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1. You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist.

You must ____________.

A. begin a radar plot

B. stop your engines

C. take all way off, if necessary

D. All of the above

2. The term restricted visibility means any condition in which visibility is restricted


A. fog, mist

B. fog, mist, falling snow

C. fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms

D. fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms or any other similar causes

3. The look-out must be able ____________ full attention to the ____________ of a proper


A. to give/keep

B. giving/keeping

C. giving/keep

D. to give/keeping

4.The look-out must be ____________ give full attention to the keeping of a proper look-out.

A. able to

B. capable of

C. can

D. possible of

5.The ship is listing too much due to your faulty method in loading operation. You must keep


A. flat

B. up

C. upright

D. vertical

6.It?s also essential that we can not ______________ any marks mixed or damage to the cargo.

A. agree

B. adopt

C. check

D. accept

7.The transfer procedures for oil products are required to be posted ______.

A. in the pilothouse

B. in the officer's lounge

C. in the upper pumproom flat

D. where they can be easily seen or readily available

8. A monkey fist is found on a ______.

A. heaving line

B. lead line

C. manrope

D. mooring line

9. A mooring line leading 45°to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,

is called a ______.

A. spring line

B. warp line

C. bow line

D. breast line

10. A pilot chart does NOT contain information about ______.

A. average wind conditions

B. tidal currents

C. magnetic variation

D. average limits of field ice

11. A precaution you should take before bunkering is to ______

A. plug the vents

B. plug the sounding pipes

C. plug the scuppers

D. close the lids on the vents

12. A green buoy has a yellow triangle on it. This is a(n) ______.

A. information or regulatory buoy that has lateral significance

B. buoy that is off-station and is marked to warn mariners of its wrong position

C. dual purpose marking used where the ICW and other waterways coincide

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D. buoy that was set in error and will be replaced with a red nun buoy

13. A hand held instrument used to measure distances between objects and the ship is a ______.

A. vernier

B. psychrometer

C. hygrometer

D. stadimeter

14.Permanent magnetism is found in ______.

A. hard iron

B. soft iron

C. vertical iron only

D. horizontal iron only

15. If the charterer has given previous notice and warnings to the owner as well as the shipmaster

as to the predictable situations of a port, the port so nominated is __________.

A. safe

B. unsafe

C. acceptable

D. unacceptable

16. _____________: An angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship, between the

horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron ore.

A. angle of loll

B. angle of inclination

C. angle of repose

D. angle of list

17. ___________ is a rounded projection at the forward end of a ship which reduces water

resistance, thus allowing an increase in speed when the ships is in ballast.

A. bulbous bow

B. ellipse bow

C. cyclical projection

D. gnomonic projection

18. __________ is a door in a ship, cut into a bulkhead, which provides access from one cargo

compartment or deck to another. This is used for rolling cargo, fork-lift trucks and ship?s personnel.

A. A.water-tight door

B. fire-proof door

C. Bulkhead door

D. manhole

19. _________ is the last date, agreed in a voyage charter-party or time character-party, by which

a ship must be available to the charterer at the agreed place at the commencement of the

contract. If the ship is not available by that date, the charterer may have the option to cancel the charter.

A. Cancelling date

B. abandonment date

C. inquiry date

D. confirmation date

20. Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship, either in a horizontal or vertical direction,

which keep cargo away from the sides of the ship, assisting ventilation and helping protect against a build-up of moisture or condensation are termed as _____________.

A. frames

B. shell plates

C. bilge plates

D. cargo batten

21. ___________ is one of four uprights comprising a cell in a containership into which a

container fits exactly. These uprights hold the container in position.

A. stanchion

B. shore

C. cellular double-bottom

D. Cell guide

22. ____________ is the number of millimeters by which the mean draft changes when a ship

passes from salt water to fresh water, or vice versa, whilst floating at the loaded draft.


B. The Fresh Water Allowance

C. Parallel sinking of the ship


23. 9. In time-charter, the ship-owner may be responsible for all of the following except


A.Maintenance and repairs


C.fresh water

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D.payment of crewmembers and provisions

24.The Senior Health Officer has advised that the delays have occurred due to ships not

anchoring at the designated anchorage or ___________ quarantine signals.

A. not display

B. not displaying

C. no display

D. no displaying

25.___________, it will be impossible for me to arrive at the pilot station at 2100hrs.

