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Part I Reading Comprehension (共40分,每小题2分 )
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. At the end of each passage, five questions will be asked about it. For the first three passages, you should read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide on the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. For the last passage, you should write your answers to the questions on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
Very few of us will never feel unhappy, will never fall into “the slough of despondence”. A major help then is to remember the times when we were happy, and the fact that we have those memories “in the bank”. They are a part of us, they can remind us that we are capable of happiness, and that the world is not always out to make us miserable. When you are happy, consciously store up the memories----they will serve you well.
There are few joys as complete as those that involve bringing joy to someone else. Happiness defies the laws of economics in that it is not something that we have less of when we give it away. It is something that grows greater for the giver as it is given. The more you give, the more you have.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Feeling.
B. Memory.
C. Society.
D. Happiness.
2. The phrase “the slough of despondence” probably means ____.
A. a place
B. a profession
C. a dream
D. a status of being unhappy
3. How can we deal with unhappy time?
A. Remember the happy times.
B. Do something else.
C. Forget about the unhappy things.
D. Just wait.
4. What is one of the ways to be happy, according to the author?
A. To bring joy to someone else.
B. Ignore the laws of economics.
C. Encourage yourself.
D. Relax.
5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Happiness can be stored in memory.
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