跨文化交际 教案本 - 图文

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博学 笃行 严谨 创新



2016-2017 学年 1 学期

系(部)----------- 专业英语 课程跨文化交际

班级英语 14 级本科 任课教师---------------




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时间第周,总第 1 次课 安排 章节 lecture 1 Introduction 名称 教学Learn the purpose of learning the course. Learn the notions of Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication. 目的 Learn the differences between Chinese and Western cultures 教学重点Learn the notions of Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication. 与 难点 I. Warm-up Cases 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 设 计 Please discuss the cases in groups and make a comment on it. Case 1: Showing Concern In China: Xiao Li (an interpreter): You must be very tired. You?re old… Catherine (an elderly American lady): Oh, I?m NOT old, and I?m NOT tired. Comment What the interpreter said is quite courteous in China. It means, “If you are tired, we can take a little rest, since you are getting on in years.” The interpreter gave the impression that he thought the elderly lady would collapse any minute if she doesn?t rest immediately. Comment In the West, there is a value placed in being young that many people consciously, or subconsciously, are not willing to accept that they are growing old. In the West: A: How are you doing now? Would you like to rest? B: No, not a bit. The way of showing concern is different. In China In the West Case 2 First Offer A Canadian colleague and I traveled to Guilin with our admirable guide Heping Liu in very hot weather. Sightseeing is a thirsty business. We did not trust the water, and enjoyed excellent beer. We politely offered some to Heping but he

refused. We said nothing and drank our beer, while poor Heping watched. On another day, Heping quickly accepted our offer of beer. Questions for discussion In your daily life, do you often accept first offer? If yes, in what situation? Comment I. Why take Intercultural Communication? The Purpose The general purpose of this course is to understand the ways in which culture interrelates with and effects communication processes. Intercultural learning involves affective and behavioral processes, as well as cognitive ones. Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes that will increase your intercultural communication competence. The Objectives 1) To explore cultural self-awareness, other culture awareness and the dynamics that arise in interactions between the two. 2) To understand how communication processes differ among cultures. 3) To identify challenges that arise from these differences in intercultural interactions and learn ways to creatively address them. The Reasons Development of Science &Technology Globalization of Economy Widespread Immigration Development of Multiculturalism International Communication Interracial Communication Interethnic Communication or minority communication II. What Is Culture? 1. Define cultures yourself Please write down whatever comes to your mind when you hear or think of culture. Next, try to figure out how they are related to culture. 2. Definitions of Culture 1) Culture is the total way of life that a group of people shares. 2) Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. 3) Culture is an Integrated system of learned behavior patterns which are characteristic of the members of a society and which are not the result of biological inheritance. 4) Culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations

through individual and group striving(努力,奋斗 ). 5) Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. 3. Elements of Culture 4. Three Ingredients of Culture artifacts concepts (beliefs, values, world views…) behavior e.g. Whereas the money is considered an artifact, then value placed on it is a concept, the actual spending and saving of the money is behavior. 5. Characteristics of Culture III. What Is Communication Can you give some examples to explain the word communication? What is communication? 1.Definition of Communication Generally speaking, communication can be defined as a dynamic, symbolic, transactional and contextual process in which people create shared meanings or messages. 2.Basic aspects to Communication Our individual personality The culture we operate in The physical environment that surrounds us 2.Model of Intercultural Communication The more similarities two cultures share, the less influence culture will have on communication. Therefore, the less messages will be changed during communication. The less the cultures are alike, the greater the influence of culture on communication will be, and the more likely the messages will be changed. Misunderstanding in intercultural communication often arises here. 3. Barriers in Intercultural Communication Language differences Nonverbal communication Stereotypes (陈规,成见 ) Cultural bias on judgments High level of stress V. The Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures Western: small, intimate family, retirement home, the old are separated, children leave early; being independent and look after themselves. Parents never interfere with their children affairs when they are old enough. western: performance oriented, little rote(死记硬背) memory, ability to solve problems; practical competence of running a business is more important. Western:, time oriented relationships (work, free time), make an appointment before you go to see anyone, no appointment, no business. Law superior to friendship and kinsfolk.