A.Owing to dense fog and my radar detective

B.Owing to dense fog and my radar being defective

C.Owing to being dense fog and my radar being defective

D.Owing to being dense fog and my radar, defective

26.Every effort will be made by the company to ensure that you are _________ at the

termination of your tenure.

A. received

B. relieved

C. believed

D. conceived

27.The charts sold are of _________.

A.newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices.

B.the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction

C.the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time

of sale.

D.brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing.

28. A celestial body's complete orbit around another body is _________.

A. a rotation

B. a revolution

C. space motion

D. nutation

29.If your radiotelephone fails while underway, _________.

A.you must visually signal oncoming vessels

B.you must immediately tie up in the nearest port until the radiotelephone is repaired

C.you must anchor until the radiotelephone is repaired

D.the loss of the radiotelephone must be considered in navigating the vessel

30.The safety signal used on the marine radiotelephone:

I. Consists of three repetitions of the word "PAN" ransmitted before the call sign and name of

the calling station.

II. Indicates a message concerning the safety of navigation or meteorological warnings.

A. I .only

B. II. only

C. Both I.and II.

D. Neither I.nor II.

31.All of the following are distress signals under the rules except __________.

A.International Code Signal AA

B.orange-colored smoke

C.red flares

D.the repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms

32.It is necessary to secure the forced ventilation to a compartment where there is a fire to


A.allow the exhaust fans to remove smoke

B.extinguish the fire by carbon monoxide smothering

C.prevent additional oxygen from reaching the fire

D.protect fire fighting personnel from smoke

33.How does an inert gas system on a tanker function to prevent explosions in cargo tanks?

A.De-energizes the charged mist effect.

B.Maintains a positive pressure on the vent header to cool the flammable vapors.

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C.Inert gas filters out the flammable vapors from the cargo tank spaces.

D.Inert gas dilutes the flammable vapor and air concentrations to keep them below the

lower explosive limit.

34. A definite advantage of using water as a fire extinguishing agent is its characteristic of


A.alternate expansion and contraction as water in a liquid state becomes a vapor

B.absorption of smoke and gases as water is converted from a liquid to a vapor

C.rapid contraction as water is converted from a liquid to a vapor

D.rapid expansion as water absorbs heat and changes to steam

35.Emergency and Muster list in a cargo ship shall contain ________.

A.muster station and actions to be taken in the emergency

B.the operation information of portable radio apparatus

C.the arrangements of the fire extinguishers throughout the ship

D.the operations of the flue gas isolating valves

36. A certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat must __________.

A.be the first individual to board the craft

B.drain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craft

C.have a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboat

D.All of the above

37. A cable used by helicopters for lifting or lowering person in a pick-up operation is a


A. hoist

B. rope

C. cable

D. line

38."The bottom area from keel to light load line, about 2500 sq.m., including rudder, rudder post,

stern frame, to be cleaned with high pressure sea water" is probably an item of ________.

A. P ollution Repot

B. Accident Report

C. Repair List

D. Report from Cargo Surveyor

39.If two mooring lines are to be placed on the same bollard, which method is best?

A.Place the eye from the forward line on the bollard and then place the eye from the

second line directly over the first.

B.It makes no difference how the line are placed.

C.Place the eye from either line on the bollard, and then bring the eye of the other line up

through the eye of the first, and place it on the bollard.

D.Place both eyes on the bollard, in any manner, but lead both lines to the mine winch

head on the vessel and secure them on the winch.

40.Holes in the bulwark, which allow deck water to drain into the sea, are ___________.

A. doggers

B. fidleys

C. freeing ports

D. swash ports

41. A vessel having continuous closely spaced transverse strength members is ___________.

A. longitudinally framed

B. transversely framed

C. cellular framed

D. web framed

42.Your vessel is docking, but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful when

maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?

A. Bow breast line

B. Bow spring line

C. Inshore head line

D. Offshore head line

43. A wedge of water building up between the bow and nearer bank which forces the bow out 21时29分13-3-25 4



and away describes ________.

A. bank cushion

B. bank suction

C. combined effect

D. bend effect

44.First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to ________.

y the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops

B.stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound

C.apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops

D.apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it

45.When an air mass moves near the equator, it would be __________.

