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英 语 试 题

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. How does the man react to the woman’s apology? A. Angry. B. Tolerant. 2. What are the two speakers talking about?

C. Happy.

A. Calling the police. B. Traffic accident. 3. Where should the table be placed? A. In the study. C. Near the window in the same room. 4. What does the woman mean? A. She dislikes going out. B. She will join them.

C. Saving the wounded people. B. In the living room.

C. She will stay with her mum.

5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Boss andassistant. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is the woman going to Dallas? A. To see a friend. B. To write a story. C. To watch a football match. 7. What do we know about the man from the conversation? A. He likes traveling by plane.

B. He travels very often as a reporter. C. He often travels in the country by car. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What is the man doing? A. Talking with the girl. B. Introducing his friend.C. Visiting the school. 9. Where is the teachers’ office? A. Beside the stadium. B. In front of the library. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is the woman tired of?

A. Sitting on packing cases. B. Packing up cases. 11. What does the man worry about? A. They cannot find second-hand chairs. B. New chairs are very expensive.

C. Behind the teachers’ buildings.

C. Going shopping.

C. Old chairs are cheap but shaky. 12. What day is it today? A. Friday.

B. Saturday.

C. Sunday.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Why does the woman call Mr. Johnson? A. To introduce a job.

B. To set up a laboratory.

C. To invite him to dinner.

14. How did they get to know Johnson? A. Johnson phoned them. A. The pay.

B. Johnson emailed them. C. Johnson helped them. B. The employer.

C. The work time. C. Go to the center.

15. What is Johnson most interested in? 16. What will the man probably do tomorrow?

A. Meet his wife. B. Go to the college. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. What’s the most important to learn English well? A. To be active.

B. To read broadly.

18. Why did the speaker feel lucky eight years ago? A. He met a good teacher. A. To underline them. A. The playground.

B. He learnt English.

C. He went abroad.

19. How does the speaker study words?

B. To copy them repeatedly. C.To study them in context. B. The library.

C. The dormitory.

20. Where did the speaker go sometimes after class?

C. To like it.



请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Traveling to Yancheng, a rising coastal city, is a fantastic experience, _______ is to make you

refreshed and relaxed. A. it

B. one

C. one that

D. the one

22. A book-sharing program is to take off, where customers can borrow up to two booksfor free

after paying 99 yuan online as the _______.

A. deposit

B. expense

C. allowance

D. commission

23. Peace is the foundation of happiness, for _______ there is anxiety, tension and confusion, joy

cannot exist.

A. until

B. though

C. unless

D. where

24. —Amanda has been in depression since she failed in landing a job several times. —Yes, she is too _______. A. dynamic B. stubborn

by people from all walks of life. A. whose

B. which

C. of which

D. of whose

26. Brics Summit in Xiamen has _______ a new pattern for strengthening Brics partnerships and

deepening practical cooperation in various fields. A. brought out

B. held out

C. pointed out

D. mapped out

C. delicate

D. considerate

25. Adolescent issues, _______ campus bullying is more common and severe, should be solved

27. —The latest filmJustice Leagueis coming soon, Mum.

—_______. You see, your SAT tests are around the corner. A. That’s not the case B. It is up to you C. You don’t say

D. Forget it

28. Sun Yang, “the king of freestyle”, _______ 6 gold medals at the 13th Chinese National

Games, is looking forward to more glory on the world stage. A. sweeping

B. swept

C. having swept

D. to sweep

29. Picky eaters are _______ unwilling to try new foods, which experts think, can be the result of

your DNA and your upbringing. A. vaguely B. typically

C. literally

D. seemingly

30. Parents in China spend _______it takes to give their kids an edge, but sometimes they just

blindly follow a trend and over-schedule their children.

A. whatever

B. whichever

C. however

D. whenever

31. To some charity volunteers, sometimes it is hard to _______ between real and pretended

cases of poverty, which makes their work inefficient. A. clarify B.discriminate C. identify 32. —I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?

—I_______ to Seattle to visit my sister. A. went

B. go

C. had gone

D. have gone

33. Online learning resources would cease to be effective or even have negative effects_______

to use them wisely and flexibly. A. should the students fail C. had the students failed happiness. A. what

B. which

C. that

D. when

35. —John was late again this morning! I am afraid he will get fired.

—Yes, I really hope he can _______ before it is too late.

A. kill the fatted calf B. see the handwriting on the wall

C. cross his fingers D. have butterflies in his stomach 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.

—Martin Luther King

I agree with King’s statement and argue while academic achievement is an essential 36of education, developing the self-respect, confidence and character of our children is 37 important.