Colors No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as reprinting the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached. Red paper bag containing money as a gift VI. Case Study VII. Summary Why take Intercultural Communication? Culture Communication Intercultural Communication The Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures VIII. Exercises 1. Matching the terms with their definitions A. culture B. communication C. ethnocentrism D. intercultural communication E. business communication 1.( ) The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior. 2.( ) The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. 3.( ) A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. 4.( )The communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations. 5.( ) The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture. Exercises 2. Comprehension Check Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). __ 1. As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. __2. Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe. __3. Culture is a static entity while communication is a dynamic process. __4. Culture can be seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. __5. Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization), it still contributes to a person?s cultural cognition. __6. In intercultural communication, we should separate one?s individual character from cultural generalization. __7. Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals. __8. All people of the same nationality will have the same culture. __9. Although two cultures may share the same ideas, their meaning and significance may not be the same.

__10. One?s actions are totally independent of his or her culture. Exercises 3. Cultural Puzzles Read the following situations and choose the appropriate answer(s). There may be more than one possible answer for each cultural puzzle. 1. What would you do if someone told you to use his or her first name, but you felt uncomfortable doing this? a. You could continue to use the person?s last name without explaining why. b. You could try to use the person?s first name even though you feel uncomfortable doing this. c. You could ask the person, “Is it OK if I use your last name?” 1. a) No. Ignoring other?s suggestion is impolite and offensive. B) Yes. When you try something new, it may be difficult at first. After a while, you will get accustomed to it. C) Yes. You could learn about other?s customs by asking for cultural explanations. 2. Situation: An American woman received a letter from a recently married Japanese friend. The Japanese woman wrote in her letter, “My husband is not very handsome. Your husband is much more handsome than mine.” The American woman was very surprised at what her friend wrote. 1) Why do you think the American was surprised? a) The American woman saw a picture of her friend?s husband and thought that he was very handsome. b) The American woman didn?t think her own husband was handsome. c) In the U.S., it is disrespectful to say that one?s husband is not handsome. 1) a) No. Even if this was true, she wouldn?t expect a wife to say this about her own husband. To her, the Japanese woman insulted her own husband. B) No. Even if this was true, she wouldn?t expect the Japanese woman to compare their husbands? appearance. C) Yes. If an American woman said this about her husband, people might think that they didn?t have a good relationship. 2) Why do you think the Japanese woman wrote, “My husband is not very handsome ”? a) The Japanese woman was trying to tell her American friend that she did not like her husband very much. b) It is uncommon in Japan to compliment one?s husband. c) The Japanese woman didn?t think her husband was handsome, but she liked his personality. 2) a) No. This would not be a Japanese way for a wife to say that she didn?t like her husband. B) Yes. In Japan, a person would be considered boastful and not modest enough if he or she complimented his or her family members in front of others. IX. Assignments Case Study —— To Be Direct or Not 2. Video Watching Gua Sha 《刮痧》 Case study In the United States, public criticism is one of a number of techniques that can be used quite effectively to change personnel?s behavior. In the world of Islam,

however, where the preservation of dignity and slef-respect is absolutely essential, public reprimand will be totally counterproductive(产生不良后果的 ). If Arabs feel that they have suffered a loss of personal dignity because they have been criticized in public, they take it as a dishonor to both themselves and their families. And when Sam insisted on using this “motivational” technique, the individual at whom the reprimand was directed was not only hurt for the open humiliation(丢脸;羞辱 ) but also loses the respect of fellow workers witnessing it. 教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第周,总第 2 次课 安排 章节 Unit1 Communication Across Culture 名称

教学Learn the communication Across culture 目的 教学重点The communication across culure 与 难点 Warm Up Questions 1. Why is it difficult to explain to a blind person what colors are? 2. Do you sometimes find it hard to make yourself properly understood by others? If you do, why do you think it is hard? It is very difficult for people to understand one another if they do not share the same experiences. Of course, we all share the experience of being human, but there are many experiences which we do not share and which are different for all of us. It is these different experiences that make up what is called ―culture‖ in the social sciences - the habits of everyday life, the cues to which people respond, the automatic reactions they have to whatever they see and hear. These often differ, and the differences may introduce misunderstandings where we seek understanding. Reading I Intercultural Communication:An Introduction Comprehension questions Is it still often the case that “everyone?s quick to blame the alien” in the contemporary world? This is still powerful in today?s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today?s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants. 2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past? Today?s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history. 3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today? New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter. 4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”? Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 设 计

