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既要提高英语水平又能帮助通过考试 A. 不要一味做模拟试题 B. 根据自身情况合理安排 C. 维持正常学习

坚持背诵:最有效的笨办法,但要聪明地学会聪明地使用笨办法 背诵材料的选择既要注重语言(规范)也要注重内容(心智成熟)又要是切身的(不





一、长难句分析 造成阅读困难的原因

1.词汇(包括词组、习惯表达、一词多义等) 2.句子结构复杂或句型特殊 3.缺乏相关背景知识




英语句子结构特点——节外生枝 树形结构tree-like language

汉语句子结构——按事物世纪发生顺序(时间顺序、逻辑顺序等)自左至右线性铺陈,竹形结构bamboo-like language




The gnat bit the cat.

The gnat bit the cat which scratched the elephant.

The gnat bit the cat which scratched the elephant which collapsed. (虫咬了猫。猫抓了象。象倒下了。)

This is the cat.

This is the cat that killed the rat.

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt.

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house.

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that was built by Jack who is the son of my father’s friend who is now working in the company for which I have been working for a few years. 有条理。

干得有条理。 一切干得有条理。 他把一切干得有条理。 没想到他把一切干得有条理。 她没想到他把一切干得有条理。 她说她没想到他把一切干得有条理。



1. It is that unique self-definition which has given us an exceptional appeal ------- but it has imposed on us a special obligation, to take on those moral duties which, when assumed, seem invariably I our own best interest. (美国前总统卡特1977年就职演说)


2. The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government official to the ordinary citizens, of the special methods of though and action that scientists use in their work. 第二方面是使用科学家们在工作中所运用的特殊的思想方法和行动方法。社会所有成员,


3. In England the court is empowered to order anyone who is convicted of an offense that could be punished with imprisonment to perform up to 240 hours of unpaid work for the community, usually over a period of not more than 12 months.

4. The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterday’s election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of log-held superiority in the House.

5. Perhaps selection for the caring professions, especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy.

6. Vocabulary study through word lists and dictionaries, as practiced in school, poses new problems, primarily because of the mechanics of dictionary study as opposed to interaction with responsive adults.

7. A newly issued report reveals in facts and figures what should have been known in principle, that quite a lot of business companies are going to go bankrupt during the coming decade, as tariff walls are progressively dismantled.

8. Some countries allow courts to disqualify from driving those offenders who have used motor vehicles in commission of the crime for which they are being sentenced, with the aim of hindering the offenders from committing further such offenses.

9. So far as is known, all tradition-bound peoples solve their economic problems today much as they did 10,000 years or perhaps 10,000 centuries ago ---- adapting by migration or movement to changes I season or climate, sustaining themselves by hunting and gathering or by slash-and-burn agriculture, and distributing their output by reference to well-defined social claims.

10. If you think as much of others as of yourself, you will not make any of theses mistakes.

11. For this reason also the writer, like any other artists, has no resting place, no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, no judgment from outside which can replace the judgment from within.

For this reason also like any other artists,

the writer, has no resting place, no crowd or movement, no judgment

from outside in which he may take comfort which can replace the judgment from within 由于这个原因,如同任何艺术家一样,作家没有地方可以安妥自己的灵魂,没有人群、没有活动,他可从中找到安慰,也没有外界的评判可以取代他自己内心的评判。

12. I merely desired to point out the principal reason which I believe exists for the greater exaggeration which is occasionally to be observed in the estimate of the importance of the contradiction between current Religion and current Science put forward by thinkers of reputation. I merely (is) put desired forward by which to current point out the thinkers Science principal and reason of current reputation which Religion between (I believe) the contra- exists diction of for the the importancgreater e of exaggera- the estimate tion which in is occasionally to be observed 我的意思哪,是有些出名的思想家把当今的宗教和当今的科学之间的矛盾说得太夸张了,其实不然。

(*我仅仅想要指出,有名气的思想家想出的理论所说的当今宗教和当今科学之间的矛盾的重要性的估计里偶尔被人看出的我相信存在着的较大的夸张的主要理由而已。) (*出名的思想家把当今宗教和当今科学之间的矛盾,偶尔估计过高,我仅仅想指出他们这种看法的主要理由是什么而已。)

13. When I walked into the Chief’s office, I saw from the look on his face that he was not going to give me good news.

14. Money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter(物物交换)system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacture of a product could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete.

