新编大学英语视听说教程第六册听力原文Unit 5

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Unit 5


Donna: I'm home. What a day! Freda, Michael, come and see what I bought today. (Neither responds to her.)

Donna: Hey, what's wrong? Why aren't you answering me?

Michael: Freda put my cell phone in the bathtub while she was taking her bath and now it

won't work.

Freda: But the man on TV said you can use your cell phone anywhere, even in the air,

and under the water.

Michael: Do you believe everything you hear from TV commercials?

Freda: But the man on TV said so.

Donna: The cell phone the man was talking about on TV is a new model. It's different.

The one you ruined is an older model and Daddy has used it for two years. It

isn't waterproof and you can't use it underwater. Well, anyway, it's old. You

need a new one, Michael. I'll buy you a new one.

Michael: It isn't just the cell phone... By the way, where have you been?

Donna: Look at me. Can you see anything different?

Michael: Mm... no, I don't. Wait, when did your eyes turn brown? I remember they were

blue when we got married.

Donna: So you do see the difference. But they are still blue. It's the... (She imitates

the TV commercial.) New Look Color Contact Lenses. Wear New Look Color

Contact Lenses and see the year get better. They come in the colors of blue,

green, gray, true sapphire, amethyst, hazel, brown, honey, turquoise, and many

other colors. You can match anything you're wearing with New Look Color

Contact Lenses. And you get a free pair if you order half a dozen.

Michael: So you bought half a dozen?

Donna: Well, of course. Then I could save 12 bucks.

Michael: But half a dozen cost you 80 bucks for something you don't need!

Donna: Well, I think they're well worth the money. Now, look at my lips.

Michael: I didn't know lips grew larger with age.

Donna: They only look that way because I used Beauty RU Attraction for smoother,

fuller and reshaped lips. ... (She imitates the TV commercial.) You'll just love

all the latest Beauty RU colors, textures and shades! It has lasting impact lip

color, high-voltage color with multiple effects, glamor-shine colors that play

with light. Stays put for lip color that lasts and leaves your lips feeling soft

and supple.


Michael: I can see that trying new products really makes you happy.

Freda: Mom, may I have some ice-cream?

Donna: Honey, I almost forgot. I brought you some Rainbow Ice-Cream. Rainbow

Ice-Cream is 100% natural. (She takes a cup of cream out of a shopping bag

and hands it to Freda.)

(Michael sees the painting with the shopping bags.)

Michael: What's that?

Donna: Can't you see? It is an oil painting.

Michael: I know that. But why is it here?

Donna: I bought it.

Michael: Why did you buy it? Do you understand it at all? I can't figure out what the

artist is trying to tell us.

Donna: It's called an abstract painting. You don't have to know what it is about. Just

get the feeling.

Michael: How much did that cost?

Donna: Not very much, only $2,000.

Michael: $2,000! Where did we get that much money?

Donna: Oh, don't worry. I've put it on my new Kingston Bank credit card. (She imitates

the TV commercial.) Ever worried about not being able to pay for something

you love? Here is a solution—the Kingston credit card, the one-stop credit card

with reward programs. Explore a world of immense value, convenience, and

choice with the only reward program that lets you choose the rewards that are

right for you. A simple way to pay your bills with no annual fee. Buy now and pay


Michael: But $2,000 is a lot of money even if the credit card company does allow that

much credit.

Donna: Honey, do you remember what day today is?

Michael: What day is it?

Donna: It's our 10th anniversary. We deserve something special, don't we?

Michael: I love you.

Donna: I love you, too, Michael. Oh, plus, the gallery owner said that the artist will be

a promising young man. He'll be really famous. This will be a good investment.

(Michael looks around and sees the mess Freda has made on the carpet.)

(Donna looks at the mess on the carpet and takes out the Ultra-Clean Magic Michael: What a mess, Freda! Eraser from one of her shopping bags.)

is the Ultra-Clean Magic Eraser. The Ultra-Clean Magic Eraser cleans dirt and

grime like you never thought you could. It is a disposable, soft cleaning pad and

acts just like an eraser. It easily and thoroughly breaks up dirt, lifting it away Donna: Here is the Ultra-Clean Magic Eraser. (She imitates the TV commercial.) Here


from the surfaces. It works with water alone. It is simple and easy to use. No

fumes, gloves or chemicals required. It removes scuffmarks and dirt from the

floors, walls and doors. Even tough crayon marks!

Michael: It really works?