and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent. 5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication? The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state). 6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it? The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world. 7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture? Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community. 8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to? People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc. 9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist? A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society. Discovering Problems: Slim Is Beautiful? Questions for discussion Which do you think is the mark of beauty, thin or fat? Why is it often said that beauty is in the eye of beholder? Group Work First share with your group member whatever experiences you have had in communication events that can be considered as intercultural. Then work together to decide whether each of the following cases of communication is possibly intercultural or not and, if it is, to what extent it is intercultural. Try to place all the cases along a continuum of interculturalness, from the most intercultural to the least intercultural. Debate The class is to be divided into two groups and debate on the two different views mentioned in the following on intercultural communication. State your point of view clearly and support your argument with convincing and substantive evidence.

教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第周,总第 3 次课 安排 章节 Unit 1 Communication Across Culture 名称 教学How to Ask Directions 目的

教学重点How to Ask Directions 与 难点 Reading II The Challenge of Globalization Comprehension questions 1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed? Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live. 2. What a “global village” is like? As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. 3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization? Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force. 4. What does the author mean by saying that “the ?global? may be more local than the ?local?”? The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of the local events. In this sense, ―the ?global? may be more local than the ?local?‖. 5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world? Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 设 计

教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第 2周,总第 4 次课 安排 章节 Unit 2 Culture and Communication 名称 教学 Learn the relationship of the culture and communication 目的

教学重点The relationship between the culture and communication 与 难点 Warm Up Questions 1. Why was Tom considered a rude host by his visitors? Try to figure out at least three things among the following Tom did that were regarded to be impolite. 2. How can you explain the fact that Tom is misunderstood when he actually wants to be kind and friendly to the visitors? What are the things that Tom did would be regarded as impolite? To answer this question we have to know the cultural background of his guests and how different it is from the American culture. Suppose the guests were from China, and it seems that at least b., d., f. and g. may be considered as impolite. If the guests were from some other culture, the answer might be different. Reading I What Is Culture Comprehension questions 1. Which of the definitions given above do you prefer? Why? Some may prefer a short definition, such as the one given by E. Sapir or R. Benedict, for it is highly generalized and easy to remember. Some may prefer a longer one, such as Edward T. Hall?s definition of culture, because it provides us with a more comprehensive understanding of culture and points out the all-pervasive impact of culture on human life in different dimensions. 2.What have you learned from those definitions about culture? Many things can be learned from those definitions, for each definition, though not without its limitations, tells us something very important about culture or certain aspect(s) of culture. 3. Do you agree that our lower needs always have to be satisfied before we can try to satisfy the higher needs? Even though this is generally the case, there will still be some exceptions. Sometimes people might prefer to satisfy higher needs, for instance, esteem needs, before their lower needs, such as certain physiological needs or safety needs, are satisfied. 4. What examples can you give about how people of different cultures achieve the same ends by taking different roads? For example, everyone has to eat in order to live and this is universally true. However, to satisfy this basic need, people of various cultures may do it in very different ways: what to eat and how to eat it vary from culture to culture. 5. What behaviors of ours are born with and what are learned in the cultural environment? Instinctive behaviors are behaviors that we are born with and ways of doing things in daily life, such as ways of eating, drinking, dressing, finding shelter, making friends, marrying, and dealing with death are learned in the cultural environment. 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 设 计

