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本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。共120分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:


第一部分 听力理解(共两小节,满分20分)


听下面5段对话。每段后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19. 15. 答案是B。

1. What is the woman doing?

B. £9. 15. C. £9. 18.

A. Watching TV.

2. What do we know about the man?

B. Listening to music. C. Reading a book.

A. He enjoys onions on the hamburger. B. He didn't give his order clearly. C. He dislikes onions on the hamburger.


3. How does the man feel about his history test?

A. Satisfied. C.Excited

B. Bad.

4. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. Have a meal. meeting

B. Have a meeting. C. Cancel the

5. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A holiday plan. B. C .Swimming lessons.

Skiing training.




6. What is the woman's opinion?

A. Wearing a suit and shirt without a tie is common. B. Wearing a tie is a must. C. Wearing a tie makes people smart.

7. What is in fashion now? A. Being well dressed.

B. Wearing a suit and shirt with a tie. C.

Wearing a suit and shirt without a tie. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

8. Who will go to the concert?

A. Jackson and Ann. B. Alice and Ann. C. Alice and Jackson 9. What will Jackson do this evening? A. Attend a concert.

B. See his doctor.

C. Work in the office

10. Why could Alice NOT get through to Ann?

A. Ann didn't hear the call. B. Ann was talking to her doctor. C.

Ann was making a phone call.


11. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. The view. B. The house. C. The Internet connection.

12. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Go to the local telecom office. B. Apply for a 3G service. C. Change for a new phone.

13. What can we learn from the conversation?[来源学科网Z|X|X|K]

A. The woman knows a lot about computer technology. * B. The man moved into this house not long ago. C.

The man and the woman are neighbors.


14. What could be the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Mother and son. B. Sister and brother. Grandma and grandson.

15. When did the boy fall down? A.

When he was on the way to the hill.

B. When he was on the way to the seaside. C. When he was on the way back home. 16. Where will they watch the live NBA?

A. At home. B. At the boy's grandpa's. C. In the stadium.


17. What happens to the job market?


The post-90s are entering the workforce.


B. The post-90s are very popular in the job market. C.

The job market doesn't welcome the post-90s.

18. What do the post-90s look for in their job?

A. An enjoyable work air. B. A strict boss. C. High salaries.

19. What is the post-90s' life attitude according to the experts?


The Internet is everything in their life.

B. They seek for great achievements in life.

C. They don't care much about basic necessities of life. 20. What is the common feature of the post-90s?

A. They are spoiled. B. They are outspoken. C. They are selfish.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______________ he or she wants.

A. however 答案是B.

21. It is perhaps human nature to love beautiful things, and universe contains many things of beauty, flowers being one of the most outstanding.

A. the; the B./; the C. the; /

D. /; /

B. whatever

C. whichever

D. whenever

22. Our English teacher always creates a relaxed atmosphere to keep us when we make a speech or have a discussion.

A. at a loss B. at all costs C. at ease D. at will

23. Though its economy is speeding fast, China's average family income is far below developed countries.

A. each

B. those

of the C. one D. that

24. —What is the purpose of this experiment?

—To figure out whether this material ________________easily under high pressure. A. is broken B. will be broken C. breaks D. broke

25. Our company _____________ new profit records through technical innovation—15%

rate of growth in the last two years and 10% this year

A. sets B. has set C. is setting D. has been setting

26. The .cultural industry is to the national economy. It is expected to account for 10% of our country's GDP by 2015.

A. valuable B. vague

C. vital

D. valid


27. Constant quarrels between my parents are driving me crazy. If only I a warm and harmonious family.

A. have

B. will have

C. had

D. had had

28. Of all the feelings, bodily pain is the most difficult . A. explained B. to explain C. being explained D. to be explained

29. We don't know the precise use Google-makes of Chinese famous works, but its scanning of them without permission is illegal.

A. which

B. how

C. when

D. what

30. To our delight, more and more parents are their attention from their children's academic .scores to their all-round development.

A. shifting

B. drawing

C. focusing

D. paying

31. —I don't want to repair your car for nothing.

—You ________ get well paid, as long as you do a good job, I promise you. A. must

B. should

C. shall

D. may

32. Taking in less fat and doing more exercise will keep you in good . A. shape

B. order

C. status

D. position

33. Human rights protection is a universal principle that all, including criminals.

A. caters to B. applies to C. submits to

D. corresponds to

34. —Patrick, we are going to attempt some new methods in language teaching.

