
更新时间:2024-06-05 00:06:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Jony lve:

For more than a decade ,our intention has been to create an iPhone that is all display.

十多年来,我们始终致力于打造一部全面屏的iPhone。 A physical object that disappears into the experience. 它能让人完全沉浸其中,自己却臻于无形。 This is iPhone X. 这就是iPhone X。

Developing the form and display together defines a whole new integration ,making the boundary between the device and the screen hard to discern.

它的机身与显示屏协同设计,让你很难察觉它们之间接合的边界。 The custom OLED panel was engineered to fold and seamlessly combine with the external surfaces. 精心定制的可折叠OLED 面板能够与外壳完全无缝相接。

Mechanical buttons give way to touch and gestures. There’s no Home button.

触摸和手势取代了实体按键,主屏幕按钮不复存在。 A single swipe takes you to the Home screen. 轻扫一下,就能返回主屏幕。

A more responsive touch system means the gestures in IOS 11 are more fluid. The polished stainless steel band reinforces the water-resistant all glass design.

触摸感应系统更加灵敏,让各种手势在IOS11上用起来更加流畅。精心打磨的不锈钢边框,进一步强化了防溅抗水的全面玻璃设计。 This newglassformulationthe most durable ever in a smartphone enables, for the first time, wireless charging. 我们采用了iPhone迄今最坚固耐用的玻璃材料,从而首次在iPhone上实现了无线充电。

Our new Ture Depth camera system, contained within this tiny space, uses extraordinary depth sensing technology to let you unlock your phone with a glance. We call this Face ID . 全新的原深感摄像系统就藏在这个小小的空间之中,它通过出众的深度感应技术,让你只需轻轻一瞥就能解锁你的iPhone,这个功能叫做面容ID。

It maps the unique geometry of your face ,with over 30,000 invisible dots.This data is analyzed by the neural engine, on the A11 bionic chip, the first of its kind . 它通过3万多个看不见的光点,描绘出你的面容独特的几何结构,数据会交给A11仿生,由芯片中的神经网络引擎分析处理,这全是一项创举

Your iPhone now recognizes you,even in the dark ,and will adapt to your physical changes.

This makes your face your secure password. So with just a look ,you can authenticate your phone or use Apple Pay. 哪怕在黑暗中,你的iPhone也能认出你,而且会适应你的样貌变化,它把你的脸变成了一张可靠的通行证。你只要看它一眼,就能进行验证,或者使用Apply Pay付款。

The TrueDepth camera also enables new experiences. Like bringing emojis to life by mapping more than 50 facial muscles in real time. So you can be happy , or sad ,or cross . 原深感摄像头还带来了一些新功能。比如实时绘制50多种面部肌肉的运动,让表情符号彻底活起来。秀一秀你的开心、不爽、或怒值爆满。

Both the front and rear-facing cameras now have Portrait Mode.And for the first time ,you can actually define the light in a scene.


Based on fundamental photographic principles ,Portrait lighting produces the effect of real studio lighting.

人像光效会根据摄影的基本原则,营造出媲美摄影棚的光照效果。 On the back ,the dual camera system is completely redesigned.It's made even smarter by the A11 bionic chip. 机身背面的双镜头系统经过彻底重新设计,并由于A11仿生这款芯片,而变得更智能。

With machine learning ,the camera detects elements in the scene to optimize the image before the photo is even taken. 通过机器学习技术,它会探测场景中的各种元素,在你按下快门前就对画面进行优化。

The camera we use every day now delivers so much more. 这部我们整天不离手的相机,现在还能呈现更多精彩。

And as IOS becomes the world’s largest platform for augmented reality,it will redefine what’s possible.

随着IOS 在全球成为一个主要的增强现实平台,它将拓展想象的边界。

This is iPhone X. 这就是iPhone X.

