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1036 Y o u r v e s s e l i s u n d e r w a y b u t s t o p p e d a n d m a k i n g n o w a y t h r o u g h t h e w a t e r w h e n f o g s e t s i n . W h i c h f o r s i g n a l s h o u l d y o u s o u n d ?

A. One prolonged blast on the whistle.

B. One prolonged blast and two short blasts on the whistle.

C. .

D. One short, one prolonged, and one short blast on the whistle. 当雾到来时,你船在航但已停车并没有对水速度。你应发出哪中雾号?

1037 Y o u r v e s s e l i s t o d o c k b o w i n a t a p i e r . W h i c h l i n e w i l l b e t h e m o s t u s e f u l w h e n m a n e u v e r i n g t h e v e s s e l a l o n g s i d e t h e p i e r ?

A. Inshore headline. B 】. . C. Stern breast line. D. Bow breast line. 你船靠泊船首在码头。当操纵靠泊时哪一根缆将最有用?

1038 Y o u r v e s s e l i s s t o p p e d a n d m a k i n g n o w a y , b u t i s n o t i n a n y w a y d i s a b l e . A n o t h e r v e s s e l i s a p p r o a c h i n g y o u o n y o u r s t a r b o a r d b e a m . W h i c h s t a t e m e n t i s t r u e ?

A. The other vessel must give way since your vessel is stopped.

B. .

C. You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command.

D. You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.


1039 Y o u r v e s s e l i s p o r t s i d e t o a p i e r w i t h a s p r i n g l i n e l e d a f t f r o m t h e b o w . I n c a l m w e a t h e r , p u t t i n g t h e e n g i n e s a h e a d w i t h t h e r u d d e r h a r d l e f t s h o u l d b r i n g ______.

A. B. Both the bow and stern in.

C. The bow out and the stern in.

D. Both the bow and stern out.


1040 Y o u r v e s s e l i s n o t u n d e r c o m m a n d d u e t o e n g i n e b r e a k d o w n a n d i s n o w d e a d i n t h e w a t e r o n t h e h i g h s e a s . W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s i g n a l s s h o u l d y o u s o u n d i n r e d u c e d v i s i b i l i t y ?

A. Two prolonged blasts of the whistle.

B. One short, one prolonged and one short blast of the whistle.

C. One prolonged and three short blasts of the whistle.

D. 你船由于主机故障而失控并在大洋中不能航行。在能见度减少时你应鸣放以下什么信号?

1041 Y o u r v e s s e l i s n o t m a k i n g w a y , b u t i s n o t i n a n y w a y d i s a b l e d . A n o t h e r v e s s e l i s a p p r o a c h i n g y o u o n y o u r s t a r b o a r d b e a m . W h i c h s t a t e m e n t i s t r u e ?

A. The other vessel must give way since your vessel is stopped.


C. You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command.

D. You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. 你船没有前进,但不论怎样没有丧失能力。另一船在你船右正横并正向你接近。哪一个陈述是正确的?

1042 Your vessel is not making way, but is not in any way disable. Another vessel is approaching you on your starboard beam. Which statement is true?


B. The other vessel must give way, since your vessel is stopped.

C. You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command.

D. You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

你船没有前进,但不论怎样没有丧失能力。另一船在你船右正横并正向你接近。哪一个陈述是正确的?1043 Your vessel is fishing at anchor on the high seas. Which of the following day signals should she display if she has gear extending out over 150 meters horizontally from the vessel?

A. A black ball in the forepart of her vessel.

B. A black double frustum of a cone.(一黑色双平截头圆锥体)

C. A basket where best seen.

D. .

你船在公海上锚泊哺育。假如其渔具自船边向外伸长超过水平距离150米则她应显示以下什么日间信号?1044 Your vessel is docking, but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?

A. Bow breast line.

B. .

C. Inshore headline.

D. Offshore headline.


1045 Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. She is showing a black cylinder. What is your responsibility?

A. Hold your course and speed.

B. Sound the danger signal.

C. Begin an exchange of passing signals.



1046 Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. She is showing a black cylinder. You should ______.

A. Hold your course and speed.


C. Exchange passing signals.

D. Sound the danger signal.


1047 Your vessel is constrained by her draft and operating in a narrow channel. Another vessels crossing your course from starboard to port. You are in doubt as to her intensions. According to rule 9, you ______.