My journey as a(n) 38 began 13 years ago. I had just graduated from Boston College and I was 39 about teaching and inspiring children from my community. However, I quickly became40 of the challenges that often prevented children from making the most of their education. While insufficient 41such as books and technology are commonly regarded as the leading factors impacting student performance42, I discovered that low self-respect and lack of confidence are more damaging.

B. if the students fail

D. if the students have failed

D. accommodate

34. It is not how much you have but how much you enjoy what you have _______ brings you

My students’ struggles with low self-respect43 my memory thatwhen I was young I wouldbe 44 and considered unattractivebecause I had dark skin, tightly coiled hair and high cheekbones.

My students’struggles,45 with my own experience, forced me to write a song called “My Black Is Beautiful” in a(n)46 to change the way young girls of color view themselves.

Since the 47 of social media, developing the self-respect and confidence of our children has become more 48, not less. Students are being exposed to images of beauty that do not 49 who they are, reminding them they do not fit society’s beauty standard.

After years of observing many students struggling with low self-respect and confidence, I began to integrate ways to 50 the problem in my teaching. Although it 51 me there were no standardized methodologies 52 to handle these issues, it didn’t discourage me from developing my own curriculum to motivate students to believe in themselves.

So I decided to write a song, and53twelve of my students in its music video. In this way, I attempted to inspire them to embrace their natural beauty and to 54the message tothem that beauty does not always meet with a single, 55 standard.

Differencesin skin colors, hair textures, shapes and sizes are not deficiencies but rather assets that make us beautiful and unique. 36. A. process B. component C. means D. burden 37. A. equally B. apparently C. fully D. partly 38. A. advisor B. educator C. reporter D. scholar 39. A. particular B. concerned C. optimistic D. nervous 40. A.conscious B. scared C. cautious D. guilty 41. A.causes B. preparations C. sources D. resources 42. A.rarely B. randomly C. negatively D. temporarily 43. A.erased B. strengthened C. changed D. jogged 44. A.blamed B. teased C. deserted D. opposed 45. A. coupled B. equipped C. faced D. filled 46. A. emotion B. effort C. hurry D. position 47. A.release B. slide C. decline D. rise 48. A. smooth B. arbitrary C. challenging D. thorough 49. A.reflect B. imply C. declare D. inform 50. A. ignore B. approach C. reject D. raise 51. A. astonished B. offended C. reminded D. bothered 52. A. in detail B.in form C. in place D. in order 53. A. featured B. employed C. appointed D. comforted 54. A. deliver B.explain C. submit D. convey 55. A. flexible B. uniform C. reasonable D.precise





It’s natural to get the phone-upgrade thirst when the likes of Apple, Samsung and others keep

coming out with newer models. But what do you do with a serviceable but outdated device? Here’s a guide for figuring out what you might do with last year’s model (or even older ones).


Several charities accept old phones as a donation. But these groups probably won’t physically give your old phones to people in need. Instead, they’ll often sell your phone to recyclers and keep the money which goes towards daily management. Nearly 60 percent of the phones charities collect are resold, according to a recent survey. They will pay for shipping if you are mailing three or more phones.


Once new models come out, older ones will flood onto eBay and other resale sites. How much money you can make off your old phone depends on the brand and how much wear and tear it’s seen.

The resale site Gazelle, for example, is offering $140 for a Verizon-ready Samsung Galaxy S7 in “good” condition. What does “good” mean? The phone has no cracks on the screen or body, powers on and makes calls, and is free of major scratches. A “perfect” phone that looks like it’s never been used will land you $15 more.


Even without cellular service, your old phone will be able to get on Wi-Fi, so you can use it to post on Facebook or do pretty much anything else you want provided you are in Wi-Fi range. Keep it for yourself, give it to a broke friend, or load it up with kid-friendly apps and games and hand it down to your children. Or just keep it as a backup in case something horrible happens to your main phone.

56. Why do charities choose to sell a large proportion of their donations? A. Their management has made such a decision.

B. They need the earnings to cover their daily expenses.

C. The donations they have received exceed what they need. D. They can earn more profits without paying for shipping. 57. Which of the following is TRUE about old models?

