Technical Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Urban Plan
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Technical Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Urban Planning Administration
(Land Use and Architecture Administration)
(Adopted on December 10, 2003)
上海市城市规划管理技术规定(土地使用 建筑管理)
(2003 年10 月18 日上海市人民政府令第12 号发布,自2003 年12 月1 日起施行)
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Divisive Classifications and Suitable Scopes of the Land to Be Used for Construction Chapter III Building Capacity Control Index Chapter IV Building Interval Chapter V Set back
Chapter VI Building Height and Landscape Control
Chapter VII Greenbelt and Parking on Constructions bases Chapter VIII Specified Regions Chapter IX Appendix
第一章 总 则
第二章 建设用地的区划分类和适建范围 第三章 建筑容量控制指标 第四章 建筑间距 第五章 建筑物退让
第六章 建筑物的高度和景观控制 第七章 建筑基地的绿地和停车 第八章 特定区域 第九章 附 则
Table 1 Suitable Scopes of the Land to be used for Construction Table 2 Control Index of Building Density and Plot Ratio Table 3 Plot Ratio Reduction Appendix 1 Term Explanation Appendix 2 Calculation Rule
Appendix 3 Graphic Expression of the Distance between Buildings and the Distance from the Boundary
表一 各类建设用地适建范围表
表二 建筑密度和建筑容积率控制指标表 表三 建筑容积率折减率表
附录一 名词解释 附录二 计算规则
附录三 建筑间距和离界距离图示
Chapter I General Provisions
第一章 总 则
Article 1.This Regulation is formulated according to < City Planning Law of The Peoples Republic Of China>, < Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on City Planning > and the general planning on Shanghai Municipality under the purpose of strengthening the administration of the urban planning; ensuring the implementation of urban planning and the improvement of the city environment.
第一条 为了加强本市城市建设规划管理,保证城市规划的实施,提高城市环境质量,根据《中华人民共和国城市规划法》、《上海市城市规划条例》和上海市城市总体规划,制定本规定。
Article 2.This regulation applies to all construction projects within the city. The comprehensive transformation of the old housing, a small amount of the projects, temporary construction and the housing in the rural areas shall be in accordance with its relevant regulations. The construction in specified regions shall be in accordance with the Chapter VIII.
第二条 本规定适用于本市范围内各项建设工程。本市旧住房综合改造、零星建设工程、临时建设、郊区村民建房等按有关规定执行。 特定区域内的建设工程,适用本规定第八章的规定。
Article 3.All constructions of the projects shall be carried out according to the approved planning details. Those haven’t been approved shall be executed in accordance with city center division planning, new city master planning, center town master planning and this regulation. In case the detailed planning draft involves architecture administration, shall be meet the requirements of this regulation.
第三条 各项建设工程的建设,应当按照经批准的详细规划执行;尚无经批准的详细规划的,应按中心城分区规划、新城总体规划、中心镇总体规划和本规定执行。 编制详细规划涉及建筑管理内容的,应当符合本规定的要求。
Chapter II Divisive Classifications and Suitable Scopes of the Land to Be Used for Construction
第二章 建设用地的区划分类和适建范围
Article 4.According to
2. Communal facility 3. Industry
4. Warehousing 5. Urban Facility
6. Green Space
第四条本市建设用地,按其主要用途和功能分区的基本原则,参照《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》(GBJ137—90)分类如下: (一)居住用地;
(二)公共设施用地; (三)工业用地; (四)仓储用地;
(五)市政设施用地; (六)绿地。
Article 5.Residential Land(R), refers to intensive or scattered land use for the residential communities,
neighborhoods, groups and units. It includes land use for communal facility, road and green space in the community
1. R1, refers to low-rise residence with low building density but good green space and environment. 2. R2, refers to land use for multiple-story residence 3. R3, refers to land use for high-rise residence
第五条居住用地(R),指居住小区、居住街坊、居住组团和单位生活等各种类型的成片或零星用地。居住用地包括住宅用地、居住小区及小区级以下公共服务设施用地、道路用地和绿地。 (一)第一类居住用地(R1),指以低层住宅为主、建筑密度较低、绿地率较高且环境良好的用地;
(二)第二类居住用地(R2),指以多层住宅为主的用地; (三)第三类居住用地(R3),指以高层住宅为主的用地。
Article 6.Communal Facility Land (C), refers to the land used for administration, culture, economy, education, health and sports facilities and research institutions. But not include the communal facility in the residential communities.
1. C1, Administrative Land, refers to the land used for administration, political parties and groups. 2. C2, Commercial and Financial Land, refers to the land used for commercial, financial, services,
tourism and market related etc.
3. C3, Cultural and Entertainment Land, refers to the land used for publication, culture and art groups,
radio and TV, literature exhibition and entertainment etc,
4. C4, Sports Land, refers to the land used for sport gyms, training base, but not include the sport
land used in the units like schools.
5. C5, Health Land, refers to the land used for medical, health, sanitation, rehabilitation and
emergency aid.
6. C6, Education and Research Land, refers to the land used for high educational institutions,
colleges, research and survey institution etc. But not include secondary schools, primary schools and kindergartens which shall in Residential Land (R) category.
第六条 公共设施用地(C),指居住区及居住区级以上的行政、经济、文化、教育、卫生、体
育以及科研设计等机构和设施的用地,不包括居住用地中的公共服务设施用地。 (一)行政办公用地(C1),行政、党派和团体等机构用地;
(四)体育用地(C4),体育场馆和体育训练基地等用地,不包括学校等单位内的体育用地; (五)医疗卫生用地(C5),医疗、保健、卫生、防疫、康复和急救设施等用地;
Article 7. Industry Land (M), refers to the land use for industrial and mining workshop, warehouse and related equipments etc,
1. M1, refers to the industry that has little interference and pollution to the surrounding and
2. M2, refers to the industry that has some interference and pollution to the surrounding and
3. M3, refers to the industry that has serious interference and pollution to the surrounding and
第七条 工业用地(M),工矿企业的生产车间、库房及其附属设施等用地。
(一)第一类工业用地(M1),对居住和公共设施等环境基本无干扰和污染的工业用地; (二)第二类工业用地(M2),对居住和公共设施等环境有一定干扰和污染的工业用地; (三)第三类工业用地(M3),对居住和公共设施等环境有严重干扰和污染的工业用地。
Article 8.Warehouse Land (W), refers to the land used for warehouse, storage, package and processing workshop etc.
1. W1, Regular Warehouse Land, refers to the warehouse that stores regular cargos.
2. W2, Dangerous Cargo Warehouse Land, refers to the warehouse that stores flammable, explosive
and toxic cargos.
第八条 仓储用地(W),指仓储企业的库房、堆场和包装加工车间及其附属设施等用地。 (一)普通仓库用地(W1),指储存一般货物的普通仓库用地;
Article 9.Urban Facility Land (U), refers to the land used for the municipal facilities and its subsidiary buildings (including the structure, same below), the management and maintenance of the facilities. 1. U1, Supply Facility Land, refers to the land used for water, electricity; gas and heat supply but not
include electricity and gas factories which shall be in Industry Land (M) category.
2. U2, Transport Facility Land, refers to the land used for public transportation, freight transport
facilities and etc.
3. U3, Post and Telecommunication Facility Land, refers to the land used for the post and
telecommunication facility.
4. U4, Environment Facility Land, refers to the land used for the sewage pumping stations, sewage
treatment factory, and excrement and garbage collection, operation and handling facility etc.
5. U5, Construction and Maintenance Facility Land, refers to the land used for housing construction,
equipment installation engineering, municipal engineering, green space, underground structures etc.
6. U6, other land use such as the land used for fire and flood control facilities.
第九条 市政公用设施用地(U),市级、区级和居住区级的市政公用设施及其附属的建筑物(含构筑物,下同)和管理维修设施等用地。
(二)交通设施用地(U2),指公共客运交通、货运交通和其他交通设施用地; (三)邮电设施用地(U3),指邮政、电信等设施用地;
Article 10.Green Space Land (G) refers to the green space in the public area. (Including the water within its scope)
1. G1, Public Green Space, refers to the area opened to the public with functions like rest and
decoration such as park or green space along the streets.
2. G2, Protection Green Space, refers to the green area with functions like isolation, health and safe
protection etc,
第十条 绿地(G),市级、区级和居住区级的公共绿地和生产防护绿地(包括其范围内的水域)。 (一)公共绿地(G1),指向公众开放,有一定游憩设施或装饰作用的绿化用地,包括各类公
Article 11. The division of all construction lands shall follow the principle of land-use compatibility and carried out in accordance with the approved detailed planning. Those haven’t been approved shall be executed according to the city center division planning, new city master planning, center town master planning and the Table 1 (Suitable Scopes of the Land to be used for Construction )under this
regulation. In case the change of the land use or surpass of the scope of Table 1 occurs, adjustment of the planning shall be put forward in advance and only can be carries out after the approval of the related organization.
