高考英语必修3 Astronmy+the+science+of+the+stars(讲)-2018年

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高考英语复习必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars

单元知识预览 项目 单词及其词性变化(语法填空必备) 1.astronomy n.天文学→astronomer n.天文学家 2.system n.系统;体系;制度 3.theory n.学说;理论→theoretical adj.理论上的 4.globe n.球体;地球仪;地球→global adj.全球性的;全世界的 5.violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的→violence n.暴力→violently adv.猛烈地 6.atmosphere n.大气层;气氛 7.unlike prep.不同;不像→dislike vt.不喜欢 8.presence n.出席;到场;存在→present adj. n. v.在场的;目前,现在;出席;颁发,授予 9.harmful adj.有害的;伤害的→harm n.危害,害处→harmless adj.无害的 重点单词 10.exist vi.存在,生存→existence n.存在,生存 11.puzzle n.谜;难题vt. vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难→puzzled adj.迷惑的→puzzling adj.令人迷惑的 12.gravity n.万有引力;重力 13.satellite n.卫星;人造卫星 14.climate n.气候 15.spaceship n.宇宙飞船 16.pull n. vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力 17.float vi. vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮 n.漂浮物 18.mass n.质量;团;块;大量;(复)群众 1.in time 及时;终于 2.lay eggs 下蛋 重点短语 3.give birth to 产生;分娩 4.in one’s turn 轮到某人;接着

5.prevent...from 阻止;制止 6.block out 挡住(光线) 7.cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋 8.now that 既然 9.break out 突发;爆发 10.watch out 密切注视;当心;提防 11.cool down 冷却 12.as well as 也;还有…… 13.depend on 依靠;依赖,取决于 14.get close to 靠近 1.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 这就形成一个连锁反应,使生命发展成为可能。 经典句型 2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth (高考书面表达必备) and fell over. 而当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。 3....walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.……既然重力改变了,行走的确需要一些练习 必备语法(高级句型) 晨读范文背诵 背诵这篇范文注意划线部分的用法


1.7:30在学校大门口集合; 2.每人准备一束小白花; 3.清扫烈士墓; 动词时态语态


5.缅怀先烈,并在烈士墓前宣誓:努力学习,振兴中华。 请根据汉语提示写一篇英语日记。 注意:1.请使用规范英语,词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯。 参考词汇:烈士martyr;墓地cemetery [必背范文]

Sunday Sunny

On the TombSweeping Day,our school organized an activity where the students went to clean the martyr cemetery in memory of the revolutionary martyrs and it could inspire us to love our motherland and our passion of learning. At 7:30 am,we got together at the school gate and we went there by bus. On arrival at the cemetery,we cleaned the graves and presented the little white flowers to the martyrs. After cleaning we stood silently to remember them and swore that we would never forget our heroes and work hard to make our nation stronger. At last,we took photos together. What a meaningful day we spent!

语言知识精析 重点单词精讲

考点- 1.harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的

【教材原句】What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. 很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。 【例句研读】

(1) Fruit juice can ______ __________ ______ children‘s teeth.果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。

(2) What he did _________ his reputation. 他所做的损害了他的名声。

(3) He may look fierce, but he _________ ______ ______. 他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。

【答案】(1) be harmful to(2) harmed(3) means no harm 【拓展归纳】

harm n.vt. 损伤;伤害 harmless adj. 无害的 harmlessness n. 无害 be harmful to 对……有害 do sb. harm/do harm to sb. 对某人有害 do more harm than good 弊大于利 There is (no) harm in (sb.‘s) doing sth. (某人)做某事有(无)害处。 It does (no) harm (for sb.) to do sth. (对于某人来说) 做某事有(无)害处。 mean no harm 没有恶意 【即时巩固】


(1). Everyone knows that smoking is ______ to your health. 每个人都知道吸烟有害健康。

(2). Reading in the sun does your eyes a lot of ______. 在阳光下看书对你的眼睛伤害很大。

(3)Reading in the sun is very ______ to your eyes. 在阳光下看书对你的眼睛伤害很大。

考点-2 lay vt. (laid, laid, laying) 把放下;摆设;铺(地毯) ;产(蛋)

【教材原句】They produced young generally by laying eggs.它们一般通过孵蛋而繁衍后代。 【例句研读】

(1) He ______ his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。 (2) Who should we ______ the blame on? 我们该责备谁?