①high in temperature ②high in absolute humidity

A. ① only

B. ② only

C. both ① and ②

D. neither ① nor ②

46.Prior to reading an aneroid barometer, you should tap the face lightly with your finger to


A.expose any loose connections

B.demagnetize the metal elements

C.bring the pointer to its true position

D.contract and expand the glass face

47.You have determined that you are in the right semicircle of a tropical cyclone in the northern

hemisphere. What action should you take to avoid the storm?

A.Place the wind on the starboard quarter and hold that course

B.Place the wind on the port quarter and hold that course

C.Place the wind on the port and hold that course

D.Place the wind on the starboard bow and hold that course

48. A cloud sequence of cirrus, cirrostratus, and altostratus clouds followed by rain usually

signifies the approach of a (n) _________.

A. occluded front

B. stationary front

C. warm front

D. cold front

49.Your vessel is not under command due to engine breakdown and is now dead in the water on

the high seas. Which of the following signals should you sound in reduced visibility?

A.Two prolonged blasts of the whistle

B.One short, one prolonged and one short blast of the whistle

C.One prolonged and three short blasts of the whistle

D.One prolonged and two short blasts of the whistle

50.Your vessel is fishing at anchor on the high seas. Which of the following day signals should

she display if she has gear extending out over 150 meters horizontally from the vessel?

A. A black ball in the forepart of her vessel

B. A black double frustum of a cone

C. A basket where test seen

D. A black cone point upwards

51.37. In the carriage of grain in bulk, the residual dynamic stability shall in all conditions of

loading metreradians.

A. be less than 0.75

B. be not less than 0.75

C. be less than 0.075

D. be not less than 0.075

52.Deadweight is ________.

A.the tonnes of the displacement of a vessel in water of a specific gravity of 1.025 at

summer load water line

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B.the difference in tonnes between the displacement in salt water at summer load waterline

and the light weight of the vessel.

C.the cargoes in tonnes that can be loaded in a vessel at summer load water line.

D.the bale capacity in cu. metres of a vessel

53.The advantage of container transportation is to

A.provide the better working condition for stevedore and crew

B.take the advantage of cargo handling and keep a good maintenance of the vessel

C.standardize the size and package of the general cargo

D.reduce handling cost and damage of cargo and shorten the ship's turn round time in port

54.On a vessel, multiplying a load's weight by the distance of the load's center of gravity above

the baseline results in a(n) ___________.

A. transverse moment

B. vertical moment

C. righting moment

D. inclining moment

55.Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate


A. ballast

B. reserve buoyancy

C. displacement

D. rolling periods

56.Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the _______.

A. uncorrected KG

B. maximum allowed KG

C. virtual height of the center of gravity

D. metacentric height

57.GM cannot be used as an indicator of stability at all angles of inclination because _________.

A. M is not fixed at large angles

B. there is no M at large angles

C. G is not fixed at large angles

D. there is no G at large angles

58.Gasoline vapor tends to collect _________.

A.above the floor plates of the bilges

B.above the carburetor level

C.at the lowest point of the bilge areas

D.at no particular level

59.Your vessel is going from a warm climate to a cold climate with a hygroscopic cargo. Which

statement is true?

A.You must ventilate constantly and vigorously to combat ship sweat.

B.You should ventilate; there is little danger of ship sweat, but a possibility of cargo sweat.

C.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if you ventilate.

D.There is little danger of any sweat problem.

60.You will load and carry a bulk cargo of sulphur at ambient temperature. Which statement is


A.Wooden covers must be laid over the bilge wells to prevent the sulphur from entering

the bilges.

B.Bulk sulphur may be carried without a special permit providing the vessel complies with

all applicable regulations.

C.The major characteristic of this cargo is that it forms sulfuric acid upon contact with


D.Other hazardous material may not be stowed in the same hold as the sulphur but may be

carried on deck above the hold.

61.Cargoes that might leak from containers are known as __________.

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A. dirty cargoes

B. caustic cargoes

C. wet cargoes

D. bulk cargoes

62.Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge

upward. The purpose of these cargo battens is ________.

A.for securing a snatch block when snaking cargo into the wings of the hold

B.to prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel's frames or shell plating

C.to provide fittings to which cargo lashings may be secured

D.to support the dunnage floors which are laid dram between tiers of cargo

63.The payment proportionate to the part of the voyage accomplished or to the part of the cargo

delivered is referred as __________.

