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一、 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)

1. physics

A./'f?z?ks/ B. /f?'z?ks/ C. /'fi:z?ks/ D. /f?'zi:ks/ 2. duck

A./duk/ B./djuk/ C./dju:k/ D./d?k/ 3. uncle

A./'?nsl/ B./'??sl/ C./'?nkl/ D./'??kl/ 4. authority

A./?:'θ?:r?t? / B./?:' e?:r?t? / C./?'θ?:r?:t? / D./?e?:r?t? / 5. tend

A./ti:nd/ B./t?nd/ C./tend/ D./t?:nd/

二、 情景对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

George: Hi, Heather, I was wondering if you're free tomorrow night. Heather: Well, George, I guess I am. Why do you ask?

George: I’ve got a pair of Skyline movie tickets and I was thinking of inviting you along. _______6_________

Heather: Yeah, definitely!________7________ George: Don’t mention it!

Heather: I really want to watch Skyline,_______8________

George: A friend of mine was able to get the tickets, and then he sold me 2 for $40 a piece. Heather: Wow, I’m really honored you went through trouble just for my sake._____9_____ So, what time are you going?

George: Well, let’s see. The movie starts at 10 pm. I could pick you up at your house at 8, if that’s OK with


Heather: 8, o’clock?______10________ George: Okay good. I’ll see you tomorrow night. Heather: Okay, George. Bye! A. I really appreciate that. B. Are you interested?

C. Have you ever seen the movie?

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D. That’s fine with me. E. Thanks for inviting me. F. How much did the ticket cost? G. How did you manage to get them?

三、 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

11. Manute Bol, one of the tallest players in NBA history, died this June in _____ Virginia hospital at _______ age of 47. A. 不填; the B. a; an C. a;the D. a; 不填 12.-Would you like to try some of cakes baked by myself? -_________.

A. I don’t think so B. No way

C. Not at all D. I wouldn’t say so 13. The air crash survivor said the plane shook so violently _______. A. while B. since C. because

D. although

14. Charitable giving in China gained widespread attention after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, which ________nearly 90,000 people dead or missing. A. remained B. left C. intended D. led 15. Today I have same friends over for dinner, one of_______ is a great scientist . A. them

B. who

C. thses

D. whom

16. Try to expand the number of words that you read at a time. With practice, you_______ you read faster. A. find B. would find C. will find D. have found 17.-What do you think of your new car?

-It drives me mad. So far this month it has _______twice. A. broken down B. got down 18.-What do you think of your new car?

C. put down

D. slowed down

-Of course! He is Professor Smith from Peking University. A. seats B. seated C. seating

D. to seat

19. Hardly________ anything at the party, which surprised everybody. A. he said B. said he C. he did said 20. -Are you satisfied with his performance at the competition?

D. did he say

-Not at all. I’ve never heard a _______ voice. A. bad B. worse C. good D. better 21.-It’s said that he_______ in London for five years.

-No wonder he speaks so good English.

A. lives B. was living C. lived D. would live

22. ________ in 1897 and 1898, “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” deals with Paul Gauguin’s struggle with the meaning of existence. A. Painted B. Painting

C. Being painted D. Having painted

23. A review of school building is taking place across the country and money will go________ it is needed most

A. came up B. came out C. came across D. came about

24. Most students complained the test______ have been so difficult, as only one student got a passing great. A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t 25. Rising star Kristyna Myles has said that she couldn’t have achieved her goal_______ the support of her

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A. if it hasn’t been for B. if it isn’t for C. if it hasn’t been for D. if it wasn’t for

四、 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the sports of canoe (划船) racing was added to the list of international competition. The___26___team in the four-man canoe race was the United States team. One member of that team was a young man named Bill Havens. As the time for the Olympics___27___, it became clear that Bill’s wife would give birth to their first child at about the__28___that the U.S. team would be competing in the Pairs games. In 1924, there were no planes form Paris to the United States, only___29___ships. Bill found himself in a difficult.

Bill’s wife insisted that he go to Paris.___30___, competing in the Olympics was a lifelong dream. But Bill felt___31___and, after much soul-searching, decided to remain home, where he could___32____his wife when the child arrived. He considered being at her___33___his highest priority, even higher than going to Paris to fulfill his____34____.

The team won the gold medal in Paris. And Bill’s wife was___35____in giving birth to their

child____36_____. Bill could have competed in the event and returned home____37____to be with he when she gave birth. People said, “What a shame!” But Bill said he had no____38_____. For the rest of his life, he_____39______he had made the better decision.

