英语商务信函中的礼貌原则 毕业设计

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Politeness Principle and Its Presentation

in Business Letters


Abstract .............................................................................................................. i 摘 要 ................................................................................................................ ii ⅠIntroduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 The Importance and Function of Business Letters ............................... 1 1.2 Principles of Business Letters ............................................................... 2

Ⅱ Politeness Principle ................................................................................. 3

2.1 Why to Study Politeness Strategies in English & Chinese ...................... 4 2.2 Politeness: Chinese & Western Models ................................................... 5 2.3 Politeness Principles and Business Letters .............................................. 6

Ⅲ Representation of Politeness in Business Letters .......................... 7

3.1 Politeness? Positive Representation in Business Letters .......................... 7 3.1.1 Approbation ..................................................................................... 7 3.1.2 Sympathy ......................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 Agreement ....................................................................................... 8 3.1.4 Intimacy ........................................................................................... 9 3.2Politeness? Negative Representation in Business Letters ......................... 9

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3.2.1 Euphemism .................................................................................... 10 3.2.2 Respect .......................................................................................... 10 3.2.3 Apology ......................................................................................... 11

Ⅳ How to Apply Politeness Strategies in Business Letters ........... 12 Ⅴ Conclusion ............................................................................................... 20 References ....................................................................................................... 21


太原科技大学外语系2007毕业论文 陆柏成


Through a comprehensive and systematic analysis and comparison of English business letters, this paper argues that the Principle of Politeness in English business letters should be upheld. Also presented in this paper are several aspects of politeness in English business letters. With the development of economy, business letters have become an important way to communicate. By sending business letters to each other, we can exchange information, contact business, negotiate and solve the problems existing in trading, and also promote friendship. Because of its characteristics and functions in business letters, politeness should be paid more attention to. Business English letters are the major means of written communication between two parties in the international trade. How to write business letters idiomatically is very important to business of the enterprise. A courtesy and decent business letter can help to build a favorable business image for the company and do business. However, a letter without courtesy can not only lead to the failure of the business but also destroy the image which the companies have built up. Therefore, the courtesy of business letters is very important.

Key words: Business Letters, Politeness Principle, Representation


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摘 要


关键词: 商务信函, 礼貌原则, 表现


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Business correspondence is a basic activity involved in trade, and remains a very important form of communication even nowadays. They deliver their companies? images to the public. Business letters are often arrangements or regarded as evidence of a contract. They are written for information exchanging and bridge over the desires between buyers and sellers. The most effective letter should be easy to read and easy to understand. It must be friendly and courteous. We should bear in mind the point that business letters play an important role in the development of goodwill and friendly trade relationships.

1.1 The Importance and Function of Business Letters

Business refers to the buying and selling of both goods and services, including all those activities involved in providing the goods and services needed or desired by people. International business communication is a process by which an oral or written message is exchanged between individuals or organizations of different cultures through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, with a view to producing actual effects in business.

Effective business communication is the lifeblood of every business organization. Any business organization cannot function without business communication, since a business organization is a group of people organized for business, whose activities require those involved to interact and react to exchange information, ideas, plans, and proposals; to co-ordinate and to make decisions. The behavior of the members of an organization can have a far-reaching effect on the reputation and ultimate success of the company. Therefore, communicating effectively can contribute in a variety of ways to the development of the business organization because successful messages can eliminate unnecessary-disputes, save time and expense, create favorable impression, enhance goodwill, and help to increase the company?s profit. However, all those require one to be quite familiar with the recipient?s culture to behave properly while doing business. Otherwise one would be considered impolite or rude, leading to unexpected failure in the process of doing business. Therefore, it is important not only for the Chinese to know about the foreign cultures, for example, the English-speaking countries, but also for those foreigners to know about China?s.