第十一条 各类建设用地的划分应遵循土地使用相容性的原则,按经批准的详细规划执行。尚无经批准的详细规划的,应按中心城分区规划、新城总体规划、中心镇总体规划和本规定表一《各类建设用地适建范围表》(以下简称《表一》)的规定执行。 凡须改变规划用地性质、超出《表一》规定范围的,应先提出调整规划,按规划调整的有关规定程序和权限批准后执行。
Chapter III Building Capacity Control Index
第三章 建筑容量控制指标
Article 12.Building capacity control index (including building density and building ratio, same for below) shall be in accordance with this regulation.
第十二条 建筑基地的建筑容量控制指标(含建筑密度和建筑容积率,下同),应按照本章有关规定执行。
Article 13.Land use for intensive development area with construction bases bigger than 30,000 square meters in area shall draft for detailed planning and can be carried out after approval. It shall not be put into the process of reviewing when there’s detailed planning lacked. The detailed planning for the development area shall first determine the general construction volume control indicators; the construction volume control indicator can be adjusted appropriately under the reference of the requirement of Table 2 (Control Index of Building Density and Plot Ratio) in this regulation under the premise that this figure not surpasses the general construction volume control indicators.
第十三条 建筑基地面积大于3 万平方米的成片开发地区,必须编制详细规划,经批准后实施;未编制详细规划的,不予审批。
Article 14.Land use for residential or commercial buildings with construction bases less or equal to 30,000 square meters in area and with approved construction volume control indicator shall be
implemented strictly according to the approved plans. Not yet approved, the building density control index shall be executed according to Table 2 and the building plot ratio shall subject to a reduction at the ratio ranging from 5% to 20% according to Table 3(Plot Ratio Reduction).
第十四条 建筑基地面积小于或等于3 万平方米的居住建筑和公共建筑用地,其建筑容量控制指标在经批准的详细规划或中心城分区规划中已经确定的,应按批准的规划执行。 尚无经批准的上述规划的,其建筑密度控制指标应按《表二》的规定执行;其建筑容积率控制指标,应按《表二》规定的指标折减百分之五至百分之二十(见本规定表三《建筑容积率折减率表》)执行。
Article 15.Table 2 provides an upper limit. The specific construction volume of the individual constructions bases shall be determined after the general environment analysis such as the real situation, service location, traffic location and land value etc. by the urban planning management department.
第十五条 《表二》规定的指标为上限。单个建筑基地的具体建筑容量,城市规划管理部门应结
Article 16.Table 2 applies only to the single type constructions bases. For those mix-used, the construction volume control indicator shall in accordance with the nature division. For those hard-to-define-the-nature ones, the final construction volume control indicator shall be calculated according to the proportion of different building natures and its related conversion standards.
第十六条 《表二》适用于单一类型的建筑基地。对混合类型的建筑基地,其建筑容量控制指标应将建筑基地按使用性质分类划定后,按不同类型分别执行;对难以分类执行的建筑基地和综合楼基地,应按不同性质建筑的建筑面积比例和不同的建筑容量控制指标换算建筑容量综合控制指标。
Article 17.The construction volume control indicator of which not listed in Table 2 such as the scientific research institutions, colleges, schools, sport gyms, health and medical care, culture and art etc. shall be implemented according to the regarding professional requirements.
第十七条 对未列入《表二》的科研机构、大中专院校、中小学校、体育场馆以及医疗卫生、文化艺术、幼托等设施的建筑容量控制指标,应按经批准的详细规划和有关专业规定执行。
Article 18.The following constructions bases without reaching the minimum areas shall not be constructed separately.
1. Low-rise residential with 500 sqm.
2. Multiple-story residential or public constructions with 1000 sqm. 3. High-rise residential with 2000 sqm
4. High-rise public constructions with 3000 sqm.
The following exceptional case can be accepted under the premise of noninterference to the urban planning.
1. The adjoining land is the place that the construction of which has been completed or is an existed
road, river course or other situation that causes troubles to adjust or merge.
2. Failure to be adjusted or merged because of the limit of the division of the blocks and public
facilities etc.
3. Constructions in rural area, under some circumstance that difficult to fulfill the above requirement.
第十八条 建筑基地未达到下列最小面积的,不得单独建设:
(一)低层居住建筑为500 平方米;
(二)多层居住建筑、多层公共建筑为1000 平方米; (三)高层居住建筑为2000 平方米; (四)高层公共建筑为3000 平方米。
(二)因城市规划街区划分、市政公用设施等的限制,确实无法调整、合并的; (三)农村地区的村镇建设,因特殊情况,确实难以达到前款规定面积的。
Article 19.Extension or story-adding to the original construction is forbidden when the original construction volume control indicator has exceeded the specified value.
第十九条 原有建筑的建筑容量控制指标已超出规定值的,不得在原有建筑基地范围内进行扩建、加层。
Article 20.Those constructions bases located in the city center and provide open space to the public can add construction area according to the following table under the premise of fitting the regarding requirements as fire protection, sanitation and traffic etc. Noted that the added construction area shall not exceed 20% of the finite construction area (construction base area multiple FAR)
第二十条 中心城内的建筑基地为社会公众提供开放空间的,在符合消防、卫生、交通等有关规定和本章有关规定的前提下,可按下表的规定增加建筑面积。但增加的建筑面积总计不得超过核定建筑面积(建筑基地面积乘以核定建筑容积率)的百分之二十。
FAR 核定建筑容积率 Smaller than two小于2 Bigger and equal to two but smaller than four The allowed increasing area(sqm) per the effective area provided for open space 每提供1 平方米有效面积的开放空间,允许增加的建筑面积(平方米) 1.0 1.5 大于、等于2,小于4 FAR is defined by the urban planning department according to Table 2. The condition and calculation of the open space will be defined separately.建筑容积率由城市规划
管理部门按《表二》和本章的有关规定确定。 开放空间的条件和计算方法由市城市规划管理部门另行制定。
Article 21.In case an overpass for passages is needed between two constructions; it shall meet the following requirements:
1. The clear width of the overpass shall not surpass 6 meters. The headroom beneath the overpass
shall not be less than 5.5 meters. The crossing width shall less than 16 meters but the headroom beneath the overpass can be not less than 4.6 meters if there’re no public buses passing through. 2. There’s no commercial facilities situated on the overpass.
Those satisfies the above requirements, its construction area can be calculated into the volume control indicator scope.
(一) 廊道的净宽度不宜大于6 米,廊道下的净空高度不小于5.5 米;但穿越宽度小于16 米且不通行公交车辆的城市支路的廊道下的净空高度可不小于4.6 米。
(二) 廊道内不得设置商业设施。 凡符合前款规定的廊道,其建筑面积可不计入建筑容量控
Chapter IV Building Interval
第四章 建筑间距
Artical22.The distances between constructions shall meet the requirements of this chapter and also the requirements of fire protection, sanitation, environment, engineering pipeline and construction protect etc. Please refer to Appendix 3 for the graphic explanation.
第二十二条 建筑间距应符合本章的规定,并同时符合消防、卫生、环保、工程管线和建筑保护等方面的要求。 建筑间距图示见附录三。
Artical23.The distance between constructions shall meet the following requirements according to the sunshine, ventilation and relating actual-use situations. 1. The distance between the two parallel constructions.
(1). Towards the north-south orientation (which is indicating the location of due north-south and 45 degrees south by east),the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 1.0 times of the height of the south side building, in other areas, shall not be less than 1.2 times.
(2). Towards the east-west orientation (which is indicating the location of due east -west and 45
degrees east by south),the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 0.9 times of the height of the blocked building, in other areas, shall not be less than 1.0 times and the minimum is 6 meters.
2. The distance between the two vertical constructions.
(1). Towards the north-south orientation, the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 0.7 times of the height of the south side building, in other areas, shall not be less than 0.8 times and the minimum is 6 meters.
(2). Towards the east-west orientation, the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 0.7 times of the height of the north-south orientation’s building, in other areas, shall not be less than 0.8 times and at the same time, not be less than 0.5 times as another construction and the minimum is 6 meters.
(3). The building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction for those gable width of the building is less and equal to 16 meters.
3. The distance between the two neither parallel nor vertical constructions.
(1). When the angle between the two building is less than (equal to) 45 degrees, the minimum building interval shall be defined according to the parallel construction.
(2). When the angle between the two building is greater than 45 degrees, the minimum building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction.
第二十三条 根据日照、通风的要求和本市建设用地的实际使用情况,居住建筑的间距应符合下
1、朝向为南北向的〔指正南北向和南偏东(西)45度以内(含45 度),下同〕,其间距在浦
西内环线以内地区不小于南侧建筑高度的1.0 倍,在其他地区不小于1.2 倍。
2、朝向为东西向的〔指正东西向和东(西)偏南45 度以内(不含45 度),下同〕,其间距在浦西内环线以内地区不小于主朝向一侧遮挡建筑高度的0.9 倍,在其他地区不小于1.0倍,且其最小值为6 米。
1、南北向的间距,在浦西内环线以内地区不小于南侧建筑高度的0.7 倍,在其他地区不小于0.8 倍,且其最小值为6 米。
2、东西向的间距,在浦西内环线以内地区不小于南北朝向建筑高度的0.7 倍,其他地区不小于0.8 倍;同时不小于另一建筑高度的0.5 倍,且其最小值为6 米。
3、建筑山墙宽度小于、等于16 米的,其间距按垂直布置的居住建筑控制;建筑山墙宽度大于16 米的,其间距按平行布置的居住建筑控制。
1、当两幢建筑的夹角小于、等于45 度时,其最小间距按平行布置的居住建筑控制; 2、当两幢建筑的夹角大于45 度时,其最小间距按垂直布置的居住建筑控制。
Artical24.The height of the ground floor shall not be deducted from the building interval under the circumstances that the ground floor is used as stores or other non residential use for multiple-story or low-rise residence.
