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考号: 姓名: 分数: 一、选出不同类的一项.(20分)

( )1.A.When B.Who C.What D.wear ( )2.A.drop B.arrive C.his D.give ( )3.A.I B.you C.he D.his ( )4.A.met B.finish C.ran D.went ( )5.A.one B.six C.sixty D.her 二、给下列单词选出正确的中文意思.(15分) ( )1.those A.那些 B.这个 ( )2.love A.找到 B.爱你的 ( )3.shorts A.短裤 B.大衣 ( )4.deaf A.失聪的 B.健康的 ( )5.list A.忘记 B.清单 三、给下列句子选择相应的答语. (20分)

( )1.Did you come back yesterday? A.Yes,she can. ( )2.Can she Jump high? B.Yes,I did.

( )3.What time do you get up? C.I get up at 7:30 ( )4.What is the matter? D.No,there aren’t ( )5.Are there any pens? E.I lost my bag. 四、情景交际.(15分)

( )1.两个人正在吵架,如果你想让他们停下来,可以说:

A.Don?t argue B.Look C.Let?s go ( )2.你的同桌愁眉不展,看起来很苦恼,你关心地问道:

A. What is the matter? B.How are you? C.What did you see?

( )3.妈妈说:“你可以买些香蕉”.用英文表达是:

A.You can buy some bananas. B.We need some apples. C.He can buy some oranges.

( )4.你没听清楚妈妈说的是多少个冰激凌,你问妈妈:

A.How many ice creams did you say? B.I want some bananas.

C.Thanks a lot.

( )5.海伦想问他的朋友需要多少橘子汁,她可能会说:

A.Do you need a list? B.How much juice do you need? C.I don?t know. 五、连词成句.(15分) 1.see,he,can?t,(.)

2.well,play,can,football,You, (.) 3.What?s,with,matter,the Daming, (?) 4.bought,we,creams,ice, (.)

5.did,go,Where,you, (?)


Today is Sunday. It’s a fine day today. The sun is shining.The sky is blue. Mr.Smith and his family are walking in the park . They are walking on the bridge. There are some boats on the lake. Mr Smith and his wife are looking at the boats. Tom, their son, is looking at the birds in the sky. Mary, their daughter, is not looking at the boats on the lake. She is looking at a big ship. They have a good time.

根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F). ( ) 1.Today is a rainy day.

( ) 2.There are three people in Mr. Smith’s family. ( ) 3.Mr. Smith and his wife are looking at the boats. ( ) 4.Tom is looking at the birds in the sky. ( ) 5.Mary is looking at a big ship. ( ) 6. They don’t have a good time.