A. Old models crowd onto online resale sites before new models are launched. B. The better condition old models are in, the higher price they will fetch. C. The old models handed down to your kids should be able to get on Wi-Fi. D. You should always have an old model at hand in case your main phone fails. B

The idea of exploring the past through the human history of a single crop has been around for a while. What is striking about James Walvin’s new book is that, while focusing only on sugar, it does not restrict itself to the past. Rather, the book takes the story of perhaps the most popular crop of all time and brings it disturbingly into the present day.

Walvin begins his research where most of us begin our relationship with the stuff: the sweet shops of childhood memory. If sugar is a guilty pleasure then it is one with which almost every one of us is drunk on a daily basis. The unstoppable march of sugar raises the question: why? After all, sugar cane(甘蔗)is difficult to grow and the processes of refinement and clarification required to produce eatable sugar are time-consuming and expensive. Yet, as Walvin explains, sugar has one enormous temptation: it satisfies our seemingly born desire for sweet tastes, but the satisfaction that sugar provides comes at a terrible cost, both to those who produce it and those who consume it.

Sugar changed world history more profoundly than any other crop. It fuelled the Atlantic slave trade and the African wars. We’re familiar with the story of how millions of enslaved Africans were transported to the Caribbean, the US and Brazil, but the growing global demand for sugar also led to the migrations of other groups. The profitability of sugar production also inspired American producers to ship thousands of poor Indians from their homeland to the Caribbean, South America and Fiji as well as Japanese peasants to plantations in Hawaii. The story of sugar, then, is not just one of changing diets and expanding waistlines, but also one of mass migrations—both forced and voluntary, both familiar and unfamiliar.

Sugar’s story in the 20th and 21st centuries can only be told with reference to the development of American agricultural businesses and the giant food corporations, most notably the Coca-Cola Company. The modern anti-sugar movement is demanding better labelling and the reduction of sugar in foods and drinks targeted at children.

The sugar industry stands today where the tobacco corporations stood in the 1960s, accused of knowingly contributing to a global health crisis and obesity. This is just the latest moral crisis faced by the food giants of the sweet stuff. 58. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. Walvin’s book focuses only on sugar in the past.

B. History of sugar is investigated for its destructive effects. C. Walvin’s book coversstories from the past to the present day. D. A single crop can reflect the whole course of human history.

59. By mentioning migrations of differentgroups, the author aims to ________. A. illustrate the difficulty of sugar cane plantation B. criticize the greed of American sugar producers C. confirm the huge impact of sugar on human history D. explain the reasons for slave trade and African wars

60. What attitude does the author hold towards sugar according to the passage? A. Critical. B. Ambiguous. C. Casual. D. Favorable. C

The most eye-catching part of the government’s recent air-quality strategy is to ban sales of new petrol and diesel cars by 2040. The reason behind the government’s strategy is poor air quality, which is thought to be linked to about 40,000 premature deaths a year.

Client Earth, the campaign group leading the call for reform, has described the ban as “not enough”. It emphasises that clean air zones and sustainable transport infrastructures both work, and can be implemented more quickly. Even so, some argue that the target is too soon. The motor industry, however, does not argue that the cars won’t be ready in time. This is unsurprising, given that Tesla already has an all-electric model, most manufacturers have at least one hybrid (混动汽车)on sale.

The voices of disagreement offer three main arguments: electric vehicles don’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions; we don’t have enough power available; and there are not enough essential materials like lithium(锂)which support most new electric vehicle battery technologies.

The first two arguments are closely related. The problem is not the absolute amount of electric vehicles on the road but when we charge them. The issue is “peak demand”. We design our electricity infrastructure systems to ensure these peaks are covered. Peak demand in the UK is between 5pm and 7pm in winter. This is usually when electricity is at its most “dirty”, as this is

when we need almost all of our generating(发电)capacity, including the old coal plants, diesel back-up generation and gas. Without managed charging, drivers plugging the car in on return from work face using diesel engines and coal-derived power to charge vehicles. Hardly a win for air quality or climate change.

The last problem, material availability, is trickier. Lithium and the rare earth metals used in electric vehicles present problems. It’s not only a question of whether there are enough of these materials, but also their toxicity, convenience of recycling and their geopolitical availability of their supply chains. Much like the issue of peak demand, without strong policy and behavioural and technical advances, we could easily see the rise of global conflict and exploitation around the critical materials for electric mobility.

While a ban on petrol and diesel car sales in 2040 is easily achievable, what really matters is how well the above issues are dealt with. Electric cars do nothing for traffic jams. Their power source needs careful management, and their supply chains may be no less problematic than those of petrochemical fuels. Conversely, they can reduce air pollution and help meet climate change commitments. Like many technical solutions they need strong regulation around them. We should improve our dialogue on electric mobility, seeking clear government policy on energy market integration and strong standards on material sustainability.