第二十四条 多、低层居住建筑底层有商店或其他非居住用房的,其间距计算不得扣除底层高度。
Artical25.The distance between the gable wall of multiple-story or low-rise residence shall not be less than 0.5 times of the higher building and the minimum is 4 meters. Under the circumstances that can not meet the requirements of fire protection and passageway, it should be adjusted to meet that requirement.
第二十五条多、低层居住建筑的山墙间距不小于较高建筑高度的0.5 倍,且其最小值为4 米。对按此规定不能满足消防间距或通道要求的,应按消防间距或通道要求控制。
Artical26. The building interval shall not be less than 1.4 times of the height of the south side building under the circumstances that there’s a newly built or rebuilt construction in the R1 category.
第二十六条在第一类居住用地的低层独立式住宅地区及其紧邻地区进行新建、改建的,其间距不得小于南侧建筑高度的1.4 倍。
Artical27.The distances between the high-rise residence and the low-rise one shall guarantee no less than two continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice for the low-rise one within the specified scope. The distances between the high-rise residence and other residential constructions shall guarantee no less than one continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice and other following requirements: (The sunshine calculation method mentioned in Article 27. and Article 30. shall be defined by urban planning department separately.)
2. The distance between the parallel high-rise residential construction and multiple-story/low-rise residence.
(1).If the multiple-story/low-rise residence located in the north of the high-rise residence, the distance shall not be less than 0.5 times of the height of the high-rise one and the minimum for the one within Puxi inner area is 24 meters and for other areas is 30 meter.
(2). If the multiple-story/low-rise residence located in the east (west) of the high-rise residence, the distance shall not be less than 24 meters.
3. The distance between the two vertical high-rise residential constructions.
(1). Towards the north-south orientation, the distance between the two construction shall not be less than 0.3 times of the height of the one located in the south part and minimum is 20 meters.
(2). Towards the east-west orientation, the distance between the two construction shall not be less than 0.3 times of the higher one and minimum is 20 meters.
(3). The building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction for those gable width of the building is more than 16 meters.
4. The distance between the vertical high-rise residential construction and multiple-story/low-rise residence shall not be less than 20 meters.
5. The distance between the neither parallel nor vertical residential constructions.
(1). When the angle between the two building is less than (equal to) 45 degrees, the minimum building interval shall be defined according to the parallel construction.
(2). When the angle between the two building is greater than 45 degrees, the minimum building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction.
6. The distance between the gable wall of the high-rise and the one of the low-rise/multiple story residence shall not be less than 13 meters. It can beyond Article23 and Article 26 if the building interval between the residence in accordance with this article.
第二十七条高层居住建筑与低层独立式住宅的间距,在规定范围内保证受遮挡的低层独立式住宅的居室冬至日满窗日照的有效时间不少于连续两小时;与其他居住建筑的间距,应保证受遮挡的居住建筑的居室冬至日满窗日照的有效时间不少于连续一小时(第二十七条、第三十条有关建筑日照的计算规则由市城市规划管理部门另行制定),并应符合下列规定: (一)高层居住建筑与高层居住建筑平行布置时的间距:
1、南北向的,不小于南侧高层建筑高度的0.5 倍,且其最小值浦西内环线以内地区为24米,其他地区为30 米。
2、东西向的,不小于较高高层建筑的0.4 倍,且其最小值为24 米。 (二)高层居住建筑与多、低层居住建筑平行布置时的间距:
1、高层居住建筑与其北侧多、低层居住建筑的间距不小于高层建筑高度的0.5 倍,且其最小值浦西内环线以内地区为24 米,其他地区为30 米。
2、高层居住建筑与其东(西)侧多、低层居住建筑的间距不小于24 米。 (三)高层居住建筑与高层居住建筑垂直布置时的间距:
1、南北向的间距,高层居住建筑与其北侧高层居住建筑的间距不小于南侧高层建筑高度 的0.3 倍,且其最小值为20 米。
2、东西向的间距,高层居住建筑与其东(西)侧高层居住建筑的间距不小于较高高层建 筑高度的0.3 倍,且其最小值为20 米。
3、建筑山墙宽度大于16 米的,其间距按平行布置的居住建筑控制。 (四)高层居住建筑与多、低层居住建筑垂直布置时的间距不小于20 米。 (五)高层居住建筑与高、多、低层居住建筑既非平行也非垂直布置时的间距: 1、当两幢建筑的夹角小于、等于45 度时,其最小间距按平行布置的居住建筑控制; 2、当两幢建筑的夹角大于45 度时,其最小间距按垂直布置的居住建筑控制。
(六)高层居住建筑的山墙与高、多、低层居住建筑的山墙间距不小于13 米。 高层居住建筑
Artical28.With the premise of being in accordance with Article 23 to Article 27, the minimum distance between the two parallel low-rise residences towards north-south orientation is 6 meters, the minimum distance between the low-rise residence and the northern multiple-story residence is 8 meters, the minimum distance between the multiple-story residence and the northern high-rise residence is 13 meters.
The less one will be accepted when the distance between the low-rise residence and multiple-story residence calculated under Article 23 is more than the one calculated under Article 27, but with the premise of being in accordance with the sunshine requirements in Article 27.
第二十八条 在符合第二十三条至第二十七条规定的前提下,南北向平行布置的低层居住建筑之间的最小间距为6 米,低层居住建筑与其北侧多层居住建筑的最小间距为8 米,多、低层居住建筑与其北侧高层居住建筑的最小间距为13 米。
Artical29. The distance between the residential construction and the non residential one shall meet the following requirement:
1. The distance shall be defined under Article 23 to Article 28 when the non residential construction is
located in south or east-west of the residential one.
2. The distance shall be defined under Article 31 when the non residential construction(not including
the one listed in Article 30) is located in north of the residential one.
3. The distance between the gable wall of the non residential construction and the residential
construction shall be defined under Article 25 and Article 27.
Article30. The distances between the hospital ward building/accommodation in the nursing
home/kindergartens/nurseries/school buildings and surrounding construction shall guarantee no less than three continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice. For those located in Puxi inner ring area, two continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice shall be guaranteed.
第三十条 医院病房楼、休(疗)养院住宿楼、幼儿园、托儿所和大中小学教学楼与相邻建筑的间距,应保证被遮挡的上述建筑冬至日满窗日照的有效时间不少于3 小时;浦西内环线以内地区,其间距应保证冬至日满窗日照的有效时间不少于2 小时。
Article31. The distances between the two non residential constructions (not including the one listed in Article 30) shall meet the following requirements:
1. The distance between the two parallel high-rise non residential constructions.
(1). Towards the north-south orientation, the distance shall not be less than 0.4 times of the height of the building located in southern part and the minimum is 24 meters.
(2). Towards the east-west orientation, the distance shall not be less than 0.3 times of the height of the higher one and the minimum is 18 meters.
2. The minimum distance between the high-rise non residential construction and multiple-story non residential one in parallel layout is 13 meters.
3. The minimum distance between two parallel high-rise non residential constructions is 13 meters. 4. The distance between the low-rise non residential construction and the
high-rise/multiple-story/low-rise non residential one in parallel layout shall be defined according to the fire protection requirement but the minimum is 6 meters. Others shall also be defined according to the fire protection requirements.
第三十一条非居住建筑(第三十条所列的非居住建筑除外)的间距,应符合下列规定: (一)高层非居住建筑平行布置的间距:
1、南北向的,不小于南侧建筑高度的0.4 倍,且其最小值为24 米。 2、东西向的,不小于较高建筑高度的0.3 倍,且其最小值为18 米。 (二)高层非居住建筑与多层非居住建筑平行布置时的间距最小值为13 米。 (三)多层非居住建筑平行布置时的间距最小值为10 米。
(四)低层非居住建筑与高、多、低层非居住建筑平行布置时的间距按消防间距的规定控制,但最小值为6 米 。 以其他形式布置的非居住建筑的间距,按消防间距的规定控制。
Chapter V Set back
第五章 建筑物退让
Article 32.The set-back of the constructions that along the boundary of constructions bases, along the city road, highways, rivers, railways and metros and also the one located in the power lines protection areas shall meet the following requirements, meanwhile, meet the requirements of fire protection, environment, flood protection and traffic safety etc.
Article 33.The distances from the construction to the boundary for those constructions located along the construction base boundary shall be defined as follow. However, when this distance is less than the one defined by the fire protection requirements; the distance defined by the fire protection requirements shall be privileged.