Bill Havens knew what as most important to him. Not everybody that____40____out. Not everybody has the strength to say no to something he or she truly____41____in order to say yes to

something that truly____42____. Peace begins to____43____our lives when we learn to say yes to the things that really matter.

Twenty eight years later, Bill____44____a telegram. It was from Finland, where the 1952 Olympics were being held. The telegram read, “Dad, I won. I’m bringing home the gold medal you____50____while waiting for me to be born.” 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

A. new A. arrival A. competing A. fast A. In all A. After A. persuade A. place A. dream A. busy A. In addition A. peace A. judgment A. believed A. puts A. trusts A. matters A. change

B. favorite B. passed B. train B. old

B. After all B. Before B. encourage B. side B. promise B. successful B. For example B. time B. excuses B. concluded B. takes B. wants B. happens B. succeed

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C. special C. approached C. preparing C. small

C. As a result C. Since C. support C. door C. duty C. safe C. In fact C. general C. choices C. learned C. figures

C. understands C. appears C. settle

D. national D. ended D. winning D. slow D. As usual D. Because D. satisfy D. mercy D. demand D. late D. At last D. surprise D. regrets D. doubted D. gives D. respects D. continues D. improve

44. 45.

A. discovered A. grasped B. wrote B. offered C. sent C. took D. received D. lost

五、 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分满分20分)


“Something in my shoe is biting me,” I shouted. My teacher, Miss teacher, Miss Bell, heard me and hurried over. “Which foot?” she asked. I raised my right foot as she bent over.

“Let’s take off your shoe,” instructed Miss Bell. Then, I remembered the hole in my sock. Welfare socks didn’t last long. Holes in socks were a common thing for our family in the years following the Great Depression. I began to cry from the pain, but I refused to take off my shoe.

“Come on, then. Let’s go inside to the office,” said Miss Bell.

Later the headmaster rushed in and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Something is stinging her foot, but she won’t let me take off her shoe,” said Miss bell.

“Let me take my book.” he said. And he almost had the shoe off when I saw the hole. I grabbed the shoe and pulled it on. The stinging worsened.

At the time, another teacher , Miss Womble , who was my neighbor. Came into the office. After hearing , what the headmaster said, she looked into my red eyes.

“Oh, yes, ” she said, as if remembering a fact, “I had a bite from one of those sock-eating ants. By the time I got my shoe off , an ant had eaten almost the entire bottom of my sock.” She nodded her head as the looked at the other two adults and said that it must be a sock-eating ant.

The return the nod as if they had been bitten by sock-eating ants, too.

“Let me see.” She freed my heel from the shoe. “Look! Just what I thought. Those sock-eating ants have eaten part of my sock.” She slipped off my shoe and sock and shook team. Two red ants fell onto the ground. Pride can be a wonderful , terrible thing. Miss Womble saved my pride. This kind, insightful teacher taught me a lesson of compassion that I have tried to apply in my years of teaching. 46. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. The author was too painful to take off her shoe. B. The author’s family was so poor that she had no socks. C. There were no good socks in the Great Depression.

D. The author was afraid that the teacher saw the hole in her sock. 47. Why did the author allow Miss Womble to take her shoe off?

A. Because Miss Womble was her neighbor. B. Because Miss Womble had the same experience. C. Because Miss Womble saved her face.

D. Because the author couldn’t bear the pain.

48. The underline word “insightful” in the last paragraph probably means “_____”. A. proud B. poor C. wise D. gentle 49. According to the passage , we can learn that________.

A. the author’s family was poor during the Great Depression. B. the author couldn’t tell which part of her foot was stung C. the headmaster took off the author’s right shoe D. Miss Bell didn’t care for the author very much at first

B Kenai Fjords National Park

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Seward serves as the gateway to Kenai Fjords National Park. Boat tours depart from the Seward small boat harbor daily. Various companies offer half-day and full-day trips to view wildlife, including a variety of marine mammals and birds, and breathtaking calving glaciers.

Choose a boat tour that offers kids a chance to see both the wildlife of Resurrection Bay and the glaciers of Kenai Fjords. Also, plan to dress in layers and make sure that there is adequate heated cabin space. Even during the summer, the outside decks of a tour boat can be quite freezing, which is a unique feature of the park.


Sport fishing in Seward is an exciting year-round activity for all ages. Halibut and salmon are the main attraction, and charter fishing boats are available for hire at the small boat harbor. Even those who choose not to hit the water with their tackle can enjoy Seward's bounty. Hanging around the harbor and watching the boats pull up with their catches can be loads of fun. And it's free!

