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protocol /?pr??t?k?l / n. the accepted or established code of procedure or behavior in any group,

organization, or situation科学实验报告/计划;(外交条约)草案;协议 ...a computer protocol which could communicate across different languages. …一个可以在不同的语言之间传递信息的计算机协议。

...the Montreal Protocol to phase out use and production of CFCs.

…逐步停止使用和生产含氯氟烃的《蒙特利尔议定书》。 kyoto protocol京都议定书 network protocol网络协议

compile /k?m?p??l / v. collect (information) in order to produce a list or book 汇编; 汇集

The book took 10 years to compile.这本书花了10年编写。

faculty/?fak(?)lti / n. a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge 全体教职工

The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements.全体教员同意改变要求。 How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity? 全体教员怎样才能改进教学以便激发创造力? faculty member 教职工 faculty and staff 教职员

faculty and students 教师和学生 albeit /??l?bi??t / conj. though

Charles's letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form. 查尔斯的信确实被刊登了出来,尽管有些删节。 Albeit fai, the girl was not sought after.


scenario/s??nɑ?r??? / n. a written outline of a film, novel, or stage work giving details of the plot and individual scenes 剧情概


A fast disk encryption algorithm targeted at the specific application scenario of disk encryption is devised.针对硬盘加密的特定应用场景,设计并实现了快速硬盘加密算法。

Verification is the important part of simulation scenario system.校验是仿真想定系统组成中的重要部分。

oblivious /??bl?v??s / adj. not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one 注意的;健忘的;忘却的

We are often oblivious to any flaws our partner might have. 我们常常注意不到对方可能有的任何缺点。 She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain.她一动不动地躺在原地,感觉不到疼痛。

embroil /?m?br??l / v. involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation使混乱;使卷入(纠纷)

Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting. 任何敌对活动都可能会招致报复,进而使联合国部队卷入战斗中。

meticulous /m??t?kj?l?s / adj. showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise小心谨慎的;谨小慎微的

He was so meticulous about everything.他对任何事情都很小心谨慎。 The flat had been meticulously cleaned.这间公寓被仔仔细细地打扫过了。

pilfer /‘p?lf?/ If someone pilfers, they steal things, usually small cheap things. pick pocket 偷;小偷小摸 The staff were pilfering behind the bar.工作人员在吧台后面偷东西。

When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market. 食品店关闭后,他们就开始工作,偷取食物到黑市上重新贩售。

fictitious /f?k?t???s / adj. not real or true; imaginary or fabricated虚构的;假想的;编造的;假装的 The development of market economy to this day is in fact a process going to be fictitious. 市场经济发展到今天,是一个不断走向虚拟化的过程。

We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumors.我们对这些子虚乌有的谣言的来源感兴趣。

The persons and events portrayed in this production are fictitious.这部作品描绘的那些人物和事件是虚构的。

practitioner /prak?t??(?)n? / n. a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine 开业者,执业者,从业者,执业医生

You can do this by selecting only roles that interest you, as a practitioner. 作为一名从业者,您可以通过只选择那些您感兴趣的角色来进行操作。 The only item that is constant in all of those is the transformed practitioner. 所有这些变化中唯一不变的就是转化的从业者。

sanction /?sa?k??n / n. a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule; Official permission or approval for an action 制裁,


Arms embargo is a kind of sanction among countries.武器禁运是国家间的一种制裁方式。

It’s rare for the non-punishment sanction to be applied in the judicial practice.非刑罚处罚措施在实践中极少被适用。 infringement /?n?fr?nd?m?nt / n. the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation 侵犯;违反 Chapter three:Special infringement acts of new medium.第三章:新媒体中特殊侵权的主要表现形式。 ...infringement of privacy.…对隐私的侵犯。

There might have been an infringement of the rules.也许有违反规章制度的情况。 adjudicate /??d?u?d?ke?t / v. make a formal judgment on a disputed matter裁定;宣判

The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims.国际法庭也许是裁定索赔案的合适之地。 delineate /d??l?n?e?t / v. describe or portray (something) precisely 描绘;描写;画…的轮廓

Biography must to some extent delineate characters.在某种程度上,传记一定要描述人物。 For centuries we have used maps to delineate borders that have been defined by politics. 几个世纪以来,我们一直用地图描绘已经由政治划定的疆界。

incorporate /?n?k??p?re?t / v. take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include 包含,合并;体现