1. The distance from the boundary for every type of constructions shall be defined as the multiple of the construction height provisioned in the following table, but it shall not be less than the minimum. 2. Under the circumstance that residential constructions located outside the boundary, the distance from the boundary shall not only satisfy the above requirements (item 1 under this Article) and also the requirements in Chapter IV (Building Interval)
3. Under the circumstance that public green space located outside the boundary, the minimum distance from the boundary shall satisfy item 2 under this Article and meanwhile the height of the construction shall meet the requirements of Chapter VI (Building Height and Landscape Control)
4. The distance from the boundary for the underground construction shall not be less than 0.7 times of the depth of the underground construction (the distance from the outside ground to the underground bottom plate)
In case there’s difficulties in fixing the set back according to the above requirements, a technical safety methods and effective construction way shall be adopted. The distance can be reduced appropriately after the approval of the regarding construction department and the confirmation of the design company but the final distance can not be less than 3 meters and fender post and line-pipe shall be within the boundary.
In case a connecting passage planed in the basement of two new adjoining high-rise commercial
constructions, the width of this passage shall not be less than 4 meters and the clear height shall not be less than 2.8 meters and the construction shall be carried out by its construction company.
(一)各类建筑的离界距离,按下表规定的建筑物高度的倍数控制,但不得小于最小距离。 (二)界外是居住建筑的,除须符合本条第(一)项离界距离的规定外,须同时符合第四章建筑间距的有关规定。
(四)地下建筑物的离界间距,不小于地下建筑物深度(自室外地面至地下建筑物底板的底部的距离)的0.7 倍;按上述离界间距退让边界,或后退道路规划红线距离要求确有困难的,应采取技术安全措施和有效的施工方法,经相应的施工技术论证部门评审,并由原设计单位签字认定后,其距离可适当缩小,但其最小值应不小于3 米,且围护桩和自用管线不得超过基地界限。
相邻新建高层商业办公建筑地下室按规划应设置连接通道的,通道宽度不小于4 米,净高度不小于2.8 米,并由相关建设单位负责实施各自基地的通道部分。
Type建筑类别 Residential construction(including the one listed in Article 30)居住建筑 (含第三十条规定的建筑) minimum distance (m)最Distance from the boundary离界距离 Multiples of the construction height建筑物高度 的倍数 小距离(米) Non residential construction非居住建筑 Multiples of the construction height 建筑物高度的倍数 minimum distance Within Puxi Orientations建筑朝向 inner ring浦西内环线以内 Main orientation(refer to Appendix 3)主要朝向 (见附录三) Multiple-story多层 High-rise高层 Low-rise低层 次要朝向 (见附录三) Multiple- story多层 High-rise高层 0.25 4 - 0.25 12 2 9 15 - 0.2 - 5 12 defined by fire protection interval 按消防间距控制 defined by fire protection interval按消防间距控制 0.2 12 - 6.5 Low-rise低层 0.5 0.6 6 - 3 Other areas其他地区 Within Puxi inner ring浦西内环线以内 Other areas其他地区 (m)最小距离(米)
Note:1.The distance from the boundary shall be defined according to its main orientation when the gable wall of the construction is more than 16 meters.
2.The distance from the boundary of its main orientation for the low-rise detached house shall be defined as its 0.7 times.
注:1、建筑山墙宽度大于16 米的,其离界距离按主要朝向离界距离控制。 2、低层独立式住宅主要朝向离界距离按照0.7 倍控制。
Article 34.The set back boundary line of the newly built or rebuilt construction along the city road shall not be less than the number listed in the following table.
第三十四条沿城市道路两侧新建、改建建筑,除经批准的详细规划另有规定外,其后退道路规划红线的距离不得小于下表所列值。 Road width道路宽度 Building height建筑高度 Set back distance后退距离( 米h≤24 m 24 注:h---建筑高度;D---道路规划红线宽度 Article 35.For those multiple-story/low-rise construction(including high-rise podiums) with heavy stream of people and vehicle such as newly built cinema, gym, shopping mall etc. the distance of the boundary line of the main entry facing the city road shall not be less than 10 meters, meanwhile place for temporary parking lot shall be reserved. 第三十五条新建影剧院、游乐场、体育馆、展览馆、大型商场等有大量人流、车流集散的多、低层建筑(含高层建筑裙房),其面临城市道路的主要出入口后退道路规划红线的距离,除经批准的详细规划另有规定外,不得小于10 米,并应留出临时停车或回车场地。 Article 36. For those newly built or rebuilt residential construction along the highways. The distance between the boundary line and main highway line shall not be less than 30 meters, and the distance between the boundary line and highway ramp shall not be less than 15 meters 第三十六条 沿城市高架道路两侧新建、改建、扩建居住建筑,其沿高架道路主线边缘线后退距离,不小于30 米;其沿高架道路匝道边缘线后退距离,不小于15 米。 Article 37.The distance from the constructions located in road intersection area, for multiple-story/low-rise construction shall not be less than 5 meters and for high-rise one is 8 meters. 第三十七条道路交叉口四周的建筑物后退道路规划红线的距离,多、低层建筑不得小于5 米,高层建筑不得小于8 米(均自道路规划红线直线段与曲线段切点的连线算起)。 Article 38.The wall, base, step, pipeline, balcony and subsidiary facilities of the building can't beyond the boundary line. The set back boundary line of the underground construction shall be defined according to Article 33, other constructions can be built during this distance area. Awning, balcony, signs, lightings can be projected exterior, but the net height can't be less than 3 meters. 第三十八条建筑物的围墙、基础、台阶、管线、阳台和附属设施,不得逾越道路规划红线。 地下建筑物后退道路规划红线的距离,按第三十三条第一款第(四)项的规定执行。 在规定的后退道路规划红线的距离内,不得设置零星建筑物;雨蓬、阳台、招牌、灯饰等可外挑,但其离室外地面的净空高度不得小于3 米。 Article 39.Isolation belt shall be delimited along the boundary line of the highway outside the town. The width of the isolation belt shall meet the following requirements: 1. For national road and high speed highway is 50 meters individually. 2. For main highway is 20 meters individually. 3. For secondary roads and below grade roads is 10 meters individually. In the middle of the boundary line and the isolation belt, no constructions can be built but green space. Digging ditches, laying pipes, erection of highline, opening of service traffic lane can be accepted after the approval of the related department. The construction located along the highway pass through the town can be planned according to the local master plan but the distance from the boundary line shall not be less than 5 meters. 第三十九条在村镇、城镇范围以外的公路规划红线两侧应划定隔离带,除规划另有规定外,隔 离带宽度的具体规定如下: (一)国道、快速公路,两侧各50 米; (二)主要公路,两侧各20 米; (三)次要公路及以下等级公路,两侧各10 米。 公路红线和隔离带内,不得新建、改建、扩 建建筑物,但可耕种或绿化;经城市规划管理部门批准,可开挖沟渠、埋设管道、架设杆线、开辟服务性车道等。 沿穿越村镇、城镇的公路两侧新建、改建、扩建建筑物,可按村镇、城镇规划进行管理,但建筑物后退公路规划红线的距离不得小于5 米。 Article 40.The distance from the set back to the boundary line for the construction built along the river shall not be less than 6 meters. 第四十条 沿河道规划蓝线(城市总体规划确定的长期保留的河道规划线)两侧新建、扩建建 筑物,其后退河道规划蓝线的距离除有关规划另有规定外,不得小于6 米。 Article 41.The constructions built along the railway shall meet the following requirement: 1.The distance from the constructions along the high speed railway to the track center shall not be less than 50 meters, The distance from the constructions along the railway main line to the track center shall not be less than 20 meters. The distance from the constructions along the railway branch/private line to the track center shall not be less than 15 meters. The distance from the wall of the railway to the track center shall not be less than 10 meters and the height of the wall shall not be more than 3 meters. 2. The distance from the high-rise constructions/big construction such as water tower and chimney/ dangerous goods factories to the track center shall be defined by the authorities after review. 3.The construction built on railway crossing shall meet its related requirements. 第四十一条 沿铁路两侧新建、扩建建筑工程,应符合以下规定: (一)高速铁路两侧的建筑工程与轨道中心线的距离不得小于50 米;铁路干线两侧的建筑工程与轨道中心线的距离不得小于20 米;铁路支线、专用线两侧的建筑工程与轨道中心线的距离不得小于15 米;铁路两侧的围墙与轨道中心线的距离不得小于10 米,围墙的高度不得大于3 米。 (二)铁路两侧的高层建筑、高大构筑物(水塔、烟囱等)、危险品仓库和厂房与轨道中 心线的距离须经铁路主管部门审核后确定。 (三)在铁路道口附近进行建设的,须符合铁路道口管理的有关规定。 Article 42.The distance of the set back of the newly built/rebuilt/extended construction along magnetic line to the track center shall not be less than 50 meters. The distance of the set back of the newly built/rebuilt/extended construction along the road and elevated rail transit to the outside track boundary line shall not be less than 30 meters. The distance of the set back of the newly built/rebuilt/extended construction along metros to the outside track boundary line shall meet the requirements of metro management. 第四十二条 沿磁悬浮交通线两侧新建、改建、扩建建筑物,其后退轨道中心线距离除有关规划另有规定外,不得小于50 米。 沿地面和高架轨道交通两侧新建、改建、扩建建筑物,其后退线路轨道外边线外侧距离除规划另有规定外,不得小于30 米。 沿地下轨道交通两侧新建、改建、扩建建筑物,其后退隧道外边线外侧距离应符合轨道交通管理的有关规定。 Article 43.No newly built/rebuilt/extended constructions shall be acceptable in the power line protection areas. 