A. Should sound one short blast to indicate that you are holding course and speed.

B. Must sound one prolonged blast.


D. Are required to back down.


1048 Your vessel is backing on the starboard screw, and going ahead on the port screw. The bow will ______.

A. Back on a straight line.

B. Move ahead on a straight line.

C. Swing to port.



1049 Your vessel is at anchor in fog. The fog signal of another vessel, apparently underway, has been growing louder and the danger of collision appears to exist. In addition to fog signal, what signal maybe used to indicate your presence?

A. No signal other than your fog signal may be used.

B. One prolonged, one short, and one prolonged whistle blast.

C. One prolonged followed by two short whistle blasts.



1050 Your vessel is at anchor in fog while in international waters. The fog signal of another vessel, apparently underway, has been steadily growing louder and the danger of collision appears to exist. In addition to the normal fog signal, what signal may be used to indicate the presence of your vessel ______? A. The danger signal: five or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle.


C. Three blasts on the whistle: one prolonged followed by two short.

D. No special signal other than the normal fog signal.


1051 Your vessel is aground in fog. In addition to the regular anchor signals, you will be sounding ______.

A. Three strokes of the gong before and after the rapid ringing of the gong.

B. A blast on the whistle.


D. No additional signals.


1052 Your vessel is 75 meters in length and restricted in her ability to maneuver. Visibility is restricted. What signal do you sound if you are carrying out your work at anchor?

A. Five seconds ringing of a bell at intervals of not more than one minute.


C. Five seconds ringing of a bell and five second sounding of a gong at intervals of not more than one minute.

D. Four short blasts on the whistle at intervals of not more than two minute.



A. One prolonged blast every 2 minutes.


C. Three short blasts every 2 minutes.

D. One prolonged and two short blasts every 2 minutes.


1054 Your twin-screw vessel is moving astern with rudders amidships. The starboard screw suddenly stops turni ng. Your vessel’s head will ______.


B. Go to starboard.

C. Remain stationary.

D. Suddenly drop down.


1055 Your ship is steaming at night with the gyro pilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take first?

A. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction.


C. Call the master.

D. Send the quartermaster to the emergency steering station.


1056 Your ship is dead in the water with the rudder amidships. As the right-handed screw starts to turn ahead, the bow will tend to go ______.

A. To starboard.

B. .

C. Straight ahead.

D. As influenced by the tide and sea.


1057 Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will not appear to move across the

A. B. C. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed.

D. Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed.

你的雷达设为真运动显示模式。以下哪一个在平面位臵显示器范围内将不出现移动? (Plan position indicator. 平面位臵显示器)

1058 Your power-driven vessel is underway when you sight a sailing vessel in your port bow. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?

A. The sailboat, because it is to port of your vessel.


C. Your vessel, because it is a power-driven vessel.

D. Your vessel, because it is to starboard of the vessel.


1059 Your facsimile prognostic chart indicates that you will cross the cold front of a low-pressure system in about 24 hours. You should ______.

A. Expect to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus and nimbostratus clouds.


C. 24

1060 Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters. This indicates the ______.

A. Rock is visible at low water spring only.

B. C. D. 你的海图显示那有一孤立礁石并名字使用直写字母。这说明

1061 Your ARPA has two-guard zones. What is the purpose of the inner guard zone? ______.


B. C. D. 你的ARPA 雷达有两个警戒区。

1062 Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.

What should you expect under these A. B. C. The ARPA will generate data based in sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lost.

D. The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target data.

你的ARPA 雷达跟踪一个物标并得到物标的航向和速度。由于天气原因雷达在最后两次扫描时没有接收到物标的回波。在这种情形下你将期待什么?

1063 Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log. Due to currents, the log is indicating a faster

speed than the speed over the ground. What should you expect under these circumstances?

A. The generated CPA will be less than the actual CPA.

B. The generated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPA.

C. D. 你的雷达航速有计程仪自动输入。由于海流,计程仪显示的速度大于实际的对地速度。在这种情形

1064 Your 15 meters vessel is crossing a narrow channel and a large cargo vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. You must ______.

A. Hold course and speed.

B. Sound the danger signal.

C. Initiate an exchange of passing signals.


1065 Your 15 meters vessel is crossing a narrow channel and a large cargo vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. You must ______. A. Hold your course and speed.

B. Sound the danger signal.


D. Do not cross the channel.


1066 Your 15 meters tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large container vessel is off your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is true concerning this situation? ______.