6. What other cultural differences do you know in the way people do things in their everyday life? We can also find cultural differences in ways of bringing up children, treating the elderly, greeting each other, saving and spending money, and many other things people do in everyday life. 7. In what ways are the Chinese eating habits different from those of the English-speaking countries? We Chinese may enjoy something that is not usually considered as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we prefer to have things hot and lay much emphasis on tastes.We tend to share things with each other when we are eating with others. Fill-in Task Fill in the following blanks with at least five things in our life that you think are above and five that are below the “water”, the level of our consciousness. Sharing Knowledge: More about Culture Writing Read the following quotation and think over the point the scholar tries to make. Write a short essay to further explain it. There are a few very important points that we have to understand and keep in mind when we are involved in communication between cultures: 1. Cultures may have been classified as primitive or sophisticated, traditional or modern, and they may be more or less powerful and influential, but no culture is perfect, bias-free or complete in its view of the world. 2. It follows that there is no ―best‖ culture suitable for all peoples in the world, In comparing cultures, we can hardly say which culture is definitely better than the other, for each culture can be appropriate to certain group of people living in a particular geographic and social environment. 3. A culture should therefore be judged and interpreted in its own context. Without considering the environment in which people of a particular culture live, it would be impossible for us to really understand and appreciate what is significant and meaningful in that culture. 教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第 3周,总第 5 次课 安排 章节 Unit 2 Culture and Communication 名称 教学Learn the relationship between the culture and communication 目的 教学重点Go on learning the relationship between the culture and communication 与 难点 教 学 内 容 与 Reading II Elements of Communication Comprehension questions 1. What are the aspects of context mentioned above? One aspect of context is the physical setting, including location, time, light, temperature, distance between communicators, and any seating arrangements. A second aspect of context is historical. A third aspect of context is psychological. A fourth aspect of context is culture. 2. In what ways would your posture, manner of speaking or attire change if you move from one physical setting to another, for example, from your home to a park, to a classroom, to a restaurant, to a funeral house, etc?

One?s posture, manner of speaking or attire change from being casual to formal gradually from home to a park, to a classroom, to a restaurant, to a funeral house, etc, according to different formalness and seriousness of these situations. 程 3. How do people acquire communication norms in their life? People acquire communication norms from their experiences in life. 设 4. What examples can you give to describe some Chinese norms in our everyday communication? 计 For example, it seems to be a norm in China to address one?s boss by his or her title and never to express one?s disapproval directly to him or her. 5. How can we play both the roles of sender and receiver in communication? As senders, we form messages and attempt to communicate them to others through verbal and nonverbal symbols. As receivers, we process the messages sent to us and react to them both verbally and nonverbally. 6. Does the sender plays a more important role than the receiver in communication? No, they are equally important for both of them are essential in the process of communication. 7. In what ways do the differences between participants make communication more or less difficult? Three especially important variables affecting participants which are relationship, gender, and culture make communication more or less difficult. 8. What is a symbol and what is a meaning? The pure ideas and feelings that exist in a person?s mind represent meanings. The words, sounds, and actions that communicate meaning are known as symbols because they stand for the meanings intended by the person using them. 9. How can meanings be transferred from one person to another? What problems may arise in this process? A message from one person is encoded into symbols and then decoded into ideas and feelings to another person. In this process of transforming include nonverbal cues, which significantly affect the meaning created between the participants in a communication transaction. 10. When are unintended or conflicted meanings likely to be created? Unintended meanings are created when the decoding person receives a meaning unrelated to what the encoder thought he or she was communicating. Conflicting meanings are created when the verbal symbols are contradicted by the nonverbal cues. 11. Which channels do you usually prefer in communication? Why? Of the five channels, some may prefer sight. As the old saying goes, ―words are but wind, but seeing is believing.‖ 12. What examples can you find to show that one channel is more effective than others for transmitting certain messages? For example, when asking a lady for a date, a young man may wear an immaculate suit and spray some perfume to show that he highly values this date with her. In this case, sight and smell are definitely more effective than words for conveying that particular message. 13. What are the things that can create noises in the process of communication? Sights, sounds, and other stimuli in the environment that draw people?s attention away from intended meaning are known as external noise. Thoughts and feelings that interfere with the communication process are known as internal noise. Unintended 过