1. Overhead power circuit protection area indicates the area that formulated by two extending-to-the-outside-edge parallel conductor sidelines. (1). The retreat route of the overhead power circuit of the newly built, rebuilt and expanding buildings on both sides in general area from which centerline distance should not less than the distance as below: 500Kv, 30m; 220 Kv., 20m; 110Kv., 12.5m; 35 Kv., 10m. (2). The centerline distance from retreat route of the overhead power circuit of the newly built, rebuilt and expanding buildings on both sides in area with heavy density of population shall be defined by the authorities. 2. Power cable protection area indicates the area that formulated by two extending-to-the-outside-edge parallel power lines. The distance of the extension to the outside edge on both side shall not be less than 0.75 meters. 第四十三条 在电力线路保护区范围内,不得新建、改建、扩建建筑物。 (一)架空电力线路保护区,指导线边线向外侧延伸所形成的两平行线内的区域。 1、一般地区沿架空电力线路两侧新建、改建、扩建建筑物,其后退线路中心线距离除有关规划 另有规定外,不得小于以下距离: 500 千伏,30米; 220 千伏,20米; 110 千伏,12.5米; 35 千伏,10米。 2、中心城和郊区城镇人口密集地区,沿架空电力线路两侧新建、改建、扩建建筑物,其后退线 路中心线距离应符合电力管理的有关规定。 (二)电力电缆线路保护区,指地下电力电缆线路向外两侧延伸所形成的两平行线内的区域。 其每边向外侧延伸的距离应不小于0.75 米。 Article 44.The cargo loading and unloading berths along the city road shall be set outside the boundary line or situated it on the ground floor of a construction. 第四十四条 沿城市道路两侧的货运装卸泊位应后退道路规划红线设置,或设于建筑物底层。 Chapter VI Building Height and Landscape Control 第六章 建筑物的高度和景观控制 Article 45. The construction height, face width and landscape control shall meet the following requirements and meanwhile the requirements of sunshine, building interval and fire protection etc. 第四十五条 建筑物的高度、面宽及建筑景观控制应符合本章的规定,并同时符合日照、建筑间距、消防等方面的要求。 Article 46.High-rise residence of 9 to 12 floors with elevators are recommended to built in the city center. Slop design is recommended to the newly-built multiple-story/low-rise residence. For newly built residence, overhead line to be laid on the ground, the wall shall be transparent for green space, air conditioner external unit and its additional equipment shall set united, remote water/electricity/gas data acquisition will be carries out. 第四十六条 中心城地区鼓励建设9 层至12 层配设电梯的高层住宅。 新建多、低层住宅宜采用坡顶屋面。 新建住宅实行架空线入地敷设、围墙透空透绿、空调器外机及附属设施统一设置。推行水、电、燃气数据户外或远程采集。 Article 47.The net height of newly built/rebuilt constructions surrounded by airport, observatory, radio and other radio communications of which has specific net height limit shall be defined by the regarding requirements. 第四十七条 在有净空高度控制的飞机场、气象台、电台和其他无线电通讯(含微波通讯)设施 周围的新建、改建建筑物,其控制高度应符合有关净空高度限制的规定。 Article 48.The height of newly built/rebuilt constructions surrounded by historical relic and construction protection units shall satisfy the regarding requirements. For the plan not yet approved, sight analysis shall be adopted to set the height and related protection methods shall be put forward. It shall be carried out after the approval of the professional group. Please refer to Appendix 2 for sight analysis. 第四十八条在文物保护单位和建筑保护单位周围的建设控制地带内新建、改建建筑物,其控制高度应符合建筑和文物保护的有关规定,并按经批准的详细规划执行。尚无经批准的详细规划的,应先编制城市设计或建筑设计方案,进行视线分析,提出控制高度和保护措施,经建筑和文物保护专家小组评议后核定。 视线分析方法参见附录二。 Article 49.The height of newly built/rebuilt constructions along the city roads shall meet the following requirements: 1. For general constructions : H ≤1.5(W+S) H indicate the height of the construction W indicates the width of the road boundary line S indicates the construction set back 2. For a combination of series high-rise constructions: A≤L(W+S) A indicates the shadow area falls from 56.3 degrees of the construction L indicates the length of the boundary line along the construction base See Appendix 2 for detailed algorithm. 第四十九条 沿城市道路两侧新建、改建建筑物的控制高度,除经批准的详细规划另有规定外,应符合下列规定: (一)沿路一般建筑的控制高度(H)不得超过道路规划红线宽度(W)加建筑后退距离(S)之和的1.5 倍,即:H≤1.5(W+S); (二)沿路高层组合建筑的高度,按下式控制: A≤L(W+S); 式中:A—沿路高层组合建筑以1:1.5(即56.3 度)的高度角在地面上投影的总面积,L—建筑基地沿道路规划红线的长度,W—道路规划红线宽度,S—沿路建筑的后退距离。 计算方法见附录二。 Article 50.The face width of the construction shall meet the following requirements: 1. If H ≤ 24, the projection of the maximum continuing expanded face width shall not be more than 80 meters 2. If 24 <H ≤ 60, the projection of the maximum continuing expanded face width shall not be more than 70 meters 3. If H >60, the projection of the maximum continuing expanded face width shall not be more than 60 meters 4. The maximum projection of the maximum continuing expanded face width is decided by the highest construction in case of a combination of a series high-rise constructions 第五十条 建筑物的面宽,除经批准的详细规划另有规定外,按以下规定执行: (一)建筑高度小于、等于24 米,其最大连续展开面宽的投影不大于80 米; (二)建筑高度大于24 米,小于、等于60 米,其最大连续展开面宽的投影不大于70 米; (三)建筑高度大于60 米,其最大连续展开面宽的投影不大于60 米; (四)不同建筑高度组成的连续建筑,其最大连续展开面宽的投影上限值按较高建筑高度执行。 Article 51.The floor height of the multiple-story/high-rise residence shall not be more than 3.6 meters, 2.8 meters is the best. 第五十一条多、高层住宅的层高宜为2.8 米,不应高于3.6 米。 Article 52.The wall height of the residence along the city roads shall be less than 2.2 meters and shall be set transparent for the green belt within the boundary line area. 第五十二条沿城市道路的居住建筑基地的围墙高度不大于2.2 米,并应透空设置,其建筑后退 道路红线距离内应设置一定宽度的绿化带。 Chapter VII Greenbelt and Parking on Constructions bases 第七章 建筑基地的绿地和停车 Article 53.The proportion of green space area within the construction bases shall meet the indicators defined by “Regulation of Shanghai Municipality on Green Management” 第五十三条 各类建筑基地内的绿地面积占基地总面积的比例(以下称绿地率)必须符合《上海市植树造林绿化管理条例》规定的指标。 Article 54.The calculated green rate includes the intensive green area housed in construction base, surrounded the construction, along the street and the separate green areas that within the building interval. The intensive green space area within the construction base shall not be less than 10% of the total land area for residence and 5% for other construction types( sport, medical and education land use shall meet its professional requirements). In the residential community, each intensive green area shall be more than 400 sqm and at least one third of the green area is beyond the building interval area. In case the public green space and greenbelt along the city road is not within the construction base, this area cannot be regarded as the intensive green area. But in center city, the public green area along the city road which is also executed by the same developer,50% of which can be counted into the construction base area but the added area shall not surpass 20% of finite architecture area (the multiples of the original architecture base area and the FAR). 第五十四条 计算绿地率的绿地面积,包括建筑基地内的集中绿地面积和房前屋后、街坊道路两侧以及规定的建筑间距内的零星绿地面积。 建筑基地内的集中绿地面积,在居住用地中应不少于用地总面积的10%,在体育、医疗卫生和教育科研设计用地中应符合有关专业规定,在其他类别用地中应不少于5%。 居住小区内每块集中绿地的面积应不小于400 平方米,且至少有三分之一的绿地面积在规定的建筑间距范围之外。沿城市道路两侧的公共绿地或绿化隔离带,不在建筑基地范围内的,不得作为小区集中绿地计算。但中心城范围内,沿城市道路两侧的公共绿地,由开发单位实施的,可按50%比例纳入建筑基地面积,且增加的建筑面积不得超过核定建筑面积(原建筑基地面积乘以核定建筑容积率)的20% 。 Article 55.The intensive green space in the same block can be planned generally. With the premise of reaching the indicator of the whole block’s green space requirement, it can not be set equally. The intensive green area shall be laid out along the city roads. 第五十五条 一个街区内的集中绿地可按规定的指标进行统一规划,统一设计,统一建设,综合平衡。在符合整个街区集中绿地指标的前提下,可不在每块建筑基地内平均分布。集中绿地宜沿城市道路布局。 Article 56.For those construction base within Puxi inner ring area hard to meet the green space requirements, roof green area which is not less than 100 sqm individually can be converted into ground green area. The formulation is F=M×N. F = Gross floor area M = roof green area N = efficiency ration (refer to the following table) 第五十六条 位于浦西内环线以内的建筑基地,确实难以达到规定绿化指标的,可将屋面地栽绿化面积(每块面积不得小于100 平方米)折算成地面绿地面积。其折算公式: F=M×N 式中:F—地面绿地面积,M—屋面地栽绿化面积,N—有效系数(见下表)。 Roof elevation and ground height difference (m)屋面标高与基地地面的高差 (单位:米) ≤ 1.5 >1.5 and ≤5.0 >5.0 and ≤12.0 >12.0 Efficiency Ratio 有效系数(N) 0.70 0.50 0.30 0 Article 57.The parking lot of the newly-built construction base shall meet the requirements of the parking lot set standard. The parking rate of the newly-built construction base within the city center shall not be less than 0.6 vehicles. Among which, the rate can be increased accordingly for the base within Puxi inner ring area and the parking rate of rural area shall be more than 20% of the center one. 第五十七条新建建筑基地的停车配置,应符合交通设计及停车库(场)设置标准等有关规定。 新建居住建筑基地,位于中心城地区的,汽车停车率应不小于0.6 辆/户,其中,浦西内环线以内地区的,应视周边地区配套情况适当增加;郊区汽车停车率,应高于中心城地区20%。 