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1.中国人民按照“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳 定”的方针,团结奋斗,开拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重大成就。

Guided by the principle of “seizing the current opportunity to deepen the reform and opening China wider to the outside world, promoting development and maintaining stability”, the Chinese people worked hard with a united and pioneering spirit, achieving great success in the drive for socialist modernization. 2.经济体制改革迈出了决定性步伐,国民经济继续快速增长,人民生活进 一步改善,社会保持稳定,各方面工作都有新的进展,我们伟大的祖国欣欣 向荣,各项事业蒸蒸日上,沿着建设有中国特色的社会主义道路阔步前进。

Decisive strides were made in economic restructuring. The national economy continued to grow rapidly. The lives of the people improved, and the society maintained its stability. Our great motherland moved rapidly towards prosperity, grew steadily with each passing day, and took great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.

3.根据建设社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我们对财税、金融、外汇、外 贸、投资、价格和流通体制进行了重大改革。

In according with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy system, we carried out important reforms in fiscal taxation, finance, foreign currency, foreign trade, investment, pricing and the circulation system.


As the whole nation worked in unison, the expected results were achieved. 5.这将对今后的改革和发展产生深远的影响。

These practices will exert a profound influence on reform and economic development in the future. 6.继续推进改革开放和现代化建设仍然是我们的中心任务。

It remains a central task for the Chinese people to continue to advance the reform and opening, and the modernization drive.

7.我们要进一步理顺改革、发展和稳定三者之间的关系,坚决抑制通货膨 胀,切实加强农业。 We should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability, resolutely curb inflation and take concrete steps to strengthen agriculture.

8.我们要以国有企业为重点深化改革,继续保持国民经济快速、健康发 展,加强精神文明建设和民主法制建设,促进社会全面进步。

We should further facilitate our reform, focusing on state enterprises. We should also continue to maintain the rapid and sound development of the economy and make greater efforts to promote socialist cultural and ideological progress, democracy and legal system, so as to promote overall social progress.

9.当前的经济改革的重点要以我国国民经济的支柱国有企业为重点,配套 推进社会保障体制的改革,巩固和完善宏观管理体制改革的措施,进一步转 变政府职能,培育市场体系,沿着建立社会

主义市场经济体制的方向继续前 进。

The current economic restructuring should focus on the reform of state-owned enterprises, the pillars of our economy, plus the supporting reform of social security system. It also aims at strengthening and improving measures in reforming the macro-control system, further shifting the functions of the government, fostering a market system and pressing ahead in the direction of a socialist market economy. 10.我们要继续全方位地对外开放,把重点放到提高成效上来。

We should continue to open to the outside world in all directions and focus on achieving better results. 11.努力保持外贸的稳定增长,改善出口商品结构,提高出口商品的质量和 档次。

We should work to maintain steady growth in foreign trade, improve the composition of export goods, raise their quality and grades.

12.大力促进机械电子产品和成套设备的出口,鼓励工技贸相结合,提高服 务质量,拓展海外市场。

We should vigorously promote export of mechanical and electrical products and complete sets of equipment, encourage the integration of industrial, technological and trade efforts, improve services and expand overseas markets.

13.合理调整进口商品结构,对一般商品尤其是高档次消费品,要运用符合 国际管理的方法加以调节。

We should rationalize the import mix and regulate the import of general goods, especially of high-grade consumer goods by means which conform to international practice. 14.制定明确的产业政策引导外资投向。

We should formulate well-defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment. 15.在投资环境不断改善的条件下,对外商投资要坚持竞争择优的原则,按 国际惯例和建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,创造条件逐步对外资企业实 行国民待遇。

As the environment for investment continues to improve, we should follow the principle of selecting only the best of the competing offers for foreign business investment and further create the necessary conditions for the eventual practice of treating foreign-funded enterprises the same way as their Chinese counterparts, a practice which is compatible with international convention and which is necessary for establishing a socialist market economy in China.

16.在合资经营中要做好国有资产评估以及引进技术和设备的鉴定工作,依 法保护中外投资者和企业员工的正当权益。

In joint ventures, we need to evaluate the state?s assets, appraise imported technology and equipment, and protect, in accordance with the law, the legitimate rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign investors as well as of employees.

17.继续办好经济特区和上海浦东新区,发挥开放城市、开放地带的积极作 用。

We should continue to develop the special economic zones and the Pudong New Area in Shanghai, giving full play to the role of open cities and areas.

18.这些地区要靠先进技术、集约化经营和产业结构升级,在发展外向型经 济中创造新的优势。

All these open areas should make further progress in developing an export- oriented economy by application of advanced technologies and intensive management and by upgrading their industrial structure.