The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.这种新型汽车将包含许多重大的改进。

The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.该协议将允许叛军并入一支新的国家警察部队。

incorporate with合并;混合

envision /?n?v???n/ vision / image 想象;预见;展望

In the future we envision a federation of companies.我们设想将来会有公司联盟。

Alana never envisioned her college career ending like this.阿兰娜从未想到她的大学生涯会如此结束。 caseload /‘ke?sl??d/ n The caseload of someone such as a doctor, social worker, or lawyer is the

number of cases that they have to deal with. (医生、社工或律师等需要处理的)案例数量待处理案件数量;受理范围 Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee.社工说他们的每位工作人员所处理的平均个案总数是32个家庭。

Even as the caseload has grown, federal judges’ salaries have risen by only 39% since 1991 while the cost of living has gone up 50%. 即使工作量增加了,联邦法官的薪水自1991年以来也只涨了39%,而同一时期内的生活成本却上涨了50%。

1.meticulous 2. protocol 3. albeit 4. embroiled 5. Plagiarism n. 剽窃;剽窃物 6. efficacy n. 功效,效力 7. adjudicates 8. infringement 9.incorporated 10. sanction

(1) You are minutely analytical and can fulfill any task that requires meticulous attention to detail. 你详细地分析,可以完成任何任务,需要细致的对细节的关注。

(2) As part of the Kyoto_protocol__, many developed countries have agreed to legally binding reductions in their emissions of greenhouse gases in two commitments periods.


(3) Charles's letter was indeed published, _ albeit _ in a somewhat abbreviated form. 查尔斯的信确实是公布的,尽管有些缩写形式。

(4) We will just throw them into the air and no one will ask again until people are _embroiled _ in litigation. 我们会把他们扔到空中,没有人会问,直到人们卷入诉讼。

(5) American Association of University Professors defines ___________ as “taking over the ideas, methods, or written words of another, without acknowledgment and with the intention that they be taken as the work of the deceiver.

美国大学教授协会将___________定义为“接管的思想、方法或文字,没有认定和意图,他们被视为骗子的工作。 (6) Blood tests may be needed periodically to monitor the treatment and its ________.血液测试可能需要定期监测治疗和它的。

(7) A case tribunal which ________ on any matter must decide whether or not any person has failed to comply with the code of conduct of the relevant authority concerd.案件法庭______对任何事必须决定是否任何人未能遵守行为准则concerd相关的权威。

(8) The committee ruled that the ban constituted an ________ of free trade.委员会裁定,禁止构成规律的自由贸易。 (9) When completed, the balls are _ incorporated _into other objects before they are sold, including trophies and lamp stands.当完成时,球被纳入其他对象在销售之前,包括奖杯和灯。

(10) It is a way of recovering penalties by a _ sanction _ which is the most serious one known to our law. 它是一种恢复方式惩罚制裁是最严重的一个我们的法律。


Cases of misconduct are not simple matters to evaluate. One source of concern is confusion within the field of science about just what constitutes a punishable infringement of ethical standards. In the fields of engineering, law, and medicine, clear written guidelines exist for defining ethical conduct. Although some particularly difficult cases may test the limits of these guidelines, most do not. In scientific research, a written code of conduct is not available. The federal government and individual institutions have been struggling to clarify the standards under which misconduct can be adjudicated. The central definitions that delineate misconduct in science include fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. However, these are confused by other less clear categories of misconduct, which include “other questionable behavior” or“other misconduct.” Within this confusion of definitions it is not always obvious to students or faculty where and toward whom their obligations lie.




Researchers should tell every participant about all the characteristics and details of the study, though such an act may affect the willingness of subjects. Researchers should also try to answer or explain any question about the experiment from subjects. Frankness and sincerity are supposed to be essential to the relationship between researchers and subjects. When researchers have to hide from or deceive subjects for methodological reasons, they need to have subjects understand the reasons for doing so and try to recover their original relationships. Researchers should respect the subjects’ rights and freedom to refuse or terminate their participation in the study at any time. This point is even more salient when researchers have higher power-relationship than subjects. As regards the moral acceptability of experimental procedures and measures, there must be a clear and fair agreement reached by researchers and subjects at the outset in order to clarify each other’s responsibility. Researchers have a responsibility to abide by and comply with the provisions of commitments and obligations in the agreement.

derogatory [d?‘r?g?t?r?+adj. showing a hostile or critical attitude(to one’s reputation, etc) 贬损的, 损毁的,诽谤的 insulting and disapproving 侮辱的;不赞许的