A. advance freight

B. back freight

C. dead freight

D. pro rata freight

64. A vessel has completed loading cargo in the port of San Francisco. What document is signed

by the master stating the terms that goods were delivered and received by the ship?

A. bill of goods

B. bill of lading

C. cargo manifest

D. cargo receipt

65.According to the SOLAS 1974 convention, the duration and validity of a safety construction

certificate for a cargo vessel is less than _______ years.

A. a. 2 b. 3 c.4 d.5

66.According to the SOLAS 1974 convention, the main steering gear and rudder stock shall be

capable of putting the rudder over from ____ degrees on one side to _____ degrees on the other side with the ship at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at maximum ahead service speed.

A. a. 35/35 b. 30/35 c.30/30 d.35/30

67.According to the SOLAS 1974 convention, the main steering gear and rudder stock shall be

capable of putting the rudder over from 35 degrees on one side to35 degrees on the other side with the ship at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at maximum ahead service speed and, under the same conditions, from 35 degrees on either side to 30 degrees on the other side in not more that ___ s.

A. a. 10 b. 30 c.28 d.35

68.The part I of the Oil Record Book shall be written up by ________________.

A.every vessels of 150 tons gross tonnage and above

B.every tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 tons gross

tonnage and above other than oil tanker

C.every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above

D.all of a, b, c are right

69.The ISM code shall be applied to _______________ after 2002.07.01.

A.all passenger vessels

B.all cargo vessels

C.all cargo vessels of 500 tons gross tonnage and above

D. A and C are right

70.56. A chemical vessel shall possess _____________ certificates for pollution prevention

purposes. I. Oil Record Book (part II) II. Cargo Record Book III. Garbage Record Book IV. IOPP

a. I, II, III, IV

b. II, III, IV

c. I, II, IV

d. I, II, III

71.57. The self-igniting lift-buoys shall be ____ of the total number of the life-buoys according

to the SOLAS convention.

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A. a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/5

72.The DOC for Safety Management System shall be issued by ____________ in China.

A.The maritime safety administration in China


C.The Ministry of Communications

D.The Chinese Government

73.The SMC for Safety Management System shall be issued by ____________ in China.

A.the maritime safety administration in China


C.The Ministry of Communications

D.The Chinese Government

74.According to the STCW?95, all persons who are assigned duty as officer in cha rge of a watch

or as a rating forming part of a watch shall be provided a minimum of _____ hours of rest in any 24 hours.

A.12 b. 10 c. 8 d. 6

75.According to the STCW?95, all persons who are assigned duty as officer in charge of a watch

or as a rating forming part of a watch shall be provided a minimum of _____ hours of rest in any 24 hours. However the hours may be divided into no more than two period, one of which shall be at least ____ hours.

A.12/6 b. 10/5 c. 8/5 d. 10/6

76.The 1989 international salvage convention was directly initialized by the accident_______.

A. a. Amoco Cadiz b. Torry Canon c. Free Enterprise D. Scandinavian


77.When the Pilot is embarked he or she __________.

A.relieves the Master of his duties

B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel

C.is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge

D.relieves the officer of the watch

78.When steering a vessel, a good helmsman does NOT __________.

e as much rudder as possible to maintain course

B.consider steering a vessel a highly responsible job

e as little rudder as possible to maintain course

D.advise his relief of the course being steered

79.__________, the underwriter will be not responsible for the damage.

A. The vessel unseaworthy

B. The vessel is unseaworthy

C. The vessel being unseaworthy

D. The vessel to be unseaworthy

80.Which of the following is not a maritime perils?

A. Stranding or grounding

B. Stranding upon rocks or shoals

C. Collision between ships

D. fire

81.If notice of readiness is given at 11 a.m., laytime for loading and/or discharging shall

commence at ___________.

A. 11:30 a.m.

B. 6 a.m. next working day

C. 1 p.m.

D. 6 p.m.

82.If a victim is unconscious,you should first look for evidence of ______.

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A. high fever

B. head injury

C. broken limbs

D. irregular breathing



A vessel steaming in shallow water has a wave profile which sees a build-up or increase of water ahead, a trough alongside, and an increase astern. Put that same vessel in a narrow channel when the flow of water is restricted and the wave profile becomes magnified.

If the vessel is in the center of the channel the forces acting longitudinally on that vessel are approximately equal or self-canceling, and the turning movement about the pivot point is minimal. If the vessel moves closer to one bank there is a considerable lowering of the water level on that side and a force towards that bank is generated. This force acts about the center of gravity and its strength is dependent on the vessel?s speed and closeness to the bank.

