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? Along the road walked an old man. He was white-headed as a mountain, bowed in the shoulders, and
faded in general aspect. He wore a glazed hat, an ancient boat-cloak, and shoes: his brass buttons bearing an anchor upon their face. In his hand was a silver-headed walking-stick, which he used as a veritable third leg, perseveringly dotting the ground with its point at very few inches? interval. One would have said that he had been, in his day, a naval officer of some sort or other. (T. Hardy, The Return of the Native) 一个老头儿顺着这条大道走来。他满头的白发,好像一座雪山,两个肩膀伛偻着,穿着一双皮鞋,他的衣服上钉的那些痛纽子上面还刻着船锚。他手里拿着一跟镶着银把的手杖,简直跟他的第三条腿一样,每隔几时,他就非把它的下端往地上一拄不了,看他那种样子,一准会有人说,他当年大概是海军军官一流人物。(张谷若)
? His bulk for a Malay was immense, but he did not look merely fat; he looked imposing, monumental.
This motionless body, clad in rich stuffs, coloured silks, gold embroideries; this huge head, enfolded in a red-and-gold head-kerchief; the flat, big round face, wrinkled, furrowed, with two semicircular heavy folds starting on each side of wide, fierce nostrils, and enclosing a thick-lipped mouth; the throat like a bull; the vast corrugated brow overhanging the staring proud eyes---made a whole that, once seen, can never be forgotten. (Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim) 他的身躯,就马来人说,是硕大无比的,但他并不是单单显得胖;他看上去魁梧而且雄壮。那稳定不动的身体,穿着华贵的衣饰,染色的丝绸,同金织的锦绣;那庞大的头儿,裹着赤紫的头巾;扁平的大圆脸,满起着皱纹,另有两条半圆形的粗纹,从宽大凶猛的鼻孔两旁出发,围绕着厚厚的嘴唇;脖子像匹公牛;宽阔皱蹙的眉毛,罩在骄横的圆睁睁的眼睛上,——整个儿合在一起,叫你看见一回之后,永远再也不能忘记。(梁遇春 袁家骅)
? The words referred to a broad, round-shouldered, one-sided old fellow in mourning, coming comically
ambling towards the corner, dressed in a pea overcoat, and carrying a large stick. He wore thick shoes, and thick leather gaiters, and thick gloves like a hedger?s. Both as to his dress and to himself, he was of an overlapping rhinoceros build, with folds in his cheeks, and his forehead, and his eyelids, and his lips, and his ears; but with bright, eager, childishly-inquiring grey eyes, under his ragged eyebrows, and broad-brimmed had. A very odd-looking old fellow altogether. (C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend) 这句话是对一个壮实、圆肩膀、斜着身子走路的、穿件丧服的老头子说的,他正步态轻盈地、样子有些儿滑稽地向拐角上走来,穿一件豆绿色的外套,拿一根大手杖,脚登一双厚底鞋,罩着厚皮的鞋罩子,一双厚手套,像是修篱笆的园丁戴的。从他的装束和他本人来看,都像是头满身皱折的犀牛,他的面颊上,额头上,眼皮上,嘴唇上和耳朵上,满都是皱折;但是,在他乱蓬蓬的眉毛和宽檐帽子下面,都是一双明亮、亲切、孩子般好奇的灰色的眼睛。总之是个样子非常古怪的老头子。(智量)
? At this moment, there walked into the room: supporting himself by a thick stick, a stout old gentleman,
rather lame in one leg, who was dressed in a blue coat, striped waist-coat, nankeen breeches and gaiters, and a broad-brimmed white hat, with the sides turned up with green. A very small-plaited shirt frill stuck out from his waistcoat; and a very long steel watch-chain, with nothing but a key at the end, dangled loosely below it. The ends of his white neckerchief were twisted into a ball about the size of an orange; the variety of shapes into which his countenance was twisted, defy description. He had a manner of screwing his head on one side when he spoke; and of looking out of the corners of his eyes at the same time: which irresistibly remained the beholder of a parrot. (C. Dickens, Oliver Twist) 就在这当儿,屋里走进一位胖胖的老绅士,拄着一根挺粗的手杖,一条腿颇有点瘸;他穿一件蓝色的外套、一件条纹背心和一条本色布面马裤,下面裹一幅皮绑腿,头戴翻起绿色镶边的宽檐白
This gentleman was about thirty-five years of age. He was of a middle size, and what is called well built. He had a scar on his forehead, which did not so much injure his beauty as it denoted his valour (for he was a half-pay office). He had good teeth, and something affable, when he please, in his smile; though naturally his countenance, as well as his air and voice, and appear all gentleness and good humour. (Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones) 这为先生年约三十五岁,中等身材,体格可以说是挺健壮的。额上有块疤痕,那并无损于他的俊秀,却足以表明他的骁勇——他是个退伍军官。他的牙齿很美,而且只要他愿意,笑起来也能显出和蔼可亲的样子。虽然他的相貌神情和嗓音都带着一股粗鲁气,可是他随时都可以收敛起来,显得温柔体贴,好脾气。