15. Any kind of camera will do that has a shutter that can be made to remain open for a time exposure. 16. He who is pleased with nobody is much more unhappy than he with whom nobody is pleased. 17. The theory is of great importance that the hotter a body is, the more energy it radiates.

18. How many of us, attending, say, a lecture that doesn’t interest us, can keep our minds from wondering?

19. There is no way in which, if the society of which we are a part begins to go to pieces, we can help going to pieces ourselves.

20. The puma left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.

21. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

22. Electronics has made possible a new kind of higher education and research.

23. Among the drives which they took was one to Russell Square to the house of the Sedleys, for many

notes had passed, as may be imagined, between the two dear friends, since Becky came to town. 24. Idealists have objected to the practice of camping, as to the packaged tour, that the traveler abroad

thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited. 25. It was at this point that news arrived which was spread among the many creditors of the colonel in Paris, and caused them great satisfaction.

26. Many sweet little appeals, half tender, half joking, did Miss Sharp make to Jos about the dishes at dinner, for she was now very friendly with all the family.

27. It seems as if some hidden mechanism has enabled a man of genius smoothly and easily, and all unknown to himself, to arrive at definite conclusions beneath the threshold of consciousness.

28. The best thing that could happen in the next generation, the thing that would make most people happy, individually and collectively, would be a return to this faith that all men, no matter who they are or how much they know, can tell one another something.

29. Despite the idea, which has grown like a cancer among us, that scientists and humanists cannot converse, I believe that if they ever honestly try to talk together, they will have no real difficulty and will discover that they share many problems which can be to their mutual benefit.

30. Usually that which a man calls fate is a web of his own weaving, from threads of his own spinning. 31. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.

32. He mentally visualizes a complex form from all round itself; he knows while he looks at one side what

the other side is like.

33. A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities.

34. Change comes heartbreakingly slowly after endless debate. But those changes which finally become the

law of the land do so eventually with the work, the thought, and the consent of a nationwide majority.

35. At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and

strength, and its owner his or her full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is least.

36. The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded(给予)to man is that provided by a happy

marriage, endeavored to pretend that all their marriages were happy. We, for our part, admitting the fact that no feat(技艺)of intelligence and character is so exacting(严格的)as that required of two people who desire to live permanently together on the basis of amity(友善)are obsessed by(被困扰)the problem of how to render(使得)the basic facts of cohabitation(同居) simpler and more reasonable, in order that unhappy marriages may less frequently result. The Victorians would have considered it “painful” or “unpleasant” were one to point out that only four marriages out of every ten are anything but forced servitudes(奴役). We ourselves start from this very assumption and try to build from it a theory of more sensible relations between the sexes. Of all forms of arrant(彻头彻尾的)untruthfulness Victorian optimism appears to me to have been the most cowardly and the most damaging.

37. What people fear when they engage in the struggle for life is not that they will fail to get their breakfast

next morning, but that they will fail to outshine(胜过) their neighbor.

38. The man who is born with a talent which he has meant to use finds his greatest happiness in using it. 39. Remember when life’s path is steep to keep your mind even.

49. A practical result of becoming free to use one’s mind is that one tends then to find the world intelligible in

many, if not all, of its part.

41. When one has had to work hard to get money, why should he impose on himself the further hardship of

trying to save it?

42.During the nineteenth century, she argue, the concept of the “useful” child who contributed to the family

economy gave way gradually to the present day notion of the “useless” child who, though producing no income for, and indeed extremely costly to its parents, is yet considered emotionally “priceless”.

43. Although it has been possible to infer from the goods and services actually produced what manufacturers and servicing trades thought their customers wanted, only a study of relevant personal documents written by actual consumers will provide a precise picture of who wanted what.

44. The pursuit of private interests with as little interference as possible from government was seen as the road

to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligation and involvement in the collective community that emphasized by the Greeks.

45. The event marked the end of an extended effort by William Barton Rogers, M. I. T.’s founder and first

president, to create a new kind of educational institution relevant to the times and to the country’s need, where young men and women would be educated in the application as well as the acquisition of knowledge.

46. Thus in addition to the chances of going away from the right path outlined above, the scientific

investigators shares with the ordinary citizen the possibilities of falling into errors of reasoning in the ways we have just indicated, and many others as well.