补充:derogate ['der?ge?t] v. 贬损; 减损; 贬低; 损害; 诽谤

He criticized the poem severely and went on to make derogatory remarks about her. Such conduct would only be derogatory to his own reputation.他极力贬低这首诗,并说了许多诋毁她的话。那样的行为只会毁损他自己的名誉。 The word “pig” is aderogatory word term for policeman. “猪”是个侮辱警察的词。 Cheating id regarded as derogatory 欺骗被认作卑劣行为。

... good-for-nothing (a derogatory term for someone who is lazy or irresponsible)没出息的人

fatalistic [fe?t?‘l?st?k]adj. believing that there is nothing you can do to prevent events from happening; showing a belief in fate;宿命论的;相信宿命论的

补充:fatalism宿命主义;fatalist宿命论者; fatality天数,命中注定

Finally her father's death, resulting in the eviction of her family from their home, precipitates Tess's doom, and as a last desperate reparation to her helpless mother and sisters she yields, with a fatalistic calm, to the inevitable. 最后,父亲去世,全家人被逐出家门,这件事终于决定了苔丝的命运。作为对无依无靠的母亲和妹妹们的最后无可挽救的补偿,她屈服了,以平静地听天由命的心情,走上了不可避免的道路。

gave a fatalistic shrug无可奈何地耸耸肩a fatalistic philosophy宿命论哲学a fatalistic people相信宿命论的民族 a fatalistic person/approach to life 听天由命的人/生活态度

initiative[??n???t?v] n. ability to make decisions or take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do ;action taken to resolve a difficulty 主动性,创造力;对策,新举措

The government should by no means lose the initiative in the fight against terrorism.政府在反恐行动中绝不能丧失控制权。 In the absence of his commanding officer, he acted on his own initiative. 指挥官不在场,他主动见机行事。 Because of the general's indecisiveness, their armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.


They took the initiative in establishing an international new media research organization.他们率先建立了一个国际性的新传媒研究机构。

cut off: interrupt sb speaking on the phone by breaking the connection切断电话线路;stop the supply of sth to sb停止向某人供应;prevent sth or sb from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a place使与外界隔绝;disinherit sb 剥夺某人的继承权

We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.

If you don’t pay your water and electricity bill soon you will be cut off. 你若不立即付清水电费,就要停止向你供水供电。 She felt very cut off (ie isolated) living in the country. 她生活在乡间感到很闭塞。

The village was cut off from the outside world by heavy snow for a month.村庄被大雪封住,无法与外界联系达一个月。 The rebellious son was cut off without a penny/dime.忤逆的儿子被父亲完全剥夺了继承权。

detain [d?‘te?n]v.cause to be slowed down or delayed; keep sb in custody, lock up 留住,延误;耽搁;拘留,扣押 Neither wit nor wisky could detain him any longer.无论说笑话,还是喝威士忌,都无法再把他留住了。 He was detained by a flat tire on his way home. 漏气的轮胎将他耽搁在回家的路上。

The police detained two suspects to make further questioning.警察拘留了两个嫌疑犯,作进一步审问。 secular *?sekj?l?(r)]adj. worldly or material, not concerned with religious or spiritual affairs现世的;世俗的;非宗教的;lasting for centuries延续几个世纪的

In detaching the science of law from theology and religion, he prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law.在将法学与神学和宗教分离时,他为现代自然法世俗的、理性主义的观点奠定了基础。

secular humanism现实人文主义(指扬弃任何宗教教义,强调人的价值,建立在人性、人类利益和理想基础上的任何思想和行为体系)

secular changes of the earth’s surface地表的长期变化secular enemies宿怨; secular trend长期趋势

assertion [??s???n] n. a declaration that is made forcefully (as if no supporting evidence were necessary) ;strong statement claiming the truth of sth 声称;主张;维护;断言;

I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradiction to the sentiments of others, and all positive assertion of my own. 我给自己规定,不得直接驳斥别人观点,不得断然肯定自己意见。

He repeated his assertions that he was not guilty.他语气坚定地重复说他无罪。 assertion of one‘s rights 对自己权利的维护speak with assertion坚定地说

virtually *?v?:t?u?li]adv. In every important aspect;in essence; almost 实际上,实质上,事实上;几乎

*He threw himeself enthusiastically into the task, but it was virtually impossible. 他起劲地投入这项工作,但实际上这是不可能办到的。