With the pivot point of a vessel moving ahead, forward of the center of gravity, the tendency of the force is to move the stern towards the bank. This sheer can be quite alarming and must be guarded against. It should be anticipated, and early action to control it is necessary. If early action is not taken rudder control becomes less effective and indeed sometimes impossible.

69.The water profile of a vessel steaming in shallow water is as follows:

A.an increase ahead, a trough alongside, and then an increase astern

B. a trough ahead, an increase alongside, and then a trough astern

C.an increase ahead, an increase alongside, and then a trough astern

D. a trough ahead, a trough alongside, and then an increase astern

70.The force towards the bank is caused by:

A.the water level inboard is higher than that outboard

B.the water level outboard is higher than that inboard

C.the water levels outboard and inboard are the same

D.none of above is right

71.Which of the following is right regarding the “Pivot Point”?

A.It is the point where the gravity concentrates

B.It is the point with which the vessel turns

C.It is the point where the buoyancy force acts

D.None of above is right

72.According to the passage, ________ might be useful to avoid or eliminate the effect brought

by the bank suction.

A.reduce the speed of the ship and keep the her close to the bank

B.reduce the speed of the ship and keep the her far from the bank

C.increase the speed of the ship and keep the her close to the bank

D.increase the speed of the ship and keep the her far from the bank


The effectiveness of a bridge team does not depend solely on numbers. …Spectators” are nothing more than a distraction; when the rest of the bridge team members are not fully aware that a person is spectating, dangerous misunderstandings can result.

To operate efficiently, bridge team members need a clear understanding of their function for each level of bridge manning. The basis for this understanding will stem from company standing

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orders defining manning levels and roles, supplemented and/or amplified by the master?s standing orders.

The defining of functions and team roles should not be allowed to develop into demarcation, as circumstances may require on e member to back up another?s efforts. It is essential that all team members are fully aware of the total situation and hence able to be supportive of one another without neglecting their own function.

73. …Spectators” are nothing more than a distraction. What does this sentence mean in the passage?

A.There are no spectators on bridge.

B.The effectiveness of a bridge team does not depend on numbers.

C.Spectators on bridges may result in the others? distraction.

D.The more persons on bridge, the better.

74. The phas e “stem from” in the second paragraph means that _____.

A. be based on

B. be taken from

C. be from stem

D. bow

75. The defining of functions and team roles should not be allowed to develop into demarcation,

as circumstances may require one mem ber to back up another?s efforts. This sentence means that _________.

A.there must be a clear demarcation in the defining of functions and team roles.

B.it?s unnecessary to define the function and team roles as circumstances may require

one member to back up a nother?s efforts.

C.It?s unnecessary to define the function and team roles as the others have their

respective tasks to perform.

D.None of them is correct

76. Which one of the followings is correct according to this passage?

A.Spectators may help bridge team understanding the situation.

B.It is essential to keep your roles in mind and not to help others as it may cause your

neglecting your function.

C.Knowing well the total situation and their own function, all team members must help

one another.

D.None of above is correct

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1.Your ship must speed up.

A. reduce speed

B. increase speed

C. change speed

D. stop engine

2.You should stop your vessel instantly.

A. in a moment

B. on time

C. at once

D. late on

3.You should report your ETA in advance.

A. at once

B. before hand

C. early

D. immediately

4.You must ____________ your cable to 5 shackles.

A. cut

B. short

C. be short


5.When the changing of a VHF channel / frequency is accepted, say ____________.

A. I am going to change to VHF channel

B. I am certainly going to change to VHF channel

C.changing to VHF channel

D. VHF channel has been changed

6.When a vessel is aground, she is ____________.

A. restricted in her ability to maneuver

B. not underway

C. not under command

D. constrained by her draught

7.To become an officer on board you must obtain ___________.

A. the officer's license

B. the officer's identity card

C. the seaman's book

D. the mariner's handbook

8.What does the word breadth mean in the roles? ____________

A. Breadth on the uppermost continuous deck

B. Molded breadth

C. Greatest breadth

D. Breadth at the load waterline

9.Vessel?s provisions refer to ____________ of the vessel.