Chapter VIII Specified Region 第八章 特定区域 Article58.The specific region mentioned in this chapter indicates those regions with special land use and construction management requirements. 第五十八条本章所称特定区域,指在土地使用和建筑管理上有特别要求,需作特殊规定的地区。 Article59.the specific regions listed as follow: 第五十九条本市特定区域包括下表所列地区 Region 地 区 CBD中央商务区 Major public activity center 主要公共活动中心 Region地 区 Style protection area Reserved protection area 规划保留保护区 风貌 保护 区 中心 城 Sub center 市级副中 心 City center Zone区 域 Xujiahui sub center徐家汇副中心 Wujiaochang sub center江湾五角场副中心 Huamu sub center花木副中心 Zhengru sub center真如副中心 The bund外滩历史文化风貌保护区 People square人民广场历史文化风貌保护区 Yu garden老城厢历史文化风貌保护区 Hengshan road to fuxin road衡山路-复兴路历史文化风貌保护区 Hongqiao road虹桥路历史文化风貌保护区 Shanyin road山阴路历史文化风貌保护区 Jiangwan江湾历史文化风貌保护区 Longhua龙华历史文化风貌保护区 Zone 区 域 Lujiazhui, the bund 浦东小陆家嘴和浦西外滩 City center(people square, nanjing road, middle City center 市级中心 huaihai road, middle xizhang road, north Sichuan road, yu garden, 市级中心(人民广场、南京路、淮海中路、西藏中路、四川北路、豫园商城、金陵东路商业街、上海站“不夜城”等) Suburban area郊区 Tilanqiao提篮桥历史文化风貌保护区 West Nanjing road南京西路历史文化风貌保护区 Yuyuan road愚园路历史文化风貌保护区 Xinhua road新华路历史文化风貌保护区 Famous towns in suburban area郊区历史文化名镇风貌保护区 Reserved protection area规划保留区 Big size public green space大型公共绿地 Outer green belts外环绿带 Green wedge楔形绿地 Ecological forests such as large pieces forests, conservation forests and protection forests etc. 大型片林、涵养林、防护林等生态公益林 Sheshan national tourist resort 佘山国家旅游度假区 Dingshan lake淀山湖风景区 Tourist attractions area旅游风景区 Other key regions其他重点地区 Huangpu river黄浦江沿岸地区 Suzhou river苏州河沿岸地区 Expo site世博会地区 Ecological and architectural sensitive areas 生态敏感区和建设敏感区 The specific regions can be assigned by the government under the needs of city economy, social development and environment protection. 市人民政府可视城市经济、社会发展和环境保护需要, 指定特定区域。 Article 60.The projects within specified area shall be carried out strictly to the approved plans. The definition of the specified region can defined and managed by the authorities separately. 第六十条 特定区域内的建设工程,应按经批准的详细规划执行。 特定区域的具体范围和管理规定,由市城市规划管理部门另行制定。 Chapter IX Appendix 第九章 附则 Article 61.This regulation is the detailed technical implementation of “Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Urban Planning”. In case the breach, penalty will be defined according to “Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Urban Planning” 第六十一条本规定是实施《上海市城市规划条例》的具体技术规定。违反本规定的行为,按《上海市城市规划条例》的有关规定给予处罚。 Article 62. For the projects already got approval of “Comments on the Site Selection”, \Permit of Construction Works” or the planning design has been approved by the authorities prior to the execution of this regulation, it can be carried out according to the original rules. 第六十二条本规定施行前已取得《建设项目选址意见书》,或经核定规划设计要求,或已取得《建设用地规划许可证》的建设工程,仍按原规定执行。市政府另有规定的除外。 Article 63.These provisions by the Shanghai urban planning bureau is responsible for the explanation. 第六十三条本规定由上海市城市规划管理局负责解释。 Article 64.This regulation comes into effect since 1st December,2003. 第六十四条本规定自2003年12月1日起施行。1994年8月1日上海市人民政府批准的《上海市城市规划管理技术规定(土地使用建筑管理)》同时废止。 Appendix 1 Term Explanation 附录一 名词解释 1. FAR建筑容积率(容积率) Refers to the ratio of the total square feet of a building and the square footage of the land area 指建筑物地面以上各层建筑面积的总和与建筑基地面积的比值。 2、Building Density建筑密度 Refers to the ratio of the underground gross floor area and the construction base area (remarked in percentage) 指建筑物底层占地面积与建筑基地面积的比率(用百分比表示)。 3、Low-rise construction低层建筑 Refers to the construction less than (equal to) 10 meters with one to three floors. 指高度小于、等于10米的建筑,低层居住建筑为一层至三层。 4、multiple-story construction多层建筑 Refers to the construction less than (equal to) 24 meters and more than 10 meters with four to eight floors 指高度大于10米,小于、等于24米的建筑,多层居住建筑为四层至八层。 5、High-rise construction高层建筑 Refers to the construction more than 24 meters with more than eight floors 指高度大于24米的建筑,高层居住建筑为八层以上(不含八层)。 6、Apartment-style office building公寓式办公建筑 Refers to the office building separated in small space unit with independent sanitations. 指单元式小空间划分,有独立卫生设备的办公建筑。 7、Office building办公建筑 Refers to the office building not separated in small space unit with collected sanitations on the floor. 指非单元式小空间划分,按层设置卫生设备的办公建筑。 8、Commercial building商业建筑 Refers to the professional business retail and wholesale shops such as comprehensive department stores, shopping mall etc and constructions of food and services industries. 指综合百货商店、商场、经营各类商品的专业零售和批发商店,以及饮食等服务业的建筑。 9、Residential and commercial building 商住综合楼 Refers to the building mixes the commerce and residence. 指商业和居住混合的建筑。 10、Office and commercial building商办综合楼 Refers to the building mixes the commerce and office.指商业和办公混合的建筑。 11、Podiums裙房 Refers to an unit closely connected to multiple-story/ low-rise buildings and adjoining to high-rise buildings. The maximum height of the podiums shall less than 24 meters. In case of the surpassing 24 meters, it shall defined as high-rise building.指与高层建筑紧密连接,组成一个整体的多、低层建筑。裙房的最大高度不超过24米,超过24米的,按高层建筑处理。 12、Parking rate汽车停车率 Refers to the ratio of parking space number and the households. 指居住区内汽车的停车位数量与居住户数的比率。 13、Apartment hotel公寓式酒店. Refers to a hotel lent as a serviced apartment complex. Handle as hotel construction. 指按公寓式(单元式)分隔出租的酒店,按旅馆建筑处理。 14、Serviced apartment酒店式公寓 Refers to a serviced apartment complex that uses a hotel-style system. Handle as residential construction. 指按酒店式管理的公寓,按居住建筑处理。 15.Comprehensive transformation of the old housing旧住房综合改造 Refers to a comprehensive transform of flat to pitched, package rate etc of the old housing. 指旧住房平改坡、成套率等的综合改造。 16、Effective time of sunshine日照有效时间 Effective time of sunshine determined by the building orientation.(see below table) In case the angle surpass the number listed in the below table, no need for sunshine analysis. 日照的有效时间根据建筑物朝向确定(见下表)。建筑物朝向的角度超过日照有效时间表规定角度范围的,不作日照分析。 Effective Time of Sunshine Table日照有效时间表 Orientation建筑物朝向 Effective time of sunshine日照有效时间 Orientation建筑物朝向 Effective time of sunshine日照有效时间 Due South正 南 向 South by east南偏东1°~15° 9∶00~15∶00 9∶00~15∶00 South by west 1°~15°南偏西 South by west 16°~30°南偏西 9∶00~15∶00 9∶30~15∶00 South by east南偏东16°~30° South by east南偏东31°~45° 9∶00~14∶30 9∶00~13∶30 South by west 31°~45南偏西° South by west 46°~60°南偏西 10∶30~15∶00 11∶30~15∶00 South by east南偏东46°~60° South by east南偏东61°~75° 9∶00~12∶30 9∶00~11∶30 South by west南偏西61°~75° South by west南偏西76°~90° 12∶30~15∶00 13∶30~15∶00 South by east南偏东76°~90° 9∶00~10∶30 Appendix 2 Calculation Rule 附录二计算规则 1、Gross floor area建筑面积计算 According to the national rules for the calculation of gross floor area. For the technical floor, when the height of which is less than 2.2 meters (includes 2.2 meters), the gross floor area can be not included. In case the technical floor also with the function for shelter, the height can be broaden appropriately. 按国家有关建筑面积的计算规则计算。对高度在2.2米以下(含2..2米)的设备层,可不计建筑面积;对设备层兼作避难层的,其高度可适当放宽。 2、FAR建筑容积率计算 (1)The basement gross floor area is not included in the calculation of FAR. The roof top gross floor area is included in the calculation of FAR when one eighth of which is less than the standard gross floor area. The semi basement gross floor area is not included in the calculation of FAR when the height of its outside part is less than 1 meter. 在计算容积率时,地下室的建筑面积不计;屋顶层建筑面积不超过标准层建筑面积1/8的不计;半地下室在室外地面以上部分的高度不超过1米的不计。 (2)The semi basement gross floor area is calculated as follow when the height of its outside part is more than 1 meter.半地下室在室外地面以上部分的高度超过1米的,按下式计算建筑面积: A’=KA A’ converted gross floor area K the ratio of the height of the basement beyond the ground and the height of the floor A the semi basement gross floor area 式中:A’-折算的建筑面积,K-半地下室地面以上的高度与其层高之比,A-半地下室建筑面积。 (3)Location of municipal facilities is really difficult to land, municipal public facilities served for regional use (such as substations, telephone exchanges etc) can be set within Puxi inner ring area. In case being set within the proposed building, the gross floor area of which will not be included for the calculation of FAR. Under the circumstances that it is set individually, the gross floor area and site area are not included when calculating FAR. However, the site area of this facility shall be included when calculating building density. 市政设施用地选址确有困难的,可在浦西内环线以内的建筑基地内,设置为地区服务的市政公用设施(如变电站、电话局等)。设置在拟建建筑物内的,在计算容积率时,可不计该设施的建筑面积;单独设置的,在计算容积率时,可不计该设施的建筑面积和占地面积,但在计算建筑密度时,必须计入该设施占地面积。 (4) FAR control index of residential and commercial mixed building is based on the converted proportion of different types of gross floor areas. As for the building density, shall refer to Table 2 (Control Index of Building Density and Plot Ratio). The commercial land use floor area of the high-rise commercial and residential mixed building shall account at lease 10% of the gross floor areas. For those less than 10%, the plot ratio and building density of which shall be ruled under high-rise residential building regulations. For multiple-story commercial and residential mixed building shall have at least two floors (including two floors) for commercial use. For those only have the ground floor for commercial use, the plot ratio and building density of which shall be ruled under multiple-story residential building regulations. (商住综合楼的容积率控制指标,按不同性质的建筑面积比例换算合成,其建筑密度按照表二中商业、办公建筑的建筑密度指 标规定执行。高层商住综合楼商业用房的建筑面积应至少占总建筑面积的10%,不足10%的,其容积率和建筑密度的控制指标按高层居住建筑的规定执行;多层商住综合楼商业用房应至少占两层以上(含两层),仅设底层商店的,其容积率和建筑密度控制指标按多层居住建筑的规定执行。 (5)For those high-rise/multiple-story constructions that the ground floor is designed overhead for the use of public functions such as passing through, parking, green space, leisure facilities etc, the ground floor area is not included when calculating the plot ration but it shall be included in total floor areas. The overhead layer shall not be redesigned into confined area for lent.高、多层民用建筑底层设架空层用作通道、停车、布置绿化小品、居民休闲设施 等公共用途的,其建筑面积可不计入建筑容积率,但应计入总建筑面积。架空层不得围合封闭改作他用或出售、出租。 (6)For those constructions bases within Puxi Inner Ring have several parts for public road land use required by urban master planning, an allowed increasing construction floor area may be compensated if the construction unite is willing to be in charge of the removal and offer this part for public road construction free. Refers to Article 54 for details. For those already received Planning permit or construction permit or a contract of the state owned land use granting has been signed, the approved gross floor area remains legal under the circumstances that the construction base area was decreased caused by the adjustment of the road boundary line. 在浦西内环线以内,建设基地范围内,有部分用地被划入规划城市道路用地范围,且上述道路用地是建设单位负责拆迁并无偿提供作城市道路用地的,则可适当增加允许建造的建筑面积。具体计算方法可比照本规定第五十四条。 已取得建设用地规划许可证或建设工程规划许可证,或已签订国有土地使用权出让合同的建设基地,如后来因规划道路红线调整造成建设基地面积缩小的,其已批准的建筑面积允许不变。 3、Construction Base Area建筑基地面积计算 (1)Construction base boundary line建筑基地边界 Construction base shall be planned strictly according to the detailed urban plan and be limited in a single neighborhood. The four sides of the construction base shall be adjoined by nature boundaries such as city road, river etc or the boundary of the adjoining construction base. The land shall be subdivided in the regulatory plan when there’re different types of land use in the neighborhood and each construction base shall not be more than 90,000 sqm. 建筑基地应与控制性详细规划相衔接,限定在单个街坊范围以内。建筑基地四至边界应以城市道路、河流等自然边界和相邻建筑基地边界为界限。 街坊内建设用地性质不同类的,应在控制性详细规划中细分地块,每一建筑基地不应大于9万平方米。 (2)Construction base area建筑基地面积 Construction base area shall refer to the formal urban planning land use scope by authorities. The lands not included in the construction base are as followed: public green space more than 3000 sqm, public green space within residential community. Individual public services and public facilities such as secondary schools, primary schools or kindergartens. Individual municipal facilities such as substations of more than 10KV and sewage pumping station etc. The land within the control line stipulated by the authority and the land for road construction. Within the city center, 50% of the public green space area along the public road can be calculated in construction base area if the green space is executed by the same developer. But the increased floor area shall not surpass 20% of the finite floor area. (the multiples of the original construction base area and the FAR) 建筑基地面积以城市规划管理部门正式划定用地范围的面积为准。 不计入建筑基地面积的用地,主要包括:3000平方米以上公共绿地和居住小区以上级公共绿地;独立的公益设施和公共服务设施用地,如中学、小学和幼托用地;独立的市政设施用地,如10KV以上变电站、污水泵站等;城市规划划定的有关控制线范围内的用地;城市道路用地。 中心城范围内,由开发单位实施的沿城市道路设置的公共绿地,公共绿地总面积的50%可以纳入建筑基地面积,但增加的建筑面积不得超过核定建筑面积(原建筑基地面积乘以核定建筑容积率)的20%。 4、Building Interval建筑间距计算 (1)Building interval refers to the minimum vertical distance between the outer wall of the buildings.除另有规定 外,建筑间距是指两幢建筑的外墙面之间的最小的垂直距离。 (2)In case there’s less than 3 meters long bulging part in the building (eg. Stairwell) and the distance of the bulging is less than 1 meter and the total length is less than one quarter of the outer wall of the same side; the bulging part can be not included in the minimum interval. The minimum interval is calculated based on the outer wall of the building when the cumulative total length of the balconies is less than half of the outer wall on the same side. For those more than half, the interval shall be counted based on the out edge of the balcony. 建筑物 有每处不超过3米长(含3米)的凸出部分(如楼梯间),凸出距离不超过1米,且其累计总长度不超过同一面建筑外墙总长度的1/4者,其最小间距可忽略不计凸出部分。居住建筑阳台累计总长度(突出于山墙面之外或转弯到山墙面上的阳台长度可不计)不超过同一建筑外墙总长度1/2的(含1/2),其最小间距仍以建筑外墙计算;超过1/2的,应以阳台外缘计算建筑间距。 (3)For the construction with slop greater than 45 degrees, the building interval of which refers to the minimum vertical distance between the vertical projection of the ridge line on the ground and the outer wall of the blocked building.坡度大于45度的坡屋面建筑,其建筑间距是指自屋脊线在地面上的垂直投影线至被遮挡建筑的外墙面之间最小的垂 直距离。 (4)The set back from the construction base boundary and the building interval shall meet the requirements simultaneously. In case it fails because of the limited construction base condition, the boundary set back can be decreased appropriately after the confirmation of the property owner of the adjoining construction base, approval of the authority. But the final distance shall satisfy the fire protection requirements. 建筑后退基地边界的距离和建 筑间距应同时符合规定。因基地条件限制不能同时符合规定的,经与相邻地块产权人协议并经规划管理部门核准,在确保满足 建筑间距的条件下,可适当缩减基地边界后退距离,但必须符合消防规定。 5、Building Height建筑高度计算 (1)This rule is only works for the calculation of the building height, set back and the height of the set back building. For those have strict limit on the building heights (such as airport, meteorological observer, microwave channel, security, sunshine analysis, sight analysis), it shall be calculated according to the highest point of the building.本规则仅适用于确定建筑间距、退界距离和后退道路时的建筑高度计算。其他规定对建筑高度有限制的(如机场、气 象台、微波通道、安全保密、日照分析、视线分析等),按建筑物的最高点计算。 (2)Refers to the following rules for the calculation of the building height.在计算建筑间距时,建筑高度按下列规定计 算: Flat Roof Constructions (The below Left Graphic): The height is the addition of the height from the ground to the top of roof and the cantilevered cornice width. Parapet Roof (The Right Graphic): The height is the one from the ground to the parapet 平屋面建筑:挑檐屋面自室外地面算至檐口顶,加上檐口挑出宽度(见图一);有女儿墙的屋面,自室外地面算至女儿墙顶(见图二)。 (The Left Graphic) Cornice roof (The Right Graphic) Parapet roof Hc = The height from the ground to the top of roof B = cantilevered cornice width H = The height from the ground to the parapet Slop Roof Construction: Slop is smaller than 45 degrees (including 45 degrees) (The Below Left Graphic), The height is the addition of the height from the ground to the top of roof and the cantilevered cornice width. Slop is greater than 45 degrees (The Below Right Graphic): The height is the one from the ground to the parapet. 坡屋面建筑:屋面坡度小于45度(含45度)的,自室外地面算至檐口顶加上檐口挑出宽度(见图三);坡度大于45度的,自室外地面算至屋脊顶(见图四)。 The height of the prominent roof ancillary facilities such as tanks, staircases, elevators and mechanical rooms can be not included in the building height when its height is less than 6 meters and the addition of the horizontal area is less than one eighth of the roof construction area. 水箱、楼梯间、电梯间、机械房等突出屋面的附属设施,其高度在6米以内,且水平面积之和不超过屋面建筑面积1/8的,不计入建筑高度。 6、The Building Height Along the Road沿路建筑高度 (一)General Buildings (see below) 沿路一般建筑高度的控制。(见图五) H≤1.5(W+S) (二)High-rise Construction Combination (see below) 沿路高层组合建筑高度的控制。