*Both host countries and investing countries have viewed the international investors as virtually an alien group, with partial justification.东道国与投资国实际上都把国际投资者看作是一个异己集团,这是有一定道理的。 *The strike has virtually paralyzed the city;my firm had gone bankrupt.事实上,罢工已经使这座城市陷于瘫痪状态;他的公司也也已破产。

aversion [?'v???n] n. a strong dislike,hatred厌恶, 讨厌的事, 讨厌的人

Smoking is one of my pet (particular, personal) aversions.吸烟是我特别讨厌的事。

The overarching goal of health-care reform is to establish a system that has three basic attributes. He took an immediate aversion to the new comer.他对新来的人一见就反感。

have an aversion to/for war对战争感到厌恶take an aversion to sb/sth开始讨厌某人/某事 deferential *?def?'ren?l]adj. showing deference or respect恭敬的; deference n. 尊敬 in deference to遵从,鉴于,考虑到

And that a few deferential protestations would take the edge from her displeasure.只要对她说上几句恭维话,她心中的恼怒就会烟消云散。

The oppressive sense of the harm she had done led Tess to be more deferential than she might otherwise have been to the maternal wish.苔丝以为漏子都是自己捅的,这种想法让她很压抑,这使得她更加尊重妈妈的意愿了,否则,她不会这样的。 listen with deferential attention 恭敬而专心地聆听

In deference to the weather, she wore a dress that covered her shoulders.考虑到天气,她穿了一件遮住肩膀的衣服。 conversely*?k?nv?:sli] adv. with the terms of the relation reversed 反之;反过来

You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.可以将液体加到粉末里,或者相反,将粉末加到液体里。

Conversely, it is relatively easy for some minorities to check the will of the majority and to protect their interests.反过来说,一些少数派倒容易抑制多数派的意愿并保障自己的利益。

Conversely, an expansion is accompanied by a temperature decrease unless heat is added.


homogenous[h?'m?d??n?s] adj. of the same type or nature同质的,同源的;纯系的 反义词:heterogeneous [het?r??'d???n??s]adj. 异种的, 异质的; 非均匀的

Americans are heterogeneous in their origins, constantly striving to rediscover what they have in common.美国人的祖先来自各个方面,他们经常努力设法重新找出大家的共同点。

Catalysis may be either homogeneous or heterogenous. Many processes that are essential to the chemical industry use the latter ones. 催化剂可以是均相的,也可以是多相的。很多重要的化学工业过程就是使用多相催化剂的。

homo- homograph 同形异义词;homophone 同音异义词homosexuality同性恋;homonym 同形同音异义词 hetero- heterodox 异端的;heterosexuality 异性恋

stark [stɑ:k+ adv. completely 完全地;十足地; adj. 僵硬的, 僵直的; 刻板的; 严格的; 赤裸裸的;明显的;突出的;严酷的;苛刻的

stark discipline 严格的纪律stark terror 极端恐怖stark nonsense 全然的胡说八道stark facts明显的事实 stark choice 严峻的抉择In stark terms用直率的话stark wasteland荒凉的不毛之地stark silence万籁无声 a stark contrast 明显的对比a stark outline鲜明的轮廓a stark white room 空荡荡的白色的房间

Memories are stark.记忆犹新。He was stark with cold 他完全被冻僵了。The islands have a stark beauty.这些岛屿有一种天然美。Her private life was stark.她的私生活很是不幸。

consume [k?n'sju:m] v. use up (time, resources or materials) 消耗,消费;耗尽

We have no right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it. Shaw如果我们不能创造幸福,我们便没有权去享受幸福,正如我们如果不能创造财富,便没有权利去享用财富一样。 The blossom is consuming away. 这支花正在枯萎。

He was consumed with a great interest in stamp collection.他对集邮着了迷。 The leaves consumed quietly in bonfires.树叶无声地在营火中烧尽。

She was consumed with grief on hearing the death of her husband in the air crash.她听到丈夫在空难中死亡的消息后悲痛欲绝

be addicted to be given to, habitually or compulsively对??上瘾;沉溺于

He shows himself to be confident, addicted(almost compulsively)to hardship, somewhat contemptuous of the Indians. 他显示自己是个充满自信、不怕吃苦(几乎是自讨苦吃) 的人,有点瞧不起印第安人。 Some officials become too addicted to red tape.有些官员太热衷于文牍主义了。

Being habitually addicted to net surfing at school for years, he even failed to get his bachelor degree.

syndrome *‘s?ndr??m] n. a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease综合征;并发症状;同时发生的一组事物,典型表现

Once the leading cause of death in premature infants, the syndrome is now usually treated for a few days with a mechanical ventilator, with no aftereffects.此病曾经是早产婴儿主要的死因,今日通常使用正气压通气机施以数日的治疗,并不会留下后遗症。