(3)He _____ stress on the importance of being on time 他强调准时的重要性。

【答案】(1) laid (2) lay (3)laid 【拓展归纳】 lay eggs 下蛋 lay sth. aside 把某物放在一边;积蓄(钱) lay the blame on sb.责备某人 lay emphasis / stress on sth. 把重点放在某事上 lay sth. down 把某物放下 lay the table 摆桌子 辨析: lie vi.说谎 lied -lied -lying lie vi.位于,躺 lay-lain –lying 【即时巩固】


1. The bird ______ its eggs in other birds’ nests. 2. He would ______ some money aside for rainy days.

3. The naughty boy _______ (lie) to me that the hen that _______ (lie) there just now had ______ (lay) two eggs the day before.

4.The manager had fallen asleep where he________,without undressing. A.was laying B.was lying C.had laid D.had lied 【答案】1.lays 2.lay 3. lied; lay; laid 4.B

考点-3.exist vi. 存在;生存

【教材原句】They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years.

它们也生蛋,在地球上生存了一亿四千多万年。 【例句研读】

(1) Does life ______ on Mars? 火星上有生命吗?

(2) I can hardly ______ ______ the wage I’ m getting. 我靠我挣的工资简直难以餬口。

(3) I doubt the ______ of alien.我怀疑外星人的存在 【答案】(1) exist(2) exist on(3)existence 【拓展归纳】

existence n. 存在 exist on sth. 靠某物生存 There exists …… come into existence 开始存在 【即时巩固】

1.The worker earned little money a month,so he had to________only fast noodles. A.exist on B.exist in C.lie in D.lie on 【答案】A

【解析】考查动词短语意义。句意为:这个工人一个月挣的钱很少,因此不得不靠方便面度日。 exist on靠……生存;exist in存在于……中;lie in在于……;位于……;lie on与……接壤。

2. Earth is a rocky planet where there is liquid water,which is necessary for life to ________.

A.come B.exist C.stand D.happen 【答案】B

考点-4 puzzle vt.vi. (使)迷惑;(使)苦思 n.谜;难题

【教材原句】How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.

地球上的生命是如何开始的是科学家们一直认为最大的迷团之一。 【例句研读】

(1) Her reply ________ me. 她的回答把我弄糊涂了。

(2) Their reason for doing it is still _______ _______to me. 他们为什麽要做此事我仍莫名其妙。

(3) To explain the ________ findings, he offers two theories. 他提出了两个理论来解释这个令人困惑的发现。

【答案】 (1) puzzled (2) a puzzle (3)puzzling 【拓展归纳】

puzzled adj.无法了解的;困惑的 puzzling adj.令人费解的 sth. puzzles sb. 某事使某人迷惑/为难 到迷惑 sb. be puzzled by sth. 某人对……感

puzzle about/over sth. 对某事感到迷惑或苦苦思索(以便理解) puzzle one’ s brain苦思苦想;绞尽脑汁 solve a puzzle 解决一个难题 【即时巩固】

(1). _______ _______ _______ (使我困惑的事情) is why he left the country without telling anyone.

(2). I _______ _______ (puzzle) that I haven’ t heard from Liz for so long. (3). She listened with a _______ (puzzle) expression on her face.

(4). No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _______ (puzzle) of how life began. 【答案】(1) What puzzles me (2) am puzzled (3) puzzled (4) puzzle 考点-5 pull v.拉,拖,拔;移动 n.拉,拖;拉(引)力

【教材原句】As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earth's gravity. 由于我们在努力挣脱地球的引力,我们被向后推在座位上。 【例句研读】

(1) You _____and I’ ll _____. 你来推,我来拉。

(2) . I felt _____ _____ at my sleeve and turned round. 我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。

(3) So long as we ______ ______, there’ s no mountain top we can’t conquer. 只要我们齐心协力,没有征服不了的高山。

【答案】(1) push pull (2) a pull (3) pull together 【拓展归纳】

pull ahead (of sb/sth) 领先(於某人/物) 回(某人) pull off (sth)(指机动车辆)驶离(道路)(至路侧停车处停下) pull out (sth.) 拉掉;使分离;掏出;驶离(车站) pull on 穿,戴上(袜子、手套等) 【即时巩固】

1.—Is there any hope of saving his life?

pull together 同心协力;通力合作 pull (sb) back(使某人)退却;撤

—His injuries are extremely serious, but he’s expected to ____. A. pull in B. pull through C. pull up D. pull over 【答案】B

2. ——Is there any hope of saving his life?

——His injuries are extremely serious, but he’s expected to ____. A、pull in B、pull through C、pull up D、pull over 【答案】B



考点-1 in one’s turn轮到某人;接着

【教材原句】Thus they have, in their turn , become the most important animals on the planet.

