10. 2015金山区中考二模英语试卷 - 图文

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(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2015.5


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7. A) Her can. B) Her cake.

C) Her key to her bookcase. D) Her key to her bike.

8. A) On Tuesday. B) On Wednesday. C) On Thursday. D) On Friday. 9. A) 6:10. B) 6:20. C) 5:45. D) 6:15. 10. A) Mother and son. B) Customer and shop assistant. C) Conductor and passenger. D) Teacher and student. 11. A) In Miss Green's class. B) After class. C) In a drawing class. D) After school. 12. A) To go back home. B) To do shopping. C) To have supper. D) To have lunch.

13. A) They are traveling by plane. B) The woman enjoys the trip. C) The man likes his job. D) The woman likes his job. 14. A) She'll fail in the exam. B) She'll go to see the doctor. C) She'll go over the lessons. D) She'll take her holidays.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断 下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分) 15. The passage tells us five students' special homework for the winter holiday. 16. Liu Tongtong couldn't play on his phones for at least a week this winter holiday.

17. Yang Qiushi learned how to recognize crops like wheat, peanuts, potatoes from the leaves. 18. Li Jie's teacher asked them to learn a skill from their grandparents as their homework.

19. Taking exercise every week and taking photos of it was Zhou Zirun's homework from his class teacher.

20. From the passage, we know that the special homework brings students a lot of fun.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(7分)

21. Eric thinks the most important thing about a movie is its good dialogue and writing, he doesn't care about __________ __________.

22. India has a very __________ movie __________ --Bollywood and Nancy likes Bollywood movies.

23. Bollywood makes __________ __________ thousand movies each year 100 times more than Hollywood.

24. They like watching movies __________ __________ and they don't like getting disturbed. 25. Both of them prefer watching the movies on DVD __________ __________.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)

II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分) 26. Which of the following word matches the sound ?

A) win B) wine C) when D) widen 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) My office is on the ground floor. B) It was cloudy yesterday afternoon. C) I'd like to buy this pair of trousers. D) I've been here for a couple of days. 28. A: Do you know ______ lady with long black hair? B: Yes. She is my daughter's maths teacher.

A) the B) / C) a D) an

29. The opening ceremony of Wulong International Kite Flying Festival was held ______ the morning of April 4, 2015 in Chongqing.

A) at B) in C) on D) by

30. Mrs. Smith wants to buy an Apple Watch for ______ husband as a birthday present. A) hers B) her C) she D) herself

31. Don't be angry with your deskmate when he makes a mistake again because ______ of us are perfect after all.

A) all B) none C) each D) neither 32. The cake you made tastes so ______ . Would you please tell me how you made it? A) nicer B) very nice C) nice D) nicely

33. My daughter has ______ life goals and one of them is to be a volunteer to help the poor children.

A) a few B) few C) a little D) little

34. Our monitor didn't feel well last week, but she didn't give up ______ the writing contest. A) attend B) attends C) attending D) to attend 35. My uncle ______ as a manager since he came back from the USA five years ago.

A) worked B) has worked C) works D) had worked 36. The road ______ be dry, because it has just rained heavily.

A) can't B) mustn't C) must D) can 37. When I got to the booking office, they ______ all the tickets.

A) were selling B) had sold C) would sell D) have sold 38. ______ pleasant weather it is! Let's go out and enjoy the sunshine!

A) How B) What C) What a D) What an 39. Tom's mother has to work very late even at weekends, ______?

A) has she B) hasn't she C) does she D) doesn't she 40. ______ he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science than his mother. A) Because B) But C) Although D) So 41. Our English teacher always encourages us ______ English as much as possible. A) speak B) speaking C) speaks D) to speak

42. We're proud of the great changes in our school. We're sure it will develop even ______ tomorrow.

A) quickly B) less quickly C) more quickly D) the most quickly 43. Hi, could you please tell me ______ your father has gone to Sydney?

A) when B) how often C) how long D) if 44. A: I'm too busy to go to the cinema with you. B: ______ The film is said to be a very good one.

