization. According to various functional requirements, the basic modules, such as CPU, memory, position servo, PLC, the input and output interfaces, and communications modules, making the standard Series products, through functional building-block approach to cutting the number of steps and modules, a NC system at different grades.

(3) machine interconnection network for remote control of unmanned operation. Machine through networking, can be in any one machine on the other machine programming, configuration, operation, operating, different machine can be displayed on the screen each machine on the screen.

(4) general-open the closed-loop control mode to adopt a common computer component Bus, modular, open, embedded architecture, ease of cutting, expansion and upgrading, can be composed of different grades, different types, different degree of integration CNC system. Closed-loop control mode is the traditional CNC system only for single closed-open-loop control mode proposed. The manufacturing process is a multi-variable control and the role of integrated processing complex process, including processing, such as size, shape, vibration, noise, temperature and thermal deformation, and other factors, therefore, to achieve the process of multi-objective optimization, Multivariable must adopt the closed-loop control, real-time

processing in the dynamic adjustment process variables. Processing the adoption of open universal real-time closed-loop control mode the whole dynamic, easy real-time intelligent computer technology, network technology, multimedia technology, CAD / CAM, servo control, adaptive control, dynamic data management and dynamic tool compensation, dynamic simulation and other high technology into one, a tight

closed-loop manufacturing process control system to achieve integrated, intelligent, network-based.

3 PCNC new generation of intelligent CNC system

Research and Development adapted to the current complexity of the manufacturing process, with the structure of the closed-loop control system, a new generation of intelligent PCNC CNC system has become possible. PCNC NC intelligent system will be a new generation of intelligent computer technology, network technology, CAD / CAM, servo control, adaptive control, dynamic data management and dynamic tool compensation, dynamic simulation and other high technology into one, a tight closure of the manufacturing process Central control system. 数控技术的发展趋势 - 数控技术发展趋势


随着计算机技术的飞速发展,从根本上改变传统的制造业开始,工业发达国家用于现代制造技术的研究和开发巨额资金,以创建一个新的模式。在现代制造系统,数控技术是技术,它集微电子,计算机,信息处理,自动检测,自动控制等先进的一体化,关键,高精度,高效率,柔性自动化,以及其他特征,制造业柔性自动化,集成化,智能化起到举足轻重的作用。目前,数控技术正经历着从一个特殊的闭环控制方式的根本转变,为通用实时动态打开所有闭环控制模式。在对数控系统的超薄,超轻的基础相结合;对智能化,集成化的计算机,多媒体,模糊控制,神经网络等技术学科,数控系统的基础上实现高速,高高精度,高效率控制,自动处理,可以修正,调节补偿和一个在线智能故障诊断和治疗网络的CAD / CAM与数控系统网络集成为一体机的参数,使得中央政府的集中控制群控加工。

长期以来,China'的数控系统为传统封闭式体系结构,但只能作为非智能数控机床控制器。过程变量的基础上在预先固定参数形式的经验,处理前由专人或通过CAD / CAM及自动编程系统编写实际的处理程序。 CAD / CAM与数控有没有反馈控制环节,整个制造过程是一个封闭的数控开环执行机构。在根据的组成,工件材料,主轴转速,进给速度,刀具路径过程中,处理工具和不断变化的环境条件复杂,切割不在现场的情况下深度,台阶,津贴和其他工艺参数,根据外部干扰和实时动态随机因素没有反馈控制环节随机修正的CAD / CAM的设置数量,进而影响的数控加工效率和产品质量工作。显然,传统的固定数控系统,控制模式和封闭式体系结构,限制了数控到更智能化的控制变量的发展,已经不能满足日益复杂的制造过程,因此,在变革不可避免的潜在数控技术。





(3)工艺复合和多轴以减少了支持复合加工的主要目的,处理时间,并朝着多轴,多功能的系列产品的开发方向控制移动。数控机床技术复合材料是指在一台机器上的工件夹具,通过自动换刀,旋转主轴头或转台等措施,完成多工序,多面加工的化合物。轴数控技术,西门子880 -轴控制系统,多达24轴。



(1)用户接口与对话的数控系统用户界面之间的图形用户界面。由于不同的用户界面的要求不同,因而对大用户界面,用户界面软件到最困难的部分发达国家的工作量的发展。目前互联网,虚拟现实,科学计算和多媒体技术,如用户界面的可视化提出了更高的要求。图形用户界面,大大方便了非专业用户使用,它可以进行通过窗口和菜单操作,易于编程和快速编程,三维动态三维彩色图像,图形,仿真,图形蓝图,动态跟踪和仿真,不同方向的视图和局部显示比例缩放功能可以实现的。 (2)在科学计算可视化科学计算可视化可用于高效的数据处理和解释数据,使信息交流不再局限于用文字和语言,并能直接对图形,图像使用,动画,视频和其他信息。可视化技术与虚拟环境技术,以进一步扩大,如图纸设计,虚拟样机技术,缩短产品设计周期,提高产品质量,降低生产成本具有重要意义的应用领域。 NC在可视化技术等领域的技术可用于为CAD / CAM技术,自动编程等设计参数的自动设定,刀具补偿和刀具的动态数据处理和显示,以及可视化仿真加工管理,以及其他艺术。

(3)插,以及对补偿内插法的方法,如多元线性插补,圆弧插补,圆柱插补,空间椭圆曲面插补,螺纹插补品种,极坐标插补,2个D +2螺旋插补,纳米插补,NURBS曲线插补(非均匀有理B样条插补),样条插值(甲,乙,丙类),如多项式插值。 ,如间隙补偿补偿补偿象限垂直误差补偿功能,螺距和测量系统误差补偿,与速度相关的前馈补偿,温度补偿,近平滑和退出,品种,以及对刀具半径补偿相反的观点。


(5)多媒体技术的多媒体电脑,视听及通信技术技术的应用,它具有计算机集成的语音, 文本,图像和视频信息。在数控技术,多媒体技术可以应用到信息处理集成化,智能化,实时监控系统在外地和生产设备的故障诊断,工艺参数进行监测,如生产具有重要的价值。





(3)机器的无人操作遥控互连网络。通过联网机,可以在任何一台机器上的其他计算机编程,配置,操作,运行,不同的机器上可以显示在屏幕上每台机器屏幕上。 (4)一般开闭环控制模式采用通用计算机组成总线,模块化,开放式,嵌入式体系结构,便于切割,扩张和升级,可组成不同档次,不同类型,不同程度的一体化数控系统。闭环控制模式是传统的数控只对单一封闭的开环控制系统提出的模式。制造过程是一个多变量控制和综合处理复杂过程中的作用,包括加工,如大小,形状,振动,噪声,温度和热变形,以及其它因素,因此,要实现多目标的过程优化,多变量必须采用闭环控制的动态调整过程中的变量,实时处理。处理开放通用的实时闭环控制模式的整个动态,便于实时智能计算机技术,网络技术,多媒体技术,CAD / CAM技术,伺服控制,自适应控制,动态数据管理和动态刀具补偿收养,动态仿真等高新技术为一体,紧密闭环生产过程控制系统,实现集成化,智能化,网络化。

3 PCNC新一代智能数控系统 研究与发展适应了当前复杂的制造工艺与闭环控制系统结构,智能PCNC的新一代数控系统已成为可能。 PCNC数控智能系统将是一个智能计算机技术,网络技术,CAD / CAM技术,伺服控制,自适应控制,动态数据管理和动态刀具补偿,动态仿真等高新技术为一体的新一代,一个严密封闭的制造处理中央控制系统。