(萧乾 李从弼) The innkeeper himself was a man of from forty to forty-five years of age, tall, strong, and bony, a perfect specimen of the natives of those Southern latitudes. He had the dark, sparkling, and deep-set eye, curved nose, and teeth white as those of a carnivorous animal; his hair, which, spite of the light touch time had as yet left on it, seemed as though it refused to assume any other colour than its own, was like his beard, which he wore under his chin, thick and curly, and but slightly mingled with a few silvery threads. (Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, trans. Lowell Bair) 客栈老板是一个年约四十至四十五岁的人,身材高大强壮,骨骼粗大,实是法国南部人的一个好标本。他有闪闪发光而深陷的黑眼睛,弯曲的鼻子和像一只食肉兽那样雪白的牙齿。他的头发,虽然经过时间的吹拂,却似乎不愿变白,像他蓄在颔下的胡须一样,茂密而卷曲,但已略微混入了几根银丝。(蒋学模)
The child was small for his age, and unnaturally pale. A mass of straight black hair, defying all attempts to train or curl it, fell over his projecting forehead, and hung down to his shoulders, giving increased vivacity to eyes already sparkling with a youthful love of mischief and fondness for every forbidden enjoyment. His mouth was large, and the lips, which had not yet regained their colour, were particularly thin; in fact, the deep and crafty look, forming the principal character of the child?s face, belonged rather to a boy of twelve or fourteen years of age, than to one so young. 那个孩子发育不足,脸色特别苍白。头发直而黑,虽然曾想法使它卷曲,却并没有多大的效果,有一大绺头发从他那凸出的前额上挂下来,直垂到他的肩头,那一对充满了狡诈阴险和顽皮执拗的眼睛显得十分机灵活泼。他的嘴巴很大,嘴唇极薄,还没有恢复血色;从这个孩子的脸上,一眼就可以看出他的个性深沉而诡谲,他的面貌倒实在像是一个十三四岁的孩子,不像是这样年幼的。(同上)
He was a slender little creature, more like an Italian in a sixteenth-century portrait than a middle-class English lad of the thirties. Form the long eyebrows and sensitive mouth to the small hands and feet, everything about him was too much chiseled, overdelicate. Sitting still, he might have been taken for a very pretty girl masquerading in male attire; but when he moved, his lithe agility suggested a tame panther without the claws. (E. L. Voynich, The Gadfly) 他那苗条瘦弱的身躯不像是30年代英国中等阶层的青年人,倒颇有些像肖像里所描绘的16世纪意大利小伙子,从他那长长的睫毛,敏感的嘴角到娇小的手脚,身体各个部位都显得那么精致,轮廓又格外分明。静静地坐在那里,准会有人把他当作一个漂亮的女扮男装的少女;一旦走动起来,他那轻柔活泼的姿态,立即会使人想到一只驯服了的没有利爪的黑豹。(司仁)
He was, now, a huge, strong fellow of six feet high, broad in proportion, and round-shouldered; but with a simpering boy?s face and curly light hair that gave him quite a sheepish look. He was dressed in
a canvas jacket, and a pair of such very stiff trousers that they would have stood quite as well alone, without any legs in them. And you couldn?t so properly have said he wore a had, as that he was covered in stop, like an old building, with something pitchy. (C. Dickens, David Copperfield) 他现在长得又大有壮,身高六英尺,虎背熊腰。但是他脸上却老带着憨笑的样子,仍旧一团孩气,有上又满是淡色的鬈发,因此显得十分腼腆羞涩。他穿着一件帆布茄克,一条很硬的裤子,硬得好像用不着有腿在里面撑着,只凭裤子自各儿就可以挺起来。他头上与其说戴着帽子,还不如说顶着一件涂有沥青、像一所老房子的房顶似的东西更恰当。(张谷若)
? Mr. Benjamin Allen was a coarse, stout, thick-set young man, with black hair cut rather short, and a
white face cut rather long. He was embellished with spectacles, and wore a white neckerchief. Below his single-breasted black surtout, which was buttoned up to his chin, appeared the usual number of pepper-and-salt coloured legs, terminating in a pair of imperfectly polished boots. Although his coat was short in sleeves, it disclosed no vestage of a linen wristband; and although there was quite enough of his face to admit of the encroachment of a shirt collar, it was not graced by the smallest approach to that appendage. He presented, altogether, rather a mildewy appearance, and emitted a fragrant odour of full-flavoured Cubas. (C. Dickens, Pickwick Papers) 班杰明·爱伦先生是一个粗气的、强壮的、矮胖的青年,黑头发剪得短短的。他戴着眼镜,围着白领巾。在他那件一直扣到下巴的、黑色的、单排纽扣的紧身外套下面,露出椒盐色的通常数目的腿子。腿子完结的地方是一双没有全檫上油的靴子。他的上衣的袖子虽短,却看不见亚麻布袖口的踪影;他的脸虽然足有地方容许衬衫领子来侵占,却没有丝毫类似这种附属品的东西光临。他的样子,整个说来,是一副有点儿发了霉的样子,并且发出加了充分香料的古巴斯的气味。(蒋天佐)
? Morel was then twenty-seven years old. He was well set-up, erect, and very smart. He had wavy black