A. You should maintain course and speed.

B. The container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vessel.

D. None of the above.


1067 You will ______ convoy at 1800.

A. .

B. Join in---参加, 加入

C. Join to.

D. Join with---和...合伙, 和...合作


1068 You will ______ canal at 2000 hours. A. .

B. Enter in---进入

C. Enter to.

D. Enter into---进入, 参加, 成为...一部分, 研讨, 讨论, 分享, 体谅


1069 You want to double the strength of a mooring line by using two lines. To accomplish this, the second line must ______.

A. Be 1.5 times the diameter of the first.

B. Be married to the first.

C. Not cross the first.

D. 你想用两根缆绳成倍增加缆绳的强度。为达到这(目的),第二根缆绳必须。

1070 You sight a vessel showing a white light under a green light. This would indicate which of the following?

A. A vessel fishing with nets.

B. A vessel engaged in underwater operations.



A. B. C. Every three minutes in pilot age waters.

1072 You see another vessel approaching, and its compass bearing does not significantly change. This would indicate that ______.

A. You are the stand-on vessel.

B. .

C. A special circumstances situation exists.

D. The other vessel is dead in the water.


1073 You see a vessel showing the day signal of two cones with points together, one above the other, It would be ① A vessel trawling. ② A vessel engaged in underwater operations.

A. .

B. ② only.

C. Both ① and ②.

D. Neither ① nor ②.


1074 You see a vessel displaying a red light over a white light and a flare up light. Which of the following is it?

A. B. C. A vessel not under command trying to attract attention.

D. A naval vessel engaged in launching aircraft.

1075 You receive word that a person has overboard from the starboard side. You should first ______.


B. C. D. Sound the man overboard alarm.

1076 You plot a fix using three lines of position and find they intersect in a triangle. The actual position of the vessel ______. A. Is outside of the triangle.

B. May be anywhere in the triangle.


D. Is the geometric of the triangle? 你用三条位臵线标绘船位并产生一个交叉三角形。则船的实际船位。

1077 You must ______ lock clearance until 1900 hours.

A. Wait.

B. Await to.

C. .

D. Await for. 你必须等待船闸结关证直到1900时。

1078 You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.

A. Deadweight scales. C. Notices to mariners.


A. mFAG . C. Notices to mariners. 在一个特定的港口,你可以在中找到低潮后的平流时刻。

1080 You may best turn a twin-screw vessel about, to the right, in a narrow channel by using ______.

A. Both engines ahead and helm.

B. One engine only.


D. Both engines astern use helm.


1081 You intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel. As you approach the other vessel’s stern ______. A. You will gain speed. B. Both vessels will gain speed. C. D. The vessels will drift apart. 在狭水道中你打算追越他船。当你接近他船船尾时。

1082 You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist.

You must ______. A. B. Stop your engines.

C. Being a radar plot.

D. All of the above.


1083 You have been observing your radar screen and notice that a contact on the screen has remained in the same position, relative to you, for several minutes. Your vessel is making 10 knots through the water. Which statement is true?

D. 10节速度前进。哪一句

1084 You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard. You have 3 radar targets bearing 090 degrees relative at ranges of 0.5 mile, 1 mile, and 1.5 miles.

In this case, the unwanted echoes are called A. B. C. Indirect echoes---间接回波

D. Side-lobe echoes---副瓣 090度,距离海里0.5,1.0海里和1.5海里。

1085 You have a vessel under sail and steam approaching off your port bow. You should ______.

A. Come left and passes astern.

B. Stop your engines.

C. Come right to pass well clear ahead.



1086 You have a vessel astern of you and you desire to make a right turn. You should ______.


B. Sound one blast and wait for his answer.

C. Sound two blasts and come right.

D. Sound two blasts and wait for his answer.


1087 You are watching another vessel approach and her compass bearing is not changing. This means that ______.

A. You are the stand-on vessel.


C. A special circumstances situation exists.

D. The other vessel is dead in the water. 你正在观测另一艘船并且其罗经方位没有变化。这意味着。

1088 You are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. You hear a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts. It could be any of the following except a vessel ______.

A. Minesweeping.

C. Constrained by her draft.

1089 You are underway on the high seas during reduced visibility. You hear a vessel sounding a signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. Which of the following could it be? ① A pilot vessel on station underway. ② A power-driven vessel underway dead in the water.

A. ① only.

B. ② only.

C. Both ①

and ②. D. .


1090 You are underway in thick fog. You have not determined if risk of collision exists. Which statement is true?

B. A lookout is not required if the radar is on.

C. Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected be radar. 你浓雾(一级能见度)中在航。我不确定是否存在碰撞危险。哪一句是正确的?