—Good, but be sure to suit the students' needs, method you choose.

A. what B. which C. whatever D. whichever

35. —I have accepted that project, though it is full of risk.

— _______ ! Young people should dare to shoulder responsibilities.

A. Good for you B. Be careful C. Cheer up D. Congratulations




11-year-old Precious Thomas is making her way to the front of a conference room in a high school, smiling broadly. The students there have been 36 that the girl is HIV-positive. They are 37 , as if they expected her to look 38 a bit sick. \39 , 'What could a little girl like her have to

say?'\40 words, she tells her story. Precious was just two weeks old when her mother, a heroin addict, decided she couldn't 41 the child

and gave her to a friend, Rocky Thomas. The birth mother 42 her rights so that Rocky and her husband could adopt Precious. They were in the process of doing that when the 43 was diagnosed with HIV. The couple adopted her 44 It was the age of AIDS 45 But Rocky, from the first, taught Precious about the infection, describing the virus to her as a \46 long prayers(祈祷文),poems and Bible passages, Precious showed off her 47 in churches at just two years old. There, in places where the talk of AIDS might not 48 have been welcomed, Precious began telling audiences about the \

From kindergarten through fourth grade, Precious was 49 by a retired teacher with several other neighborhood children. Precious attended public school in fifth grade, but her mother 50 her out when some of the kids began 51 her, calling her \other students her age at the SEED Public Charter School.

\he was four, she was 52 __ in hospital. Sometimes we didn't know 53 she could come back home. \

These days, Precious likes hanging 54 with her best friend, Charlotte, and going to dance class. Not worrying much about what might happen, she says, \a(n) 55 11-year-old. Life is always enjoyable. \ 36. A. asked 37. A. excited 38. A. at least 39. A. worrying 40. A. trembling 41.A. take on 42. A. abandoned 43. A. husband 44. A. anyway 45. A. doubt 46. A. exploring 47. A. figure 48. A. nevertheless 49. A. attended 50. A. pulled 51. A. tricking 52.A. hardly 53. A. whether 54. A. on 55. A. friendly

B. ordered B. surprised B. at first B. discovering B. thoughtful B. care for B. distributed B. wife B. somewhat B. protection B. memorizing B. opinion B. never B. taught B. sent B. scolding B. frequently B.that B. up B. abnormal C.told C.interested C. at most C. admiring C. complicated C. look over C. ignored C. b*aby C. anytime C.scare C. explaining C.courage C. moreover jC. supported C. picked C. teasing C. totally C. how C.over C. normal D. noticed D. disappointed 源:Z.xx.k.Com][来D. at last D. wondering D. simple D. live on D. exchanged D. student D. sometime D.research D analyzing D. talent D. otherwise D. treated D. ruled D. refusing D.rarely D. why D. out D. awkward




The cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 is about $ 160,140! That doesn't even touch college tuition. For those with kids, this figure might lead them thinking how much they could have banked. For others, that number might confirm the decision to remain childless.

But $ 160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into $ 8 >896. 66 a year, $ 741. 38 a month, or $171. 08 a week. That's a mere $24. 44 a day! Just over a dollar an hour.

Still, you might think the best financial advice says don't have children if you ever want to be \

What do you get for your $ 160,140?

? Naming rights.

? Giggles under the covers every night. ? More love than your heart can hold. ? Kisses and hugs.

? Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies. ? A hand to hold usually covered with jam.

? A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites, and building sandeastles.

For $ 160,140, you never have to grow up! You get to finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, and never stop believing in Santa Claus. You have an excuse to keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh, watching cartoons , going to Disney movies, and wishing on stars.

For $ 160,140, you get to be a hero just for taking the training wheels off the bike, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat to history; to witness the first step, first word, first date, and first time behind the wheel.

You get to be immortal(不朽的)

You get another branch added to your family tree.

You get an education in nursing, criminal justice and communications that no college can match.

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there with God.

You have all the power to correct a mistake, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a party, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost.


56. Which of the following is NOT true after you have a child?

A. You enjoy the right to name your children. B. You never seem to get old. C. You still need to learn. D. You get admiration as a parent.