A) That's all right. B) Don't worry. C) What a pity! D) It doesn't matter. 45. A: Thank you very much for helping me to solve the problem. B: ______

A) You're welcome. B) Of course not. C) Yes, please. D) That's right.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分) A. chemicals B. cough C. cry D. were full of E. heavy On the night of December 1, 1930, a thick fog moved over the Meuse Valley, in Belgium. Many factories in the valley released smoke into the foggy air. This created a dark smog, which is formed of smoke and fog. People in the valley began to 46 and train for breath. The smog remained for four days. During that time, thousands of people became ill. The hospitals 47 patients. Sixty people died. Most of them were older persons with heart and lung problems. Finally, a 48 rain washed away the smog. Scientists studied the causes of the disaster. They concluded that the illnesses and deaths were caused by 49 in the smog. A. sick B. over C. turned into D. referred to E. disaster The first reported event of this kind in the United States happened in Donora, a factory town in a valley near Pittsburgh. In 1948, a killer smog made half of the population 50 , there were 17 deaths. Again, older people with lung or heart diseases were hit hardest.

London, England, has always been known for its \white fog rolled into the city. It soon 51 black smog as the smoke of the city poured into the air. It was so hard to see that people had to walk in front of the buses to guide them. In this way,

the most serious air pollution 52 in history began. When it was 53 , more than 4,000 people had been killed by the thick black smog.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. He began to study abroad at the age of __________. (twelfth)

55. We should learn how to keep __________ safe when we're in crowded places. (we)

56. My family used to have two __________, but now we don't listen to the radio any longer. (radio)

57. Parents like to take their children to the __________ parks for fun during the holidays. (amusing)

58. Qi Baishi was a famous __________ and he was good at painting shrimps. (art) 59. As we all know, __________ people are not welcomed in the society. (honest) 60. It's a good habit to speak __________ towards the strangers. (polite) 61. These factories __________ a large number of cars every year. (product)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共14分)

62. The film had a powerful message about the environment. (改为一般疑问句) __________ the film __________ a powerful message about the environment? 63. Our school publishes the newspaper Sunflower monthly. (改为被动语态) The newspaper Sunflower __________ __________ by our school monthly. 64. He asked me, \ (合并成定语从句) He asked me __________ I __________ go back to the hometown. 65. Two plus six is eight. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ is two plus six?

66. We cannot always rely on luck to achieve success. (/保持句意基本不变) We cannot always __________ __________ luck to achieve success. 67. The Hotwave is not as wide as the Superoven. (保持句意基本不变) The Superoven is __________ __________ the Hotwave.

68. tall, to reach, is, the book, enough, on the shelf, the boy (连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读与写)

IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

26-year-old Luke Cameron decided to do at least one good deed (善事) a day, for 365 days after a good family friend died in October, 2013--and he made it!

He said: \鼓舞人心的) woman I've ever met. When a neighbour needed food, she gave her last potato. When a friend needed money, she gave her last pound. She gave her whole life helping others around her and at her funeral (葬礼) over 4,000 people queued for 3 hours to get in and show their respects. \ Luke performed his first good deed on January 1st, 2014, with the simple act of greeting a

waitress at a cafe he visited. The next day he bought food and drinks for some homeless people and followed it up by giving coins to a woman who did not have enough to feed a parking meter. Though most of his kind acts have been welcomed, Luke says there have been a few embarrassing situations. For example, when he bought a sausage roll for a homeless man, but the man happened to be a vegetarian who didn't eat meat or fish.

To try to encourage others to perform good deeds, Luke has created a deck of cards (一副牌). They're called \giving a stranger a hug or making peace with an enemy. All the money he collects from giving out the cards is donated to a charity--the British Heart Foundation.

Luke's generosity didn't go unnoticed-- to reward (奖赏) the young man as he was near the end of his journey, Domino's Pizza awarded him a year's supply of free pizza. Not surprisingly, the big-hearted youngster used the gift to hold special pizza days for charity.

And that is not all -- since starting his challenge, Luke also entered a competition run by Utility Aid to win the job of National Philanthropy (慈善事业) Manager. That's also known as The Nicest Job in Britain. His Good Deed challenge made the organizers think that he was the right man for the job. So, for the whole of 2015, Luke will be paid to travel the UK and assist 45 different charities.