1091 You are underway in restricted visibility. You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 22 degrees on


C. Alter the course to starboard to pass around the other vessel’s stern.

D. Alter course to port to pass the other vessel on its port side.

221092 You are underway in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must ______.

A. Stop your engines.

B. Sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle.

C. Sound the danger signal.



1093 You are underway in reduced visibility. You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20 degrees on your starboard bow. Risk of collision may exists. You should ______.

A. Alter course to starboard to pass around the other vessel.

C. Slow your engines and let the other vessel pass ahead of you.

D. Alter course to port to pass the other vessel on its portside.


1094 You are underway in low visibility and sounding fog signals. What changes would you make in the fog signal immediately upon losing propulsion?

A.Being sounding two prolonged blasts at two minutes intervals.

B.Being sounding one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts at two minutes intervals.

D.No change should be made in the fog signal.


1095 You are underway in fog when you hear the following signal: one short blast, one prolonged blast and one short blast in succession. Which of the following would it be?

A. A sailing vessel underway with the wind abaft beam.

B. A power-driven vessel underway and making way through the water.

D. A vessel towing.


1096 You are underway in a narrow channel and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. The overtaking vessel sounds a signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on your starboard side. If such an action appears dangerous you should sound ______.


B.Three short and rapid blasts.

C.One prolonged followed by one short blast.

D.One prolonged, one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in that order.


1097 You are underway in a narrow channel and are being overtaken by a vessel stern. The overtaking vessel sounds a signal indicating her intention to pass you on your starboard side. If such an action appears dangerous, you should sound ______.

A.One prolonged followed by one short blast.

B.One prolonged, one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in that order.

D.Three short and rapid blasts.


1098 You are the watch officer on a power-driven vessel and notice a large sailing vessel approaching from astern. You should ______.

A.Slow down.

B.Sound one short blast and change course to starboard.

C.Sound two short blast and change course to port.


1099 You are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. You may hold your course and speed until ______.

A.The other vessel takes necessary action.

B.The other vessel gets to within half a mile of your vessel.

D.The other vessel gets to within a quarter mile of your vessel.


1100 You are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. If you think the give-way vessel is not taking sufficient action to avoid collision, you should sound ______.


B. Two short blasts, alter to port, and pass astern.

C. No signal and maneuver at will.

D. One short blast and maintain course.


1101 You are steaming in a dense fog and hear a whistle signal ahead consisting of a prolonged blast followed by three short blasts. It may be ______.


B. C. 你在大雾(零级能见度)中航行并在船首方向听到由一长声跟着三短声组成的雾号。则她可能是

1102 You are preparing to cross a narrow channel. You see a vessel that can only be navigated safety within the channel. You should ______.

B. Initiate an exchange of passing signals.

C. Sound the danger signal.

D. Hold your course and speed.


1103 You are operating a vessel in a narrow channel. Your vessel must stay within the channel to be navigated safety. Another vessel is crossing your course from starboard to port, and you are in doubt as to his intentions. According to rule 9, you ______.

B. Must sound one prolonged and two short blasts.

C. Should sound one short blast to indicate that you are holding course and speed.

D. Are required to back down.


1104 You are on watch in fog. Which vessel is in sight?

B. A radar target of which you have determined the course and speed.

C. A vessel from which you can hear the fog signal.

D. All of the above.


1105 You are on international waters during a heavy rainstorm and hear a vessel sounding a fog signal of one prolonged blast followed by two

short blasts. Which of the following could it be? ① A vessel laying submarine cable making way. ② A pilot vessel on station at anchor.

A. B. ② only.

C. Either ① or ②. C. Neither ① nor ②.



1106 You are on a vessel that cannot comply with the spacing requirement for masthead lights. What is required in this situation?




1107 You are on a vessel nearing a bend in the channel where, because of the height of the bank, you cannot see a vessel approaching from the opposite direction. You should sound ______.

A. One short blast.

B. .

C. One long blast.

D. Five or more short blasts.


1108 You are on a power-driven vessel in fog. Your vessel is proceeding at a safe speed when you hear a fog signal ahead of you. The rules require you to navigate with caution and, if danger of collision exists ______.

A. Slow to less than 2 knots.


C. Stop your engines.

D. Initiate a radar plot.


1109 You are master of a towing vessel engaged in towing three barges astern. The middle barge of the tow would be required to sound which of the following during restricted visibility? ______.