hair that shone again, and a vigorous black beard that had never been shaved. His cheeks were ruddy, and his red, moist mouth was noticeable because he laughed so often and so heartily. (D. H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers) 莫瑞尔当时二十七岁,体格强壮,身体挺拔,仪表堂堂,头发自然卷曲,乌黑发亮,胡须浓密茂盛而且不加修饰,满面红光,嘴唇红润,又笑口常开,所以非常引人注目。他的笑声浑厚而响亮,与众不同。(刘之一 张燕鸿 张金玲)
? The boy who addressed this inquiry to the young wayfarer, was about his own age: but one of the
queerest looking boys that Oliver had ever seen. He was a snub-nosed, flat-browed, common-faced boy enough; and as dirty a juvenile as one would wish to see; but he had about him all the airs and manners of a man. He was short of his age: with rather bow legs, and little, sharp, ugly eyes. His hat was stuck on the top of his head so lightly, that it threatened to fall off every moment---and would have done so, very often, if the wearer had not had a knack of every now and then giving his head a sudden twitch, which brought it back to its old place again he wore a man?s coat, which reached nearly to his heels. He had turned the cuffs back, half-way up his corduroy trousers; for there he kept them. He was, altogether, as roystering and swaggering a young gentleman as ever stood four feet six, or something less, in his bluchers. (C. Dickens, Oliver Twist) 向徒步而行的奥立弗提出这个问题的少年同他差不多年纪,但这是奥立弗所看到过的样子最古怪的一个。他长着一条狮子鼻,额头扁平,其貌不扬,而且这个少年的邋遢委实罕见,可是他摆出一副十足的大人气派。按年龄来说,他的个儿较矮,两条罗圈腿弯得很厉害,一双鼠目尖利而讨厌。他的帽子在头顶上戴得极不牢靠,随时有掉下来的危险;若非戴帽子的少年(帽子的主人)掌握着一种诀窍,不时把脑袋骤然一晃,使帽子复归原位,它肯定会经常跌落下来。他穿一件几乎拖到脚跟的大人外套,袖口翻到衬窝里,让一双手露在袖外,其根本目的显然是为了把它们插进灯心绒的口袋,现在他的手就插在那里。总之,这是一位少见的装腔作势、好拿架子的小绅士,身高四英尺六英寸,也许还不到,足登一双系带的高帮皮鞋。(荣如德)
? A stranger was before him---a boy a shade larger than himself. A new-comer of any age or either sex
was an impressive curiosity in the poor little shabby village of St. Petersburg. This boy was well dressed, too well-dressed on a week-day. This was simply astounding. His cap was a dainty thing, his close-buttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty, and so were his pantaloons. He had shoes on---and it was only Friday. He even wore a necktie, a bright bit of ribbon. He had a citified air about him that ate into Tom?s vitals. The more Tom stared at the splendid marvel, the higher he turned up his nose at his finery and the shabbier his own outfit seemed to him to grow. (Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) 一个陌生的角色来到了他的面前——那是一个比他稍大的男孩。在圣彼得堡这个可林的不像样子的小村子里,凡是一个新来的人,无论年龄和性别怎样,都是很能引起好奇心的。并且这个男孩又穿得讲究——在一个并非星期天的日子穿得那么讲究是很特别的。这简直是令人惊奇。他的帽子很漂亮,他那件扣得很紧的蓝料子短上装又新又干净,裤子也是一样。他还穿着鞋——那才不过星期五哩。他甚至还打着领带,那是和年漂亮的一条缎带子。他摆出一副城里人的神气,这简直使汤姆嫉妒得要命。(张友松)
? Here the door opened, and a small quadroon boy, between four and five years of age, entered the room.
There was something in his appearance remarkably beautiful and engaging. His black hair, fine as floss silk, hung in glossy curls about his round, dimpled face, while a pair of large dark eyes, full of fire and softness, looked out from beneath the rich, long lashes, as he peered curiously in the apartment. A gay robe of scarlet and yellow plaid, carefully made and neatly fitted, set off to advantage the dark and rich style of his beauty; and a certain comic air of assurance, blended with bashfulness, showed that he had been not unused to being petted and noticed by his master. (Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin) 正在这当儿,房门开了。一个四五岁左右的第二代混血男孩走了进来。这孩子相貌长得分外清秀,特别逗人喜爱。圆圆的脸蛋上有一对酒涡,头上覆盖着一圈圈光滑、鬈曲、细如绢丝的黑头发;一双又大又黑、柔和而炯炯有神的眼睛,从两道浓浓的长睫毛下面好奇地向屋内张望着。他身穿一件红黄格子花呢的罩衫;手工精致,剪裁合身,越发衬托出这孩子黝黑、浓郁的俊秀劲儿;那种悠然自得、滑稽有趣而又略带羞涩的神态,表明他惯常得到东家的青睐和宠爱。(黄继忠)
? William was only one year old, and his mother was proud of him, he was so pretty. She was not well
off now, but her sisters kept the boy in clothes. Then, with his little white hat curled with an ostrich feather, and his white coat, he was a joy to her, the twining wisps of hair clustering round his head. (D. H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers) 威廉刚一岁时,就很漂亮,做母亲的为此而骄傲。她那时生活困难,她的姐姐们包了孩子的衣服。儿子满头卷发,身着白衣,头戴白帽,帽子还饰有一根鸵鸟羽毛。母亲满心欢喜。
