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Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)

Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension

A. Listen and choose the right picture.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.

7. A. Jack B. Susan C. Lily D. Susan and Lily

8. A. They are having a test in the class B. They are making a telephone call.

C. They are drawing something on the paper

D. They are talking about a lesson

9. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday

10. A. By bicycle B. By car C. By bus D. On foot

11. A. 40 B. 39 C. 52 D. 27

12. A. About some people and fish B. About the shapes and colours of pet fish

C. About the food for pet fish

D. About why and how to raise pet fish

13. A. A red T-shirt and black jeans B. A blue T-shirt and a black belt

C. Blue jeans and dirty jeans

D. A red T-shirt and a black belt

14. A. A doctor and a parent B. A doctor and a patient

C. A parent and a child

D. An experienced teacher and a student.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用"F"表示)

15. Brian's teacher sent him home early because he had a stomachache.

16. An old woman walked slowly by the sitting passengers, but no one saw her.

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17. There were two voice in Brian's head, and he couldn't make a decision easily.

18. Brian gave up his seat to the old woman because he felt much better at that time.

19. A TV host got news from one of the passengers , and he interviewed Brian on TV.

20. From the story, we can learn that Brian was probably an actor on a TV show.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence. (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限一词)

21. I didn't want to talk about any common insect, so I _______ ______ making my presentation about ladybugs.

22. I spent a lot of time _________ ________my presentation because I was going to talk in front of my classmates and be graded by my teacher.

23. I made a beautiful model of a ladybug in order to ________ _______ of my audience.

24. After developing my presentation for three days, I made ________ _______.

25. I think making these kinds of presentations _________ ________ to improve my confidence

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary


Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)

26. John is good at English, so he rarely makes mistakes in English grammar. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A. /’re?l?/

B. /’re?l?/

C. /’ri:?l?/

D. /’r?le?/

27. Please take the valuable vase there with ________ great care. I don’t want it to be broken.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

28. The policeman gave us much ________ on how to protect ourselves when we are in danger.

A. example

B. tip

C. note

D. advice

29. There was no one nearby who might see the thief trying to break ________ the house.

A. down

B. out

C. through

D. into

30. Mary chatted with a friend of ________ on WeChat for a long time last night.

A. she

B. her

C. hers

D. herself

31. Mr. Robinson, we didn’t quite follow you. Would you please give us ________ example?

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. the others

32. ________ unforgettable experience we had in Shanghai Disneyland last weekend!

A. How

B. What

C. What a

D. What an

33. During the competition, Eric’s responses to the science questions were ________ in our class.

A. more quickly

B. the most quickly

C. quicker

D. the quickest

34. Jerry ________ in an American high school for 3 years. Now he lives with his uncle in Shanghai.

A. studied

B. has studied

C. studied

D. had studied

35. Emily’s mother felt it necessary to let her daughter ________ her own decision this time.

A. to make

B. makes

C. make

D. making

36. After being questioned by the police, he admitted ________ lies about his real name.

A. tells

B. told

C. to tell

D. telling

37. Our class teacher said that we ________ the 3D Printing Cultural Museum next Thursday.

A. visit

B. visited

C. will visit

D. would visit

38. ________ the morning of April 1st, Tracy played a joke on her best friend by phone.

A. In

B. On

C. At

D. To

39. To help people travel around the city more easily, more underground lies ________ in the next few years in Shanghai.

A. are built

B. will build

C. are building

D. will be built

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40. I know you have already tried your best, so you ________ worry too much about the final exams.

A. can’t

B. needn’t

C. mustn’t

D. shouldn’t

41. Parents should keep an eye on little children all the time, ________ they can easily get hurt.

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. so

42. Dr. Smith will never leave his parents ________ he is sure all of them are taken good care of.

A. since

B. unless

C. if

D. though

43. Look, the building over there is the landmark of our city. It is ________ high.

A. fifty - five metre

B. fifty - five metres

C. fifty - five - metre

D. fifty five metres

44. -- ________ -- That’s all right.