于是,他们接着成为了这个行星上最重要的动物。 【例句研读】

(1) )The girls called out their names ______ ______. 那些女孩儿逐一报出了自己的名字。

(2) We make every effort to make more films, and ______ ______ this creates further environmental pollution.

我们在竭力生产出更多的电影,反过来这又造成了进一步的环境污染。 (3) We ______ ______ to keep watch. 我们轮流守望

【答案】(1)in turn (2) in turn (3)took turns


in turn依次;轮流;转而;反过来 by turns轮流;交替 take one’s turn轮到某人做……了 take turns依次;轮班,轮流 on the turn正在转变,正在变化 out of turn不合时宜地,鲁莽地 【即时巩固】

1. The waste can be recycled into new products, which _________ will save natural resources.

A. in turn B. in return C. in order D. in time 【答案】A

【解析】短语辨析。A.轮流,依次 B. 作为报答C.整齐 D.及时。句意:废品可以回收利用成新产品,这样(轮流)可以节省自然资源。故选A。

2. The boys is impolite to others and this _________ hurts himself. A. in turn B. at turns C. by turns D. in turns 【答案】A

3.Theory is based on practice and ________ serves practice. A. in turn B. by and by C. by chance 【答案】A

【解析】短语辨析. A.依次;轮流 B. 不久以后C. 意外的 D.既然这样.句意:理论基于实践并反过来为实践服务.结合语境可知选A. 考点-2 prevent...from 阻止;制止

【教材原句】They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.


D. in this case


(1) We must do what we can to prevent pollution _________longer.


(2) The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation _______


(3) Further treatment will prevent the disease _______ developing. 进一步的治疗将阻止疾病恶化。

【答案】(1)to live (2) worsening (3)from 【拓展归纳】

stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 protect sb. from...保护某人不受……侵袭,挡住,防御 【即时巩固】

(1)Chinese President Hu Jintao called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya________an even worse humanitarian crisis in the country at the BRICS Summit in Hainan Province. A.to prevent B.to have prevented C.preventing D.having prevented 【答案】 A

(2) We must do whatever we can to ________ our environment getting worse and worse. A. separate B. keep C. prevent D. guard 【答案】C

【解析】prevent...(from) doing sth.表示“阻止……做某事”。separate分离,分开;keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事;guard警卫。 考点-3 cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋 (1)______ ______! The news isn't too bad. 振作一点吧!也不是什么太坏的消息。

(2)Every time an English runner won a race, the crowd _________.每次英国选手赢得赛跑冠军,观众就欢呼。

(3)The crowd __________ their favourite horse ______. 观众都替他们看好的马加油。

【答案】(1) Cheer up(2) cheered(3) cheered on 【拓展归纳】

cheer sb. up 使某人高兴;使某人振奋 cheer on 为……加油 cheer sb. 为某人喝彩 with good cheer 欣然地 Cheers! 干杯!祝你健康!(用于祝酒) 【即时巩固】

1--- Darling, I didn’t get promoted.

--- ____! There will be loads of other opportunities. A.Well done 【答案】C

【解析】Well done 做得好;What a pity 多遗憾啊; Cheer up 振作起来;All right好吧,选C。

2.The moment the 28 Olympic Games were declared open, the whole world _______. A.laughged B. cheered C. excited D. was cheered 【答案】B


B.What a pity C.Cheer up D.All right

考点-4 break out (战争、灾难、瘟疫等)突发;爆发(无被动语态)

【教材原句】We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth's gravity increased. 我们观看着,吃惊地看到当地球引力增加的时候宇宙飞船外面着火了。 【例句研读】

(1) The Second World War broke out in September 1939. “二战”是1939年9月爆发的。

(2) A fire broke out in the neighborhood last night.

昨晚居民区里发生了火灾。 【拓展归纳】

break away from 脱离(政党等);打破(陈套等) break down 出故障,抛锚;(计划等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉;打倒,砸破;(化合物等)分解 break in 破门而入;闯入;打断(话语等) break into 破门而入,突然……起来 break off 折断;突然中止,断绝,结束 break through 突破 break up 打碎,拆散;散开,解散;(学校)期末放假,(集会)结束 break into pieces 成为碎片 【即时巩固】

1. Scientists hope to____soon in their fight against heart disease. A. break up B. break out C. break through D. break in 【答案】C

【解析】考查动词词语辨析。句意:科学家们希望能尽快在应对心脏病方面有所突破。Break up“分解、打断”;break out“爆发、发生”;break through“突破”;break in“闯入、打断”;按照句意答案选C.