Unemployment,inflation and low wages are all part of the same economic syndrome.失业、通货膨胀以及低工资等问题都是在同一经济状况下的典型表现。

The resulting disorders of lack of medication include Down's syndrome, mental retardation, heart malformation, abnormal sexual development, malignancies, and sex-chromosome disorders缺乏药物治疗所导致的疾病包括唐氏症候群、精神发育迟缓、心脏畸形、性发育异常、恶性肿瘤和性染色体异常。

Identify oneself with: give support to… ; be associated with支持…;与??有关联;(尤指无意识)效仿

He refused to identify himself/become identified with the new political party. 他拒绝与那个新政党关系密切。 The children identify themselves with their parents.孩子们往往效仿父母。

They were reluctant to identify themselves fully with any particular side. 他们不愿全力支持任何一方。 Unsettling [??n?setl??+ making you feel nervous or worried令人不安的,扰乱的,使困窘的

I've been a neurosurgeon for 40 years, and the single most unsettling symptom prompting people to see me is memory loss.我

当了40年的神经外科医生。促使人们来找我看病而又最令人不安的症状是记忆力的丧失。 As the government’s top intelligence analyst on missile proliferation suggested,deployment of an NMD system would set off \an unsettling series of political and military ripple effects.如同政府高层情报分析家对导弹发展所暗示的那样,导弹防御系统的部署将引起一系列的不稳定的政治和军事连锁反应。

It has become a potentially unsettling element in East-West relations. 这已经成为东西方关系中一个潜在的不稳定因素。 assertiveness [?‘s?:t?vn?s]n. aggressive self-assurance; given to making bold assertions果断;自信; 魄力

A recent study found girls ahead of boys in almost every measure of well-being: Girls feel closer to their families, have higher aspirations, and even boast better assertiveness skills.最近一次研究发现,女孩几乎在各个方面都优于男孩:女孩觉得与家庭更亲近,有更高的志向,甚至拥有更好的让别人服从自己的才能。

Assertiveness is a healthy way of communicating. It's the ability to speak up for ourselves in a way that is honest and respectful. 自信是一种健康的交流方式。它是一种以诚实和恭敬的方式为自己辩护的能力。

Assertiveness is the ability to confidently express your opinions, feelings, attitudes, and rights, in a way that doesn‘t infringe the rights of others. 自信是一种自信表达观点、情感、态度和权利的能力,而这种表达方式不会侵犯到他人的权利。 outright*‘a?tra?t]adv. openly and honestly, with nothing held back; clearly and completely坦率地;无保留地;完全彻底地 adj. without any doubt or reservation; clear; unmistakable 毫无疑义

The term \outright rate\outright rate\not to the forward differential.\

术语\直接远期汇率\或\直接汇率\清楚表明,使用者指的是远期汇率,而不是远期差额。 I told him outright what I thought of his behavior.

He was killed outright by a single gunshot. 他被一枪击毙。

He won outright. 他赢得很干脆。buy a house outright以一次付款方式买房

an outright failure彻底失败outright support大力支持an outright refusal断然拒绝an outright refusal矢口否认 an outright lie弥天大谎outright hostility 公开的敌意

intermediary *??nt?‘mi:d??r?]n. a negotiator who acts as a link between parties中间人;媒介;调解人;中间物

同义词: go-between,intercessor,intermediator,mediator

They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary.


Unless saving and investment are done in kind, a financial intermediary must link saver and investor. 除非储蓄和投资以实物进行,否则必须有金融媒介把储蓄者和投资者联系起来。

Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. 任何人突然遭到饥饿,就会出现蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪的中间代谢的改变。

manipulative[m?‘n?pj?l?t?v]adjskillful in influencing or controlling others to your own advantage.巧妙处理的;老于世故的 v. manipulate

Scientists with the research group say, \than simply being instinct-driven, fish are cunning, manipulative and even cultured.“ 该研究组的科学家们说,“鱼类不是简单地凭本能行事,它们很机灵,有控制能力,甚至很有教养”。

These manipulative techniques are hard to give up later in life and often become set patterns.这些控制技巧在以后的生活中将很难放弃,而且通常变成固定不变的行为方式。

Mr. Smith manipulated the ivory chopsticks with great dexterity.史密斯先生非常熟练的使用象牙筷。

A clear writer manipulate his characters and plot to create interest. 聪明的作家通过巧妙地处理作品中的人物与情节来引人入胜。

pragmatism*?pr?gm?t?z?m]n. the attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth 实用主义;实用的观点和方法

