
更新时间:2024-05-04 02:33:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


目的状从 so that

in order that


In order that they have more competence, multitudes of students want to obtain another degree. In order to have more

Multitudes of students want to attain another degree, so that they have more competence. 为了不失去好的工作机会,一些学生退学并开始自己创业。

In order not to lose great working opportunity, some students quit school and start their own business. 条件状从 if

on condition that as long as

他们趋向于持有这种观点:大学生活可能更为丰富多彩如果他们能通过选修课扩展知识。 They tend to hold the idea that college life could be more colorful on condition that they could widen their knowledge through elective courses.


If college students want to communicate with foreigners and be more competitive in the future, they must master the language.


If we are willing to maintain health, we should try our best to cook rather than take fast food. 比较状从

the+比较级,the+比较级 越……越……


The more independence the children become, the better life they can possess. 我们越重视拼写,我们能把英语学的越好。

The more attention we pay to spelling, the better we can learn English. The greater emphasis we place on spelling, …



Some students want to learn knowledge which is different from what they are learning now. 父母能帮助孩子自己做决定,这种做法能挑战他们处理问题的能力。

Parents can help their children make their own decisions, which can challenge their ability to deal with problems.


As an act of buying products and services over the Internet, online shopping becomes increasingly popular, which has significantly changed our lifestyles.


Pursuing fashion can drive students to make great effort to study for a better life, which is of great importance for their future development.


We should add some factors of spelling in exams, which would help students attach more significance to it.

Exams should be added some factors of spelling, 被动句


We should pay attention to study. Attention should be paid to study. 我们要重视英语能力的提高。

We should attach much significance to improving English. Much significance should be attached to improving English.


In my point of view, effective measures should be adopted (by school) to help students realize the importance of spelling.


Effective measures should be taken to stop various forms of pollution.


As a college student, I like online shopping but I expected that effective measures should be taken to make it better。 倒装句

? so…that

? so + 形容词 + be + 主语+ that … ? 如此…以至于… ? 主倒从不倒


The ability of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor, not a dictator.

So indispensable is the ability of independence that 时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起。

Time is so precious that we cannot afford to waste it. So precious is time that we can not afford to waste it.


Free access to music is so prevalent that this behavior violates the property of musicians. So prevalent is the free access to music that the behavior ? so…that

? so + 副词 + 助动词 + 主语+ 动词原型+that… ? 如此…以至于… ? 主倒从不倒


Currently, sports become so wide-spread that it has turned out to be a fashion. So wide-spread does sports become that it has


English becomes so essential that it is one of compulsory courses for college students. So essential does English become

? Only+介词词组+can+主语 ? Only+状语从句+can+主语 ? 主倒从不倒


Only by this way can online shopping become really safe and attract an increasing number of customers.


Only by these measures can we surly realize the importance of spelling and improve present situation.


Only when we thoroughly stop using disposable plastic bags, can we say we have tried to protect our environment.


? by no means ? in no way ? on no account

? On no account can we+do… ? 我们绝对不能……


We cannot ignore the value of knowledge.

On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能停止保护环境。

We cannot cease to protect the environment.

By no means can we cease to protect the environment. ? It is not until +强调部分+that… ? 直到……才……


People don’t know the value of health until they lose it.

It is not until they lose it that people know the value of health.