61. The underlined word “implemented” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________. A. abolished B. conducted C. replaced D. updated 62. What can we infer from the calm reaction from the motor industry? A. All manufacturers have already had at least one electriccar on sale.

B. The motor industry plans to focus on sustainable transport infrastructures. C. The motor industry has already adjusted its products to reduce air pollution. D. The recent air-quality strategy is unrealistic and impossible to follow. 63. According to the author, the best time to get your car charged is ________. A. when “peak demand” ends B. directly after returning from work C. when other people do D. right before moving to work 64. Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 6? A. Careful management is likely to address the problems with both types of cars.

B. It seems that currently petrol and diesel cars are more problematic than electric cars. C. Petrol and diesel cars and electric vehicles seem to face the same problems nowadays. D. Currently electric vehicles seem to face more problems than petrol and diesel cars do. D

A story of a young Hemingway who is poor and living in Paris, AMoveable Feast is a novel-cum-memoir(回忆体小说)of the writer. The book is also a tribute to the numerous characters he meets.

Hemingway projects himself to us as a young man. He examines his younger self and his weaknesses, but we also get a sense of homesickness for the struggle and hardship that characterized his introduction into a writer’s life in literature.

The book is often hilariously funny, as well as incredibly touching. The novel is a tour of many of the great figures in modern literary history, and a remarkable recall of their carefree lifestyle.

A Moveable Feast is more a series of anecdotes than any attempt at a rather logic narrative. It moves from subject to subject, creating miniature portraits and taking in the atmosphere of Paris at

the time. Rather than concentrating on himself, Hemingway prefers to point his fiction outwards, examining early friends and acquaintances with breath-taking detail.

The figures which he depicts include Ford Maddox Ford, Ezra Pound, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein. Stein, in particular, stands out in the book as a grand madam of letters—a great teacher to Hemingway, a distinguished innovator in literature, and just a little bit crazy.

She enjoys the power she projected over people. Hemingway sees her as a self-serving, self-satisfied unpleasant old lady, but he still makes her seem somehow likable.

There is also a series of interesting anecdotes regarding the young F. Scott Fitzgerald and his troubled relationship with his wife. In one anecdote, Hemingway and Fitzgerald go on a road trip.On a particularly lonely evening, they go to a restaurant, where Fitzgerald tells his friend that Fitzgerald’s wife is jealous (and, actually severely mentally ill). She picks away at his confidence so much so that he is frustrated. Fitzgerald asks Hemingway to reassure him.

The book is brilliant for literary gossip, but A Moveable Feast is also an extended meditation (冥想)on Hemingway’s transition to becoming a great writer. He also discusses how he believes writing should be performed. He puts great emphasis on subconscious processes. He sets aside time to work on his stories, does his best not to think about them at other times, and aims at writing truthfully.

Hemingway’s modus operandi(手法)in literature—his plain sentences, his simple structure, his close observation of the ways of the world—are boiled down to one central principle in this book: do your best to write what is true. Hemingway suggests that if that’s the only thing one can do when writing, then you will be well on your way to writing something that is good.

And that is probably the key to the success of A Moveable Feast. I think there is no author that makes you want to write more than Hemingway; every sentence he writes seems to suggest a joy.

In his memoirs, however, he creates a shell around that feeling. He presents a life that, despite its hardships (in the early part of his career he often felt hungry because he wasn’t eating enough), is definitely attractive.

Wandering around the streets of Paris, sitting in cafés with a notebook and a pencil, and attempting to fix the world with words are the meat and bones of this interesting self-portrait. Smart, brilliant, at times incredibly touching, A Moveable Feast is the product of a great master looking back through the mists of time and desperately wishing for a youth that was long past. 65. What can best summarize the feature of Hemingway’s early literary life? A. Reward. B. Struggle. C. Progress. D. Freshness. 66. How did Hemingway develop this book?

A. By organizing events in a rather logic order. B. By centering events around his private life. C. By listing funny stories about different subjects. D. By examining details with his friends.

67. What is special with regard to Gertrude Stein? A. She is crazy about innovation in literature. B. She is usually selfish and sometimes jealous. C. She is generous to give others guidance on literature. D. She is helpful in improving Hemingway’s writing.