A. fuel oil

B. vegetables and food

C. spare parts on board


ballast water

10.Three vertical lights at the masthead of a tug indicate____________

A. more than one tow

B.a tow in excess of 200 meters in length

C. a vessel aground


11.Thank you for____________

A. a information

B. the informations

C. your information


your informations

12.Please tell your captain that your anchor is____________

A. moving


C. dredging

D. slipping

13.I expect to ____________ when tide rises.

A. aground

B. refloat

C. stranded

D. hit the rock

14. A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as _______________ as is


A. wide a place

B.wide a margin

C. wide enough

D. wide

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15. A tall object with a light on or near the shore, to act as a guide or warning to mariners is


A. beam

B. radar

C. light beacon

D. reflector

16.While ______________, they met with a storm weather.

A. at sea

B. the ship was at sea

C. she was at sea

D. they were at sea

17.When your vessel is proceeding to the area of traffic density, ______________ is used to

determine the exact ranges of other ships or objects in the vicinity.

A. radar


C. DF.


satellite navigator

18.What does salt water draft mean?______________

A. It means summer draft

B. It means maximum draft

C. It means fresh water draft

D. It means seawater draft

19.The term loading and unloading cargo means______________

A. arranging cargo

B. shipping cargo

C. cargo handling

D. weighing cargo

20.The ship should reduce speed in______________

A. the poor visibility

B. the good night

C. the fast speed

D. the good sight

21.The meaning of ebb tide is that______________

A. tide is falling from high water to low water

B. tide is rising from low water to high water

C. tide is reaching to a highest level

D. tide is reaching to a lowest level

22.The fog is too thick. Don?t ______________ the radar.

A. switch on

B. switch off

C. close

D. open

23.Ships are always ______________ on water and they are easy to rust.

A. float

B. floating

C. floats

D. floated

24.Please have the damaged derrick______________

A. repair


C. repairing

D. to repair

25.Our engine has a ______________of 10000 horse-power.

A. liability

B. ability

C. capacity

D. responsibility

26.If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, i. e. A. B. C and D consecutively, the cargo for

______________ must generally be loaded first.

A. port A

B. port B

C. port C

D.port D

27. In time-charter, the ship-owner may be responsible for all of the following except


A. Maintenance and repairs

B. Dunnages

C. fresh water

D. payment of crewmembers and provisions

28.During a voyage all necessary precautionary measures should be taken to ________ marine


A. prevent and eliminate

B. handle and cause

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C. safeguard and decrease

D. sustain and overcome

29.The port clearance for a ship should be granted _________ the completion of loading or

discharging in the port.

A. before

B. when

C. after

D. during

30.I have to ________ you responsible for any damage that may result when you put another

vessel alongside mine.

A. want

B. hope

C. expect

D. hold

31.Please tell the stevedores to the optional cargo.

A. keep way from

B. keep away from

C. keep from

D. keep a way from

32.To become an officer on board you must obtain ___________.

A. the officer's license

B. the officer's identity card

C. the seaman's book

D. the mariner's handbook

33.Tell me _________, please.

A.which hatch will be loaded first

B.will which hatch be loaded first

C.will hatch of which be loaded first

D.first will which hatch be loaded

34. A telegram should __________ strictly according to English grammar.

A. not be written

B. be written

C. sometimes be written

D. be not written

35.What does “salt water draft" means?

A. It means “summer draft"

B. It means "Maximum draft"

C. It means "Fresh Water draft".

D. It means "seawater Draft”

36.I must hold ________ for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.

A. your responsible

B. you responsible

C. you are responsible

D. your are responsible

37.On no account to be exceeded.

A.is the S.W.L. of the crane

B.are the S.W.L. of the crane

C.the S.W.L. of the crane is

D.the S.W.L. of the crane are

38.Case of death or serious injury to a person in an accident or shipping disaster is __________.

A. salvage

B. operations of the salvage

C. casualty

D. injury

39.Anchor has its own cable twisted around it defines ___________.

A. foul of anchor

B. dropping anchor

C. weighing anchor

D. walking back anchor

40.Heave is motion along the ____________.

A. longitudinal axis

B. transverse axis

C. vertical axis

D. centerline axis

41.Horizontal transverse motion of a vessel is known as __________.

A. pitch

B. surge

C. sway

D. heave

42.Please mark (out) one of the most famous registers of shipping in the world.

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C. Lloyd's Society

D. Liberia Shipping Registry

43.The Mariner's Handbook ___ general information affecting navigation and is

complementary to the Sailing Directions.