B. A prolonged blast at intervals never to exceed more than 2 minutes.

C. A prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than two minutes.

D. A prolonged blast followed by three short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than 1 minute. 你是从事拖带作业船尾拖带三艘驳船的船长。在能见度受限时中间的驳船将被要求鸣放以下哪一种声号?

1110 You are kindly ______ to issue the landing permits to the crew. A. Request. B. Requesting. D. Be request.


You are kindly requested to do, 请您(做)….

1111 You are in sight of another vessel in a crossing situation, and the other vessel sounds one short blast. You are going to hold course and speed. You should ______.

A. Answer with one short blast.

B. Answer with two short blasts.

C. Sound the danger signal.

D. .


1112 You are in sight of a power-driven vessel that sounds two shorts of the whistle. This signal means that the vessel ______. A.

B. Is altering course to starboard?

C. Intends to leave you on her port side.

D. Intends to leave you on her starboard side. 互见中一机动船鸣放两短声。这信号意味着他船。

1113 You are in charge of a stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port. You believe that risk of collision exists. You should ______.

A. Take avoiding action immediately upon determining that risk of collision exists.

B. Immediately sound the danger signal.


D. Hold course and speed until the point of extreme, and then sound the danger signal, taking whatever

action will best avert collision.



1114 You are in charge of a power-driven vessel navigating at night. You sight the red sidelight of another vessel on your port bow. The other vessel’s after masthead light is to right of her forward masthead light. You should ______. A.

B. Alter course to port.

C. Stop engines.

D. Sound the danger signal.


1115 You are in charge of a power-driven vessel making way in dense fog. You observe what appears to be

another vessel on radar half a mile distant on your port bow and closing. You must ______.

A. Sound the danger signal.

B. Exchange passing signal.


D. Sound one short, one prolonged, and one short blast.


1116 You are in charge of a 250 meters freight vessel constrained by her draft proceeding down a narrow channel. There is a vessel engaged in fishing on your starboard bow half a mile away. According to rule 9, which statement is true?

You are not to impede the fishing vessel.


C.You are to slow to bare steerageway until clear of the fishing vessel.

D.You must sound one prolonged blast to alert the fishing vessel.


1117 You are in charge of a 120 meters power-driven vessel at anchor in fog, sounding the required anchor signals. You hear the fog signal of a vessel underway off your port bow. You may sound ______.

A. At least five short and rapid blasts.

B. Two short blasts.


D. Three short blasts.


1118 You are fishing at night, and you sight a vessel showing three lights in a vertical line. The upper and lower lights are red and the middle light is white. Which statement is true?

B.The other vessel is responsible to keep out of your way.

C.The other vessel is at anchor.

D.The rule of special circumstances applies.


1119 You are approaching another vessel. She is about one mile distant and is on your starboard bow. You believe she will cross ahead of you. She then sounds a whistle signal of five short blasts. You should ______.

A.Answer the signal and hold course and speed.

B.Reduce speed slightly to make sure she will have room to pass.

D.Wait for another whistle signal from the other vessel.


1120 You are approaching another vessel on crossing courses. She is about one mile distant and is on your starboard bow. You believe she will cross ahead of you but she sounds a whistle signal of five short blasts. You should ______.

A.Answer the signal and hold course and speed.

B.Reduce speed slightly.

C.Initiate a passing signal that will allow for a half-mile clearance.


1121 You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made. You should ______.

A.Hold course and sound a two blasts whistle signal.

C.Change course to starboard and sound one blast.

D.Hold course and sound one blast.


1122 You are approaching another vessel and will pass safety starboard to starboard without changing course. You should ______.

B.Hold course and sound a two blasts whistle signal.

C.Change course to starboard and sound one blast.

D.Hold course and sound one blast.


1123 You are approaching a narrow channel. Another vessel in the channel can only be navigated safely in that channel. You should ______.

A.Sound two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast.

C.Sound three short blasts, and take an all way off your vessel.

D.Hold your course and speed if he is on your port bow.


1124 You are approaching a narrow channel. Another vessel in the channel can only be navigated safely in that channel. You should ______.

B.Hold your course and speed if she is on your port bow.

C.Sound three short blasts, and take all way off your vessel.

D.Sound three short blasts followed by one short blast.


1125 You are approaching a bend in a river where, due to the bank, you cannot see around the other side. A vessel on the other side of the bend sounds one prolonged blast. You should ______.