47. One need only ask first-year university students what music they listen to, how much of it and what it

means to them, in order to discover that the phenomenon is universal in America, which begins in

94. A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has had a

university education, he may steal from the whole railroad.

95. One who sells his freedom for gold will be reduced to the status of a slave forever.

96. Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in

accordance with the dictates of reason. 人是理性的动物,在被要求依据理性行动时总是大发雷霆。

97. He is a man who (that) means what he says.

98.Those who have most virtue in their mouths have least of it in their bosoms.


99. He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for

those which he has.

100. The amount of eccentricity in a society is generally proportionate to the amount of

genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contains.

101. A nation reveals itself not only by people it produces, but by people it honors and


102. If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading

or do things worth writing.

103. Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse.

104. Reading furnishes the mind only with the materials of knowledge; it is thinking makes

what we read ours.

105. Man will do many things to get himself loved; he will do all things to get himself



106. Scuffles and clashes became a matter of daily occurrence for these gangsters.


107. To suppose, as we suppose, that we could be rich and not behave as the rich behave, is

like supposing that we could drink all day and keep absolutely sober.

108. The whole significance of life lies in the unremitting efforts to explore the unknown

and become wise.

109. Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. 110. A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money. 111. Execute every act of the life as though it were the last.

112. We sometimes think that we hate flattery, but we only hate the manner in which it is


113. There are no conditions to which a man cannot become accustomed, especially if he

sees that all those around him live in the same way.

没有什么环境是人所不能适应的,尤其是在看到周围的人都以相同方式过活时。 114. There’s no place where success comes before work, except in the dictionary.

115. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep pace in their

downward tendency.

116. One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of

one extraordinary man.

117. Man often applauds an imitation, and hiss the real thing. 人们往往对假货喝彩,对真品发


118. If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it.

119. When people are free to do what they please, they usually imitate each other. 120. That being the case, we’d better make another plan. 123. Weather permitting, we’ll go there on foot.

124. Everything taken into consideration, his plan seems to be more workable. 125. He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head.

126. He returned three days later, his face covered with mud and his clothes torn into pieces.

Having been warned about typhoon, the fisherman sailed for the nearest harbor. 127. To be educated is to be changed intellectually, mentally and spiritually. 128. To be ignorant of one’s ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.

129. Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high a price for it. 130. It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.


131. It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy but it’s good to check up once

in a while to make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy. 132. To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves.


133. The most important thing is to become whatever you are without shame.


134. Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to

do don’t need to be done.

135. We should come out of university not as worldly and stick-in-the-mud(目光短浅、思想迟

钝) men and women but as individuals with the ability to think for ourselves, judge for ourselves and decide for ourselves.

136. His eagerness to get back home was quite obvious.

137. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.

138. To do great work, a man must be very idle as well as very industrious.


139. Work is not to make money; you work to justify life.

140. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。 141. The thought of returning filled him with fear.

142. His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.


143. There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.


144. A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of

him in twenty minutes.

145. I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.

146. Nothing is true in the newspaper except the names; everything is true in fiction except the


147. The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterday’s election

results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of log-held superiority in the House.

148. Vocabulary study through word lists and dictionaries, as practiced in school, poses new

problems, primarily because of the mechanics of dictionary study as opposed to interaction with responsive adults.

149. Some countries allow courts to disqualify from driving those offenders who have used

motor vehicles in commission of the crime for which they are being sentenced, with the aim of hindering the offenders from committing further such offenses.

150. He who is pleased with nobody is much more unhappy than he with whom nobody is


151. Among the drives which they took was one to Russell Square to the house of the Sedleys,

for many notes had passed, as may be imagined, between the two dear friends, since Becky came to town.

152. Many sweet little appeals, half tender, half joking, did Miss Sharp make to Jos about the

dishes at dinner, for she was now very friendly with all the family.

153. But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations.


154. The pursuit of private interests with as little interference as possible from government

was seen as the road to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligation and involvement in the collective community that emphasized by the Greeks.

155. Half our mistakes in life arise from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where

we ought to feel. 人生中的过失有一半失之于应该动脑筋的时候动情,应该动情的时候却动脑筋。

156. Walden Pond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is now the site of many

tourist stands.

157. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom

windows, making air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome./ Sweeping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome.

158. The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.

159. With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade, this is a good spot for a picnic, and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll(小圆丘).

160. Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr. Wood stood at his neighbour’s door

and knocked again and again till someone opened it.