The key to the Black Mountain poetics is to be found in American pragmatism as exemplified by John Dewey. 黑山诗学的基调可以从以约翰·杜威为范例的美国实用主义及其盲目乐观主义中看到。

\in the next millennium\中国若要在下个千年里攀登新的高峰,就必须依靠这一代领导人的务实精神、领导能力和果敢决断。

Clear evidence of the American people's pragmatism is demonstrated by their actions: to establish and maintain an economy soundly based on the principles of free enterprise. 美国人的实用主义清楚地反映在他们的行动中, 即确立并维护一种牢固建立在自由企业规范基础之上的经济。

belittle[b?‘l?tl+v. lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of…轻视;小看,贬低

This is not to belittle the enormous progress in the development of refractories. 这并非是小看耐火材料发展中的巨大进步。

To criticize my father is to belittle us all in the eyes of the world.责备我的父亲,等于当众侮辱我们。

*Although some people with ulterior motives have continuously tried to belittle Hong Kong, they could not withhold the steps of multinationals to set up institutions and make investment in Hong Kong. 尽管一些别有用心的人不断贬低香港,但并没有阻挡跨国公司在港设立机构并进行投资的脚步。

Don’t belittle tourism as a source of national income.不要小看作为国民收入来源之一的旅游业。

on one’s own merits being based on what one notices when considering them, rather than on things that one knows about them from other sources根据事物本身的情况(来评价)

China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace; it proceeds from the fundamental interests of the people in China and other countries and determines its position and policy by judging each case on its own merits. 中国奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,从中国人民和世界人民的根本利益出发,根据事情本身的是非曲直决定自己的立场和政策。

Don’t make a merit of being punctual---it’s only what we expect of you. 严守时刻没什么好自夸的,我们认为这是你应该做到的。

There is no merit in giving away what you don’t really want.把自己不需要的东西送给别人,这算不上善举。 He didn’t merit such disgrace. 他不应受这种耻辱。

The merits of the scheme are quite obvious. 该计划的有点显而易见。 The suggestion merits consideration. 这个建议值得考虑。

first and foremost首先;首要的是;identity…with ; converse ; without regard to不考虑;不顾及; consume ; be replaced with/by被替换为; be addicted to ; encounter vt. 遭遇,邂逅;遇到n. 遭遇,偶然碰见vi. 遭遇;偶然相遇 ; be superior to不受诱惑;不屈服于;优越于; detain

(1)Environmental problems they found in Poland were among the worst they ___________. 最严重环境问题,他们发现在波兰是___________。

(2) He explained to his wife that he _____________ in the office by unexpected callers. 他解释说他的妻子,他临时_________________在办公室。

(3) It will be rush hour soon, so it will __________ to leave early in order to be there on time. 它很快就会高峰期,所以它将__________早走,以便准时到达那里。

(4) Some people may _________ net surfing, which impairs both their physical and mental health.


(5) Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals______color or sex. 平等就业应给予所有合格的个人______肤色或性别。

(6) In real life, nobody was all bad, nor, ___________, all good.在现实生活中,没人都是坏的,而且,所有优秀的___________。 (7) In my personal opinion, a Benz of S-class___________ an Audi A6 in many respects. If I were you, I would buy a Benz. 在我个人看来,S-class___________的奔驰,奥迪A6在许多方面。如果我是你,我会买一个奔驰。 (8) This piece of work is rather time-_________.这一块的工作,而时间_____。

(9) We cannot ______ happiness _______ wealth. That is to say, a wealthy person is not necessarily happy and a poor person may also lead a happy life.我们不能??幸福和财富。也就是说,一个富有的人不一定是快乐,穷人也可以过一种幸福的生活。

(10) The old machines have already _______________ new ones to increase productivity.旧机器已经售予新的提高生产率。

Foreigners generally consider Americans much more materialistic than Americans are likely to consider themselves. Americans would like to think that their material objects are just the “natural benefits” that result from hard work and serious intent - a reward, they think, which all people could enjoy were they as industrious and hard-working as Americans. But by any standard, Americans are materialistic. They give a higher priority to obtaining, maintaining, and protecting material objects than they do in developing and enjoying relationships with people. Since Americans value newness and innovation, they sell or throw away their possessions frequently and replace them with newer ones. A car may be kept for only two or three years, a house for five or six before buying a new one.




The cultural exchange is a process of learning and drawing on experience from each other. The Chinese culture, on the one hand, must keep its locality and tradition, and on the other hand, must step up with the times. We admire the advanced cultures of other nations and would like to learn from them openheartedly. This just meets the needs of developing our national, mass and socialist culture.