In a word, the impression created by a politely written business letter can be a crucial


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human interaction that regulates participants? communicating behavior by constantly reminds them to take into consideration the feeling of others?. It?s necessary to consider their feelings so as to establish levels of mutual comfort and promote rapport, which in turn accelerate and facilitate human communication. Since politeness is cultural-specific, different cultures have different politeness principles and models. In English, Brown & Levinson bring forth five politeness strategies; while Gu Yueguo proposes five maxims and maintains that the Chinese hold dear to such values as respectfulness, modesty, attitudinal warmth and refinement. In this dissertation we are going to analyze how those business letters written under the stated politeness principles achieve die communicating goals by skillful employment of those politeness strategies and maxims.

Ⅲ Representation of Politeness in Business Letters

3.1 Politeness’ Positive Representation in Business Letters

Generally speaking, politeness strategies totally include Approbation, Sympathy, Agreement, and Intimacy in business correspondence.

3.1.1 Approbation

In Brown and Levinson?s viewpoint in the business correspondence, Approbation is such a strategy that it helps meet audience?s requirement. It is communication activator. It helps satisfy the audience?s amour-propre by using compliment and fair words so that the audience?s attention and interesting is aroused. Using appropriate words can bring happiness and satisfactions in life in different occasion, and make the friendship better. In business correspondence, it is necessary to praise the addressee usually, but not over praising. Even if the addressee?s reputation, products, and technology is worthy of being praised, we also need to keep the praising words in control, and avoid the over magnified words. “Too much water drowned the miller.” So while writing business letters, the writer must obey Politeness Principle and try to apply the Approbation as much as possible, besides, the writer also need to praise the addressee by appropriate words.

The following sentence is a classical example:


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We find both quality and prices are satisfactory and are pleased to place an order with you for the following: … (Wu Qin yan,2002:1)

This praising sentence makes the addressee feel comfortable, without magnified.

3.1.2 Sympathy

Chinese think that both of sentiment and sympathies are very important, people often think of the others and comprehend them, especially when someone is unhappy or suffered from disaster. And Chinese will express sympathies and send regards to those people who are unhappy or suffered from disaster. This is named Sympathy.

An old says “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” It is also fit for being along with business friends. When friends are unhappy or suffered from adversity, it will make the friends feel touching if writers express sympathies and send regards to the friends, in spite of helping friends or not. And this kind of behavior shows that the writer is very kind and polite. For example,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 3rd this month enclosing the reprography of the insurance policy,we are regret for your loss.

This is a letter about a company talking on delivery time with the other company, which is suffering losing. In the letter, the writer expresses sympathies and regards to the addressee. This makes the addressee think that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” and it is worth of doing business with the writer.

3.1.3 Agreement

In business correspondence, Face Threatening Acts is represented when the writer can not agree with the addressee?s viewpoint or the addressee?s request is unwilling to be satisfied. In order to save the addressee?s face and reputation and avoid deny the addressee?s viewpoint straightly, the writer need to avoid expressing the disagreement directly. For example,


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We sincerely recommend you to accept our proposal as our stocks are getting lower and lower day and day, and we are afraid we shall be unable to meet your requirements if you fail to let us have your confirmation by return.

In the example, it will act against the politeness strategies if the writer changed the word “recommend” into “advice”. The word “advice” can be understood as commanding. It seems as the addressee has to accept the advice, otherwise, the addressee will suffer losses. Actually, whether the addressee accepts suggest or not, it?s up to the addressee. The writer has no right to force the addressee to accept it.

In a word, when both parties? standpoints can?t unify, the writer should comprehend first and respect the standpoint of the addressee. But the writer can argue on the basis of reason in the ordinary time, explain the writer?s viewpoint if the addressee?s suggestion is unreasonable or the addressee criticizing the writer is unfair, pay attention to the politeness, and avoid using the language offending nature.

3.1.4 Intimacy

In business correspondence, if the writer and addressee?s friendship is very well, the writer can show the friendship to the addressee by calling the addressee geniality by using words like “us” , “we”, “our”, etc, or taking certain suggestion into consideration on the addressee?s position. This is called Intimacy. For example,

In view of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer. (Huang Dongmei,2003:24)

In the example, using the word “our” skillfully shows that the writer takes addressee as partner. Using this kind of amiable words helps writer save the addressees? face, and make the purpose of mutual benefit come true.

