
更新时间:2023-12-17 23:26:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1. Houses in that part of the country were mostly made of cheap material.They all collapsed in the earthquake.

2. The Great Wall wine is made from the best grapes in our country. 3. In the distance,we saw the ship making for the shore.

4. Mr.Shaw’s views are changing all the time.Nobody can make out what he really means.

5. John said that he had made up his mind to study IT(Information Technology).

6. It was not long before people found out that the story was made up by the man.He had never seen a tiger on that mountain.

7. Mary worked harder than ever before;she knew she had to make up for the time she had lost.

8. It is not easy to make out his handwriting.I don’t know what he’s trying to say here.

9. Mr.Brand soon made friends with the young people in his office. 10. It is clear that without government help,they won’t be able to make use of the water power in the area.

11. Don’t make fun of his pronunciation.He actually has a lot of interesting ideas in his speech.

12. He thought he was clever.He didn’t know that he had only made a fool of himself.

13. They had a big argument the other day and did not speak to each

other for several days ,but now they have already made up.

1. I know that in spite of the progress we have made in all these years,many people are still unhappy because their life is filled with worries and anxiety.But at my age,I am already at peace with the world.I have stopped complaining about things.I know I have done my best,and the world belongs to the young.When I die of old age,I will have no regret because I know what I have left unfinished will be passed on to them.

2. When I think of my great grandfather I always feel a pity for him.My father told me that he used to work from morning till dusk,on a strip of land,year after year,but he was never able to protect the family from/aginest hunger and cold.Actually his first two children died in fancy.

3. Does it occur to you that in my day,nobody I know ever complained of being overweight because we were always short of food?As for me,I belonged to the lucky ones, I never really starved.But I never was full either.As for clothes.After a few years,they would be passed to the first-born child,and then to the next and still the next until they became rags.

4. We haven’t got too much time.Let’s get down to business.I have the others to finish the job.Let’s get it over and done with.

5. Her son didn’t get paid very much,but mother and son managed to get by.So her son’s sudden death was a terrible blow to her.She just couldn’t get over it.

6. She was very easy to get along with.She knew a bit of Chinese,and I knew a bit of Russian.So we managed to get across our ideas.We soon became good friends.

7. The news of the scandal got around quickly and he was condemned by public opinion.But he still thought that with his father’s power and influence he would get away with it.

8. The bus got to the station and my mother got up.But before she could get off,the bus started to move again.“Not so fast!I’am getting off,you know,”she shouted to the doctor.“sorry,”the conductor apologized.“I thought you were getting on.”

1. For want of a better word,let’s call then“professional drinkers”because it is their official duty to drink on behalf of the officials at banquets.

2. It was growing dark outside.She pressed her face against the window and looked out.She found that it had started snowing. 3. By the time many of them were half drunk,and they were all dancing to the music in complete ecstasy.

4. He refused to have his hand stained with the blood of innocent

people .The soldier’s honor was dearer to him than his own life. 5. My mother is something of a musician.She is not a professional of course,but she just loves music and is particularly fond of stringed music.

6. He is something of a doctor,but despite the medicine he gave me,my pain lingered on.

7. Throughout this article,the author sang of the country’s achievements in every field.

8. Upon my word,the oil prices are now soaring into the air. 9. It was a lovely painting,showing a young woman holding a litter baby in her arms,bursting with love.

10. We shouldn’t be ungrateful.Our life is much better now compared with the life of our parents when they were our age.

1. Some people believe that poverty turns people into courageous revolutionaries.Others believe that poverty turns people into thieves,robbers and murderers.They are both wrong.

2. I warned her that she was asking for trouble,and all thouse suggestions would be turned down.

3. ----Hello,this is me,Robert. I haven’t heard from you for ages.Are








you.No,no,there’s nothing in particular.I just want to make certain

you are OK.By the way can you give Ma a call tonight before she turns up?She’s been asking for your mobile phone number. 4. I had so many big meals by that time that the mere sight of fish and meat turns me off .

5. It’s getting late. I must be on my way.But I will turn it over in my mind and will tell you what I think tomorrow.

6. I don’t understand why somebody who has made a factory turn out more cigarettes should be praised.

7. She looked very shy,but she turned out to be the most courageous person on earth.

8. According to the agreement they will turn the power station over to our country after twenty years.

9. The talk was well worth listening to.At least about a hundred people turned up.

10. The morning they started for the hotel where the government leaders were to meet,the number of policemen on the beat had been doubled.

1. This room is in a terrible mess.Let’s put everything in its place before class begins.

2. -----Is there an electronic dictionary better than this one?

-----Not that I know of.But come to think of it,why don’t you

get a paper dictionary instead of an electronic one?

3. Sully was a writer,young and romantic.He was bursting with questions to put to the secret agent known as one of the best in his profession.

4. It hard never occurred to him that a famous secret would be such a fat old man.He stuck think as the owner of a cheap lunch counter rather than a sharp spy dealing in danger.

5. Unlike their parents and grandparents,today young people in the United States can not longer take it for granted that their life is going to be better then before.

6. The door was not locked.He let himself in,pulled off his coat,and took of his hat.He knew his son must be watching some movie on his ipad.He was going to tell him to be more careful with the door. 7. I think it was Einstein who said once that he used to have all kinds of dreams when he was young,the same as other people.The only difference was that he was still clinging to those dreams when he grow up.

8. Now that he was old he slipped back easily in time.He remembered how once he overheard his father praise him to his mother and how his face turned red with embarrassment.