For hundreds of years, people in the West not only marveled at the mystery of Chinese culture but also have a deep longing for it. Now, under the theme “Ancient China, Colorful China, and Modern China”, it will offer the world people a spiritual enjoyment of the Chinese traditional culture, ethic and local culture, and modern culture in an all-round and deeper way. It has displayed to the world colorful and varied culture of China, a flourishing vista in which hundreds of flowers are vying with one another to blossom.

scarce /sk??s/ adj. not enough, only available in small quantities; not easy to find or get 短缺的,稀有的,罕见的 Food and clean water were becoming scarce.食物和洁净的水越来越少了。

make yourself scarce :(informal) to leave somewhere and stay away for a time in order to avoid an unpleasant situation I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce.

allocate /??l??ke?t / v. to give something officially to somebody/something for a particular purpose 分配 Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.票数有限,将分配给那些先申请的人。 lay off

lay off something(informal) to stop using something I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while. lay somebody offto stop employing somebody because there is not enough work for them to do 200 workers at the factory have been laid off.

citizenry/?s?t?z?nr?/ n. (less formal in NAmE) all the citizens of a particular town, country, etc. 全体市民或公民 He used the medium of radio when he wanted to enlist public support or reassure the citizenry. 当他想得到公众支持或恢复民信时,他使用广播作载体。 close down cease to operate or cause to cease operating

All the mines in this area were closed down in the 80's.该地区的矿井在20世纪80年代全部关闭。

congestion/ k?n'd?est?(?)n/ n. the state of being crowded and full of traffic; (medical) the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or mucus

The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.交通堵塞问题不会很快消失。 nasal congestion 鼻塞

hinge on v. to depend on something completely

Everything hinges on the outcome of these talks.所有事情都取决于谈话的结果。 hinge on/upon how, what, etc…

His success hinges on how well he does at the interview.他的成功取决于他面试时的表现。 cataclysmic /?k?t??kl?zm?k/ adj. severely destructive 大灾难的n. cataclysm 大灾难,大变动

Few had expected that change to be as cataclysmic as it turned out to be.没有人预测到那些变化会变成一种大灾难。 backlog /?b?k?l?ɡ/ n. a number of things which have not yet been done but which need to be done. 积压待办的事务 There is a backlog of repairs and maintenance in schools.学校里有积压下来等待处理的维修和养护工作。

preview /?pri?vju?/ n. an opportunity to see something such as a movie, exhibition, or invention before it is open or available to the public ;v. to see or describe

something before it is shown to the public 预先观看

He had gone to see the preview of a play.他去看过一出戏的预演。

Journalists will be able to preview the exhibition tomorrow.记者们明天预先观看展览。

forgo/f???ɡ??/ v. (formal) to decide not to have or do something that you would like to have or do放弃,摒绝(令人愉悦之物)?

No one was prepared to forgo their lunch hour to attend the meeting.没有人愿意放弃午餐时间去开会。

She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.只要她的父母停止争吵,她愿意放弃生日宴请。

put in spend an amount of time or effort doing something. 投入 (时间、精力)

Wade was going to be paid a salary, instead of by the hour, whether he put in forty hours or not.


They've put in time and effort to keep the strike going.他们已投入了时间和精力使这次罢工继续进行。

understaffed /??nd??stɑ?ft/ adj. not having enough workers, or fewer workers than usual人员不多的,人手太少的 Many institutions offering child care are understaffed and underequipped.许多提供幼儿看护的机构人手及设备不足。 entrepreneur /,?ntr?pr?'n??/ n. a person who sets up businesses and business deals. 创业者;企业家

“You have to be an optimist to be an entrepreneur, ” he concludes. 要成为一位发明家或企业家,你必须得是个乐天派。 attorney/??t??n?/ n. a lawyer, especially one who can act for sb. in a court of law 律师(尤指代表当事人出庭者) At the hearing, her attorney did not enter a plea.在听证会上,她的律师没有提出申诉。 district attorney 美国地方检察官(略作D.A.)

frenetic /fr?'net?k/ adj. fast and energetic, but rather uncontrolled. 狂乱的;发狂似的

The number of seniors in the United States will likely double by 2050, and many of them will struggle to cope with the frenetic information age, according to the study. 根据这个研究,到了2050年,美国的老年人口大概是现在的两倍,而且他们当中的许多人将会在应付这个狂热的信息时代而挣扎。

top-flight /t?p fla?t/ of superior or excellent quality; outstanding 第一流的; 杰出的

Most top-flight team owners poured money into their local team in the hope of boosting their social standing, not its bottom line. 跟读顶级联赛里的绝大多数老板,给当地球队投资是为了提高自己的社会地位,不想改善俱乐部的盈亏状况。 shed light on: to provide new information that makes a difficult subject or problem easier to understand 阐明,使…较容易理解

