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1.《中国共产党:萎缩与调整》(David Shambaugh ,China‘s CommunistParty :Atrophy and Adaptation ,Washington ,D.C.and Berkeley,CA:Woodrow Wilson Center Press and University of California Press ,2008.)

2.《改革中的中国共产党》(Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard and

ZhengYongnianed.,The Chinese Communist Party in Reform,Routledge,2006.)

3.《中国共产党与艺术:新的文化政治》(Richard Curt Kraus,The Partyand the Arty in China :The New Politics of Culture,RowmanLittlefieldPublishers,2004)

4.《新的中国领导人:十六大后的挑战和机遇》(Yun-han Chu ,Chih-chengLo,and Ramon H.Myers ,The New Chinese Leadership :Challenges andOpportunities after the 16th Party Congress ,Cambridge University Press,2004)

5.《破坏控制:江泽民时代的中国共产党》(Wang Gungwu and ZhengYongnianed.Damage Control:The Chinese Communist Party in the Jiang Zemin Era,Eastern Universities Press,2003.)

6.《中国的红色资本家:党、私营企业主与政治变革的前景》(Bruce J.Dickson,Red Capitalists in China:The Party,Private Entrepreneurs,and Prospectsfor Political Change,New York ,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003)

7.《管理转型:中国共产党、统一战线、法团主义与霸权》(Gerry Groot ,Managing Transitions The Chinese Communist Party,United Front Work,Corporatism and Hegemony,Routledge,2003.)

8.《中国共产党与文化大革命:61人叛徒集团案》(Pamela Lubell ,TheChinese Communist Party and the Cultural Revolution :The Case of theSixty-One Renegades ,Basingtoke ,Hants and New York :Palgrave ,2002)

9.《中国共产党的宗派主义》(Jing Huang,Factionalism in the ChineseCommunist Party ,Cambridge University Press ,2000) 10.《干部与腐败:中国共产党的组织创新》(Xiaobo Lü,Cadres andCorruption:The Organizational Involution of the Chinese Communist Party,Stanford University Press ,2000)

11.《中国和台湾的民主化:列宁主义政党的适应性》(Bruce J.Dickson,Democratization in China and Taiwan :The Adaptability of Leninist Parties,Oxford University Press ,1998.)

12.《1949年后的中国共产党对社会:制度的困境》(ShipingZheng ,Partyvs.State in Post-1949China.The Institutional Dilemma.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity Press,1997)

13.《中国共产党的执政:文献与分析》(Tony Saich,The Rise to Powerof the Chinese Communist Party:Documents and Analysis ,M.E.Sharpe,1996)

14.《从革命干部到社会主义中国的党的技术官僚》(Hong Yung Lee ,FromRevolutionary Cadres to Party Technocrats in Socialist China,Berkeley:University of California Press ,1991.)

15.《从朋友到同志:1920-1927年中国共产党的创建》(Hans J.vandeVen ,From Friend to Comrade :The Founding of the Chinese CommunistParty ,1920-1927,Berkeley :University of California Press ,1991.)

16.《中国与马克思-列宁主义的危机》(Franz Michael ,Carl Linden,Jan Prybyla and Jurgen Domes,China and the Crisis of Marxism-Leninism,Westview Press,1990.)


(Hsi-ShengChi and Hsi-Sheng Ch‘I ,The Politics of Disillusionment:The ChineseCommunist Party Under Deng Xiaoping ,1978-1989,M E Sharpe Inc.,1990)

18.《中国和台湾的政党-军队关系:控制的悖论》(Cheng Hsiao-shih,Party-Military Relations in the PRC and Taiwan:Paradoxes of Control ,Boulder.:Westview Press ,1990.)

19.《毛泽东时代后的中国马克思主义》(Bill Brugger and David Kelly,Chinese Marxism in the Post-Mao Era ,Stanford University Press,1990) 20.《锻造工具:中国共产党与》(Patricia Stranahan,Molding the Medium:The Chinese Communist Party and the Liberation Daily ,Armonk ,N.Y.:M.E.Sharpe,1990.)

21.《中国共产党的干部任命制:对1979-1984年党控制干部选举的文献研究》(John P.Burns ed.,The Chinese Communist Party‘s NomenklaturaSystem:A Documentary Study of Party Control of Leadership Selection ,1979-1984,Armonk ,NY.:M.E.Sharpe ,Inc.1989.)

22.《1949-1986年中共中央和中央政府会议研究指南》(Kenneth G.Lieberthaland Bruce J.Dickson,A Research Guide to Central Party and GovernmentMeetings in China 1949-1986,Armonk ,NY.:M.E.Sharpe ,Inc.1989.)

23.《中国的变化:党、国家与社会》(Shao-ChuanLeng ed.,Changesin China:Party,State,and Society(Vol.I),Lanham ,M.D.:UniversityPress of America,1989)

24.《马克思主义与中国经验:当代中国社会主义问题》(ArifDirlikandMauriceMeisner ed.,Marxism and the Chinese

Experience :Issues inContemporary Chinese Socialism,Armonk ,N.Y.:M.E.Sharpe,Inc.,1989.)

25.《毛泽东时代及其之后的管理:企业、政府和党》(OivaLaaksonen,Management in China During and After Mao in Enterprises ,Government ,and Party ,Walter De Gruyter Inc.,1988.)

26.《1921-1985年中国共产党与马克思主义:自画像》(Laszlo Ladany ,The Communist Party of China and Marxism,1921-1985:A Self Portrait;Stanford ,California :Hoover Institution Press ,1988)

27.《1972-1988年中国共产党在美国的统一战争策略》(William J.Miller,The CCP ‘s united front tactics in the U.S.1972-1988,Bakersfield,CA:Charles Schlacks JR;1988.)

28.《中国共产党的历史》(Stephen UhalleyJr,A History of the ChineseCommunist Party ,Stanford :Hoover Press ,1988.) 29.《中国政治-军队的演变:1960-1984年中国共产党与军队》(MonteR.Bullard,China's Political-Military Evolution :The Party and theMilitary in the PRC ,1960-1984,Westview Press ,1985.)

30.《中国共产党的新领导人:关于中共第十二届中央委员会的参考文献和分析》(Wolfgang Bartke and Peter Schier,China‘s New Party Leadership:Biographies and Analysis of the Twelfth Central Committee of the ChineseCommunist Party ,M.E.Sharpe Inc.,1985.)

31.《农民组织与农民的个人主义:土地改革、合作社与中国共产党》(BarbaraP.Hazard ,Peasant Organization and Peasant Individualism :Land Reform,Cooperation and the Chinese Communist Party ,Breitenbach,1981.)

32.《党与专业人员:当代中国教师的政治地位》(Gordon White,Partyand Professionals :The Political Role of Teachers in Contemporary China,Armonk,N.Y.:M.E.Sharpe.1981.)

33.《中国共产党的执政》(P éngShu-tse,The Chinese Communist Partyin Power,New York :Monad Press,1980.)

34.《毛主席与中国共产党》(Andres D.Onate ,Chairman Mao and theChinese Communist Party ,Burnham Inc Pub,1979.)

35.《中国的卫星政党》(James D.Seymour,China‘s Satellite Parties,Armonk,NY.:M.E.Sharpe ,Inc.1978.)