(见图六、图七) A≤L(W+S) (The Left Graphic) Slop smaller than 45 degrees (The Right Graphic) Slop greater than 45 degrees Hc = The height from the ground to the top of roof B = cantilevered cornice width H = The height from the ground to the parapet a. A≤L(W+S) A indicates the shadow area falls from 56.3 degrees of the construction L indicates the length of the boundary line along the construction base W indicates the width of the road boundary line S indicates the construction set back H1, H2, H3 indicates the real height of the construction b. It can also use the following formulation for the practical application. A’ ≤L(W+S) A’ indicates the shadow area falls from 45 degrees of the construction L indicates the length of the boundary line along the construction base W indicates the width of the road boundary line S indicates the construction set back H1, H2, H3 indicates the real height of the construction 7、Sight analysis of the building height control建筑高度控制视线分析方法 According to the surrounding of the historical buildings and cultural relics protection unit, choosing the appropriate sight view to determine the corridor and analysis the sight line. The view point shall be greater than or equal to 3H and its angle shall not be less than 60 degrees. The viewpoint distance can be reduced appropriately due to the difficulty but not be less than 2H. (Refers to below graphic) 根据优秀历史建筑和文物保护单位的周围环境,选择适当视点确定视线走廊,进行视线分析。视点的距离应大于或等于3H,且其视角不小于60度。因现状条件限制难以按3H视点距离控制高度的,视点距离可适当缩小,但不得小于2H。(见图八) Height line control The building to be built Elevation of the historical building 8、Architecture facing width control (See below) 建筑面宽控制。(见图九) 1. A.B.C are three continuous buildings and A is the highest one among. 2. A ≤ 24 m, L ≤ 80 m 3. 24 <A ≤ 60 m, L ≤ 70 m 4. A>60 m, L ≤ 60 m Appendix 3 Graphic Explanation of the building interval and the distance from the boundary line. 附录三: 建筑间距和离界距离图示 Graphic Explanation of Article 23.The distance between constructions 1. The distance between the two parallel constructions. (Refers to below graphic explanation) (1). The distance between the two parallel constructions towards the north-south orientation. The distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 1.0 times of the height of the south side building, in other areas, shall not be less than 1.2 times. (2). The distance between the two parallel constructions towards the east-west orientation, the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 0.9 times of the height of the blocked building, in other areas, shall not be less than 1.0 times and the minimum is 6 meters. 2. The distance between the two vertical constructions. (Refers to below graphic explanation) (1). Towards the north-south orientation, the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 0.7 times of the height of the south side building, in other areas, shall not be less than 0.8 times and the minimum is 6 meters. (2). Towards the east-west orientation, the distance within inn ring of the Puxi area shall not be less than 0.7 times of the height of the north-south orientation’s building, in other areas, shall not be less than 0.8 times and at the same time, not be less than 0.5 times as another construction and the minimum is 6 meters. The building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction for those gable widths of the building is less and equal to 16 meters. (1). (2). 3. The distance between the two neither parallel nor vertical constructions. Graphic Explanation of Article 27. 2. The distance between the parallel high-rise residential construction and multiple-story/low-rise residence. (See below graphic) (1).If the multiple-story/low-rise residence located in the north of the high-rise residence, the distance shall not be less than 0.5 times of the height of the high-rise one and shall guarantee no less than one continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice. The minimum for the one within Puxi inner area is 24 meters and for other areas is 30 meter. (2). If the multiple-story/low-rise residence located in the east (west) of the high-rise residence, the distance shall not be less than 24 meters and at the same times, the distances between the high-rise residence and other residential constructions shall guarantee no less than one continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice 3. The distance between the two vertical high-rise residential constructions. (1). Towards the north-south orientation, the distance between the two construction shall not be less than 0.3 times of the height of the one located in the south part and minimum is 20 meters and shall guarantee no less than one continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice (2). Towards the east-west orientation, the distance between the two construction shall guarantee no less than one continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice., shall not be less than 0.3 times of the higher one and minimum is 20 meters. The building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction for those gable widths of the building is more than 16 meters. 4. The distance between the vertical high-rise residential construction and multiple-story/low-rise residence shall not be less than 20 meters and shall guarantee no less than one continuous hours of sunshine on the winter solstice at the same time. 5. The distance between the neither parallel nor vertical residential constructions. (1). When the angle between the two building is less than (equal to) 45 degrees, the minimum building interval shall be defined according to the parallel construction. (2). When the angle between the two building is greater than 45 degrees, the minimum building interval shall be defined according to the vertical construction. 6. The distance between the gable wall of the high-rise and the one of the low-rise/multiple story residence shall not be less than 13 meters. It can beyond Article23 and Article 26 if the building interval between the residence in accordance with this article. Graphic Explanation of Article 28. Artical28.With the premise of being in accordance with Article 23 to Article 27, the minimum distance between the two parallel low-rise residences towards north-south orientation is 6 meters, the minimum distance between the low-rise residence and the northern multiple-story residence is 8 meters, the minimum distance between the multiple-story residence and the northern high-rise residence is 13 meters. The less one will be accepted when the distance between the low-rise residence and multiple-story residence calculated under Article 23 is more than the one calculated under Article 27, but with the premise of being in accordance with the sunshine requirements in Article 27. Graphic Explanation of Article 31. Article31. The distances between the two non residential constructions (not including the one listed in Article 30) shall meet the following requirements: 1. The distance between the two parallel high-rise non residential constructions. (1). Towards the north-south orientation, the distance shall not be less than 0.4 times of the height of the building located in southern part and the minimum is 24 meters. (2). Towards the east-west orientation, the distance shall not be less than 0.3 times of the height of the higher one and the minimum is 18 meters. 2. The minimum distance between the high-rise non residential construction and multiple-story non residential one in parallel layout is 13 meters. 3. The minimum distance between two parallel high-rise non residential constructions is 13 meters. 4. The distance between the low-rise non residential construction and the high-rise/multiple-story/low-rise non residential one in parallel layout shall be defined according to the fire protection requirement but the minimum is 6 meters. Others shall also be defined according to the fire protection requirements. (Left, from top to bottom) Low-rise individual residence Low-rise construction Multiple-story construction High-rise construction Low-rise/multiple-story construction Low-rise/multiple-story/high-rise construction (Right, from top to bottom) Lx: The building interval of the construction towards north and south Ly: The building interval of the construction Graphic Explanation of the boundary from the building:建筑离界距离图示: towards east and west Lz: building interval Hs: southern construction height H: the height of the higher one among two adjoining constructions B: gable wall width The main/secondary orientation of the construction towards west and east The main/secondary orientation of the construction towards north and south Note: the building interval defined by main orientation when the side length of the construction is more than 16 meters.
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