161. The town folk envied Horace, who had come into a small fortune with which he

bought a big house and obtained a partnership(合伙、合作关系) in the biggest grocery in town.

162. Standing in front of the mirror, Jim looked at his image, wondering at the big

change that had come over him in recent years.

163. The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive

him almost drove him mad.

164. The story, written in plain language, consists of three parts with an interesting

plot centering round an aristocratic family living in the 17th-century France.

165. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over(俯身) a bowl of hot

broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.

166. Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pine trees

growing on the steep slopes of a hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions.

167. Farther down the street, the old man stopped and leaned against a lamp-post,

listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the opposite side of the street.

168. Sarah sank in the nearest chair, completely exhausted, her limbs stiff with

cold, her mind a piece of blank.

169. Throughout the day Mrs Rymer behaved very properly, her pleasant, refined

face wearing a grave look, her elegant figure wrapped in deep mourning while occasionally she uttered a sigh or a sob.

170. Tony thought it necessary to break the news to his family, that Mr. Jacob, his

former employer, had promised him a half-day job at 20 pounds a week.

171. The thought that he might have wronged his friend who had rendered him

good services on many occasions troubled his mind, already overburdened with worries and cares.

172. The men of the disbanded royal bodyguard, suddenly turned loose(释放、放

任) onto the street of a capital seething(云集、充满) with unrest,(动荡、骚动) unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, were a potentially dangerous element.

173. For many years London has been a business center with hotel

accommodation for visiting businessmen together with well-to-do travelers but completely inadequate for the swarms of short-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover.

174. Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly(不顾后果) faster and faster, his eyes

already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling(跌到、滚下、跌落) to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled(倒下、倒塌) pile (瘫作一团)of arms and legs.

175. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons who have received both the

Order of Merit(功绩勋章), which was conferred on him by the British government in 1949, and the Nobel Prize for literature, conferred in Norway in 1950.

176. Money is a singular thing. It ranks with love as man’s greatest source of joy.

And with death as his greatest source of anxiety.


177. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.

178. A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor’s.


179. The animal needing something knows how much it needs; the man does not.

180. Smallpox, the most devastating and feared pestilence in human history, is making us its

last stand in two remote areas of Ethiopia, one in the desert and one in the mountains. 181. Because man is the only known reservoir of the smallpox virus, the disease should be

eliminated forever when the last infected person recovers.

182. Right now more than 1,000 Ethiopian health workers, together with 10 epidemiologists

of the World Health Organization, are combing the countryside to make sure no more cases exist.

183. We have been studying him in connection with Elizabethan drama, of which his work

was a part.

184. And we have found him often using old stories, always writing with an effort for

theatrical success, and frequently following the methods of his contemporaries.

185. Shakespeare has created a host of persons to live with us and he has made us see their

virtues and failings and their likeness to ourselves, and their meaning for our lives.

186. It is ridiculous to suggest that travel necessarily broadens a man’s mind when there are so

many people who just do not notice what there is for them to see.

187. Fortunately there are others who cannot look out of the window of their home without

seeing something fresh and wonderful.

188. They are interested enough to find out the reasons for ideas which are new to them.

190. When a student goes to a library for the first time he may be puzzled as to what to read of

all the different subjects.

191. If he watches a camel grazing, he will see that although it is supposed to be one of the

most stupid animals in creation, it has at least one of the characteristics of the cultured man, the power to pick and choose.

192. Mental chewing over is a very good process for a man, as physical chewing over is for a


193. In the present highly commercialized age we are reminded of Christmas many weeks

before the event.

184. Many people deplore what they consider the over-commercialization of a sacred holiday,

but, underneath all the business activity, a great deal of genuine Christmas spirit is to be found.

195. The custom of giving presents to one’s family and friends is a very pleasant one so long

as one remembers that it is the spirit behind the gift that matters most not the gift itself. 196. That tree has small flowers but large leaves. So it’s a real ugly, and I didn’t buy it.


197. It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm

for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.

198. The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is

compounded by the paucity of the information media.

199. You cannot be sure to succeed in learning even if you have got all the favorable

conditions such as good environment, sufficient books and equipment, as well as

instructions and enlightenments from scholarly mentors and beneficial friends, which are of great help, though.


200. Writers and artists should get nutrition, and enrich themselves by immersing themselves

among the masses, and by plunging into the thick of life.


