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Unit 5 The power of nature-Period 3

I 单词拼写

1.Having drunk too much wine, I felt rather u____________ and got a headache.

2.Lincoln was s_________ in the head while watching a play at Ford’s Theatre,

and died the next day.

3.It helps children to develop an a________ of abstract art.

4.The fear of all kinds of examinations can be a source of deep _______(焦虑) and

great stress to many students.

5.Don’t panic, boys; I ________ (保证) there’s no danger.

6.The fact that they ran out of petrol halfway through the wild forest _________

(使惊慌) them.


be unconscious of, tremble with, (be) anxious about, get into a panic, glance through, vary from …to…, a diversity of, under guarantee, be home to, have a gift for

1.Her mood seems to ______ day ______ day.

2.Her lips started to _________________ cold in the open air.

3._______ her future job, she had many sleepless nights.

4.____________ the numbers to see how many you can remember in a few seconds.

5.She __________________ when she found her room broken into.

6.Don’t worry. Your mobile phone is still _____________, so the manufacturer will

repair it.

7.I _____________________ having gone in the wrong direction and got lost.

8.The boy ________________________ singing, so his parents try their best to send

him to Beijing for further study.

9.There is ________________ plants in the botanical garden.

10.As we all know, China _____________________ pandas.

III. 单句语法填空。

1.I wrote him a letter to show my ____________ (appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.

2.Once you order is accepted, we guarantee ________ (deliver) within a week.

3.We should take account of the cultural _________(diverse) when making a policy.

4.He made his way to the bathroom and took a _________ (bathe).

5.She is very charming, and skilled in the art of ________ (persuade).

IV. 单项选择。

1.Are you available, Mr Zhang?

My time is ________. I can only give you a few minutes.

A precious

B expensive

C valuable

D previous

2.The enemies were surrounding the village, but the villagers were ______ the


A unknown to

B unconscious of

C unclear about

D afraid of

3.You’d better ______ your diet rather than eat the same things all the time.

A vary

B changed

C convert

D altered

4.I would like to speak for our group to express our _______ of your valuable help.

A agreement

B attention

C appreciation

D anxiety

5.Lucy, read this book. I ______ that you’ll be fond of it.

Ok, I’ll read it after I have finished my homework.

A order

B guarantee

C prove

D reveal.

V 语法填空

At the beginning of the new term, our new classmates, whose height varied __1___ 1.5 m to 1.8m, __2___ (decide) to run for the monitor, among them I was the most ordinary-looking as well as the __3___ (short) coming from a poor family in remote countryside, so I was _4__ a real panic when __5__ (make) my way to the front of our classroom to give my speech. In order to calm myself down, I first __6__ (glance) through the outline of my script. Then I took a deep breath and began my speech. Gradually, I was not anxious about making the speech, in which I __7____ (guarantee) that my love for both my classmates and work will be as deep and lasting __8__ the sea. Having finished my speech, I was amazed and excited to know of my ____9_____ (appoint) as monitor, indeed! My ___10____ (anxious) relived and I have become more confident about myself ever since.

Period 4

I 单词拼写

1.The law g_________ equal rights for men and women.

2.It’s many years since Mount Vesuvius e__________ .

3.Our manager asked me to express our a______________ of your timely help.

4.Whenever Tom arrives home late at night, his parents appear very a________.

5.When he came out of the water, he was t___________ with cold.

6.We’re going for a picnic this weekend. Does the time s________ you?

7.There are some big willow trees a_______ the river.

8.I left early because I had an __________ (约会) with Miss Smith.

9.The hopes, goals and fears ______ (变化) widely between men and women, between

the rich and the poor.

10.We need to __________(评价) how well the policy is working.

11.I got into a _________ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked.

12.The ____________ (可能性) for abuse of power in such a system is enormous.

13.We were told not to touch the ___________(设备) in the laboratory unless allowed


14.Jim knew ____________(完全地) nothing about the business when he joined the


15.I’m not joking. Those were his ___________(实际的) words.

II 短语互译

1.have the potential to do sth. __________________________

2.be unconscious of ________________________________

3.be in a panic_____________________________________







Vary, appoint, glance, burn, way

1.He _______________ the news in that newspaper and suddenly one item attracted

his attention.

2. A bookstore _____________________ in the fire.

3.He __________________________ chairman of the Students’ Union in our school.

4.The heights of the plants _______________ 8 cm ________ 20 cm.

5.The Red Army ____________ from the south of China to the northwest with great


IV. 语法填空

1.People around here had to leave with their possessions because of the volcanic

______________ (erupt).

2. A lot of money has been spent on the _____________ (equip) of the new school.

3.They have _________ (absolute) no idea how this happened.

4.I didn’t like him at first, but in the end I ______ (actual) got quite fond

of him.

5.You should phone his secretary if you want to make an ________ (appoint) with

Mr Wang.

V. 单句写作

1.After a long walk, he feels that the bed is ______ _______ ______ ________(睡


2.I _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ (正要离开,这时) someone came


3.The lawyer listened with full attention, _______ _______ (尽力不) miss any


4._______ _______ _______ (问题解决了), the quality of the product has been


5.This plan was terribly troublesome _______ _______ _______ (实施,执行) VI. 用分词作状语或独立主格结构改写句子

1.After he finished his homework, the little boy began to play football.

_________________ his homework, the little boy began to play football.

2.Because they had been warned by their parents, they didn’t dare to go out at


___________ by their parents, they didn’t dare to go out at night.

3.As it was a rainy day, we had to cancel the match.

___________ a rainy day, we had to cancel the match.

4.If he is given time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

_______ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

5.After I got to the school, I found my schoolbag lost.

____________ to the school, I found my schoolbag lost.


Period 3

I. 1 uncomfortable 2 shot 3 appreciation

4 anxiety

5 guarantee

6 panicked

II. 1 vary from, to 2 tremble with 3 Anxious about

4 Glance through

5 got into a panic

6 under guarantee

7 was unconscious of 8 has a gift for 9 a diversity of

10 is home to

III. 1 appreciation 2 to deliver 3 diversity 4 bath 5 persuasion


V. 1 from 2 decided 3 shortest 4 in 5 making

6 glanced

7 guaranteed

8 as

9 being appointed 10 anxiety

Period 4

I. 1 guarantees 2 erupted 3 appreciation 4 anxious

5 trembling

6 suit

7 alongside

8 appointment

9 vary 10 evaluate 11 panic 12 potential

13 equipment 14 absolutely 15 actual

II.1 有潜力做某事 2 未意识到 3 处于恐慌中

4 make one’s way

5 burn to the ground

6 glance through

7 vary from …to…8 be appointed as

III. 1 glanced through 2 was burned to the ground

3 was appointed as

4 vary from, to

5 made their way

IV.1 eruption 2 equipment 3 absolutely

4 actually

5 appointment

V. 1 comfortable to sleep on 2 was about to leave when

3 trying not to

4 The problem solved

5 to carry


VI.1 Having finished 2 Having been warned 3 It being

4 Given

5 Having got