19.中国将一如既往,在平等互利的基础上积极发展同世界各国的多边和双 边经贸关系,愿意并且也应当成为新的世界贸易组织的成员国。

China will, as always, energetically develop multilateral and bilateral trade and economic relations with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. China is prepare to and should become a member state of the new World Trade Oganization. 英译汉:

1.No country today is more synonymous with economic growth, capital gains, and vast opportunities to make money than China.

当今世界还没有哪一个国家像中国那样代表着经济增长、资本收益,以及俯 拾即拾的赚钱良机。 2.Small investors are crowding into mutual funds that promise to grab some of China?s double-digit expansion.

小的投资者你争我夺,纷纷将资金投向那些保证可以搭乘一两位数增长速度 运行的中国经济发展列车的共同基金投资公司。

3.American companies are directly investing an estimated $3.5 billion a year in factories and offices in China.

美国公司每年直接投资到中国工厂和公司的资金估计有 35 亿。 4.Talk about the turnaround. 这是一个转折。

5.Just a few years ago China?s investment potential was nil. 仅仅几年前,中国无投资潜力可言。

6.Today there are more than 50 dedicated China funds managing some $3 billion for institutional and individual investors in the West.

今天有超过 50 多家热诚尽职的中国公债基金管理公司,为西方机构和个人 投资者经营着约 30 亿美元的资金。

7.You can invest in most of the funds either directly or through a US borker. 你可以直接或者通过美国经纪人对大多数公债进行投资。

8.The stocks of Chinese state enterprises that have gone public can be bought through a broker too, though you may have to pay an extra fee if they are listed only on Chinese exchange and not in New York or Hong Kong.

你也可以通过经纪人购买中国国有企业对外推出的股票。当然,如果这些股 票只在中国证券交易所上市,而非在纽约证券交易所或香港证券交易所上市 的话,你也许要负一笔附加费。 9.The wave hasn't crested yet. 这种投资热浪还未达到巅峰。

10.Within the past few months several big Asia infrastructure funds have been launched in New York and elsewhere, aimed at financing roads, bridges, and power plants in China as well as in other developing countries.


11.Consider this fact: Chinese consume 711 kilowatts of power per capita, vs. 11,333 per capita in U.S.. 这是一个不容忽视的事实:中国人均用电仅为 711 千瓦,而美国人均用电却 高达 11,333 千瓦。 12.The potential is enormous. 中国的发展潜能是巨大的。

13.此外,中国经济成长也是令人瞩目的事实。 Then there?s the growth.

14.China is the world?s largest consumer market, with 1.2 billion people whose incomes are rising rapidly. 中国是世界最大的消费市场,其 12 亿人口的收入正在迅速增长。

15.One study concludes that China has 60 million people who have per capita incomes of $1,000 a year or more, the level at which consumerism begins to blossom.

一项研究表明,中国有 6 千万人口,他们的人均年收入超过 1000 美元,这 个收入水平是消费大增长的起点。

16.These new consumers will need power plants, designer clothiers, McDonald?s, you name it.

这些新的消费群体需要发电厂、标牌制衣商、麦当劳快餐店等行业,您所能 讲出行业他们都需要。 17.And they represent just a small fraction of the population. 他们仅代表了人口的一小部分。

18.The potential for a huge consumer market is staggering. 这个巨大的消费市场的潜力是惊人的。

19.So why are longtime China watchers staring to worry? 那么,为什么老资格的中国观察家开始担忧起来呢?

20.One reason is the sheer speed at which the country is changing from a plodding state-planned economy to one driven more by market forces.

一个原因就是中国正在从举步维艰的计划经济迅速向为市场力量去懂得市场 经济转轨时的速度。 21.While the direction is right - and the scope is impressive – the transition is not without troubles. 方向是正确的,并且转轨的范围也是引人注目的,但是转轨的麻烦同样也是 存在的。

22.One point of concern: China?s entrepreneurial provinces along the coast are racing ahead at GDP growth rates of 20% or more, fueled to a more or less extent by foreign capital.

人们所关心的问题是:企业密集的中国沿海的省份的经济,在外资或多或少 的助燃下,其国内生产总值以 20%或者 20%以上的速度飞速增长。 23.Inflation is high, but rising wages ease the bite.

虽然通货膨胀很厉害,但是不断增长的工资抵消了高通货膨胀的负面影响。 24.Inland growth is much slower, and while prices are rising just as fast, wages are not.


25.The government has tried to quell inflation, through, for example, price controls on some essential commodities.


26.A more immediate worry for investors is that if inflation is not checked, China?s currency, the yuan, could be devalued.


27.Many institutional investors are no longer wrestling with whether or not they should go east, but how. 许多机构性投资团体已不再为是否应该向东投资而举棋不定,而是在考虑如 何进行投资。 28.Some are buying China?s listed securities, which are multiplying fast, while others are taking the leap into direct investment, expecting eventual fat payoffs.