? Half savage as the man showed, with no covering on his matted head, with his brown arms bare to
between the elbow and the shoulder, with the loose knot of a looser kerchief lying low on his bare breast in a wilderness of beard and whisker, with such dress as he wore seeming to be made out of the mud that begrimed his boat, still there was business-like usage in his steady gaze. (C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend) 这个男人看上去一半像个野人,乱蓬蓬的头顶上毫无遮掩,两只棕色的手臂裸露到肩肘之间,一块松散的方巾打成一个不那么松散的结,低低地垂在他赤袒的胸前,混在一堆乱七八糟的络腮胡子和下巴上的胡子里,他的衣裳仿佛是用那涂满小船的污泥做成的,尽管这样,在他那沉着的凝视中还是显示出一种认真办事的习惯。(智量)
? She wore a dark striped dress reaching down to her shoe tops, and an equally long apron of bleached
sugar sacks, with a full pocket: all neat and tidy, but every time she took a step she might have fallen over her shoe-laces, which dragged from her unlaced shoes. She looked straight ahead. Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a
whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a golden color ran underneath, and the two knobs of her cheeks were illuminated by a yellow burning under the dark. Under the red rag her hair came down on her neck in the frailest of ringlets, still black, and with an odor like copper. (Eudora Welty, A Worn Path) 她身穿一件长及鞋面的深色条文连衣裙,系着一条漂白糖袋改做的围裙,与连衣裙一样长,上面缝着一个宽大的口袋:一切都很整洁、干净。但每当她挪动步子时,似乎都要被没有系好拖在地上的鞋带绊倒。她直视前方,双眼因年迈而蒙上一层青灰色,皮肤上密布着枝枝杈杈的皱纹,甚为与众不同,前额中央犹如长着整整一株小树,但是底下却是金黄的肤色。黝黑皮肤下面金黄色的光芒把圆圆鼓起的两颊映得放亮。红布底下的头发,一小鬈、一小鬈地一直披到颈根,仍然乌黑,颇有点青铜的气味。(曾道明)
? Her shock of red hair was almost as bright as it had been in her youth; though the coarse freckled skin
had picked up additional splotches form age, for a woman of sixty-five she had few wrinkles, rather a fine network of tiny diamond-shaped cushions like a quilted bedspread. The only clues to her intractable nature lay in the two deep fissures which ran one on either side of her Roman nose, to end pulling down the corners of her mouth, and in the stony look of the pale-blue eyes. (Colleen McCullough, The Thorn Birds) 她的浓密的红发几乎像她年轻时一样光亮。虽然带雀斑的、粗糙的皮肤随着年龄的增长又增添一些寿斑,但对一个已经年过六十五岁的女人来说,她脸上的皱纹并不算多。相当精美的小小的钻石型靠垫就像垫过毛絮以后再缝好的床罩,她那难以驾驭的性格在脸上仅仅表现为那两条深陷下去的纹路,从她那只罗马式的鹰爪鼻两旁朝下分开,一直拖到嘴角,浅蓝色的眼睛嵌在一张古板的脸上。(晓明 陈明锦)
? They rose when she entered---a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her
waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare; perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a plump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. (William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily) 她一进屋,他们全都站了起来。一个小模小样、腰圆体胖的女人,穿了一身黑服,一条细细的金表链拖到腰部,落到腰带里去了,一根乌木拐杖支撑着她的身体,拐杖头的镶金已经失去光泽。她的身架矮小,也许正因为这个缘故,在别的女人身上显得不过是丰满,而她却给人以肥大的感觉。她看上去像长久泡在死水中的一具死尸,肿胀发白。当客人说明来意时,她那双凹陷在一脸隆起的肥肉之中,活像揉在一团生面中的两个小球似的眼睛不住地移动着,时而瞧瞧这张面孔,时而大量那张面孔。(杨岂深)
? At seventy-two, Pauline Attenborough could still sometimes be mistaken, in the half-light, for thirty.
She really was a wonderfully-preserved woman, of perfect chic. Of course it helps a great deal to have the right frame. She would be an exquisite skeleton, and her skull would be an exquisite skull, like that of some Etruscan woman with feminine charm still in the bone and the pretty, na?ve teeth.// Mrs. Attenborough?s face was of the perfect oval and slightly flat type that wears best. There is no flesh to sag. Her nose rode serenely, in its finely-bridged curve. Only the big grey eyes were a tiny bit prominent, on the surface of her face, and they gave her away most. The bluish lids were heavy, as if they ached sometimes with the strain of keeping the eyes beneath them arch and bright; and at the corners and the eyes were fine little wrinkles which would slacken into haggardness, then be pulled up tense again to that bright, gay look like a Leonardo woman who really could laugh outright. (D. H. Lawrence, The Lovely Lady) 若明若暗的烛光中,谁都难以置信,看上去仅有30岁的安娣伯拉夫·鲍琳娜已是72岁的老妪。(若明若暗的烛光中,鲍琳娜·安娣伯拉夫有时竟会让人看走了眼,这位年逾七旬/年已七十有二的老妪仿佛才只有三十岁光景。)她的确是一个很会保养的仪
? ?