57. By In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there with God, the author intends to say .

A. you are powerful next to God

B. you are the one your children love and trust most C. you need to behave like a God

D. you keep yourself too far for your children to reach you 58. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

A. A dollar, an hour and a child B. Children and bank C. Money and parents

D. Fun and children

59. Which of the following could be used as the last sentence to end the passage?

A. Remain childless. B. Enjoy raising your children. B

C. Make a bank for your children. D. Find a way to be happy.

Israel has passed a law banning the use of underweight models in advertising. Known as the \”, it also requires that agencies tell their audience if they've digitally changed pictures to make models look thinner.

The new law prohibits the use of models with a body mass index of 18. 5 or less, a designation based on internationally accepted measures. The figure matches the set of fixed limits by the U. S. Department of Health.

The law doesn't set a money amount that can be gained in court from such a suit. Lawmakers realize that it may be a long and difficult process to prove in court that a company broke the new law, but they feel that simply having the law in place will accomplish what they want; stopping advertising companies from continuing to influence Israelis with images of unhealthy-looking models as the gold standard of beauty.

Some modeling agencies in Israel aren't happy.

They say that the indexes on which the law is based are arbitrary and are not appropriate for every model. Many models who are totally healthy girls might be disqualified because of the law. Some models are naturally thin and unable to gain weight and the new law would unfairly prevent them from finding jobs.


However, plus-size American supermodel Emme told CNN that she thinks the law will cause other countries to make similar measures against showing underweight models. \think this is fantastic because so many young women and men are suffering to look in a way that is unrealistic and unhealthy,\

60. What is \

A. Banning the use of underweight models. B. Banning underweight models in advertising. C. Banning changing pictures digitally. D. Banning models in advertising.

61. The underlined word \ .

A. a set of clothing B. a group of rooms C. an action in court D. a fitness to the case

62. What can we know from the passage?

A. All models are happy about the law.

B. All advertising agencies are happy about the law. C. The law makes no sense.

D. There are arguments over the beauty standard of models.


A unique thermo-solar power station Germasolar in southern Spain can work even on cloudy days: energy stored when the sun shines lets it produce electricity even during the night.

It is the first solar power station in the world that works 24 hours a day! This is how it works: the panels reflect the sun's rays onto the tower, transmitting energy 1,000 times stronger than that of the sun's rays reaching the earth. Energy is stored in tanks, and then steam is produced before finally turned into electricity.

It is the station's capacity to store plenty of energy that makes Gemasolar so different because it allows the plant to transmit power during the night, relying on energy it has gained during the day.

Helped by the generous state aid, renewable energies have enjoyed a boom in Spain, the world number two in solar energy and the biggest wind power producer in Europe, ahead of Germany.

For the Gemasolar solar product, foreign investors helped too: Torresol Energy is a joint enterprise between the Spanish engineering group Sener, which holds 60 percent, and Abu Dhabi-financed renewable energy firm Masdar.

This type of station is expensive, not because of the raw material we use, which is free solar energy, but because of the enormous investment these plants require. The investment cost is over 200 million euros ($ 260 million). But the day when the business has repaid that money to the banks (maybe, in 18 years, someone estimates), this station will become a 1,000-euro note printing machine!

For now, the economic crisis has nevertheless cast a shadow over this kind of project: Spain is battling to cut its deficit (赤字) as it slides into a difficult time and has cancelled aid to new renewable energy projects.

63. Which of the following pictures most probably shows how the thermo-solar power station


64. What is NOT the reason for this power station being unique?

A. It is the first solar power station which costs over 200 million euros. B. It is the first solar power station in the world working around the clock. C. It even works well when it is cloudy. D. Its capacity to store energy is large. 65. What makes Germasolar expensive?

A. The cost to build such a station. B. The raw material used. C. The debt owed to the bank. D. Being a euro note printing machine. 66. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Spain is building more energy projects.

B. The Spanish government will aid renewable energy projects. C. The Spanish government ignores the development of this project. D. Germasolar will make fortunes in the future.


The art of reading fiction is largely a matter of inferring meanings. To INFER means to understand facts which are not directly stated —only suggested. Inference is one of the commonest ways of knowing things: a child holds his knee and cries; this action IMPLIES his feeling; aji observer INFERS that the child hurt. To infer accurately in everyday life requires caution in observing; to infer skillfully in fiction requires caution in reading; both require disciplined imagination.

