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外国籍在押人员须知 Notice for Foreign Detainee

大连市看守所严格依照中国法律和监管工作规定,对在押人员进行严格规范的管理。同时根据相关规定,大连市看守所依法保障外籍在押人员诉讼、人身及通信会见等基本权利,尊重外籍在押人员的人格尊严、宗教信仰和生活习俗。 In accordance with Chinese rules and regulation provisions, the detainees should be regulated strictly under Dalian detention house’s standard management. At the same time, Dalian detention house will guarantee foreign detainees’ litigation right, personal right, communication and interview right etc. according to relevant laws, and will respect the human dignity, religious belief and living custom of the foreign detainees.


1. Improve the foreign detainees’ meal standard properly.


2. In the case of foreign suspects, defendants or criminals demand to exercise the communication and interview right, it must be agreed by the department handling the related case. If they want to communicate with their diplomatic consular officials, it should be hand over to the case handling organs. They can interview and communicate with their mother language.


3. The criminal sentenced to criminal detention can submit an application for Visit, the detention house should act in accordance with the actual situation, after the examination and approval of public security organs above city level, the criminal can be visited, but should not leave China.


4. In the case of foreign diplomat or consular officer stationed in China demand to visit the criminals or defendants, the Dalian detention house should arrange the visit time in time according to the written notice issued by case handling organ. If the criminal suspect or defendant refused to be visited, the Dalian detention house should not arrange, but must offer the written statement signed by the the criminal suspect or defendant in person.


5. In the case of the foreign detainees’ relatives and guardians demand to visit for the first time, the detention house should report to the provincial public security organs in written application, and should arrange the corresponding treatment according to the written notification issued by the provincial public security organs. If the foreign detainees’ relatives and guardians demand to visit again, the detention house should arrange directly. If the foreign detainee refuse to be visited by his or her relatives and guardians in person, the detention house should not arrange the visit appointment, but must offer the written statement signed by the the criminal suspect or defendant in person.

大 连 市 看 守 所 Dalian detention house 在押人员权利义务告知书

Notification for Foreign Detainees’ Rights and Obligations


In order to standard the law enforcement management of the detention house, safeguard the legal rights of the detainees and preserve the regulation order, the detention house should safeguard the detainees’ rights and the detainees should fulfill their obligations in accordance with the law. 一、在押人员依法享有以下权利 :

Detainees’ Rights:


1. To get the physical examination when into the detention house and to get immediate treatment when be ill.

2.随身携带的合法财物不受侵占。按照规定由看守所代为保管的财物出现损坏、灭失(不可抗力因素除外)的,由看守所照价赔偿。在看守所内购买日常生活用品的价格不超出当地市场零售价格,消费时由本人签字确认。 2. Their legal property carried should not be invaded and occupied. If their property was damaged or loss( except for force majeure) when be entrusted to take care by the detention house, the detention house should compensate according to the cost. The price of daily staff purchased in the detention house should not be expensive than the local market retail price, and the buyer should sign in person when buy something.

3.吃足规定的伙食实物量标准,享有足够的饮用水,每日睡眠不少于8小时,每日上、下午各进行不少于一小时的监室外活动(雨、雪等特殊天气情况下除外)。 3. The detainees should be treated with enough food and water according to relevant regulations, and should have at least 8 hours sleeping time. They should have at least one hour’s outdoor activities at the morning and afternoon each(except for the special weather, such as snow, rain, etc.).


4. Their dignities should be respected. The detention house managerial personnel should never bully, oppress, humiliate, beat, abuse or maltreat the detainees. And the

detainees should not be arranged and orchestrated by other detainees.


5. The materials of appeal, complaint, accuse, prosecution or hiring a lawyer should be transferred to related department, no one can withhold, linger or damage the materials.


6. The detainees have the right to communicate or interview with their relatives , lawyers or other counsels in accordance with the law.


7. The detainees who haven’t be deprived of the political rights or be stopped to exercise the right to vote, have the right to vote in accordance with the law. 8.少数民族和外国籍在押人员的风俗和禁忌得到尊重。

8. The ethnic minority or foreign detainees’ customs and taboos should be respected.


9. The female detainees should be managed by the female police. The female detainees, the nonage detainees and the ill detainees should be take care of properly.

10.留所服刑罪犯符合法定条件的依法被减刑、假释、暂予监外执行。 10. The criminals who are meet the legal conditions of reducing a penalty,