A. Sound passing signals.

B. Not sound any signal until you sight the other vessel.


D. Sound the danger blast.


1126 You are about to cross a narrow channel when you see an approaching vessel that can only be navigated safely within the channel. You should ______.

A.Cross the channel as you are the stand-on vessel.

Cross only if the vessel in the channel is approaching on your port side.


D.Sound the danger signal.

你正要穿越航道当你看到一艘只能在航道内航行的船舶接近时。你。1127 You are aboard the give-way in a crossing situation. What should you not do in obeying the rules?


B. Make a large course change to starboard.

C. Slow your speed.

D. Back your vessel.




C. Have moored your anchor.

D. Have maintained your anchor.



1129 Winds expected to ______ storm force 10 in southeast semicircle later up to 300 miles from the center of the tropical cyclone.

A. Get.

B. Achieve.

C. Attain.

D. .


1130 Whistle signals indicating course changes must be sounded ______.

A.In fog.

C.When you can be reasonable sure of hearing the other vessel’s acknowledgment.

D.Every time you alter course.


1131 While underway your vessel approaches a bend in a river where, due to the bank, you cannot see around the bend. You should ______.

A.Keep to the starboard side of the channel and sound one short blast.

B.Sound the danger signal.

D.Slow your vessel to bare steerageway.


1132 While underway in a narrow channel, a vessel should stay ______.

A. In the middle of the channel.


C. To the port side of the channel.

D. To the side of the channel that has the widest bends.


1133 While underway at night your vessel suffers an engine failure. What lights should be displayed to indicate that it is not under command ______.

A. The anchor lights.

B. Three red lights in a vertical line.


D. The sidelights and stern light only.


1134 While underway and in sight of another vessel, you put your engines full speed astern. Which statement concerning whistle signals is true?

B.You must sound one blast if backing to starboard.

C.You must sound whistle signals only if the vessels are meeting.

D.You need not sound by whistle signal.


1135 While underway and in sight of another vessel, less than one half mile away, you put your engines on astern propulsion. Which statement concerning whistle signals is true?

A.You need not sound any whistle signals.

B.You must sound one blast if backing to starboard.

C.You must sound whistle signals only if the vessels are meeting.


1136 While underway and in sight of another vessel you put your engines on astern propulsion. Which statement concerning whistle signals is true?

B.You must sound one blast if backing to starboard.

C.You must sound whistle signals only if the vessels are meeting.

D.You need not sound any whistle signals.


1137 While underway and in sight of another vessel crossing less than 0.5 mile away, you put your engines full speed astern. Which statement concerning whistle signals is true?


B.You must sound one blast if backing to starboard.

C.You must sound whistle signals only if the vessels are meeting.

D.You need not sound any whistle signals.



1138 While steaming full ahead your engines break down at night. You should ①immediately turn off your sidelights and stern light. ②immediately turn off your range light and display two red lights.

A. ①only.


C. Both ①and ②.

D. Neither ①nor ②.


1139 While navigating in restricted visibility, you hear one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. It could be all of the following except ______.

A. A vessel out of command.

B. A vessel towing astern.

C. A vessel fishing.

D. .


1140 Which vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel for fairway?

A. A vessel dredging.


C. A vessel restricted and aid to navigation.

D. All of the above.


1141 Which vessel shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft? ______.

A. A vessel not under command.


C. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

D. All of the above.


1142 Which vessel must exhibit a conical shape, apex downwards?

A. A 10 meters vessel engaged in fishing.


C. A 20 meters vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

D.All of the above.


1143 Which vessel may use the danger signal?

A.The vessel to starboard when two power-driven vessels are crossing.

B. A vessel engaged in fishing, crossing the course of a sailing vessel.

C.Either for two power-driven vessels meeting head-on.



1144 Which vessel may sound the danger signal?

A. The stand-on vessel in a crossing situation.

B. The give-way vessel in a crossing situation.

C. A vessel at anchor.



1145 Which vessel is underway within the meaning of the rules?

A. A vessel at anchor with the engine turning.

B. A vessel tied to an offshore mooring buoy.

C. A vessel aground with the engine turning.



1146 Which vessel is underway according to the rules?

A. A vessel made fast to a single point-mooring buoy.

C. A pilot vessel at anchor.

D. A vessel within has run aground.


1147 Which vessel is to be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?

A. A vessel fishing with trawls.

B. A vessel which has lost the use of her steering gear.

C. A vessel with a draft of such depth that she cannot change her course.


1148 Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are not in sight of one another?

A.The vessel which has the other on her own starboard side.