3.2 Politeness’ Negative Representation in Business Letters

In Brown and Levinson?s, negative face is stated as someone hope not to force upon the


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other people, and to be out of the other people?s interference, or baffling. Negative face of politeness strategies is that the writer wants to do something to satisfy the addressee?s Negative face wants. For instance, as soon as the request, command and advice referred to, the addressee?s private space will be intervened. In order to save the addressee?s face and reputation, the writer need to use the politeness strategies.

In business correspondence writing, politeness? negative representation totally includes Euphemism, Respects, and Apology.

3.2.1 Euphemism

Euphemism is the way to cut down face threatening acts, even avoid it. When referring proposal, requirement and criticizing, the writer will use certain expression to cut down the particle or relax so that the addressee can accept and avoid face threatens. For example,

Excuse me, I was wondering if you could possibly send us your latest sample machine?

In the indirect requirement, pragmatics, which needs to be put into the leading post and maintained, has difference in different culture. For instance, Individualism Orientation makes people take Face Threatening Acts into consideration first in English and America. In Chinese culture, “face” is very important. Chinese is particular about “shang Lian”, and abstain from”Diu Mian Zi”. Chinese values makes the Chinese take the both parties? “Lian” and “Mian Zi” into consideration and make the double win in communication.

3.2.2 Respect

Respect is stated to feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard; to consider or treat with deference or dutiful regard.(Agnes, M. 2001:1221)

In the politeness principle, Respect is that the writer utilizes the humble words to reduce itself or raises the addressee to reveal that the both parties? statuses are difference. It means that the writer do respects to the addressee. The writer maintains and saves the addressee?s negative face and reputation by using words to promote addressee?s status, and lower an own status in order that the writer avoids the latent conflicts and achieves the goals of


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communicating with the addressee successfully.

“You-attitude” unassertively, is embodying on attitude. And try to use “you”, “I” as much as possible. Not only should the writer stand on the own position in writing business letters, but also the writer should always stand on the addressee?s position to calculate everything. If the writer tries to use the “you” “your” “your business”, “your needs” instead of “I”, “we”, “my” as much as possible, It will make the addressee think that the writer does respects to the addressee, takes the addressee?s profit into consideration and stands on the addressee?s position to calculate everything at times, especially in the beginning of the letters. However, using “we” or “I” in the beginning of the sentences doesn?t suggest that the writer use “you” instead of “we” “I” all the time. When both of the parties? viewpoints can not meet together, or it?s addressee fault, it is reasonable to use the first consultation instead of the second consultation. The sentence begins with “you” is a mean to make the addressee think that the writer does respects to the addressee. If the writer uses the sentences begins with the second consultation like “you” in complaining letters, the only result is that it makes the addressee feel sick, even against with the writer. For example,

A Your error caused the damage of the goods and you will be responsible for what have happened…

B We are regretted to find that the goods has been damaged and we would like to have our representative to look into it.

The tune of sentence A is so strong that the addressee couldn?t accept. Sentence B which is modified according to the sentence A avoids referring addressee?s DAMAGE, saves the addressee?s face and reputation and avoids the latent conflicts with the addressee.

3.2.3 Apology

Apology is a statement saying that an apologizer is sorry for doing something wrong or cause trouble. (Chen Meiwei, 2002:44)

Generally, it includes direct apology and indirect apology.

In order to save the addressee?s face and reputation, and compensate for the addressee?s


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loss and make the addressee forgive the writer, writer can apologize for the mistake or offense and promise to reasonability for it. Usually, a business letter which uses this kind of apologizing is the letter on complaining. For example,

We are sorry for the trouble caused you by the error and wish to assure you that care will be taken in the execution of your further orders.

In the example, in order to maintain the business and the relationship with the addressee, the writer apologizes for “the trouble caused you by the error” directly, and then saves the writer?s face by using “wish to assure you that care will be taken in the execution of your further orders”. Applying the direct apology helps the writer change the negative situation into positive situation.