A. I was awarded the Model Student in our school.

B. I’m extremely sorry for bringing you so much trouble.

C. Let’s take the underground to the Century Park.

D. How are you feeling today?

45. According to Arthur Conan Doyle, where did Sherlock Holmes live in London?

A. In Windsor Castle.

B. At 221B, Becker Street.

C. At No. 10, Downing Street.

D. In Buckingham Palace.

Ⅲ. complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

There was once an owl who lived in a forest with her baby owlet(猫头鹰之子). Owl was kind to everyone __46__ the Snake who lived near her nest. Owl’s friends had told her that all snakes were evil and __47__. So, she was cruel to Snake and chased him away whenever he came near.

One night, Owl woke up to great panic(恐慌)in the forest. A blanket of smoke lay over the trees and all the animals were frightened. There was a __48__!

Together, the animals began to run. But as Owl was about to leave, she realized Owlet was __49__ in a hole inside their tree. The hole was so small that Owl couldn’t reach him. Owl screamed at the top of her voice and began to cry.

But all her friends ignored her and left immediately. They were too __50__ to stay and help. Only Snake listened to Owl’s shouts and paused to wriggle(蠕动)inside the tree. In a second he reappeared, carrying Owlet __51__ in his mouth. Together, they got out of the forest to safety.

“Oh, thank you, Snake!” said Owl. “That was so kind. I’m sorry. I was __52__ to believe what my friends told me me about you.” And from that day on, Owl never __53__ others without knowing them first.

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the giv en words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)

54. Scientists are trying to establishing more ________ for their argument. (proof)

55. Sue has already graduated from university in her early ________. (twenty)

56. The twin sisters are only five years old, but they can take care of ________. (they)

57. People speak differnt ________ of English in different parts of Britain. (vary)

58. “How are you?” is a very ________ questions. It’s a question that often doesn’t need an answer. (usual)

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59. Studying abroad has made me much more ________in many ways. (depend)

60. If you really want to ________, you will have to work very hard. (success)

61. She didn’t stop mopping the floor until it became ________ clean. (spot)

Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子,每题空格限填一词)

62. This model of the helicopter cost me 240 yuan.(改为否定句)

This model of the helicopter ________ ________ me 240 yuan.

63. Just a few minutes after his daughter left, the old man forgot her visit.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the old man forgot just a few minutes after his daughter left?

64. The citizens must divide everyday waste into four different categories.(改为被动语态)

Everyday waste must ________ ________ into four different categories by the citizens.

65. Are there aliens in space? Could you tell me?(改为含宾语从句的主从复合句)

Could you tell me ________ there ________ aliens in space?

66. Penny was very nervous. She couldn’t go on with the job interview(合并为一句)

Penny was ________ nervous ________ go on with the job interview.

67. Excuse me, I’d like to make a complaint about this palmtop computer.(保持原句意思)

Excuse me, I’d like to ________ ________ this palmtop computer.

68. essential, work properly, for, enough sleep, your memory, is, to(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)

A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)

It happens to all of us. It is the end of the semester and your teacher gives you your report card. You look at it and your heart stops because you realize that your parents are going to be very angry. This is the classic case of a bad report card! There is nothing you can do to change the past. So, what do you do now?

A disappointing report card is something that almost all students will experience at least once in their lives. Grades are how most schools evaluate(评价)students and they are pretty important. The problem is that we do not always get good grades we (or our parents) want. After a bad report card, it is important to figure out what to do next.

The first thing to do is talk to your teacher. Find out how your grades were calculated. Was the problem a bad test, lack of participation(参与)in class, or a failure to complete homework? Next, if the problem is something you can solve on your won (such as not doing your homework), make a promise to change your behaviour! However, if you have been studying hard and still got a bad grade, you probably need some extra help with your classes. Talk to your teacher and explain your situation. He or she will tell you where you can receive the extra help you need. Then, make a detailed plan of how you will improve your grades. Write down the plan and have it ready when you take to your parents. That’s good way to make your parents less angry.

While all parents want their children to get good grades, most understand that not every report card will be perfect. The important thing is that you show your parents you have a plan to improve your grades for next time. Always remember, many of the world’s most successful people failed many times before they became successful. They learn ed from their failures, and you should too!

69. What is the problem with the grades?

A. Most schools evaluate students by using grades.

B. It’s important to get good grades.

C. We don’t always get good grades we want.

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D. Grades are sometimes incorrect.