meanings aroused by certain verbal symbols can inhibit the accuracy of decoding. This is known as semantic noise. 14. What should we do to reduce the interference of noise in communication? When communicating with others, we should pay undivided attention to communication itself, avoiding being distracted by any external or internal noise. Besides, we should make sure that what we say is correctly understood by others and vice versa to prevent semantic noise from generating. 15. Why is feedback a very important element of communication? Feedback is very important because it serves useful functions for both senders and receivers: it provides senders with the opportunity to measure how they are coming across, and it provides receivers with the opportunity to exert some influence over the communication process. 16. What will you usually do when you receive negative feedback in communication? Open. Discovering Problems: Misleading Commercial Signs Questions for discussion Have you ever found some similar cases of mistranslation in our life? If you have, what are they? Can you work out some improvement on these mistranslations? Matching Task In communication, the sentence meaning and the speaker?s meaning may not be exactly the same.What is important to successful communication is not just knowing the sentence meaning but knowing what the speaker actually means by the sentence said. In the following there should be ten short dialogues. Try to make a proper match between each of what the first speaker says on the left and what the second speaker says on the right to form a dialogue that will make sense, and then decide what is possibly meant by the second speaker in the dialogue. Identifying Difference: Communicating or Communicating Effectively Exploration Try to explain why we sometimes find it very difficult to communicate effectively with others, and then to suggest what we can do about it. Group Work Work with your group members to try to explain why we Chinese tend to end our meals with our friends and others in the way described above. Materials for Reference How to Define Culture 教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第3周,总第 6 次课 安排 章节 Unit 3 Cultural Diversity 名称 教学Learn the cultural diversity 目的 教学重点Learn the cultural diversity 与 难点 教 学 内 容 与 Warm Up Questions 1. Why did Jackson say that Mr. Zhao was asking too much? 2. What do you think of the relationship between Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhao? Are they really good friends? To many Chinese, Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhao are really good friends, for they have helped each other from time to time. Since Mr. Zhao lent Mr. Qian a large sum of money to help his business get over the difficulty, Mr. Qian was greatly indebted to Mr. Zhao. In Chinese culture, friendship means a willingness to be indebted and to repay the debt more than owed. However, many Americans, like Jackson, would say that Mr. Zhao was asking too much, for what they value more are individual

achievement and independence rather than relationship with one another, and they do not like to put themselves in others? debt, especially in those matters where Mr. Zhao asked Mr. Qian to help. Of course, Americans will be willing to help their friends. 程 But most of the time, things for which they will lend a helping hand to their friends should be very small, such as driving a friend to an important event when his or her 设 own arrangements for transportation fails. For them, it may be uncomfortable, even very strange, to ask for so much assistance from or provide it to a friend. 计 Reading I Different Lands, Different Friendships Comprehension questions 1. Why is it comparatively easy to make friends in the United States? Because few Americans stay put for a lifetime. With each move, forming new friendship becomes a necessity and part of their new life. 2. Do people from different countries usually have different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being? Yes. The difficulty when strangers from two countries meet is their different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being. 3. How is friendship in America different from friendship in West Europe? In West Europe, friendship is quite sharply distinguished from other, more casual relationships, is usually more particularized and carries a heavier burden of commitment, while in America the word ―friend‖ can be applied to a wide range of relationship and a friendship may be superficial, casual, situational or deep and enduring. 4. In what country does friendship have much to do with one?s family? And in what country does it not? In Germany, friendship has much to do with one?s family as friends are usually brought into the family, while in France it doesn?t as, for instance, two men may have been friends for a long time without knowing each other?s personal life. 5. What is friendship like when it is compartmentalized? For instance, a man may play chess with a friend for thirty years without knowing his political opinions, or he may talk politics with him for as long a time without knowing about his personal life. Different friends fill different niches in each person?s life. 6. What are friendships usually based on in England? English friendships are based on shared activity. Activities at different stages of life may be of very different kinds. In the midst of the activity, whatever it may be, people fall into steps and find that they participate in the activity with the same easy anticipation of what each will do day by day or in some critical situation. 7. Do you think friendship shares some common elements in different cultures? If you do, what are they? Yes. There is the recognition that friendship, in contrast with kinship, invokes freedom of choice. A friend is someone who chooses and is chosen. Related to this is the sense each friend gives the other of being a special individual, on whatever grounds this recognition is based. And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take. 8. What do you think is the typical Chinese concept of friendship? Is it similar to or different from any of the Western friendships? It seems that the typical Chinese concept of friendship lays great emphasis on 过