Indirect apologizing means to show that the writer apologizes for the mistake. But the purpose of this kind of the apologizing is that help the writer try to cut down its responsibility for a mistake or an offense, or give reasons to prove that it is not on purpose. The difference from the direct apologizing is that not only does this help the writer save the addressee?s face, but also it helps the writer maintain itself face simultaneously. For example,

We regret to advise that we are unable to make an offer for the time being owing to heavy demands. A cable to this effect has been sent today to you. However, we shall not fail to inform you whenever a fresh supply becomes available. (Gan Changyin,1999:3)

(The analysis of this sentence seen Example 11 in part Ⅳ )

No matter in which way, it is to go against commercial regulation due to certain linguistic behavior. No matter who it is actual or potential, this is a way to be chosen when addressee?s right is threatened.

Ⅳ How to Apply Politeness Strategies in Business Letters

Human being has its own sensibility. It needs to show the sensibility in business letters writing. However, a wrong concept strongly stays in many people?s mind. They think that


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people should use a kind of special “business chamber” while writing business letters. But it makes the wonderful letter full of keenness and friendship become a dull one. Actually, communicating by letters means communication between the writer and addressee, the difference is that it?s not face to face, but by letters. So it?s supposed to use simpler and easier understanding sentences so that addressees can catch the writers. And this helps the both sides be along with each other easily, just like talking with each other face to face.

Example 1:

A. Your letter has been received. B. I have received your letter. C. Your complaint is being looked into. D. We are looking into your complaint.

In the four sentences above, the sentence A and the sentence C are kinder than the others. Because sentence A shows that the writer shows RESPECT to the addressee, especially the word “Your letter”. This “You-attitude” unassertively, is embodied on attitude. So does sentence C.

Example 2: Dear Sir,

We have received your letter of 15th July, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived damaged on account of imperfectness of our packing.

Upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. We have studied your surveyor’s report very carefully.

We are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you. We are therefore not responsible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree.

Sincerely yours, Mortimer Adler


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(Zheng Ling, 2001)

This is a letter (example 2) in reply to how to deal with the damage of cargo. Goods damaged means the addressee would suffer from loss. So the writer should deal with it carefully. In order to indicate that the writer takes the damage into consideration, the writer refers to the addressee?s viewpoint and agrees to it at the beginning of the letter. Then the writer expresses that the writer pays attention on it rapidly and takes action on researching in time. This action helps the both parties avoid face threatening acts. At last, the writer stated that it was the writer?s fault according to the research. And the writer indicated that the writer was willing to stay with the addressee to share the loss. “but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone , we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us , to which we hope you will agree.” The writer made the friendship between both of sides better by using SYMPATHY. The behavior that the writer expressed the sympathy and was willing to share the loss with the addressee helped the both of sides avoid face threatening acts and made the addressee think that the writer was the one worth for co-operation.

Example 3: Dear Sirs,

Thank you for letting us know about your concern that our quotation for the 1 000 Folded Chairs you enquired about last week is higher than the average market level.

As we understand your letter you feel you could have gotten essentially the same quality chairs as you purchased from us last year for about the same price as our last year’s. As a result, you would like either to ask for the same price as last year’s or receive a 5 % discount. With the present market trend, we have to say that our price is really the best we can quote, notwithstanding we would do everything possible to make you satisfied with your purchase. I hope this explanation answers your question concerning our price structure, and look forward to your order.

Yours faithfully,


( Liang Zhijian,2007)


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The writer?s purpose in example 3 is that the writer wants to refuse the addressee?s requirement of cutting down the price. But the writer begins with a thanks tune and refers to the addressee?s requirement in the letter. The writer euphemizes to point out the reason why the writer refuses cutting down the price. The writer uses the sentence “As we understand your letter you feel you could have gotten essentially…, As a result , you would like……” instead of “You can not buy them at the same price as last year’s …” to avoid pointing out the addressee?s fault directly and save the addressee?s face and reputation. In this, the writer applies the EUPHEMISM and RESPECT in the letter to refuse the addressee?s requirement. And then the writer explains that the price is the best price, and hopes the addressee accept it.