Alaska SeaLife Center

To get an up close and personal view of local marine life, check out the Alaska Sea Life Center. The center offers exhibits highlighting the diverse wildlife of the Gulf of Alaska, including Stellar sea lions, puffins, harbor seals, deep sea fish, Alaskan king crab, and event the Giant Pacific Octopus. The Alaska SeaLife Center is open daily, year-round, excluding Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Into the Woods

For kids who enjoy the great outdoors, plan a visit to a Chugach National Forest or Caines Head State Recreation Area. Take a hike and even bring a picnic on one of the many trails each of these areas has to offer. Trail rides are another great way to get off the beaten path and view the wildlife for which Alaska is so famous. 50.How can tourists get to Kenai Fjords National Park? A. By bus B. On foot C. By water D. By air

51.Kenai Fjords National Park is different from others in that_______. A. there are all kinds of wildlife B. it is cold even in summer C. it lies in the city of Seward D. tourists can go fising everywhere 52. Alaska Sea Life Center is NOT accessible on________. A. Christmas B. weekends C. holidays D. weekdays 53.This passage is probably taken from________.

A. a history book B. a story book C. a geography book D. a travel book


One day, a person with a big bag came to the town of Cheekyville. He was William Warbler and looked looked very common indeed. What made him most unusual was the fact that whenever he needed to communication he did it by singing opera. It didn’t matter weather it was simply a matter of answering a brief greeting, like “good day”. He was clear his voice and respond, “Goood dayyy to youuuu.. tooooo!”

Everyone considered William a massive pain in the neck. No one could get a normal, spoken work out of him. And no one knew how he made his living. He lived simply, always wearing his same old suit—they often treated him impolitely.

They made fun of his singing, calling him “Don No One”. Then one day a rumor spend round the town:

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William had got a role in an important opera in the nation’s capital, and there were posters everywhere advertising the event. And it was a great success. And to everyone in Cheekyville’s surprise, when being interviewed by reporters, he answered their questions by speaking rather than singing. And he did it with a clear and pleasant voice.

From that day, William gave up singing at all hours. Now he did it only during his stage appearances and world tours. Some people doubted why he had changed, but other still had no idea, and continued believing him to be somewhat mad. They wouldn’t have thought so if they had seen what William kept in his bag. In his bag it was a large stone, with a message on it. It said :“ Practice every second, for you never know when your chance will come.”

Little did people realize that he was the only one to get the role in the opera because the because the director had heard William singing while out buying a newspaper.

54. When William Warbler first come to the village, people there thought he was_____. A. a writer B. an artist C. a smart person D. a strange person

55. William Warbler sang all the time before his success because he thought_____. A. practice makes perfect B. it is never too old to learn

C. poor people should have noble mind

D. people should be prepared all the time for his luck 56. What would be the best title for the passage? A. William’s life

B. People’s success needs chances C. William’s unusual way to success

D. One never know when his chance will come


Watch out ,weekend warriors! Exercise habits could hurt you. People who save all their exercising for big weekend bursts of physical activity might be doing their bodies a disservice – these weekend warriors' workout habits make them prone to injury, doctors say.

Weekend-warrior injuries are most common among formerly active people over age 30, whose work and family obligations prevent weekday exercise. People also hurt themselves when they have been inactive, and then suddenly take on a major exercise program, such as training for a half-marathon, he said.A better plan is to break your sessions into smaller, more frequent increments and to avoid exercising too much, too soon.

Gradually increase the amount that you're working out – and the intensity level – on a week-to-week basis.Each day, more than 10,000 Americans visit emergency rooms for sports and exercise-related injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The most common workout injury is muscle strain. If you have no choice but to work out on the weekend ,Dr Jeffrey Spang said, that's better than not exercising at all . However, it's better to spread the workouts over several days throughout the week.

Here are four tips to avoid weekend-warrior injuries:

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1. Do a warm-up, like walking or biking at a moderate pace, or doing lunges and shoulder circles. Don't

stretch until your muscles are warmed up. After a workout, cool down gradually, and then stretch your muscles.

2. Sore muscles are normal after an intense workout, but if you feel sharp or stabbing pain, stop exercising immediately. Apply ice and visit your doctor if the pain doesn't go away after a few days.

3. Find an exercise buddy. When you work out with a friend, the time will be more enjoyable. You'll also be

more likely to exercise regularly, because you won't want to let your buddy down. 4. Use proper techniques when you're working out. To learn about the safest ways to exercise, talk with a

trainer or learn more about your favorite activity on nationally-known sports magazine.