B.The vessel which has the other on her own port side.

C.The one which hears the other’s fog signal first.



1149 Which vessel is not to impede the passage of a vessel which can only navigate safely within a narrow channel?

A. Any vessel less than 20 meters in length.

B. Any sailing vessel.

C. A vessel engaged in fishing.

D. .


1150 Which vessel is not to be regarded as restricted in her ability to maneuver?

A. A vessel transferring provisions while underway.

C. A vessel servicing a navigation mark.

D. A vessel launching Aircraft.


1151 Which vessel is not regarded as being restricted in her ability to maneuver?

A. A vessel servicing an aid to navigation.

B. A vessel engaged in dredging.

C. A towing vessel with tow unable to deviate from its course.


1152 Which statement is true, according to the rules?

A. A vessel not under command shell keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

B. A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft.


A vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing.


1153 Which statement is true, according to the rules? B. A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

C. A vessel engaged in fishing shall keep out of the way of a sailing vessel.

D. A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing.


1154 Which statement is true, according to the rules?

B. A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

C. A fishing vessel while underway has the right-of-way over a vessel constrained by her draft.

D. A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft.


1155 Which statement is true, according to the rules?


A vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing.

C. A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft.

D. A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. 根据规则,哪一句正确?

1156 Which statement is true of the uniform lateral system of buoy age?

A. It employs top marks.

B. Lighted buoys have the same shape as unlighted buoys.


The numbering or lettering of fairway buoys is optional.


1157 Which statement is true in an overtaking situation? A. One vessel is approaching another vessel from more than 20 degrees abaft the beam.


It is the duty of the vessel being overtaking to get out of the way.

D. All of the above. 在追越情形中,哪一个陈述正确?

1158 Which statement is true concerning two sailing vessels? B. When both vessels have the wind on the same side, the vessel to leeward shall keep out of the way.

C. A sail vessel with the wind abaft of the beam must keep out of the way of a vessel sailing into the wind.

D. None of the above. 关于两艘帆船,哪一个陈述正确?

1159 Which statement is true concerning two sailing vessels approaching each other?

A. The vessel making the most speed is the give-way vessel.

C. A sailing vessel seeing another to leeward on an undetermined tack shall hold her course.

D. All of the above.


1160 Which statement is true concerning two sailing vessels approaching each other?

B.When each is on a different tack, the vessel on the starboard tack shell keep out of the way.

C. A sailing vessel seeing another to leeward on an undetermined tack shall hold her course.

D.All of the above.


1161 Which statement is true concerning the light used to accompany whistle signals?

B.It is mandatory to use such a light.

C.The light shall have the same characteristics as a masthead light.

D.All of the above.


1162 Which statement is true concerning the danger signal?

B.Only the stand-on vessel can sound the danger signal.

C.Distress signals may be used in place of the danger signal.

D.The danger signal consists of 4 or more short blasts of the whistle.


1163 Which statement is true concerning seaplane on the water?

A. A seaplane must show appropriate lights but need not exhibit shapes.

B. A seaplane should exhibit the lights for a vessel constrained by her draft.

C.In situations where a risk of collision exists, a seaplane should always give way.


1164 Which statement is true concerning risk of collision?

A.The stand-on vessel must keep out of the way of the other vessel when risk of collision exists.

B.Risk of collision always exists when two vessels pass within one mile of each other.

C.Risk of collision always exists when the compass bearing of an approaching vessel changes appreciably. 关于碰撞危险,哪一个陈述正确?

1165 Which statement is true concerning risk of collision?

A.Risk of collision never exists if the compass bearing of the other vessel is changing.


C.Risk of collision must be determined before any action can be taken by a vessel.

D.Risk of collision exists if the vessels will pass within half a mile of each other.


1166 Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?

A.The master of the vessel must be on the bridge when the radar is in use.

B.The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility.

C.The use of radar excuses a vessel from the need of a lookout.


1167 Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?

B.The use of radar excuses a vessel from the need of a lookout.

C.The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility.

D.The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar.


1168 Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?


B. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility.

C. The use of radar excuses a vessel from the need of a lookout.

D. The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar. 关于船舶配备的可用雷达,哪一个陈述正确?

1169 Which statement is true concerning a vessel engaged in fishing?

A.The vessel is classified as restricted in her ability to maneuver.

B.Her gear will not affect the vessel’s maneuverability.

D.She sounds the same fog signal as a vessel underway but stopped and making no way.