Words and phrases that are used commonly at one time may be discontinued or their meaning may change over time. 7. Does the author think it is possible for countries such as France and Iceland to keep their language pure by implementing language policy to ensure the use of standardized language? The author does not think so, because, for instance, the Academie Francaise may insist on certain rules, but other French-speaking groups may make their own rules and consider their French just as correct. 8. What are the possible language barriers in classroom teaching? In some cases the professors actually may have a poor command of the language; however, in most cases the problem is not the language but different intonation patterns and different cultural signals. . Fill-in Task Try to use the appropriate color term given below to fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences. Many of these terms may be used more than once. Group Work Now we see that the use of color terms varies from language to language, and from culture to culture. A particular color term may be associated with different things and emotions in different language communities. Work with your group members to make a tentative summary of the potential implications of those color terms in Chinese and see whether they are significantly different from those of the same color terms in other cultures. Identifying Difference: Kinship Terms and More Questions for discussion What are the major differences between Chinese and English in categorizing kinfolk? What other examples of connotative differences can you give between the two languages? In categorizing kinfolk, what the Chinese language finds significant are the person?s sex, age,and whether he or she is closely related to one?s father or mother. All these things, however, are not significant in the English language. Other examples: The connotations of some words referring to real and imaginary animals can be very different in Chinese and English. The words include ―ox‖, ―horse‖, ―tiger‖, ―lion‖, ―rooster‖, ―cat‖, ―bat‖, ―pig‖,―dragon‖, and others. Look at the following idioms that differ between Chinese and English.

教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第 9周,总第9 次课 安排 Unit 4 Language and Culture 章节 名称 教学Learn the relationship between the language and culture 目的

教学重点Learn the relationship between the language and culture 与 难点 Reading II Language-and-Culture, Two Sides of the Same Coin Comprehension questions 1. What is the author?s view of the relationship between language and culture? Language and culture are clearly fused; one reflects the other. 2. In which ways does language reflect the culture? Language embodies the products, perspectives, communities, and persons of a culture.Members of the culture have created the language to carry out all their cultural practices, to identify and organize all their cultural products, and to name the underlying cultural perspectives in all the various communities that comprise their culture. 3. How can we use the right language in the right way according to the author? It is based on direct experience in the culture and interactions with members of the culture, in all the complexity this entails. 4. Is there any cultural product that consists entirely of language? Can you give an example? Many cultural products, such as literature, tax codes, telephone directories, operating instructions, passports, consist entirely of language. Another example is folklores. 5. What is the meaning of “language is a cultural product in and of itself”? When spoken and written, language takes on tangible and perceptible forms. These tangible forms, as with any cultural product, can be described through language. We constantly use language to discuss language itself. 6. Can you give an example of how words lead to cultural perspectives? For example, as we have already learned, the kinship terms specifically used in Chinese lead to a cultural perspective that is different from that of the English-speaking people in this aspect. 7. What did the Chinese teacher find from her in-depth study of “the bumper sticker”? The perspectives are indeed embodied in words, phrases, and sentences, but they are not always immediately obvious, especially to outsiders. 8. Are there any particular norms made by different communities for their language use? Yes, there are. Communities define norms for appropriate use of language. Within groups, roles, relationships, and other social factors influence who speaks, what they say, and how they say it. The language forms we use in one set of social circumstances with certain communities are not necessarily the ones we use in others. Sharing Knowledge: How to Say “Yes” and “No” Exploration Try to find some cases in which is in Chinese does not mean “yes” in 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 设 计

English and decide we should put the following into Chinese: Survey Conduct a small-scale survey among people you know to find out what they will say in the following situations, and ask them why. Report what you find in your survey to the class and try to explain how culture influences people?s choice of saying in those situations. Writing The language we use may to some extent determine the way we perceive and experience the world. Let?s look at the following examples. Now write a short essay on how you think such language features will affect the perception and experiences of people who use these languages. Discovering Problems: Translating Across Languages Questions for discussion What problems in translation do you think are more difficult to deal with than others? Can you find examples in translation between Chinese and English to illustrate the problem in achieving the above-mentioned five types of equivalence? Case Study Materials for Reference The Role of Words in Various Cultures 教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第 10周,总第10 次课 安排 章节 Unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication 名称 教学Learn the relationship between the culture and verbal communication 目的 教学重点Learn the relationship between the culture and verbal communication 与 难点 Warm Up 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 设 计 Questions 1.What was wrong? Which of the following may have been the factors contributing to the failure of the presentation? a. The American did not make a careful preparation for his presentation. b. The American did not know extensively enough about his company?s products. c. Starting his presentation with several jokes made the Germans think that he was not very serious about the business. d. The Germans considered the American executive too young for such an important job. e. The Germans did not like the American, a foreigner, speaking their language with great fluency. 2. What can we learn from the story? Both c and d might be the factors that have caused the failure of the American?s presentation. It is often customary for Americans to start their talk with some jokes or humorous anecdotes, but Germans usually have different ideas about and they tend to consider telling jokes inappropriate in talks on serious matters. And in German culture, executives who occupy important positions are usually senior in age, and they had not expected the American manufacturer to send a young man as their representative to start business with them, a reputable German distributor. They may have found it difficult to trust such a young person. Reading I Understanding the Culture of Conversation