A. giving

B. give

C. gives

D. given

44.You are running into danger, __________.

A. shallow water ahead of you

B. submerged wreck ahead of you

C. risk of collision imminent

D. A, B, C are all right

45.Chronometer error may be found by __________.

A.radio time signal

parison with a timepiece of known error

C.applying the prevailing chronometer rate to previous readings

D.al1 of the above

46.When it is advisable to change to another VHF channel, ________.

A.advise (you) change to VHF frequency

B.advise (you) change to VHF channel

C.change to VHF channel is advised

D.change to VHF frequency is advised

47.is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime.

A. Smoke signal

B. Flash signal

C. Fire signal

D. Radio emergency transmission

48.Which of the following indicates a grave and imminent danger requesting immediate

assistance on the radiotelephone?


B. Mayday

C. Securite


49.Spontaneous combustion is caused by _________.

A.an outside heat source heating a substance until it ignites

B.conduction of heat through a wall of material to the substance

C.chemical action within a substance

D.All of the above

50.You discover a leak in the fuel line to the engine. You should first _______.

A.activate the C02 system

B.make a temporary repair with canvas or tape

C.start the bilge pump

D.close the fuel valve at the tank

51.Accumulations of oily rags should be ____________.

A.kept in nonmetal containers

B.discarded as soon as possible

C.cleaned thoroughly for reuse

D.kept in the paint locker

52.The painter system is a unit used for _________.

A. securing liferaft

B. maintaining the deck

C. controlling parachute flare

D. strengthening the lifecraft

53.Lifeboats are numbered . Odd numbers to starboard and even numbers to port.

A. from forward to aft

B. from aft to forward

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C. at master's option

D. as per owner's instruction

54.The collision bulkhead shall be _______.

A. water-tight

B. air-tight

C. fire-tight

D. oil-tight

55.The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is


A. applied

B. supplied

C. replied

D. complied

56.We have come on board to check with you on the main items of repairs as stated in the


A. order list

B. repair list

C. store list

D. spare parts list

57.One function of a bulwark is to _______.

A.help keep the deck dry

B.prevent stress concentrations on the stringer plate

C.protect against twisting forces exerted on the frame of the vessel

D.reinforce the side stringers

58.The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted _________.

A. white

B. international orange

C. yellow

D. red

59.The wheel order “steady” means __________.

A.the steering gear is very stable

B.the rudder is to be held in the fore and aft position

C.reducing swing as rapidly as possible?

D.reducing amount of rudder angle to certain degrees

60.In anchoring orders, "Walk back the chain" means ___________.

A. pay away the chain

B. take in the chain

C. check up the chain

D. take a strain on the chain

61.The ship?s draught forward is slightly deeper than the draught aft. This condition is called

______ in the shipping term.

A. trim by the head

B. trim by the stern

C. even keel

D. draft difference

62.Immigration Officer coming on board will check ________.

A. crew list

B. store list

C. muster list

D. cargo list

63.There has been a collision in sea area of Fork. _______.

A. Stand by to give assistance

B. Stand by to alter course

C. Stand by to stop engine

D. Stand by to go astern

64.Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a (n)


A. barometer

B. wind vane

C. anemometer

D. thermometer

65.In the northern hemisphere, an area of counterclockwise wind circulation surrounded by

higher pressure is a _________.

A. low

B. high

C. warm front

D. cold front


This description is likely to be under the heading of ______.





67.Do not overtake. Vessel on ______ 2 miles distance will pass on my port side.

A. same course

B. opposite course

C. port side

D. starboard side

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68.All vessels ______ size shall, whether in a fairway or not, observe the International

Regulations for preventing collisions at Sea.

A. in spite of

B. irrespective

C. in respect

D. in matter of

69.In case of accidents the risk of sinking, all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of

the fairway to avoid ____________ the traffic.

A. involving/impeding

B. involved/to impede

C. involving/to impede

D. involved/impeding

70.When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed are rigidly connected in a composite unit,

they shall be regarded as _______.

A. a tugboat

B. a Sailing vessel

C. a power-driven vessel

D. a vessel propelled by machinery and under sail

71.When a vessel is aground, ________.

A. it is underway

B. it is not underway

C. it is berthed alongside

D. it is arriving

72.GM is a measure of __________.

I.The initial stability of a vessel. II. The rightingness of the vessel.