Donna: Sure it does. Come on, let's hang the painting on the wall before the cleaning

lady comes. She'll be here soon and she can clean up the mess while we're gone

to the movie.

(Donna and Michael work together to hang the painting.)

wanted to have one. Perfect!

Michael: Yeah, and for only $2,000!

Donna: A good investment and our pleasure.

(Susan comes in.)

Susan: Hi, Donna.

Donna: Hi, Susan, we're glad you're here. We'll leave you with the house. Sorry, it's a

mess. Um, please clean up everything. We're going to the movie. Um, why don't

you try the new Ultra-Clean Magic Eraser that I just bought?

Susan: No problem. The house will be spotless when you come back.

Donna: OK.

Susan: Bye.

Donna & Bye, Susan.


(Susan starts to clean the living room. After a while, the work is done, and then

Donna: Isn't it wonderful to have an oil painting on our living room wall? I've always she sees the painting on the wall. She picks up the Ultra-Clean Magic Eraser and heads toward the painting.) (Three hours later. The Brooks come back from the movie.) (When they enter the living room, they see the blank canvas on the wall.) Michael: Thanks, honey. I really enjoyed the movie. Donna: Oh my God! So much for our investment.


Ad. 1

At Simply Sofabeds at Notting Hill Gate we're lowering our prices—for Christmas. Masses of sofa beds for immediate delivery. We're open six days a week, with viewing on


Sunday. So celebrate Christmas early this year with a Simply sofa bed at a price that's right. Simply Sofabeds. One thirty Notting Hill Gate.

Ad. 2

Could there really be a women's magazine that's different? Yes. It's called Prima. It's packed with news, opinions, fashions, and once again, there's a free giant pullout section with clothes to make, crafts to create, beautiful sweaters to knit. Get your issue of Prima—Prima ! Only 75 pence from your newsagent now.

Ad. 3

Car Buyer magazine. Every Thursday. It gives you a choice of more new and used cars than all of your local papers put together—and for less, just 30 pence. Car Buyer for car buyers. At your newsagent's now.

Ad. 4

Girls! Sensitive skin really does need more sensitive care. And I take special care of my sensitive skin with Cutis soap, because Cutis soap contains a medicated ingredient which cleans your skin without leaving it dry or tight. Cutis medicated soap. From chemist's shops everywhere.

Ad. 5

Hello. This is Bob Harris inviting you to join me this Friday and every Friday evening for the LBC "Pop Review". I play the best of the recent releases, review the British and the American charts, play classical music by the big stars and new tracks by the names of tomorrow. So it's a real mix of different styles and I'm sure you'll love the music. I'd certainly love to have your company. This Friday evening at half past nine. Right here on LBC.



McDonald's is perhaps the first company in the world to have designed a restaurant primarily for children. For over 30 years, McDonald's has targeted its ad campaigns at


children. The corporation spends billions of dollars to hook children before its competitors do.

Because they watch television, by the time most children are three years old, they can hum or sing whatever the McDonald's jingle happens to be. They also learn very quickly to recognize the exterior symbols of McDonald's: the huge yellow arches that form an "M"; the large, friendly clown who seems to be welcoming them; and the lovely, little playroom where they can play in safety.

By the time they enter the restaurant, for the first time, they feel very comfortable. There are lots of bright colors, special menus, and little toys to take home. They are allowed to be noisy and to run around. And above all, they love the hamburgers, the French fries, the milk shakes, and the pop.

Like all restaurants, McDonald's wants repeat customers. They not only want "their" children to return week after week, they also want to see them year after year. And what better way than the birthday party? "Their" children are encouraged to hold their annual birthday party at McDonald's. They will have everything that is normally associated with a children's birthday party: ice-cream, pop, a birthday cake, balloons, and games. And what is more, there is no mess for parents to clean up.



If your child wets the bed, he or she may find comfort knowing that they're not alone. In fact, approximately 5—7 million kids in the United States don't stay dry at night. It's important to know there is usually a physiological reason behind bed-wetting and most kids will eventually outgrow it. It is not your child's fault.

Consider these common causes:

1. In some cases, the bladder develops less quickly than the rest of the child's body. 2. When in a deep sleep, often a child's brain does not wake them up to let them know when their bladder is full. 3. Some kids temporarily produce too little of an anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) that slows down the production of urine at night. 4. Wetting the bed often runs in the family. Children with one parent who wet the

bed are 40% more likely to wet the bed and are 70% more likely if both parents


wet the bed.