The work is also expected to shed light on intriguing studies that suggest how we live today can have striking repercussions for the health and behavior of our grandchildren. 这项研究成果还有望阐明某些颇为吸引人的研究,这些研究发现,我们今天的生活方式对后代的健康和行为具有非常重大的影响。

Veterans can share their experiences with each other as well as with civilians to help shed light on the importance and complexity of service. 退伍军人不仅可以彼此分享自身经历还可以告诉普通公民,以便让他们认识到服役的重要性和复杂性。

1.frenetic 2. allocate 3. hinge on 4. backlog 5. shed light on 6. cataclysmic 7. forgo 8. congestion 9. particulars 10. understaffed

(1) I _am allocating_a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis. 我对每个人都分配一块面包每天。 (2) Time was no longer associated just withcataclysms_ and festivals but rather with everyday life. 时间不再只是灾难和节日有关,而是与日常生活。

(3) A team of paleontologists working in the Gobi desert haveshed_ new light onthe life of dinosaurs. 一个古生物学家团队在戈壁沙漠工作对恐龙的生活有揭示。

(4) Everything __hinges on__ what happens next.一切取决于接下来会发生什么。

(5) The police officer took down all theparticulars_ of the burglary.警察记下了所有的细节入室盗窃。

(6) No one was prepared toforgo_their lunch hour to attend the meeting.没有人愿意放弃他们的午餐时间参加会议。

(7) School psychologists and social workers are on the front lines of keeping schools safe, but they’re are under-prioritized, _understaffed_ , and overworked. 学校心理学家和社会工作者在前线保持学校的安全,但他们是under-prioritized,人手不足,过度劳累。

(8) In other parts of the countries, youth justice workers are more concerned about the massive backlog_ of cases. 正义在其他地区的国家,青年工人更担心积压大量的案件。

(9) Another solution to traffic jams in London is morecongestioncharging.另一个解决方案在伦敦交通堵塞拥挤收费。

(10) Peter and I worked freneticallyto ensure that everything would go smoothly.彼得和我发疯般地工作,以确保一切都顺利。 英译汉:

1)If your answer is \—either you are well advanced on the path of Zen self-denial, or else you are a close relative of Ted Turner. The rest of us, however, would benefit from an increase in our material standard of living. This simple truth is at the very core of economics. It can be restated this way: we all face the problem of scarcity.


2)Economists also study the more subtle and indirect effects of individual choice on our society. Will most Americans continue to live in houses, or—like Europeans will most of us end up in apartments? Will we have an educated and well-informed citizenry? Will museums and libraries be forced to close down? Will traffic congestion in our cities continue to worsen, or is

there relief in sight? These questions hinge, in large part, on the separate decisions of millions of people. To answer them requires an understanding of how people make choices under conditions of scarcity.


3)Opportunity cost is one of the most important ideas you will encounter in economics. The concept sheds light on virtually every problem that economists consider, whether it be explaining the behavior of consumers or business firms or understanding important social problems like poverty or racial discrimination. In all of these cases, economists apply the principle of opportunity cost.

机会成本是经济学中的一个重要概念。这一概念有助于理解一切经济问题,包括从消费者或公司的行为选择到贫困或种族歧视等一些重大社会问题。在解释以上这些问题时,经济学家都采用了机会成本的原则。 汉译英:


For a people who profess to love capitalism, Americans can sometimes seem mightily suspicious of the companies that deliver its benefits. No firm knows that better these days than Wal-Mart, the chain of stores which sell food and almost everything else.Founded a mere 42 years ago, Wal-Mart was first seen as a homely, family-run business. But in the intervening years it has grown and grown and grown. Along the way it has revolutionized retailing, which had seemed a dull industry. Founded a mere 42 years ago, Wal-Mart was first seen as a homely, family-run business. But in the intervening years it has grown and grown and grown. Along the way it has revolutionized retailing, which had seemed a dull industry. It has also become the biggest company in the world by revenues, a behemoth that strikes fear in the hearts of rivals everywhere. Just as remarkable, given its size and success, Wal-Mart looks set for yet another spurt of growth in the next few years. But it has become something else as well: the target for a growing chorus of critics.