70. Which of the following is not a cause of a bad report card?

A. There was something wrong with the test itself.

B. You studied hard enough for the test.

C. You didn’t take part in enough group work in class.

D. You failed to finish your homework.

71. ________ is a good way to make your parents less angry.

A. Telling your parents the test was too difficult for you

B. Understanding all parents want their children to get good grades

C. Showing your parents you have a detailed plan to improve your grades

D. Explaining why you couldn’t complete your homework on time

72. The underlined work “your situation” in the text probably means “________”.

A. You had no idea about how your grades were calculated.

B. You have made a promise to change some bad behaviour.

C. You have been studying hard, but you still got bad grades.

D. You have had a detailed plan to improve your grades.

73. Why does the writer mention(提及)”successful people” in paragraph 4?

A. to compare successful people with unsuccessful people

B. to describe whether they had good grades or bad grades

C. to encourage students to become successful like those people

D. to explain that even successful people fail from time to time

74. The text above is written to ________.

A. encourage students to get good grades

B. make parents less angry

C. share ways to deal with bad report cards

D. find excuses for bad grades

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

Would you like to be comfortable talking to other people? Holding conversations may help.

Holding conversations may not seem like a skill. __75__, everyone talks to other people frequently(频繁地). But talking to new people makes many people nervous.

Here are some ways to make conversations more fun and less awkward(尴尬的).

Body language

As strange as it may seem, much __76__ happens without any words.

The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you’re talking with someone, stand up straight and look them in the eye. This shows that you’re confident. And if you’re nervous, acting like you’re confident can help you feel more confident. When you’re listening, look at the other person. Lean forward to show that you’re interested in what they’re saying.

Back and forth

A good conversation is not a __77__, which means that both people need to participate. If you’re doing all the talking , pause to give the other person time to speak. If they don’t say anything, try asking them a question.

Questions can also help if you’re struggling(挣扎)to think of something to say. If you ask the other person a question, they’ll talk for a while. Maybe they’ll say something relate with and can reply. to. People are generally __78__ to find others with similar interests.

When you ask questions, try to come up with open-ended ones. That means questions where the answer is more than just “yes” or “no.” Open - ended questions in English tend to start with who, what, when, where and why.

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Don ’t fear __79__.

Don ’t panic if the conversation has quiet moments. Every conversation has some. Think of them as opportunities to change the subject to something you ’re interested in. You could also comment on (评论)something you ’ve done recently. Or once again, you can ask a question about the other person.

So if you ’re shy, be brave, ask a question, and start a conversation. As with any skill, you will __79__ on holding conversations with time.

75. A. Above all B. In brief C. After all D. Even though

76. A. emotion B. communications C. information D. situation

77. A. dialogue B. game C. discussion D. speech

78. A. difficult B. faithful C. excited D. honest

79. A. conclusions B. questions C. conversations D. silence

80. A. increase B. improve C. better D. rise

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

A local primary school is considering using tablet computers (平板电脑)in all classrooms from next year. The following text has been written by a teacher at the school.

Should we use tablet computers in the classroom?

The use of tablet computers (or simply “tablets ”)in the classroom has become an increasingly popular choice in many primary schools across the country, including many in our local area. It is important that we consider this opportunity, but we must also be a ___81___ of the problems.

On one hand, there are many a ___82___ to use tablets in the classroom.

Firstly, tablets could improve productivity (效率)during the school day. Because of their familiarity with computers and mobile phones, many of our students can type faster than they can write by hand. T___83___, using tablets in the classroom could reduce the time it takes for them to complete tasks. Additionally, there are endless tablet functions (功能)which could provide interesting teaching a ___84___. For example, we could play computer games to teach Maths, or make simple flashes to show how magnets behave. Also, students could take photos outdoors and then use them for writing tasks.

However, we must also consider the possible problems with introducing tablets to our classrooms. Some students may play with the tablets instead of f___85___ on their work. Another problem is that, while many students can use tablets already, many of our teachers are not good at it and would need to be trained. We may also have problems with the tablets breaking, which would be very expensive to r___86___. This is in addition to the cost of buying the tablets in the first place.

All in all, even though using tablets in the classroom may have many problems, it seems that it would be a wonderful opportunity for students and teachers at our school. There are a lot of costs indeed, but it would c___87___ prove to be a worthwhile investment (物有所值的投资).