57. According to the passage, “weekend warriors ”refers to people who__________. A. work out on the weekend for the money to support the family B. get themselves injured in work for carelessness on the weekend C. make up for the inactivity by doing more exercises on the weekend

D. are very brave to say “no” to work and any family duties on the weekend 58.Which kind of people are most likely to get injured?

A. Talkative people who do intense exercise rarely in their twenties B. Formerly active people who do intense exercise rarely in their thirties C. Quiet people who do moderate exercise regularly in their forties D. Weak people who do moderate exercise regularly in their fifties 59. After the physical exercise, we’d better ________. A. cool down naturally in the open air B. cool down with air conditioners C. have a sleep to rest our muscles

D. have a shower to wash sweat off

60.If you work out with your friends ,you will be more likely to___________. A. disturb each other B. give up the exercise C. argue with each other D. continue the exercise


A. Develop a plan B. Encourage discovery C. Identify areas of interest

D. Inspire the thought process E. Offer different career choices

F. Take future income into consideration 61.______

If your teen has not yet selected a college major, ask about the kinds of careers he or she has thought about and what is appealing about those professions. If you teen has already selected a major, ask what he or she might like to do with a degree in that field and if there are any other career ideas that have come to mind. This step is designed to get them thinking about their future, rather than just selecting a career because they feel pressured to do so.


When your teen talks about possible careers or courses of study, try to ask about the thought behind that idea. Ask thought-provoking(发人深省的) questions such as, “What kind of job do you see yourself doing with a

degree in economics?” “With a degree in business, do you see yourself running your own business or working for

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someone else?” “Where do you see yourself working with degree in psychology?” “What appeals to you about a degree in liberal studies?” This step is designed to get teens to think about what they might do with the degree they are thinking about getting. 63.______

Once your teen is thinking about a particular degree, encourage him or her to discover what usefulness that degree will have. It can be as simple as typing a question into a search engine such as, “What can I do with a sociology degree?” Additionally, many college and university websites have a list of degrees and/or majors along with corresponding careers. At this stage you’ll want to be promoting the exploration of various majors and careers so that your teen has a good idea of what opportunities might be available to him or her. 64______

As your teen begins to identify a few potential majors and corresponding careers, inquire as to how much money he or she will be able to make in that career field. This information can be found by searching salary websites or asking a search engine question such as, “How much money do nurses make?”, or simply typing in “Average salary for accountants,” You may also want to work with your teen to help him or her get an idea of what kind of salary is needed to live a particular kind of lifestyle.


Now that your teen has narrowed down the available career choices to those that are most appealing, assist him or her in choosing the best option and making a plan for obtaining the required education and finding employment in the field. This will necessarily involve selecting a college or university that offers the desired degree program and determining the requirements for attending that educational institution.

六、 单词拼写 ( 共10小题,每小题0.5分, 满分5分)

根据所给汉语, 在相应的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式. ( 每空只写一词 ) 66.That’s very ______(有价值的) advice; you should take it. 67. The little boy was________(微笑),I’ll teach you. 68. If you want learn to________(滑冰),I’ll teach you.

69. The song is difficult to sing and doesn’t_______(适合) her voice.

70. When______(其他) shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you? 71. He felt someone pat him on the_______(肩部).

72. It is the________(习俗) here to serve the spokesman first and the others later. 73. Mary pulled the________(死去的) flowers out of the vase and threw them away. 74. I have got toothache, so I must go to see a ________(牙医). 75. Australia is the hometown of________(袋鼠) and koalas.

七、 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线(___),并在该词下面写出修改的词。 注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

No doubt every senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the National College Entrance Examination. Yet how should we do in order to achieve success? Have are some suggestions. First, it’s very important to have a right attitude. A normal state of mind and self-confidence can not only helps us to relax but also enable us

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overcome difficulties bravely. Meanwhile, we should have a definite goal. In the way, we will not be easy pleased or disappointed with what we had known and done. Beside, we’d better sometimes talk with our parents, teachers or classmate, who may helps us our when we’re in the trouble. Finally, keeping a proper balance between study and rest keep us energetic or healthy diet is useful as well. With these doing, I think we can greatly improve ourselves.

八、 书面表达(满分20分)


昆明 云南省会,有“春城”之美 景点:石林、滇池、世博园等 出行 方式 注意:词数不少于100词。 Dear Mike,

I hear you are planning to go out traveling during the Christmas holidays.____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

飞机:便捷、舒适 火车:便宜、沿途风光 9 / 9