A. I . only

B. II. only

C. Both I.and II.

D. Neither I. nor II.

73.What is reserve buoyancy?

A.The amount of buoyancy measured in foot/tons.

B.The vertical distance above the waterline inside the hull.

C.The volume of space that is filled with water.

D.The volume of intact space above the waterline.

74. A system of cleaning the tanks by washing them with the cargo of crude oil while it is being

discharged is known as _________.

A. cow

B. lot

C. cbt

D. coferdam

75.On cargo booms, preventers are ________.

A. auxiliary guys

B. extra fair leads

C. steel bands

D. stops

76.Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by _________.

A. ship's sweat

B. inherent vice

C. tainting

D. hygroscopic absorption

77.Addition of weight to a vessel will always ___________.

A. reduce reserve buoyancy

B. increase righting moments

C. increase GM

D. All of the above

78. A tank which is not completely full or empty is called ____________.

A. pressed

B. slack

C. inertial

D. elemental

79.The normal tendency for a loaded tanker is to __________.

A. hog

B. sag

C. have a permanent list

D. be very tender

80.Please instruct the stevedores that on no account to exceed this limit.

A. they are

B. are they

C. they were

D. were they

81.What is the meaning of the term “tare weight”?

A.Pounds of force necessary to damage a container

B.Total weight of a container and contents

C.Weight of a container

D.Weight of the contents of a container

82.61. If the master improperly jettisons goods, will be liable.

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A. the cargo owner

B. the shipowner

C. the shipper

D. the receiver

83.Which is a negotiable document?

A. Bill of lading

B. Cargo manifest

C. Export declaration

D. Receiving report

84.The shipper s hope each Mate?s Receipt is to be signed right after __________.

A. the cargo is loading

B. the cargo is discharged

C. the cargo is on board

D. the cargo is damaged

85. A bill of lading is a document _______.

A.with which the shipper gets the title to the property

B.by which the consignee acknowledges having received the cargo

C.which binds the carrier to deliver the cargo to the consignee

D.which proves that the cargo is in apparent good order and condition

86.________ are to be responsible for loss or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery of the


A. Charerers

B. Carrier

C. Owners

D. Agents

87.The responsibility of the carrier shall ________ from the time when the goods are loaded.

A. suspend

B. cease

C. apply

D. commence

88.The goods are generally shipped on deck at __________ risk.

A. Shipper?s

B. Carrier?s

C. shipowner?s

D. Stevedore?s

89.Figure of cargo shortlanded in __________.

A. dispute

B. argue

C. debate

D. discuss

90.The General Average action must be _________ and ___________.

A. beneficial, practical

B. conscious, rational

C. fair, rational

D. intentional, reasonable

91.Deviation to save ____ is always justified, unless it is expressly stipulated


A. property

B. a vessel in danger

C. human life

D. freight and cargoes in danger

92.The SMC for Safety Management System shall be issued by ____________ in China.

A.the maritime safety administration in China


C.The Ministry of Communications

D.The Chinese Government

93.The self-igniting lift-buoys shall be ____ of the total number of the life-buoys according to

the SOLAS convention.

a. 1/2

b. 1/3

c. 1/4

d. 1/5

94.The ISM code shall be applied to _______________ after 2002.07.01.

A.all passenger vessels

B.all cargo vessels

C.all cargo vessels of 500 tons gross tonnage and above

D. A and C are right

95.The requirements on the carriage of Charts are dealt with in _______ of the SOLAS.

a. chapter 3

b. chapter 4

c. chapter 5

d. chapter 6

96.The buoyancy of a lifejacket shall not be reduced by more than _________ after 24 hours 21时29分13-3-25 17



submersion in fresh water.

A. 2%

B. 5%

C. 8%

D. 10%

97.________ happen again, contact me at once.

A. Were it to

B. If it to

C. It were to

D. If should

98.The abbreviation “s” indicates that the quality of the bottom is _________.

A. sponge

B. stones

C. sand

D. shells

99.ship is said to be __________when she is pushed forward by the waves and seems to move

backwards as she falls back into the troughs.

A. pitching

B. rolling

C. yawing

D. surging

100.This certificate is valid until 2002.02.01 subject to ___________ at intervals of 12 months.

A.undertake intermediate survey(s)

B.be undertaken intermediate survey(s)

C.undergo intermediate survey(s)

D.intermediate survey(s)

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