Example 4:

We appreciate the good quality of your shoes, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even for shoes of this quality. We regret that at these prices we cannot place an order.... May we suggest that you make some allowance on your quoted prices so as to introduce your goods to our customers?

This is a letter replied to the addressee?s quotation. The writer thinks that the quoted price is higher. So firstly he agrees with the addressee, saying that the quality of the shoes is very good, and then brings out his viewpoint. This sentence takes both sides? viewpoints into consideration by AGREEMENT.


You obviously ignored the fact that our sales are improving. (Li Hong,2005:31)

This example 5 relates to RESPECT. The purpose of the writer is that the writer just wants the addressee to know the improving of the writer?s sales. However, this sentence makes the addressee confuse and misunderstand the writer. It?s impolite to use the words “obviously ignored”, and make the addressee think that the writer always stands on the own position and just takes itself into consideration. This kind of sentences often makes person feel sick. In order to save the addressee?s face and freedom human rights, the writer should change the tune and use some proper words in the sentence. So the example 5 should be


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changed into the following,

You may be pleased to know that our sales are improving.

Example 6:

This shipment will not arrive in Boston until the end of August. (Li Hong,2005:34)

Respecting and saving the addressee?s face and reputation is embodied on positive attitude. Specifically, put the positive attitude to the leading post.The example sentence emphasizes the fact that the shipment would not arrive early. However, the writer expressed that the shipment would not arrive until the end of August. Especially the negative attitude is embodied on words “until”. It makes the addressee feels that the writer unconcern about the shipment. If the writer deals with the shipment by positive attitude, the result would be better. So the example 6 should be changed into the following,

The shipment will arrive in Boston at the end of August.

Example 7:

Since you did not indicate the correct stock number, we cannot fill your order.(Qi Yunfang, 2003:125)

This example 7 is also the bad one. Not only does the sentence show that the writer and the addressee could do nothing on shipment, but also the sentence is an impolite one with the critical tune. So it should be changed into the following one:

We will ship your order as soon as we know the correct stock number.

Example 8:

We’d like to cooperate with you because of your high ability. We heard that the business transacted through you last year amounts to more than $...(Jian Fen et al,2005)

Generally speaking, many persons would like to be praised of. The approbation words help both of parties meet the viewpoints together easily. What?s more, the approbation words help the writers move on co-operating with the addressees. In the example 8, the writer


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praises the addressee? performance & high ability by stating the words “We heard that the business transacted through you last year amounts to more than $...” This helps the writer get along well with the addressee. But sometimes, some mendacious approbation will make the result become worse. So the writer should pay more attention to the approbation words the writer chooses while praising the addressee. This relates to APPROBATION.

Example 9:

A Considering our good relations, we are prepared to accept your counter offer. B In view of our longstanding, cordial commercial relationship, we would be very grateful if you would make a special effort to comply with our request.(Xian Yanhua,2006:103)

In business correspondence, if the writer and addressee?s friendship is very well, the writer can show the friendship to the addressee by calling the addressee geniality by using words like “us” , “we”, “our”, etc, or taking certain suggestion into consideration on the addressee?s position. This letter is relative with INTIMACY. In example A&B, using the word “our” skillfully shows that the writer takes addressee as partner. Using this kind of amiable words helps the writer save the addressees? face, and makes the addressee feel that the writer takes the both of parties? profit into consideration.

Example 10: Dear Ms White,

We regret to learn of the short delivery of 20 cases of shipment against your Order No. 226 and have contacted our forwarding agents here who inform us that your 20 cases were unloaded in error at Fuzhou and now are waiting for transshipment to your port. We hope they will reach you in time. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you in this instance and hope this matter will not affect our good relations in future dealings.