Everyone knows that a good morning means a great day. That's especially true for kids who are bed-wetters. To make sure you and your child wake up smiling, here are six simple tips to help you both manage and cope with bed-wetting:

1. Establish a nightly routine and make going to the bathroom right before bedtime part of it. 2. Limit your child's fluid intake two hours before bedtime. 3. Use disposable underpants such as GoodNites brand to help your child go to sleep confident that they will wake up in a dry bed. 4. Designate a space in your child's underwear drawer for underpants for nighttime. 5. Put a lined garbage can with a lid in the bedroom so wet pants can be discreetly thrown out. 6. Point out how GoodNites Disposable Underpants will keep your child dry for

sleepovers and how they can easily be put on and taken off in the privacy of the bathroom.



In 1969, the Coca-Cola Company began a new advertising campaign that centered on the slogan "It's the Real Thing." Beginning with a hit song, this new campaign was proved to be one of the most popular ads ever created.

The song "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" had its origins in a fog. Bill Backer, the creative director of the Coca-Cola Company, was traveling to London to join two other songwriters to write and arrange several radio commercials for Coca-Cola. As the plane approached Great Britain, heavy fog at London's Heathrow Airport forced it to land instead at Shannon Airport, Ireland. The irate passengers were obliged to share rooms at a hotel in Shannon or to sleep at the airport. Tensions and tempers ran high among the passengers.

The next morning, in the airport coffee shop, Backer noticed that several passengers who had been among the most irate were now laughing and sharing stories over bottles of Coke.

As Backer recalled himself, "In that moment I began to see a bottle of Coca-Cola as more than a drink. I began to see the familiar words, 'Let's have a Coke,' as actually a way


of saying, 'Let's keep each other company for a little while.' So that was the basic idea: to see Coke not just as a liquid refresher but as something shared by all peoples and as a universally-liked formula that would help to keep them company for a few minutes. I could see and hear a song for the commercial. I'm not sure how the lyrics should start, but I know the last line—'I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.'"

This is how the famous song for Coca-Cola came into being.


1. When was the song "I'd like to Buy the World a Coke" written?

2. What was the slogan of Coca-Cola's new campaign in 1969?

3. Where was Bill Backer when the idea of the song hit him?

4. What happened during Bill Backer's trip?

5. How did the passengers feel at first?

6. What did Bill Backer find some other passengers doing on the following day?



The staff of the Federal Trade Commission has released the "Report on Weight-Loss Advertising: An Analysis of Current Trends". The report concludes that false or misleading claims, such as exaggerated weight loss without diet or exercise, are widespread in ads for weight-loss products, and appear to have increased over the last decade.

Many marketers, the report states, use false claims, misleading consumer testimonials, and deceptive before-and-after photos to sell their products. Often ads promised weight-loss results beyond what is possible. Nearly half of the ads claimed that the users could lose weight without diet and exercise.

According to health and nutrition experts, many of the weight-loss products and programs are either unproven or unsafe, and frustrate efforts to promote healthy weight-loss efforts by promising unrealistic results.

"There is no such thing as a miracle pill for weight loss," Surgeon General Richard Carmona said. "The surest and safest way to weight loss and healthier living is by combining healthful eating and exercising. First eat healthfully—cut fats, eat at least five servings of fruit a day, and cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink. Next, get some


physical activity in your day. Walking just 30 minutes a day, five days a week can reduce weight, and make you feel better."


1. Which of the following words best describes the claims in current weight-loss


2. How many ads promise users they will lose weight without diet or exercise?

3. What does Surgeon General Richard Carmona say about weight loss?

4. Which of the following is recommended with regard to weight loss?



Newport's Seven Must-Sees:

1. The Cliff Walk

This legendary promenade is Newport's gotta-see landmark! Stroll its 3.5-mile length and you'll be rewarded with fabulous views of the famed mansions on one side and the Atlantic surf on the other.

2. Rough Point

Occupying 10 acres of land, heiress Doris Duke's 105-room estate houses an extraordinary collection of artwork and furniture. The crème de la crème of her collection is on display during the 2004 Duke Treasure Houses Exhibit (through November 6).

3. Touro Synagogue

Visit the oldest synagogue in America—George Washington did (in 1781)! Another spiritual landmark: the 1699 Friends Meeting House, America's oldest Quaker meeting house.

4. Thames Street

Get in some serious shopping along this bustling thoroughfare that parallels the waterfront. Continue browsing on Bannister's and Bowen's wharves and in the upscale


shops on Bellevue Avenue.

