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商务英语写作(2)( A卷 )

2012-2013 学年 第二学期

姓名 试题 分值 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 100分 学号 系级班别 评卷教师


考试日期:2013年 月 日(星期 ) 答题时间:90分钟。 考试地点: 考试形式:闭卷

Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. (15%, 1 point for each blank)

分值 得分 15 (1) A successful employment process at least needs three kinds writing: , , and . (2) The purposes of advertisements can be concluded as follows: , , , and action.

(3) Doing a business, it usually includes and replies, , and their fulfillment, terms of payment, and shipment, etc.

(4) There are many different styles in business social correspondence. But most frequently used styles are: , and .

(5) Technical writing has many forms, including letters, , reports, proposals, , and .

Ⅱ. Multiple choices (15%, 1.5 point for each one)

分值 得分 15

1. ( ) I am sorry____ hear that.

A. for B. to C. in D. on 2. ( ) It is __ great importance .

A. to B. on C. of D.with

3. ( ) ___ you the truth, I don’t think the film is good . A. Tell B. Told C. Be told D. To tell 4. ( ) I didn’t meet him. He______ when I got there.

A. leaved B. left C. has left D. had left 5. ( ) I __ believe you can do it well.

A. am B. do C. will D. does

6. ( ) The boy is happy because he __________ out all the newspapers. A. has sold B. has selled C. had sold D. sells 7. ( ) Tom says he _______ my parents. A. know B. knows C. knew D. will know

8. ( ) This is the house ______ I was born. A. in which B. which C. that D. /

9. ( ) We _______ lunch when suddenly someone knocked at the door. A. are having B. have C. were having D. have had 10. ( ) He won’t have any time________ Friday. A. till B. until C. by D. A and B

Ⅲ. Words and phrases translation (10%, 1 point for each one)

分值 得分 10

1. counter-offer 2. Bill of Lading 3.L/C at sight 4.sale check 5. shipping advice 6.人力资源主管 7 唛头 8. 离岸价

9.部分理赔 10. 产地证明书

Ⅳ. Translation (10%, 2 points for each sentence)

分值 得分 10 1. Many thanks for your letter dated September 6, we have enclosed the current brochure from which you may have a better understanding of our new products.

2. We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.

3. Thanks for your enquiry dated May 18, we are now sending you our latest pricelist for your reference.

4. 对售后服务部门要增加更优惠的措施和更多善于沟通的人员。

5. 我们希望附寄的小册子对您有帮助。

Ⅴ. Writing Practices (50%, 25 points for each practice)

Part 1: (25%)

Directions: Write letters of congratulations on the situation given below.

Situation: Write a letter of congratulation to your friend based on the Chinese outline below.


2.你的成绩是你刻苦努力的结果,希望你在新的环境里取得更好成绩。 3.再次表示祝贺。

Part 2: Business Letter Writing. (25%)




然而,我随函附上了我们在贵地区经销商名录。其中一些经销商减价出售马克辛运动服装。 谨上