态万方的妇人,这得意于她天生一副匀称的身材,一有精巧的骨架,额头也很完美,像似前伊拉斯坎妇女那样,用柔美浑圆的线条和齿白的天真显露女人的风韵。// 安娣伯拉夫夫人有一张标准的椭圆形的脸蛋,虽稍嫌平展却楚楚动人,脸上的皮肤丰腴,丝毫没有松垂的样子,高耸的灰色眸子,那一泓积蓄真情的深潭,只是由于眼睑上蓝色眼影过重,而显得似乎有点疲惫。但当眼角有矍铄目光闪现时,略略带疲惫的眼神又会精神抖擞起来,像里昂妇女纵情大笑时的目光一样快乐,明亮。(郭培峰 高翔)
He felt as if he had never before known what his wife looked like. (Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome) 他觉得他以前从来没有看清他的女人的容貌。(吕叔湘)
She was not past seventeen, cast in so slight and exquisite a mould; so mild and gentle; so pure and beautiful; that earth seemed not her element, nor its rough creatures her fit companions. The very intelligence that shone in her deep blue eye, and was stamped upon her noble head, seemed scarcely of her age, or of the world; and yet the changing expression of sweetness and good humour, the thousand lights that played about her face, and left no shadow there; above all, the smile, the cheerful, happy smile, were made for Home, and fireside peace and happiness. (C. Dickens, Oliver Twist) 她还不满十七周岁。她的天赋素质是那样娇嫩、纤弱,那样温和、柔顺,那样纯洁、美丽,看来尘世也不像是她的故土,凡间的俗物也不是她的同类。甚至她那深邃的蓝眼睛里闪耀着的、她那高贵的额头上展现着的聪慧,也与她的年龄不相称,与这个世界不协调。然而,那仪态万方的温柔贤淑,那照亮了整个面庞而不留丝毫阴影的千道光辉,尤其是那种欣悦、快乐的笑容,却生来就为了缔造和睦的家庭、炉边的安宁和幸福的环境。(荣如德)
The two girls wore their coats with fur collars turned up, and little chic hats pulled down over their ears. Tall, slender, fresh-faced, na?ve, yet confident, too confident, in their school-girlish arrogance, they were so terribly English. They seemed so free, and were as a matter of fact so tangled and tied up, inside themselves. They seemed so dashing and unconventional, and were really so conventional, so, as it were, shut up indoors inside themselves. They looked like bold, tall young sloops, just slipping from the harbour, into the wide seas of life. And they were, as a matter fact, two poor young rudderless lives, moving from one chain anchorage to another. (D. H. Lawrence, The Virgin and the Gipsy) 两位少女穿着大衣,将裘皮领子翻了起来,还将漂亮的小帽子拉下来遮住耳朵。她俩身材苗条,两颊鲜嫩,看上去天真幼稚,然而又颇为自信——自信得未免有些过分。脸上带有女学生常有的那种傲慢神情,全身上下透出一种典型的英国味。她们显得自主自在,但心里却受着某种束缚和禁锢。她俩看起来桀骜不驯、鄙视习俗,但心里却恪守传统,不敢越雷池一步。她们仿佛是两条桅杆高耸的小帆船,勇敢地从港湾驶入生活的海鲜,而事实上只是两条可怜的无舵的小船,从生活中的一个锚地随波漂流到另一个锚地。(查培德)
The child?s sunburn cheeks were flushed, which was not surprising, for though the sun was hot she was wrapped up as though it was mid-winter. It was difficult to see what she was like for she was wearing two frocks, one on top of the other, and had a large red scarf wound round and round her as well. She looked like some shapeless bundle of clothing trudging uphill on a pair of hobnailed boots. (Johanna Spyri, Heidi) 这个小女孩两颊绯红,在棕黑色皮肤衬托下宛如通红的火焰。可真奇怪,六月的太阳这么灼热,小女孩身上竟包得紧紧的,好像是要防御刺骨的严寒似的。可要说出她那模样就不太容易了,因为她穿着两件衣服,一件套着另一件;她的脖子还围着一条红色的棉线大围巾;她的一双脚被穿着的钉鞋给遮住了,所以这个小东西在熬着酷热吃力地往上爬山的时候,那模样是看不清楚的。(王书清 罗晓风)
She was very pretty: exceedingly pretty. With a dimpled, surprised-looking capital face; a ripe little mouth, that seemed made to be kissed---as no doubt it was; all kinds of good little dots about her chin, that melted into one another when she laughed; and the sunniest pair of eyes you ever saw in any little
creature?s head. Altogether she was what you would have called provoking, you know; but satisfactory too. Oh, perfectly satisfactory! (C. Dickens, A Christmas Carol) 她长得非常漂亮,出奇地漂亮。一张有酒涡的、带着惊诧神情的绝妙的脸儿;一张圆熟的小嘴,似乎生来是给人亲吻的——它无疑正是如此;她下颌上有各种各样好看的小酒涡儿,当她笑的时候就互相融合起来,而那一双眼睛是你在任何小家伙的脸上都从未看见过的,是最最令人愉快的。总而言之,她是一个你会称之为逗引人的女性,你知道;但也是一个令人满意的女性。哦,十十足足地令人满意!(汪倜然)
? Mrs. Reed might at that time some six or seven-and-thirty; she was a woman of robust frame,