The short-story reader can expect to find certain basic elements in any story. For example, all stories involve a person or persons, in a particular setting, faced with a demand for a response. The

response called for may be a physical action, such as defeating an adversary (对手) or escaping from a danger; or it may be a mental action, such as adjusting to others or within oneself. In either case, the short story is a description in two ways: first, it shows the motives for a given, human action; second, it makes a point about the general human situation. Such descriptions, however, rather than being stated directly, usually are implied by the elements of the story.

When the reader of a story understands all the facts and their interrelationships, he is ready to infer the significance of the story as a whole — its comment on the human situation. This comment, or THEME, is the seed from which the story grew. It is also the idea by which all the separate elements of the story are governed, while these in turn further shape and modify the theme. In addition to action, character, and setting, these elements include structure, mood, tone, and point of view.

Fiction reading requires an awareness of all the ways in which a story communicates. It also requires attention to detail. What the author provides is a network of points which serve as clues to his meaning. He invites the\the story himself and so make it part of his own experience.

67. According to the author, \

A. knowing facts beyond the statement B. looking for more evidences for the statement C. finding out a different meaning from the statement D. adding some facts to the statement S8.

What is inferring in fiction based on?

A. Readers' guessing.

B. The basic elements of the story. C. The setting of the story.

D. The interrelationships between people in the story. 69. What is the implied meaning of the last sentence?

A. Inferring can really help the reader develop imagination and enrich himself. B Inferring can help the reader write a story of his own.

C. The reader should look for an experience described in the story he reads.

D.The experience described in the story will leave a great impact on its reader.

70. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Inferring is an art of writing. B. Inferring is a need in fiction writing. C. Inferring is the basic skill in reading fiction. D. Inferring is common in reading.

第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词;请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。


Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) has been used for many years as a painkiller. It also has an anti-inflammatory (消炎) action and can be used to reduce fever. Aspirin is already recommended for people to prevent stroke and heart attack because it improves one's blood circulation. So many people already take daily aspirin as a heart drug. Although aspirin can cause deadly internal bleeding, which is relatively rare, its benefits for people are great, not only to help increase the length of people's lives, but to prevent and treat cancer, or to stop cancer spread according to the latest research.

Taking a low dose (剂量) of aspirin every day can prevent and possibly even treat cancer, fresh evidence suggests. Prof. Peter Rothwell, from Oxford University, and his colleagues, who carried out the latest work, had already linked aspirin with a lower risk of certain cancers, particularly bowel(肠) cancer. But their previous work suggested people needed to take the drug for about 10 years to get any protection. Now the protective effect occurs much sooner—within three to five years—based on a new analysis of data from 51 trials involving more than 77,000 patients. And aspirin appears not only to reduce the risk of developing many different cancers in the first place, but may also stop cancers spreading around the body.

Taking a low (75 — 300mg) daily dose of aspirin appeared to cut the total number of cancer cases by 25 % after only three years—there were nine cancer cases per 1,000 each year in the aspirin-taking group, compared with 12 per 1,000 for those taking dummy pills. It also reduced the risk of a cancer death by 15% within five years (and sooner if the dose was higher than 300mg). And if patients stayed on aspirin for longer, their cancer death risk went down even further—by 37% after five years.

Low-dose aspirin also appeared to reduce the probability that cancers, particularly bowel, would spread to other parts of the body, and by as much as half in some instances. However, Prof. Rothwell says for most fit and healthy people, the most important things they can do to reduce their lifetime cancer risk is to give up smoking, take exercise and- have a healthy diet.

But experts warn that there is still not enough proof to recommend it to prevent cancer cases and deaths and warn that the drug can cause dangerous side effects like stomach bleeding. Prof. Peter Johnson of Cancer Research UK, along with other experts, said it was still a good idea that people thinking of taking aspirin should first consult their doctors because of the possible side effect. And people should get some decisive advice from the government as to whether aspirin should be recommended more widely and the government should also advise the public about the benefits and risks of aspirin.

In recent years some universities have put a series of weird questions to the applicants in their interviews of the independent enrollment, causing a stir among the students and society. They have sharply divided opinions.