68. The principle that Hemingway sticks to in his writing is to ________. A. describe things as they are B. mix up fantasy with facts

C. let his mind flow freely 69. When did Hemingway start writing this book? A. Well after he established his reputation. C. Before he moved back to the USA. 70. What’s the best title of this passage? A. A chance to meet great literary figures C. A memoir of Hemingway’s friends

D. stress detailed observations of the world B. While he was living in Paris, France.

D. Shortly after he entered the literary world. B. A glimpse into Hemingway’s life D. A pathway to international fame

第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 ..


These days, it should come as no surprise that improving higher-education outcomes requires limiting high ambition with sometimes harsh (严峻的) realism. Students need more options and pathways to success, and more active guidance toward the best decisions considering their individual prospects and labor-market realities.

We’ve tried to keep all doors open for all students, but we’ve created a system that provides inadequate guidance and poor options for many, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many of them arrive at college unprepared for academic work, burdened by financial difficulties and a lack of knowledge of the world of higher education, and bound to work full-time to support their families.

The characteristics of the institutions students from disadvantaged backgrounds attend often worsen their difficulties. Community and technical colleges receive too little funding from states. They also face too low amotive to respond to labor-market forces by expanding capacity in occupational or work-force programs in fields with strong labor-market demand.

In addition, many institutions provide students with too little structure, allowing them to wander aimlessly, with little direction or knowledge of what they want to do, and with very little academic or career consulting to guide them. Thus, many end up in general studies. Choosing a path to a certificate or associate degree in a high-demand occupation increases a student’s chances of earning a qualification with high labor-market value, but most are never told of these possibilities.

Changing these outcomes will require more and better supports for students with barriers to overcome, but it will also require strengthening institutions so they have the structure and the resources needed to promote success among their students. It will require helping students make better choices about which college to attend and what to study—and about whether a purely academic path right after high school is best for them.

Evidence is accumulating that restructuring developmental education, by tailoringrequirements to what students plan to study and integrating this work with for-credit classes, can increase academic success.

More dollars for students to cover their expenses are, of course, important. But simplifying the financial-aid system, making it more flexible, and building in better motives for student performance could make it much more effective. Experiments that allow financial aid to be used for noncredit programs in high-demand fields, with carefully designed limits to protect program quality and integrity, have the potential to strengthen opportunities for students.

Early education for all students about careers and the labor market is essential to helping students reach their goals, as is developing a range of high-quality career and technical pathways

that start in high school—including apprenticeships(学徒)and other forms of work-based learning—so students with weaker academic skills can also earn qualifications and get good jobs.

Policy makers and postsecondary institutions have a responsibility to implement constructive change; opening the doors of college to all who can benefit is a good start—but it’s far from sufficient. We must meet students where they are and recognize the impact of their circumstances on their chances for success. Passage outline Introduction Supporting details Harsh reality(71)▲ to students’ difficulty in reaching their expectations,so it is necessary to offer students extra help. ●Higher education system makes it hard for students to(73)▲ to college environment. The problems (72)▲ ●(74)▲ of funding and motive to respond to labor-market challenges on the way to the institutions. students’ success ●Students do not have(75)▲ to adequate structure, direction, knowledge and academic or career consulting in many institutions. ●(76)▲ supports for students, institutions should have structure and resources to help students make better choices and achieve success. ●Developmental education is supposed to be restructured, from which students can(77)▲a lot. Extra help we can ●Making the financial-aid system(78)▲ and flexible will have provide for students positive effects on students getting opportunities. ●Early education regarding careers and the labor market is a(79)▲ to help students with weaker academic skills reach their goals. ●Policy makers and institutions should be responsible for(80)▲ to students and recognizethe impact ofcircumstances onsuccess. 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)

81. 请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe some of your thoughts go something like this: Life will be better once I’m out of debt. I can’t wait until I’m retired because then I can do what I want when I want. If only I lived somewhere warm I could exercise all year round and I would be so fit. If I could just lose 10 pounds I know I would feel better.

Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have met all of your “if only” and “better when’s”, but it won’t make the perfect life that fairy tales are made of. New problems will arise and you’ll likely find yourself wishing for this “perfect” life to be different still. We can only imagine that the grass will be greener on the other side because it’s only when we live it do we actually see it for what it really is.

Whatever ideal you have in mind about an alternate lifestyle, location, financial situation etc ... rest assured that each one will be met with its own unique set of problems.

So what can you do about this? Choose to be content with what you already have.

It’s great to dream big. But those dreams should not cloud the greatness you have in front of you right now. Consider the truth in the grass being the greenest right under your feet. 【写作内容】