*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第 12周,总第12 次课 安排 章节 Unit 6 Culture and Nonverbal Communication 名称 Learn the relationship between the Culture and the Nonverbal 教学Communication 目的 教学 Learn the relationship between the Culture and the Nonverbal 重点Communication 与 难点 教 学 内 容 与 过 Warm Up Questions 1. Why do you have to do so much about your appearance to get yourself ready for an interview? 2. What messages are sent to one another without saying any words? Can these messages be sent as effectively by words? Our appearance may communicate very much to other people we meet. It is often one of the most important means by which we can leave an impression upon people, especially those who we meet for the first time. In this case, even before the interview begins, a lot of messages about the persons involved in it are already sent to each other, by the light but decisive knocking at the door,the large oak desk behind which the woman is sitting, the mod clothes she is in, the smiles they exchange, the way they look at and shake hands with each other.

Reading I An Overview of Nonverbal Communication Comprehension questions 设 1. Can you speak each of the following sentences in different ways to mean differently? 计 1) She is my best friend. 2) You?ve done really good job. 3) Come here, please. 4) That?s all right. Speaking the same sentence with the stress on different words may mean different things. For instance, if the stress falls on ―she‖ in the first sentence, it means it is SHE, not you or somebody else, that is my best friend. But if the stress falls on ―my‖, it implies that she is MY, not your or somebody?s, best friend. 2. Speakers of British English use loudness only when they are angry, speakers of Indian English use it to get the floor, a chance to speak. So when an Indian speaker is trying to get the floor, what would the British speaker think of the Indian and what would the British behave in response? The British speaker may think that the Indian gets angry with him or behaves rudely towards him, so he may complain about the Indian?s rudeness or even return his rudeness as a response. 3. What differences in body language use have you noticed between your Chinese teachers and foreign teachers? There are really some differences between Chinese teachers and foreign teachers in their use of body language. For instance, Chinese teachers in general do not use gestures as much as foreign teachers do, and their facial expressions often seem to be less varied than those of many foreign teachers. 4. Do you know any gestures we often use that might be misunderstood by people from other cultures? For example, the way we Chinese motion to others to come over might be misunderstood by people from some Western countries to mean bye-bye. 5. How do we Chinese people use eye contact in communication? During a conversation between two Chinese, it seems that the speaker and the hearer would usually look at each other (not necessarily in the eye) from time to time. How much eye-contact there is may depend on the relationship between the speaker and hearer and the situation they find themselves in. 6. How will you eye them when you are communicating with people from the United States or people from Japan? While talking with Americans, we should look directly into the eyes of the person with whom we are talking. However; while talking with Japanese, we are not expected to look at them in the eye but at a position around the Adam?s apple. 7. Do you often smile at others? Why or why not? It depends. For instance, it seems that we Chinese, as well as people of other Eastern Asian countries, do not usually smile at strangers as much as Americans. 8. What function(s) may laughter serve in our culture? Does it sometimes cause intercultural misunderstanding? Laughter in our culture may serve various functions. Sometimes, it is used to express amusement or ridicule, and sometimes it is simply used to make one feel less embarrassed. 程