Luke has also decided to continue his challenge for another year and says the experiment has completely changed his life. He said: \from working part time in a shop to now the National Philanthropy Manager where I am making my life's work about helping others and I've raised thousands for charity.'+ 69. Luke started to perform his good deed ______.

A) in October, 2013 B) on January 1st, 2013 C) on January 1st, 2014 D) in 2015 70. ______ made him decide to do a year of good deeds.

A) His family B) Maura C) Homeless man D) Poor persons 71. What good deed(s) did Luke do in 2014? A) He greeted a waitress at a cafe he visited.

B) He bought food and drinks for some homeless people.

C) He gave coins to a woman who did not have enough to feed a parking meter. D) He did all of the above.

72. Luke created \

A) get more money for himself B) encourage others to perform good deeds C) help Domino's Pizza D) raise money for a charity 73. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Luke thinks that his Good Deed challenge has completely changed his life.

B) The organizers of Utility Aid thought that Luke was the right man for the job of National

Philanthropy Manager.

C) Sometimes Luke meets some embarrassing situations like giving a sausage roll to a


D) After Luke had done a year of good deeds, Domino's Pizza awarded him a year's supply of

free pizza.

74. From the Last Paragraph, we may get to know that ______. A) Luke used to be a full time shop assistant

B) Luke has decided to give up his challenge because it hardly changed his life

C) Luke is making his life's work about helping others and he has set up thousands of charities D) Luke is National Philanthropy Manager now and continues his Good Deed challenge in


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

If you are reading a novel for school rather than just for fun, you need to get organized. Here are a few tips.

First, make notes. Write notes in pencil in the book, but also write separate notes on a small piece of paper. 75 characters. What do they do in the novel? What do they want? Everything that we are told about a character can help us to 76 them, from their appearance (外貌) to the kind of food they eat.

It is also a great help to be able to tell yourself the story after you have read it. Therefore, the order of the story and the plot are 77 . You'd better make a quick note of what happens in each chapter when you read. This will help you to bring the things you have noticed about character, background, language and so on together.

78 , themes (主题). These are ideas that the novel explores. Perhaps love is a major theme, or justice (公正), or redemption (救赎). 79 that you know the themes of the novel and what the author is saying about them.

What's more, novels are made up of language. 80 use language in a special way to make their novels work. They may use metaphors (比喻), invent symbols, or show different characters' personalities through their speech styles.

In addition, the point of view the story is told from is a very important tool for a novelist. Is a novel told in the third person, or from the point of view of one of its characters? There are many different ways to show a point of view, and they have a great effect on the reader's experience of a story.

75. A) Have pity on B) Get along with C) Pay attention to D) Take care of 76. A) attract B) understand C) discuss D) examine 77. A) popular B) wonderful C) strange D) important 78. A) Finally B) However C) Next D) For example 79. A) Make sure B) Turn out C) Think of D) Show off 80. A) Writers B) Teachers C) Readers D) Students

C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

How many people travel every year? Perhaps the moment you are reading this story, more than 100 airplanes will have taken off all over the world. Today, with more c 81 transport and smarter planning tools, travelling is becoming simpler than ever. It won't be too long before many changes of travel will be available. Here are some trends we can expect in the next ten years!

● Travel planning in your hand

With the help of technology, making plans for your trip is in your hand! Your phones are becoming even smarter. You can a 82 simple things like flight times and numbers to your phone calendar and set a reminder (提醒). If you want to find local food or a museum, just turn on an app. Isn't that advanced (先进的)? For example, Google Cardboard is a cheap virtual reality

device (虚拟现实装置) that is used with your smartphone. It makes you feel like you're r 83 there. If you want to visit the Eiffel Tower in Pads, the device will lead you to the tower and show you the way to get in.

● Airports make a difference

The picture of a chaotic (混乱的) airport is d 84 . Maybe we won't see it any longer. Future airport designs aim to focus on a local feel. Travelers will be greeted by local artworks as they wait for their luggage. They will also provide local street food in waiting areas. Now we have some good e 85 . Travelers can enjoy a mini-jungle inside Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The library in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol also gives travelers a unique experience. How should other airports show their local features in the future?

