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Grade 7B M9 Life history



1. It is not a r______ apple. It is only a toy. 2. A_______ comes after March but before May. 3. C________ Day is on June 1.

4. My father likes reading a n___________ at breakfast. 5. Bill Gates is very r______ in the world. 6. Han Han is a famous w__________.

7. I’m reading the _________(作品) of Mark Twain. 8. Li Bai wrote many __________(诗歌) in his life. 9. Workers __________(建造) a new village last year. 二、


1. This apple is delicious. Give me ______ one, please. A.the other B.another C.others D.other 2.Joy ____ David in 1996.

A.got married B.got married to C.got married with D.married with

3.William Shakespeare is famous ______ Romeo and Juliet _____ a writer of plays and poems. A.for, for B.for, as C.as,as D.as, for 4. Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with Mickey ________.

A.in the 1930 B.in the 1930s C.at the 1930s D.at the 1930 5.I like this book written ____ Chi Li. A.of B.on C.by D.to

6.She often ____ her bike to the forest when she was young. A.ride B.rides C.rode D.to ride

7.Tim went to ____ Great Wall in _____ spring of 2000. A./,the B.the,/ C./,/ D. the,the 8.Tim didn’t ____ money for a bus, so he ____ home.

A.have some, walk B.had any,walked C.has some,walk D.have any,walked 9.The girl decided _____ a nurse.

A.be not to B.not to be C.to be not D.to not be

10.It was raining hard outside, but we could see ____ people in the street. A.few B.a few C.a little D.little

11. —Xiao Shenyang is a humorous star.—Yes, and he is also a _____ movie star. A.successful B.successfully C.succeed D.success 12.Our English class often begins ____ an English song.

A.at B.with C.on D.of

13. His mother ______ yesterday.Her ____ was a great blow to him.


A.dead,death B.died,dead C.died,death D.dying,died. 14.There was ____ hospital ____ cinema in my hometown in the past. A.not,or B.no,or C.not,and D.no,and

15.The children arrived ____ London ___ New Year’s Eve. A.in,on B.at,in C.in,at D.on,in

16. He was born ____ the morning ____ October 8, 1988. A.in,of B.on,in C.of,on D.on,of 17.John finished ____ the newspaper.

A.reading B.to read C.read D.reads

18.You still see his plays ____ English and ____ many other languages. A.with,with B.in,in C.with,in D.in,with

19.I can’t find Chen Hui. There isn’t ____ in the classroom. A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody

20. —Does Jane want to watch the play? –No, she ______ it three days ago. A.watched B.watches C.watch D.will watch

21.We can see Shakespeare’s plays like Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet ______ other plays. A.as well B.as well as C.such as D. also 22.—Look at the sign, ―No photos‖ here.---Sorry, I _____it.

A.don’t see B.won’t see C.doesn’t see D.didn’t see 三、


1. They ____(travel) to London by plane in May 2011. 2. My sister _____(not watch) TV last night.

3. Mr. Black married in 1995, and he had three ______(child). 4. He _____(become) a write and started writing poems.

5. In 1999 the company ____(build) the Future Theatre in London. 6. Mr. Smith decided _____(live) in Shenzhen.

7. The boys are good _____(act) and a lot of people love them. 8. How many ______(company) are there in your hometown? 9. I want to be a great _______(write).

10. Your coat is very nice. Where ____ you _____(buy) it? 11. Is Yuan Longping one of the richest ______(man) in China? 12. The talent show last night was a great ________(successful). 13. When did Jim get ______(marry)?

14. When my grandparents ____ (be)young, they didn’t have cars. 15. We had nothing _____(eat), so we were very hungry. 16. When is your _____(brother) birthday? In June. 四、



1. My sister often rides a bike to school.(同义句) My sister often goes to school ______ _____. 2. The old woman had a lot of money.(同义句) The old woman ____ very _____.

3. The boy started playing the piano at the age of five.(同义句) The boy started playing the piano _____ _____ _____ five. 4. Yao Ming married in 2007.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ Yao Ming ______?