1170 Which statement is true concerning a vessel engaged in fishing?


B.The vessel may be trolling.

C.The vessel shows 2 lights in a vertical line, white over red.

D.The vessel sounds the same fog signal as a vessel underway, making no way.


1171 Which statement is true concerning a vessel constrained by her draft?

A. B. She is not under command.

C. She may be a vessel being towed.

D. She is hampered because of her work.


1172 Which statement is true concerning a situation involving a fishing vessel and a vessel not under command?

A.They are required to communicate by radiotelephone.

B.If the vessel not under command is a power-driven vessel, she must keep clear of the fishing vessel.

D.Both vessels are required to take action to stay clear of each other.


1173 Which statement correctly applies to a situation where a sailing vessel is overtaking a power-driven vessel?

A.The power-driven vessel must keep out of the way of the sailing vessel.

B. A special circumstances situation exists.

D.The vessel which has the other vessel to the right must keep out of the way.


1174 Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is false ______.

A. A vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce

her speed to bare steerageway.

C. A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with caution.

D.If a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing, she shall take avoiding

action in ample time.


1175 Which statement concerning an overtaking situation is correct?

A.The overtaking vessel is the stand-on vessel.

B.Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel.

C.The overtaking vessel must maintain course and speed.


1176 Which statement applies to a vessel constrained by her draft?


The term only applies to vessels in narrow channels.

C. She is designated as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

D. The vessel must be over 100 meters in length. 哪个陈述适用于限于吃水船?

1177 Which statement applies to a vessel constrained by her draft?

B. The term applies only to vessels in marked channels.

C. She is designated as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

D. The vessel must be over 100 meters in length. 哪个陈述适用于限于吃水船?

1178 Which statement about the navigation rules is true?

A. The rules required vessels to comply with traffic separation scheme regulations.

B. The rules use the term safe speed.

C. The rules permit a stand-on vessel to take action prior to being in extremis.


1179 Which signal is recognized as a distress signal?

A. Directing the beam of a searchlight at another vessel.

C. A whistle signal of one prolonged and three short blasts.

D. International code signal pan spoken over the radiotelephone. 哪个遇险信号是被经过认可的?

1180 Which requirement must be met in order for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision?

A. .

B. The give-way vessel must take action first.

C. The vessels must be within half a mile of each other.

D. There are no requirements to be met. The stand-on vessel may take action anytime. 为了使直航船采取行动避免碰撞应符合什么要求?

1181 Which one of the followings does not limit the effective range of radar?

A. Pulse width.

B. Pulse repetition frequency.

C. Peak power. D . 以下哪个不会限制雷达的有效作用距离?

1182 Which one of the following anchor orders is uncommon term for using?

A. Four (4) on deck.

B. Up and down.

C. Six (6) in the water. 以下哪个锚令不常使用?

1183 Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes? ① A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes. ②

If obliged to cross traffic lanes, she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow. A. ① only. B. ② only.

C. .

D. Neither ①

nor ②.


1184 Which of the following is the term meaning a situation where collision cannot be avoided by action of the giving way vessel alone?

A. In personam---亲自

B. ---极端紧迫局面, 紧迫危险

C. Collision imminent---碰撞即将发生

D. Vis major---不可抗力


1185 Which of the following in not a frontal term?

A. Ridge---高压脊

B. Col---鞍形低压,气压谷




1186 Which of the following is a correct definition of in extremis?

B.When the compass bearing of one vessel from the other does not appreciably change.

C.When collision has become unavoidable by an action of the vessel involved.

D.There is no precise definition.


1187 Which of the following documents is not required for quarantine authorities?

A. Quarantine questionnaire.

B. Deratization certificate.

C. Clearance from the last port.

D. .


1188 Which of the following day signals should be displayed by a vessel aground in international waters?

A.Anchor balls forward and three black balls aft.

B.Anchor ball forward and two black balls aft.

C.Two black balls where best seen.


1189 Which of the following day signals should be carried by a vessel proceeding under sail and power on the high seas? See 1043

A. One black ball forward.


C. A basket where best seen.

D. No special signal is displayed.


1190 Which lights would be shown at night by a vessel which is restricted in her ability to deviate from her course?

A.Three red lights in a vertical line.

B.Three white lights in a vertical line.

C.Three lights in a vertical line, the highest and lowest white and the middle red.


1191 Which factor is listed in the rules as one which must be taken into account when determining safe speed?

A. The construction of the vessel.


C. The experience of vessel personnel.

D. All of the above must be taken into account.