● The rise of experience hotels

In the future, travelers may not always stay in normal rooms. They have started to find some i 86 places to make their travel experiences more colorful. Can you imagine swinging into a treehouse by a zipline (滑索)? You can find o 87 in Laos (老挝). How about sleeping in a Trojan Horse? Just go to Belgium. Travelers will look for more fun experiences from their accommodation (住宿) in coming years.

D.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

After picking up the Oscar Award for Best Actor on January 23, 2015, Eddie Redmayne, 33, has joined the ranks of the best in show business. Playing professor Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything (《万物理论》)even received a arm message from Hawking himself. \在推特上说). \

The son of a banker, Redmayne took acting classes from a young age. He attended the Eton school with Prince William and studied art history at Cambridge, and won his first theater award in 2004. But the freckle-faced (脸上长满雀斑的) actor waited until The Theory of Everything for his first leading role.

Redmayne was excited and nervous when he got the chance. To play a great thinker is Challenging for any actor. Playing Hawking requires even more courage because the world famous physicist was diagnosed (诊断) with ALS (肌肉缩侧索硬化症), a muscle disease with no cure, at age 21.

He spent four months studying Hawking's life and watched every documentary he could find on the scientist. He also met with more than 30 patients to understand how ALS affected Hawking. He lost 15 pounds (6.8 kg) for the role and grew long fingernails after learning this was Hawking's habit.

Upon winning the Best Actor award, Redmayne also won the audiences' hearts. His emotions were on full display as he walked up to the stage, before announcing, \lucky, lucky man. This Oscar belongs to all of those people around the world battling ALS?'

The humble (谦虚的) actor had a message for Stephen Hawking: \me of the power of love and the will to live every second of your life as fully as possible.\88. Did Redmayne win the OscarAward for Best Actor? (1’)

______________________________________________________________ 89. Which character did he play in The Theory of Everything? (2’)

He ___________________________________________________________. 90. When did Redmayne win his first theatre award? (2’)

______________________________________________________________ 91. How long did it take Redmayne to study Hawking's life? (2’)

It ____________________________________________________________.

92. Why did Redmayne say that this Oscar belonged to all of those people around the world battling ALS? (2’)


93. What can we learn from the two sides Redmayne wrote for Stephen Hawking? (3’) ______________________________________________________________

VII. Writing (作文): (20分)

94. Please write at least 60 words about the topic \请以“我希望家里的一个变化”为题,写一篇不少于60个字的短文。要求内容切题、语言地道、表达流畅。)

Suggested questions: (以下问题仅供参考) ● What is the change?

● Why do you dream the change?

● What will the change probably bring you ?




Part 1 A.

1. Jessica would like to be a dancer when she grows up. (A) 2. The 31st Olympic Games will be held in Brazil in 2016. (H) 3. The earth is our home and we must take good care of it. (G) 4. People exchanged e-envelope on WeChat this spring festival. (B) 5. These days more schools are having football classes. (F) 6. Prince William visited elephant protection base in Yunnan Province. (E) B.

7. M: You look upset, Mary. What's wrong with you? W: I've lost the key to my bike. Q: What did the girl lose? (D) 8. M: Is it Tuesday today?

W: No, it is already Wednesday. Tomorrow we'll have our English party. Q: When will they have an English party? (C) 9. W: When do you usually get up, David?

M: I usually get up at ten past six. What about you, Doris?

W: I often get up at twenty past six. But yesterday I got up at a quarter to six. Q: When did Doris get up yesterday? (C) 10. W: Excuse me, do you have any blue coat in Size 40? M: Sorry, we've sold out.

Q: What's the possible relationship between the two speakers? (B) 11. W: What are you doing, Jack? M: I... I'm drawing, Miss Green.

W: Oh, let me see. It's a nice picture. But would you mind doing it after my class? M: I'm sorry.

Q: When does this dialogue probably take place? (A) 12. M: Mum, we've bought so many things. I'm very tired and hungry. W: Oh, it's time for lunch. Let's have a rest.

M: Ok, shall we go to the Pizza hut? It's on the first floor. W: All right.

Q: What are they going to do? (D) 13. W: You seem to enjoy the trip. I guess you're used to traveling by train. M: You're right. My company has business in many cities.

W: It's not an easy job. You have to travel a lot to find more customers. M: Yes, but I enjoy doing it.