square-shouldered and strong limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese; she had a somewhat large face, the underjaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficiently regular; under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth; her skin was dark and opaque, her hair nearly flaxen; her constitution was sound as a bell---illness never came near her; she was an exact, clever manager, her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control; her children only, at times, defined her authority, and laughed it to scorn; she dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire. (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre) 那时侯,里德太太约莫有三十六七岁光景;她是个身体强壮的女人,阔肩膀,四肢结实,个儿不高,胖乎乎的,但还不能算胖得不得了;脸相当大,下颚很发达,很壮实;额头很低,下巴又大又突出,嘴巴跟眼睛还算端正;淡淡的眉毛下面,一双无情的眼睛在闪亮;她的皮肤黑黑的没有光泽,头发差不多和亚麻一个颜色;她的身体结实得跟一口钟一般——疾病从不敢接近她。她是个精明而严厉的总管,她的一家大小和所有的佃户全都归她管;只有她的孩子们偶尔会反抗和嘲笑她的权威。她讲究衣饰,她还有一种指望把她的漂亮衣服衬托得更美的风度和仪态。(祝庆英)
? Polly was fifty-five at this time, stout, grey-haired and lined of face, but with a flush of youthful
redness still in her cheeks like the bloom on a wrinkled apple. Her body was as straight as it had ever been, and her eyes behind the spectacles as keen and kindly. (Phyllis Somerville, Not Only in Stone) 波莉这时五十五岁,身体粗壮,头发灰白,满脸皱纹,但脸颊上仍残留着一抹青春的红润,仿佛是干瘪的苹果上的花瓣。她的身体仍像以前一样硬朗,眼镜后面的那双眼睛仍然敏锐、和善。(洁岩)
? In person, Mrs. General, including her shirts which had much to do with it, was of a dignified and
imposing appearance, ample, rustling, gravely voluminous; always upright behind the proprieties. She might have been taken---had been taken---to the top of the Alps and the bottom of Herculaneum, without disarranging a fold in her dress, or displacing a pin. If her countenance and hair had rather a floury appearance, as though from living in some transcendently, genteel Mill, it was rather because she was a chalky creation altogether, than because she mended her complexion with violet powder, or had turned grey. If her eyes had no expression, it was probably because her mind had never traced its name or any other inscription on her face. A coo, waxy, blown-out woman, who had never lighted well. (C. Dickens, Little Dorrit) 论外表,杰纳勒太太,连同她那与外表关系极大的裙子,都是模样显贵,威风凛凛的;体态很有福相,走路悉簌有声,衣裙宽大而有威风;她总是在那礼仪后面正襟危坐。她可以——实际上是已经——上登阿尔卑斯山之巅,下入赫丘拉尼恩城之底,却不会乱了衣裙的一个褶缝,不会失落一枚胸针。倘若她的面容,她的头发,颇有点面粉似的外表,仿佛她居住在一个超凡闲雅的磨坊里,那是因为她一生下来便全身上下具有白垩土的颜色,倒不是因为她靠搽蓝紫色的粉来修饰自己的肤色,也不是因为她的头发已经花白了。倘若她的眼睛没有表情,那可能因为她的眼睛并没有什么要表达的。倘若她脸上的皱纹极少,那是因为她的心之所思,从来不曾在她脸上留下它的名字,也没有刻下别的什么字。她是个冷漠柔顺、泄
Mamzelle Aurelie had never possessed a good strong figure, ruddy cheeks, hair that was changing from brown to gray, and a determined eye. She wore a man?s hat about the farm, and an old blue army overcoat when it was cold, and sometimes top boots. (Kate Chopin, Regret) 芒热尔·奥雷利有一副结实的好身材。她双颊红润,头发正由褐变灰,眼睛里透着坚实。她经常戴着一顶男人的帽子在农场上走动。天冷的时候就穿一件旧的蓝色军用大衣,有时也穿高筒靴。(李素苗 刘灵群) Certainly Miss Mann had a formidable eye for one of the softer sex: it was prominent, and showed a great deal of the white, and looked as steadily, as unwinkingly, at you as if it were a steel ball soldered in her head; and when, while looking, she began to talk in an indescribably dry monotonous tone---a tone without vibration or inflection---you felt as if a graven image of some bad spirit were addressing you. But it was all a figment of fancy, a matter of surface. Miss Mann?s goblin-grimness scarcely went deeper than the angel-sweetness of hundreds of beauties. She was a perfectly honest, conscientious woman, who had performed duties in her day from whose sever anguish many a human Peri, gazelle-eyed, silken-tressed, and silver-tongued, would have shrunk appalled. (Charlotte Bronte, Shirley) 作为一个女性来说,曼小姐的确有一双可怕的眼睛:眼珠突出,叫人看到大量的眼白,一动不动,一眨不眨地直盯着你看,仿佛那是装在她脑袋瓜子上的钢球。当她一边看着你,一边以一种难以形容的冷淡、单调的声调——一种毫无抑扬顿挫的声调——开口说话的时候,你会觉得仿佛是个凶神恶煞的雕像在对你说话。但是,这都不过是种错觉,是种表面现象。曼小姐那恶煞似的凶相简直就跟成千上万美人的娇柔仙姿没有什么不同。她是个十足敦厚、方正的女人,她一生为尽义务而经历的严重痛苦,准会叫众多眼睛温柔得像羚羊似的、头发梳理得丝绸一般光滑、口若悬河的人间谪仙吓得退避三舍。(曹庸)