有些机构购买快速增值的中国上市证券,有些机构则干脆进行直接投资,以 期获得最终的丰厚回报。

29.Smaller investors are generally limited to China?s listed stocks or to funds that specialize in them. 较小的投资者通常只购买中国上市股票,或投资与那些专门经营中国上市股 票的基金公司。 汉译英:

1.自 1978 年后期开始实行改革开放后,至今所出现的许多历史性变化已引 起了国外的极大关注。 The many historical changes which have taken place in China since the initiation of reform and opening in late period of 1978 have attracted great attention abroad.

2.16 年来,中国的国民生产总值以平均 9%的年增长率递增,而且这种高 增长率可望延续到本世纪末。

In the past sixteen years, the China?s gross national product increased at an average of 9%, and the rage is expected to remain high throughout the years at the turn of the century.

3.今天,中国 12 亿人口的衣食问题已基本上得到解决,全国充满了生机。

Today, the problem to feed and clothe its 1.2 billion people has been basically solved and the nation is full of vitality.


As a developing country, China still needs the cooperation and help from other countries.

5.当前,中国正在进行大规模的经济建设,这为包括美国在内的世界各国 提供了无数经济合作的机会。

At present, China is engaged in a large-scale economic construction, which will provide countries throughout the world, including the United States, with numerous opportunities for economic cooperation. 6.我们希望在中美两国的金融投资界,建构一座长期合作的桥梁。

We hope that a bridge leading to a long-term cooperation between the financial investment communities in China and U.S. will be erected.

7.在过去的 10 年里,对中国电子工业投资的重点对象是消费品。

Investment in China?s electronic industry over the past decade focused on consumer good.

8.今后的发展战略重点将放在电信、电子计算机技术和生产成套设备方 面。

The strategy for future development will emphasize the industries of telecommunications, computer technology and the production of complete sets of equipments.

9.今后 3 年内将完成“三金工程”的建设,即建设全国公共几经信息网络 的“金桥工程”,建设全国外经贸信息网络的“金关工程”,以及建设在全国范围内推行使用信用卡的“金卡工程”,所有这些工程都在寻求发达国家 的投资。

Three major projects are scheduled for completion in the next three years. These include the “Golden Bridge Project” for the establishment of a national public economic information network, the “Golden Customs Project” for the establishment of a national foreign economic and trade information network, and the “Golden Card Project” for the promotion of the nationwide use of credit cards, all seeking cooperation with interested parties in developed countries. 英译汉:

1.International auto makers are gearing up for the era of the Chinese family car. 世界汽车制造商正在加快步伐迎接中国家庭轿车时代的到来。

2.Gone is the heavy skepticism about China?s near-term potential to develop a mass auto market. 人们曾深深怀疑中国是否已临近建立大众汽车市场的时期,这种疑虑现已消 散殆尽。

3.The biggest US and Japanese companies have bypassed China to date, allowing German and French companies to take an early lead.

美国和日本最大的汽车公司错过了机遇,只是的法两国的汽车公司捷足先 登,领先一步。 4.Aware of the situation, Ford Motor Co. is resolved to change it. 福特汽车公司注意到了这个状况,打算改变这一局面。

5.Recent moves by the Chinese government to kick, start its small land unsophisticated auto industry are behind Ford Motor?s change of heart.

福特汽车公司这一转变,其动因是中国政府为推动其弱小单一的汽车工业的 发展采取了一些措施。 6.Beijing unveiled an industrial policy last week that aims to consolidate China?s 120 manufacturers into eight significant players and to make “affordable family sedans” by the year 2000.

上周北京向外公开了一项工业政策,计划把中国 120 个厂家加以强化组合, 联合成八大汽车制造企业,到 2000 年时,生产出“买得起的轿车”。

7.Government Officials predict confidently that China will manufacture about three million cars and trucks by the end of this century.

政府官员非常自信的预见本世纪末中国将制造大约 3 百万的轿车和卡车。

8.”There ?s no major Japanese company that doesn?t want to get into this market now,” says a Toyota official at the auto-show, who asked to remain unnamed.

在一个汽车展销会上,一位不愿意透露姓名的本田公司的官员说:“没有哪 一家大的日本公司不想挤进这个市场的。”

9.”Yes, it is true we haven?t been optimistic in the past. We are wrong to wait.” “是的,过去我们的态度不是很乐观,我们的等待是错误的。”

10.A former Chryster executive who now heads China Automotive Components Corp. says,” This is going to be the only market in the world that compares in size to the market in the U.S..


11.People are kicking themselves for not getting here sooner.