Yours faithfully, Jessica Chen

(Xian Yanhua,2006:213)


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In order to save the addressee?s face and reputation, and compensate for the addressee?s loss and make the addressee forgive the writer, the writer can apologize for the mistake or offense and promise to reasonability for it. In this example letter, the LITTLE SHEEP SWEATER FACTORY “learn of the short delivery of 20 cases of shipment against your Order No. 226” and apologizes that the factory will ship the short delivery of 20 cases as quickly as possible in order to “hope this matter will not affect our good relations in future dealings.” This is relative with APOLOGY (DIRECT APOLOGY)

Example 11:

We regret to advise that we are unable to make an offer for the time being owing to heavy demands. A cable to this effect has been sent today to you. However, we shall not fail to inform you whenever a fresh supply becomes available. ( Gan Changyin,1999:3)

The writer analysizes the objective factor of this case “we are unable to make an offer for the time being owing to heavy demands” to make the addressee accept the fact, and maintains the writer?s face simultaneously. And then the writer works out the method “we shall not fail to inform you whenever a fresh supply becomes available” in order to maintain the business relationship with the addressee. This is relative with APOLOGY (INDIRECT APOLOGY)

Of cause, international trade is also influenced by cross-culture communicating. The negotiation should be built on equality and mutual benefit on both sides in business correspondence. If the writer who wants to show manners or politeness to addressees but forgets to take itself into consideration and uses excessively humble words of expression, the writer might just get the opposite result, and make the addressee think that the writer is not the one fit for.

Example 12:

A. You could rest assured that we would make every effort to effect the shipment as soon as possible so as to meet your demand.

B. We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite shipment. (Fan Feiran, 2006)


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From the two sentences, we can easily know that the sentence B is the proper one. And the sentence A shows that the writer is a self-abasement. From the words “make every effort to effect”, “as soon as possible”, “so as to meet your demand”, the sentence A cuts down the writer?s status and makes the addressee think that the writer might not satisfy the addressee?s requirement. In this case, the addressee may change the addressee?s mind to find another co-operated partner. The Tact Maxim is embodied in this sentence.

Also, Politeness is often influenced by cultural factors, i.e. history, geography, life way, faith, and so on. Every culture or cultural organization has its own culture trait & values. And differences of sensitivity in terms of manner degree exist. Moreover, they have different understanding to politeness. So we need to comprehend the meaning under the background of different cultures & cultural organizations while writing or reading letters. For example,

Example 13:

We regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment on D/A terms. As a rule, we ask for payment by L/C. But in view of our friendly relationship as well as our willingness to support our Indian friends, we will, as an exceptional case, accept payment for your trial order on D/P basis.(Liang Zhijian, 2006)

In order to express kindness, the writer designedly agrees with the Indian friend?s point. The writer thinks the behavior could be in polite; however, it?s just the opposite of his wishes. Moreover, what the writer has done makes the addressee think something like that: this is the carriage for occupying vantage pointing; this is self-superiority complex showing; this is racialism and economic discrimination. Thus, it?s very important to keep equality on both sides. In the example sentence talked above, in order to avoid an unnecessary mistake, the sentence “as well as our willingness to support our Indian friends” need to be deleted.

In a word, not only need we to use each politeness and promote the abilities and skills on politeness expression, but also we need to take some special factors into consideration in special language environment. Applying varieties of politeness strategies to make the politeness expression more appropriate so that the international trade or negotiation could be


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roll it?s hoop.

Ⅴ Conclusion

Business interaction is essentially an economic activity through language. Whether it succeeds or not depends largely on the participants? use of language, since during the business communication, both parties have to cooperate as well as compete against each other, either party would endeavor to win the most possible profit while maintaining cooperation. So it is indispensable for either negotiation party to employ proper Politeness Strategies in gaining advantages over the other When business negotiation escalates into conflict, each party should tactfully use the Politeness Strategies to show the addressee his/her friendliness, deference or considerateness, to play down the imposition, to try to avoid the risk of face threatening acts and leave freedom for self to act. Undoubtedly, this goal cannot be achieved without a strategic use of language.

In addition, the paper illustrates from one perspective the subtleties of language use in Chinese and English business letters, making some theoretical and practical contributions to the Chinese and English learning and teaching, especially to the training of business negotiators.


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