5. Tom became a singer when he was twenty years old. (同义句) Tom became a singer _____ _____ _____ _____ twenty.

6. Wang Dong will move to Shanghai with his parents tomorrow.(用last year改写) Wang Dong ______ ______ Shanghai with his parents ______ ______. 7. Her weekend was very interesting. (对划线部分提问) _____ _______ her weekend?

8. There are more than fifty students in my class.(同义句) There are ______ fifty students in my class.

9. Danny went to the post office yesterday afternoon. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ ______ ______ yesterday afternoon?

10. We didn’t watch TV because we didn’t have a TV. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________? 五、


1. 我叔叔和婶婶是上个星期天结的婚。My uncle and aunt _____ _____ last Sunday. 2. 我爸爸喜欢乘火车旅行。My father enjoyed _____ _______ _____.

3. 当他六岁时他步行去上学吗?_____ he ______ to school ____ ____ _____ ____?

4. 我们可以在网络上查找有关他的信息。We can _____ _____ about _____ _____ the Internet. 5. 他12岁离开学校开始工作。He _____ ______ and _____ work _____ _____ _____ _____ 12. 6. 他1564年7月3日出生在英国。 He _____ ____ _______ July 3rd,1564 in England. 7. 14岁毕业时,威廉.莎士比亚决定成为一名演员。

William Shakespeare _____ _____ _____ an actor when he _____ _____ _____ fourteen. 8. 他在19世纪60年代取名为马克吐温并变得非常有名。

He ____ the name Mark Twain and ______ very _____ ____ _____ ______ 9. 你刚才打扫教室了吗?____ you ____ the classroom just now?

10. 成龙是世界上最著名的演员之一。Jackie Chan is ____ ____ the most _____ ____ in the world. 11. 大约在1992年他去了伦敦,加入了一个俱乐部。 In ______1992, he _____ ____ London and ____ a club.

12. 昨天我们在公园里玩得很开心。We _____ ______ ______ ______ in the park yesterday. 13. 他们假期不去其他的国家参观。They didn’t visit _____ ____ on holiday.


14. 我们的学校和他们的不同。Our school ______ _______ _______ theirs.

15. 我爷爷小时候不听收音机。My grandpa _____ ____ ____ the radio when he ____ a boy. 六、


Mr Turner was very tired and hungry when he 1 home this morning. He was on duty in the hospital last night. A terrible traffic accident happened at the hospital corner 2 midnight. The policemen 3 the wounded people to the hospital, he and his workmates were 4 all the night. They tried to save their lives, but two of them 5 .

When he entered the sitting room, he 6 his wife crying in the bedroom. He understood what it meant. He said 7 and went into the kitchen. He had to cook 8 . After a while his wife came in and said, ― You don’t love me any more. When you saw me 9 just now, you didn’t ask why.‖ ―I’m very sorry, my dear, but those questions 10 me a lot of money!‖said the doctor. 1.A.got B.got to C.arrived at D.reached to 2.A. in B.on C.at D.for 3.A.moved B.took C.had D.drove 4.A.exciting B.afraid C.free D.busy 5.A.death B.died C.dead D.dying 6.A.listened B.listened to C.heard D.hears 7.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 8.A.him B.her C.himself D.herself 9.A.cry B.crying C.to cry D.cried 10.A.took B.paid C.cost D.spent 七、


Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang are students of No.l Middle School. Last Friday, a 1 school, they went home t 2 happily. Suddenly, they saw a wallet l 3 on the road. Xiao Fang picked it up. They thought they should give it b 4 to the owner of the wallet. And they w 5 there till it was dark. The owner didn’t come, s 6 they had to hand it in to a policeman. The n 7 morning, the headmaster and the owner came to Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming’s classroom. The owner said lots of thanks to them and offered (送) a letter of thanks to the headmaster. The headmaster praised (表扬) 8 they had done and called on (号召) the o 9 students to l 10 from them..