Eva, shy and chinless, straining her upper lip over two enormous teeth would sit in corners watching her mother. She looked hungry, her eyes were strained and tired. She wore her mother?s old clothes, made over, and taught Latin in a Female Seminary. She believed in votes for women, and had traveled about, making speeches. When her mother was not present, Eva bloomed out a littler, danced prettily, smiled, showing all her teeth, and was like a dry little plant set out in a gentle rain. Molly was merry about her ugly duckling. “It?s lucky for me my daughter is an old maid. She?s not so apt,” said Molly naughtily, “to make a grandmother of me.” Eva would blush as if she had been slapped. (Katherine Anne Porter, Old Mortality) 伊娃,腼腆而且没有下巴,上嘴唇绷紧在她的两颗大门牙上,会坐在角落里,望着她的妈妈。她看上去好像在挨饿,眼神紧张而疲劳,她穿着她妈妈的改过了的旧衣服,在一所女子学校里教拉丁语,她信仰妇女选举权,到各地去旅行,发表演讲。伊娃的妈妈不在场的时候,她稍微焕发出一点青春气息,斯斯文文地跳舞,微笑着露出她一副牙齿,像是一棵缺水的小树被移植在细雨中。莫莉拿她的丑女开玩笑。“我真幸运,我的女儿是个老处女。” 莫莉恶作剧地说,“她没有本领让我做姥姥。”伊娃会脸涨得通红,好像挨了耳刮子似的。(鹿金) Her thick hair had taken to the heated rollers beautifully, its natural wave all back. Now it actually glowed in the lights, changing from mahogany to red to gold as she moved. With just the lightest make-up, her creamy skin looked beautiful, her eyes, cleverly emphasized until they seemed to almost fill her small, lovely face. (Patricia Wilson, Deared Traitor) 她的发型不再是平淡无奇的辫子,一头逐渐恢复自然卷曲的红发显得十分美丽,在灯光下闪闪发亮,变化不同的色彩,从褐到红,再到金。她只是稍施粉黛,但白皙的肌肤看起来非常枪眼,巧妙勾勒的眼线则把她的眼睛衬托得更亮更迷人。(孙凡轩)
Her eyebrows were a shade darker than her hair. They were thick and almost horizontal, emphasizing the depth of her eyes. She was rather handsome than beautiful. Here face was captivating by reason of a certain frankness of expression and a contradictory subtle play of features. Her manner was engaging.
(Kate Chopin, Awakening) 她的眉毛比头发颜色更深一些。它们长得浓,并且几乎成了一字形,这更突出了她眼睛的深邃。她与其说是漂亮,不如说是健美。由于某种坦率的表情和相貌特征的一种矛盾而微妙的作用,她的面孔相当迷人。她的风度也很动人。(程锡麟)
His nostrils, which were thin and pointed, with sharp dints in them, had a singular and most uncomfortable way of expanding and contracting themselves; that they seemed to twinkle instead of his eyes, which hardly ever twinkled at all. (C. Dickens, David Copperfield) 他那两个鼻孔——薄而尖,上面还有尖尖的小坑坑——来特别奇怪地那么一翕一张,叫人看了顶别扭的,那就好像是:因为他那两只眼一点也不会眨巴,所以他那两个鼻孔才来替眼睛眨巴。(张谷若)
Her nose was her least satisfactory feature. Not that it was really. But it was not half as fine as Linda?s. Linda really had a perfect little nose. Hers spread rather---not badly. And in all probability she exaggerated the spreadiness of it just because it was her nose, and she was so awfully critical herself. She pinched it with a thumb and first finger and made a little face. (Katherine Mansfield, Prelude) 她的鼻子在五官中长得最不如意。倒不是鼻子真的难看。而是连琳达的一般都及不上。琳达的小鼻子可真是十全十美的了。她的鼻子稍微大一点——并不太难看。而她把自己的鼻子看得太大,多半是因为这是她的鼻子,她对自己是很爱吹毛求疵的。她用大拇指和食指捏起鼻子,做了个鬼脸。(陈良廷 郑启吟)
To a young man with the least fire in him that little upward lift in the middle of her red top lip was distracting, infatuating, maddening. (T. Hardy, Tess of the D’Urbervilles) 在那个红红的小嘴上,那上唇中部往上微微撅起的情态,就是心肠最冷的青年见了,也不由得要着迷,要发狂,要中魔。(张谷若)
By far his most beautiful possession was his mouth, neither full nor thin-lipped, neither small nor large, but very well shaped, with a distinct cut to the boundaries of its lips and a peculiar firmness in the way he held it; as if perhaps were he to relax his hold upon it, it might give away secrets about what he was really like. (Colleen McCullough, The Thorn Birds) 他脸上最美丽的部分是他的嘴,嘴唇既不厚,也不薄;既不小,也不大;形态非常好看,嘴唇的棱角线条分明,表情特别坚定,好像他只要松弛一下,它就会泄露出他的真模样的秘密来。(晓明 陈明锦)
His might have been a cherub?s mouth, had not the full, sensuous lips a trick, under stress, of drawing firmly across the teeth. At times, so tightly did they draw, the mouth became stem and harsh, even ascetic. They were the lips of a fighter and of a lover. They could taste the sweetness of life with relish, and they could put the sweetness aside and command life. The chin and jaw, strong and just hinting of square aggressiveness, helped the lips to command life. (Jack London, Martin Eden) 他的嘴,要不是这两片富有美感的厚嘴唇在情绪紧张的当儿老是会紧紧地抿起来,锁住了牙关,很可以说是一个小天使的嘴。有时候,它们抿得那么紧,这张嘴看上去又严肃又冷酷,简直像一个苦行者的嘴。那是一个战士的嘴唇,又是一个恋人的。这两片嘴唇能够津津有味地饱尝生活的甜蜜,也能够不去尝这种甜蜜,而来支配生活。他的下巴和牙床也挺坚强,带着一丁点儿坚决的咄咄逼人的样子,使这两片嘴唇能更好地支配生活。(吴劳)
