汽车数据集(cars dataset)_数据挖掘_科研数据集
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This was the 1983 ASA Data Exposition dataset. The dataset was collected by Ernesto Ramos and David Donoho and dealt with automobiles. Data on mpg, cylinders, displacement, etc. (8 variables) for 406 different cars. The dataset includes the names of the cars.
汽车数据集(cars dataset)
This was the 1983 ASA Data Exposition dataset. The dataset was collected by Ernesto Ramos and David Donoho and dealt with
automobiles. Data on mpg, cylinders, displacement, etc. (8 variables) for 406 different cars. The dataset includes the names of the cars.
The data can be used for classification.
Cars dataset
This was the 1983 ASA Data Exposition dataset. The dataset was collected by Ernesto Ramos and David Donoho and dealt with automobiles. Data on mpg, cylinders, displacement, etc. (8 variables) for 406 different cars. The dataset includes the names of the cars.
The Committee on Statistical Graphics of the American Statistical Association (ASA) invites you to participate in its Second (1983) Exposition of Statistical Graphics Technology. The purposes of the Exposition are (l) to provide a forum in which users and providers of statistical graphics technology can
exchange information and ideas and (2) to expose those members of the ASA community who are less familiar with statistical graphics to its capabilities and potential benefits to them. The Exposition wil1 be held in conjunction with the Annual Meetings in Toronto, August 15-18, 1983 and is tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, August 17.
Seven providers of statistical graphics technology participated in the l982 Exposition. By all accounts, the Exposition was well received by the ASA community and was a worthwhile experience for the participants. We hope to have those seven involved again this year, along with as many new
participants as we can muster. The 1982 Exposition was summarized in a
paper to appear in the Proceeding of the Statistical Computing Section. A copy of that paper is enclosed for your information.
The basic format of the 1983 Exposition will be similar to that of 1982.
However, based upon comments received and experience gained, there are some changes. The basic structure, intended to be simpler and more flexible than last year, is as follows:
A fixed data set is to be analyzed. This data set is a version of the CRCARS data set of
Donoho, David and Ramos, Ernesto (1982), ``PRIMDATA: ata Sets for Use With PRIM-H'' (DRAFT).
Because of the Committee's limited (zero) budget for the Exposition, we are forced to provide the data in hardcopy form only (enclosed). (Sorry!)
There are 406 observations on the following 8 variables: MPG (miles per gallon), # cylinders, engine displacement (cu. inches), horsepower, vehicle weight (lbs.), time to accelerate from O to 60 mph (sec.), model year (modulo 100), and origin of car (1. American, 2. European,
3. Japanese). These data appear on seven pages. Also provided are the car labels (types) in the same order as the 8 variables on seven separate pages. Missing data values are marked by series of question marks.
You are asked to analyze these data using your statistical graphics software. Your objective should be to achieve graphical displays which will be
meaningful to the viewers and highlight relevant aspects of the data. If you can best achieve this using simple graphical formats,
This was the 1983 ASA Data Exposition dataset. The dataset was collected by Ernesto Ramos and David Donoho and dealt with automobiles. Data on mpg, cylinders, displacement, etc. (8 variables) for 406 different cars. The dataset includes the names of the cars.
fine. If you choose to illustrate some of the more sophisticated capabilities of your software and can do so without losing relevancy to the data, that is fine, too. This year, there will be no Committee commentary on the individual presentations, so you are not competing
with other presenters. The role of each presenter is to do his/her best job of presenting their statistical graphics technology to the viewers.
Each participant will be provided with a 6'(long) by 4'(tall) posterboard on which to display the results of their analyses. This is the same format as last year. You are encouraged to remain by your presentation during the Exposition to answer viewers' questions. Three
copies of your presentation must be submitted to me by July 1. Movie or slide show presentations cannot be accommodated (sorry). The Committee will prepare its own poster presentation which will orient the viewers to the data and the purposes of the Exposition.
The ASA has asked us to remind all participants that the Exposition is intended for educational and scientific purposes and is not a marketing activity. Even though last year's participants did an excellent job of maintaining that distinction, a cautionary note at this point is appropriate.
Those of us who were involved with the 1982 Exposition found it worthwhile and fun to do. We would very much like to have you participate this year. For planning purposes, please RSVP (to me, in writing please) by April 15 as to whether you plan to accept the Committee's invitation.
If you have any questions about the Exposition, please call me on
(301/763-5350). If you have specific questions about the data, or the analysis, please call Karen Kafadar on (301/921-3651). If you cannot participate but know of another person or group in your organization who can, please pass this invitation along to them.
Statistical Research Division
Bureau of the Census
Room 3524-3
Washington, DC 20233
This was the 1983 ASA Data Exposition dataset. The dataset was collected by Ernesto Ramos and David Donoho and dealt with automobiles. Data on mpg, cylinders, displacement, etc. (8 variables) for 406 different cars. The dataset includes the names of the cars.
汽车数据集(cars dataset)_数据挖掘_科研数据集05-28
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