5. International Tennis Hall of Fame

Housed in the historic Newport Casino, the museum—which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year—explores the history of the game, plus provides glimpses of Gilded-Age society.

6. Newport Harbor

Take in the majesty of the harbor and Narragansett Bay aboard a 19th-century style schooner, or get a thrill with a sunset cruise aboard an America's Cup yacht that will take you past beautiful Hammersmith Farm, site of Jackie and JFK's wedding.

7. Fort Adams State Park

It's home to America's largest coastal fortification and offers exceptional harbor views, but in summer, the really big draws are the world-famous Newport Jazz and Newport Folk Festivals, which are both held here.



1. Which of the following statements about the Touro Synagogue is true?

2. Which word best describes the shopping area along the waterfront?

3. When does the America's Cup yacht usually sail?

4. What do we learn about Doris Duke's collection on display during the Duke Treasure Houses Exhibit?

5. What does the speaker say about Fort Adams State Park?


Now you can believe in a new kind of IT management—unified and simplified IT management that makes your business more productive, efficient, competitive and secure. We all know that companies are demanding more from IT—expecting IT to be a strategic and competitive advantage. Yet today's complex IT environments require you to manage across point solutions, large organizations and redundant technology.


A better alternative? Choose an integrated approach to IT management—an approach in which software unifies your people, processes and technology to increase efficiency and optimization. Only one global software company can do that. CA, formerly known as Computer Associates, has focused solely on IT management software for over 30 years. Our technology vision that makes this promise real is called Enterprise IT Management, or EITM. At its heart is the CA Integration Platform—a common foundation of shared services that gives you real-time, dynamic control and flexibility. Its greatest benefit? CA software solutions come to you already integrated, and able to integrate with your existing technology to optimize your entire IT environment.

Ultimately, a well-managed IT environment gives you the visibility and control you need to manage risk, manage costs, improve service and organize IT investments. To learn more about how CA and our wide array of partners can help you unify and simplify your IT management, visit http://www.77cn.com.cn/unify.


1. What can make one business more efficient and competitive according to the


2. What are companies expecting from IT?

3. Which of the following words best describes describe today's IT environment?

4. What is special about CA's software solutions?

5. What will happen to the existing system if EITM is adopted?

6. Which of the following is true about CA?


For more than 85 years, Easter Seals has been serving children and adults with mental and physical disabilities across America. Whether diagnosed at birth or disabled as a result of injury, illness or the aging process—Easter Seals provides services that change people's lives.

Some people are learning or regaining vital skills. Others are having experiences that truly enrich their lives. In therapy rooms and vocational workshops, at day care centers and at camps, Easter Seals offers help and hope to people seeking greater independence and fulfillment.

And since everyone is affected when a family member has a disability, Easter Seals also provides counseling, support and information for parents, siblings and other


caregivers. Families need to know their loved ones are receiving top-quality care in a safe, supportive environment.

At Easter Seals, dedicated staff and loyal volunteers provide family-focused services that are innovative and individualized. There's never a cookie-cutter (千篇一律的东西) approach to what we do. We truly create solutions to help individuals achieve their personal goals.


Ad. 1

Your skin is always in a stage of renewal, just like nature. Nivea Visage firming night supplement contains natural AHA, which boosts the skin's natural regenerative process. It helps to shed the dead skin cells quicker, revealing a fresher useful skin beneath, and gives you a firmer, smoother complexion.

Ad. 2

Even if you've moved into digital photography, those great pictures deserve the same great prints that you expect from your traditional film camera. Kodak, known for amazing print quality of traditional film pictures, has now made it possible to get the same quality right at home on your consumer inkjet desktop printer. To print great pictures at home, you need to use a high-quality, long-lasting inkjet photo paper. Kodak Ultima Picture Paper with KODAK COLORLAST Technology delivers brilliant color photos that will last over 100 years, whether on a fridge, table or in a frame.

Ad. 3

As Hong Kong's biggest car dealership, Crown Motors excels in its service to customers. With state-of-the-art technology and equipment, we serve our customers better and faster. At Crown Motors we continue to innovate and better ourselves to bring our service system to perfection. But most importantly, our success has been built on a team of highly dedicated professionals, committed to giving the best every day. Crown Motors.

Ad. 4

Welcome presents you a state-of-the-art offer with a Tamashi home entertainment range. Designed in Europe with advanced Japanese technology, Tamashi combines good-looks with technical know-how. Collect your bonus stamps now, and you can save up to 50%. Visit your nearest Welcome for an unbeatable offer; that's music to your ears.