9. Do you often touch others while talking with them? Whom do you touch more than others? We Chinese generally do not often touch others while talking with them unless they are our intimate friends or younger children. 10. In small groups or in pairs, demonstrate all the possible ways you can think of to greet another person. Is touching always part of a greeting? No. Touching is not always part of a greeting in our culture as in some other cultures. 11. Will you apologize if you accidentally touch other people in public places? Why or why not? Many people will apologize if they accidentally touch other people in public places since in our culture people who are strangers to each other should not touch. However, whether people will apologize or not depends on the situations. If a person accidentally touches a stranger in a very crowded place, he or she may not apologize for it. Matching Task When trying to operate in a cross-cultural situation, we frequently face a myriad of potential communication hazards. Not only do different cultures speak unintelligible languages, but their body languages are often mutually incomprehensible as well. Different gestures may serve the same function, and the same gesture can have a number of unanticipated consequences when dealing with people from different cultures. Think over the following and make a proper match between cultures and gestures or the meanings they convey. Observation Task Work in pairs to observe people?s gestures, touching, eye contact, etc. in one or two of the following recommended areas Record your observations in the spaces provided in the following table as required:Then report the results of your observations to the class. Sharing Knowledge: Factors that Influence Touch Exploration Try to decide if there are any other factors that may influence our use of touch in communication, and if there exist any differences between younger generation and older generation in the use of touch. 教 学 后 记 *

*教学内容与过程设计的主要内容包括(供参考,编写教案时自行删除): 一、根据教学大纲、教学目的以及教材特点选择教学内容;

二、根据教学内容及学生实际,选择有效的教学方法与手段,突出重点、突破难点; 三、课堂教学环节及各环节的大致时间安排。

*教案字数未做严格要求,一般而言,熟悉本课程教学内容的有经验的教师可写简案,简化内容,突出过程设计,新教师及新任本课程教学的教师原则上应写详案。 *“教学后记”是授课完毕之后,教师对授课准备情况、授课过程及授课效果的回顾与总结,因此,教师应及时手写补充完整本部分内容。


时间第 13周,总第13次课 安排 章节 Unit 6 Culture and Nonverbal Communication 名称 Learn the relationship between the Culture and the Nonverbal 教学Communication 目的 教学重点Learn the relationship between the Culture and the Nonverbal Communication 与 难点 教 Reading II 学 Comprehension questions 1. What may often happen to those who do not conform to their culture?s accepted 内 gender “script”? There are often severe social penalties for those who act in violation of their 容 culture?s accepted gender ―script.‖ 2. Does touch have any connotation in different situations? Can you give some 与 specific examples? Touch, like physical closeness, may be considered an expression of affection, Gender and Nonverbal Communication

support, or sexual attraction. For instance, in some cultures, it may be all right for women friends and relatives to walk arm-in-arm, dance together, and hug one another, but if men do so, they may be frowned upon, for it would be considered as 程 having the connotation of being homosexual. 3. What will possibly happen to a woman who is appreciably taller than the man? 设 Taller women may attempt to diminish themselves, to slouch and round their shoulders so as to retreat or to occupy as little space as possible4. Are men and 计 women required to have the same facial expressions? Does smile mean the same things to both men and women? 5. Why are the African-American women less deferential than white women and less inclined to smile? African-American women are found to be less deferential than white women and, therefore,less inclined to smile, simply because it is expected of them to be so in their culture. 6. In what ways may direct eye contact between individuals be interpreted? Looking directly into another person?s eyes can connote an aggressive threat, a sexual invitation, or a desire for honest and open communication. 7. What was found in a study of nonverbal communication among Hispanic couples? In a study of nonverbal communication among Hispanic couples, it was found that many Puerto Rican wives never looked directly at their husbands. 8. How does clothing manifest and promote cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity? Through clothing and make-up, the body is more or less marked, constituted as an appropriate, or, as the case may be, inappropriate body for its cultural requirements. Males and females have to dress themselves appropriately according to their cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity. 过 Writing First read the following. Then write a short essay to comment on Americans as described above. Group Work In intercultural communication, misunderstandings often occur in the interpretations of nonverbal behaviors because different display rules create very different meanings about the appropriateness and effectiveness of particular interaction sequences. As you can see, cultural variations in nonverbal communication alter the behaviors that are displayed, the meanings that are imposed on those behaviors, and the interpretations of the messages. Work with your group members to decide how we should interpret others? nonverbal behavior in intercultural communication. Identifying Difference: Posture and Sitting Habits Questions for discussion Can you find some examples of people communicating by the way they sit, stand or walk? Are there any differences between the Chinese culture and other cultures in the way people are expected tosit, stand and walk? Cultural Information: How the Japanese Communicate Nonverbally Exploration An American journalist once said that “after three days in Japan, the spinal column