Q: What can you learn from the dialogue? (C) 14. M: You look tired, Sue. You'd better go to see the doctor.

W: I'm busy going over my lessons these days. We're going to have final exams. But I'll take your advice.

Q: What does the girl mean? C.


Did you bury yourself in usual homework this winter holiday? Well, that's not the case for all. Some students want to show you their special homework !

Liu Tongtong, 14, from Shandong:

One of our homework was really strange. We couldn't play on our phones for at least seven days. To be honest, I felt very surprised when I heard the news. I need it to log on my QQ, WeChat and do many other things! However, things turned out to be better than I thought. I helped clean the house and did some shopping with my parents. Life was also happy and colourful. Believe me, you can also do it.

Yang Qiushi, 13, from Jiangsu:

Our teacher asked us to play outdoors and record it in our diary. So I went to my grandparents' in the country. There, I saw crops like wheat, peanuts, potatoes and so on. I learned how to recognize them from the leaves.

It was a really interesting and meaningful piece of homework! Li Jie, 15, from Hebei:

This winter holiday, to learn a skill from our parents was one of our homework. I chose to learn to cook from my mom After being burned several times, I finally learned how to make my favorite dish, fried chicken wings. And I'm so happy about it.

Zhou Zirun, 13, from Anhui:

Our homework came from our PE teacher. Can you believe that? He asked us to take exercise every week and take photos. My father dragged me to play soccer with his friends! I was so slow and weak, and I couldn't even touch the ball! So I practiced almost every day and now, I can already join them and sometimes even score! (15. F 16. T 17. T 18. F 19. F 20.T) D.

In this week's Fun Programme, Nancy and Eric will talk about movies. (W: Nancy M: Eric) W: I'm Nancy. M: I'm Eric.

W&M: Welcome to our Fun Programme. W: Eric, today, let's talk about movies. M: That's a good idea. W: What kind of movies do you like? M: Um, I love comedy movies. And for me, the most important thing about a movie is if it

has good dialogue and if it has good writing. So I don't care about special effects. It just doesn't interest me. I think they're terrible.

W: Terrible! M: Yeah. What kind of movies do you like, Nancy? W: Detective. M: Oh. So you like movies that require imagination? W: Exactly. M: Now, since we're talking about movies, India has a very big movie industry, Bollywood.

Do you like the Bollywood movies?


Yes, it's great. Bollywood makes about 3,000 movies each year -- 100 times more than Hollywood. I guess a lot of people in the whole world like it a lot. Lots of actors, so much drama, and I guess a lot of music and dancing and it's just so different from Hollywood movies. I guess for the reality, I prefer the Hollywood movie and if you just want to have some fun, it would be Bollywood movies.

M: Yeah. W: I'm crazy behind movies. M: Are you? W: Of course. I don't like getting disturbed when I'm watching a movie. I'm a person who

likes watching a movie very quietly.

M: Ah, I couldn't agree more. I prefer going with someone who also likes watching movies

quietly. ! want to see the beginning, and I want to see the end.

W: Me too. Once I begin, I really want to go till the end. I can't stop it in the middle and say,


M: Yeah, which do you prefer, watching it at the cinema, or on DVD at home? W: At home. What about you? M: Right. The same thing.

W&M: That's all for today's programme. See you next week!

(21. special effects 22. big industry 23. about 3/three 24. very quietly 25. at home) Part II

26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. C 41. D 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. D 48. E 49. A 50. A 51. C 52. E 53. B 54. twelve 55. ourselves 56. radios 57. amusement 58. artist 59. dishonest 60. politely 61. produce 62. Did... have 63.is published 64.when.,.would 65.How much 66. depend on 67.wider than

68. The boy is tall enough to reach the book on the shelf. Part III

(A) 69. C 70. B 71. D 72. B 73. D 74. D (B) 75. C 76. B 77. D 78. C 79. A 80. A (C) 81. convenient 82. add 83.really 84.disappearing 85. examples 86. interesting 87. one (D) 88. Yes, he did.

89. He played (professor) Stephen Hawking. 90. (He won his first theatre award) in 2004.

91. It took Redmayne four months(to study Hawking's life).

92. Because he acted as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything and Hawking was

diagnosed with ALS. 93. Any acceptable answer. VII. 94. 略。