No charm was wanting, no defect was perceptible; the young girl had regular and delicate lineaments; eyes shaped and coloured as we see them in lovely pictures, large, and dark, and full; the long and shadowy eyelash which encircles a fine eye with so soft a fascination; the pencilled brow which gives such clearness; the white, smooth forehead, which add such repose to the livelier beauties of tint and ray; the cheek oval, fresh, and smooth; the lips, too, ruddy, healthy, sweetly formed; the even and gleaming teeth without flaw; the small dimpled chin; the ornament of rich, plenteous tresses---all advantages, in short, which combined, realized the ideal beauty, were fully hers. (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre) 不缺少什么魅力,也看不出什么缺点;这个年轻的姑娘容貌长得端正而且秀丽;眼
It might be possible to note these blemishes in another woman?s face, but it is not easy to dwell on them in hers, so subtly are they connected with all that is individual and characteristic in her expression, and so closely the expression depend for its full play and life, in every other feature, on the moving impulse of the eyes. (Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White) 这一些不足之处,在别的女人脸上一定会被发现,而在她的脸上根本看不出俩,因为一切都连为整体,连为活生生的、美妙的、富有表情的,她所独具的整体。她那迷人的眼睛具有不可抗拒的魅力。(庄凯勋)
It was a long head, bony, tight of skin, and set on a neck as string and muscular as a celery stalk. His eyeballs were heavy and protruding; the lids stretched to cover them, and the lids were raw and red. His cheeks were brown and shiny and hairless and his mouth full---humorous or sensual. The nose, beaked and hard, stretched the skin so tightly that the bridge showed white. There was no perspiration on the face, not even on the tall pale forehead. It was an abnormally high forehead, lined with delicate blue veins at the temples. Fully half of the face was above the eyes. His stiff grey hair was mussed back from his brow as though he had combed it back with his fingers. (John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath) 这一是个皮包骨的脑袋,安置在一只芹菜梗似的结实而少筋的脖子上。他的眼珠呆滞而突出;眼皮伸得很长,把它们盖住,眼睛发红像生肉一般。他的两颊是棕黄色的,闪闪发光,脸上没有胡子,嘴巴长得很丰满——那样子可以说是滑稽、也可以说是肉感。坚硬的鹰钩鼻把皮肤绷得很紧,鼻梁都显得发白了。脸上没有一点汗,连苍白的高额头上也没有。这是个方得古怪的额头,两旁的太阳穴上露着几条细细的青筋。这张脸是有一半在眼睛上面。他那粗硬的灰白头发从额上乱七八糟地披到后边,仿佛他是用指头向后梳过似的。(胡仲持)
She was growing a little stout, but it did not seem to detract an iota from the grace of every step, pose, gesture. One would not have wanted her white neck a mite less full or her beautiful arms more slender. Never were hands more exquisite than hers, and it was a joy to look at them when she threaded her needle or adjusted her gold thimble to her taper middle finger as she sewed away on the little night-drawers or fashioned a bodice or a bib. (Kate Chopin, The Awakening) 她长得略有一点胖,但是这似乎丝毫没有减损她每一个步子、每一种姿态、每一个手势的优雅。人们不会希望她那雪白的颈项略少一点丰满或者她那双美丽的手臂更修长一些。从来就没有哪双手比她的手更精巧。当她缝制小睡裤或做紧身胸衣或围裙时,她飞针走线或者调整整套在她尖细中指上的金顶针,这时看她那双手是一种乐趣。(程锡麟)
So, with curiosity, she followed the woman up the steps of the caravan, the skirts of her well-cut tan coat swinging and almost showing her knees, under the pale-green cloth dress. She had long, long-striding, fine legs, too slim rather than too thick, and she wore curiously-patterned pale-and-fawn stockings of fine wool, suggesting the legs of some delicate animal. (D. H. Lawrence, The Virgin and the Gipsy) 于是,她怀着好奇心,跟随吉普赛女人走上踏步。她的棕色外套剪裁入时,群裾随风摆动,几乎露出淡绿色布下面的双膝。她的腿长得细细长长的,很美,一迈就是一大步。她穿着一双淡淡的、黄褐色的细绒长袜,花色奇特,使人一望而知这是个温柔娇嫩的可人儿。(查培德)
She had on a small brown hat that did not look any too new, and was pulled low over a face that was small and regular and pretty and that was haloed by bright, light brown hair. Her eyes were of a translucent gray blue. Her little suit was commonplace, and her shoes were not so very new-looking
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