2. A big fire _________last night.Luckily, no one was killed or injured.. A.break out 【答案】A


3. Prices of the basic necessities of life have been going up sharply since word came that war would________ between the two countries soon. A.watch out B.break out 【答案】B

C.die out

D.give out

B.break away

C.break off

D.break through

考点-5 watch out 注意;当心


(1)______ ______! There is a car coming! 当心!有车来了!

(2)______ ______ ______ cars while crossing the road. 过马路时要当心车辆。

(3)______ ______ not to catch a cold.=______ ______ not to catch a cold. 当心别着凉。

【答案】(1)Watch out(2)Watch out for(3)Take care; Be careful 【拓展归纳】

watch out(for)= look out (for) 密切注意;留神 take care 留神,注意 be careful 仔细,留神 watch it 当心,小心 watch over 照看;看守 keep a close watch/eye on 密切注视 look out for sth 当心 【即时巩固】

1. Watch out ______ cars when you cross the road. A. at 【答案】D

B. to

C. of

D. for

2. ________ the dog or you may be bitten.

A.Watch out B.Look out C.Watch out for D.Look out of 【答案】C

【解析】watch out for当心,后跟宾语。watch out 当心,后不跟宾语;look out当心;look out of向……外看。


考点-1 it做形式宾语

【教材原句】This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 这就形成一个连锁反应,使生命发展成为可能。

【句法分析】本句中 it做形式宾语,真正的宾语为不定式短语 for life to develop。it做形式宾语还可以代替动名词或从句。 【考点聚焦】考查it做形式宾语

常用句型:find / think / make/ feel/ consider +it + adj / n. + to do /doing /that 从句 【例句解读】

I found it hard to persuade him to go with us .我发现说服他和我们一起去很难。 I think it my duty to help them .我认为帮助他们是我的责任。

I felt it puzzling to find him in such a place . 我觉得在这样一个地方发现他很让人困惑。


(1)It's+adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是……的。 (2)It's+adj.+of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事…… (3)It's/was/...who/that...是某人/某物做……

(4)It is/was the+序数词+time+that...+主语+have/had done...这是某人第……次做……

(5)It is (high) time that...+主语+did/should do...是……该做……的时候了。 (6)It's said/reported/believed/announced that... 据说/据报道/据猜测/据称……

(7)It‘s a pity/a shame/a wonder...that... 可惜/遗憾/奇怪……的是……

(8)It happens/appears/seems that... 恰巧/看来/好像…… 【即时巩固】

(1)He didn't make ______ clear when and where the meeting would be held. A.this B.that C.it 【答案】C


(2)I'd appreciate ______ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. A.that C.this 【答案】B

【解析】固定句型:appreciate+ it +if 从句,意思是“如果……会非常感激”。it做形式宾语,代替 if从句。 考点-2 倍数表达法

【教材原句】But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.

而当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。 【句法分析】 倍数的表达方式有:

(1)“A+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。 (2)“A+倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+B”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。

(3)“A+倍数+the size/height/length/width, etc.+of+B”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。 (4)“A+倍数+what从句”,表示“A是……的多少倍”。 【考点聚焦】考查倍数表达法 【例句解读】

Asia is four times as large as Europe.

=The size of Asia is four times that of Europe. =Asia is four times the size of Europe. =Asia is three times larger than Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大(比欧洲大三倍) 【即时巩固】

1. You’d better go there by train. The train ticket is _______the airplane ticket. A. as cheap three times as B. as three times cheap as C. three times cheaper than D. cheaper three times than

B.it D.you


【解析】本题考查倍数表达法。表达倍数时应把表示倍数的词放在比较级的前面,由此可判断此项正确,此处是“倍数词+比较级+than”结构。 2. Now my hometown is ___ it used to be .

A. three times larger as B. as three times larger than C. larger as three times as D. three times as large as 【答案】D

考点-3.do强调谓语动词 和now that从句

【教材原句】...walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed. ……既然重力改变了,行走的确需要一些练习 【句法分析】

(1) 句中 does need是一种强调句式。

do (does, did)常用来强调谓语动词的语气,译为“真的”“的确”“确实” “千万,务必”等。

He did helped me .他的确帮助过我。

Tom said he would come and that he did come.汤姆说他要来,他果真来了。 Do be careful next time. 下次千万要小心

(2) now that 在句中引导原因状语从句,相当于 since,意为“既然,由于”。

Now that you have finished your work, you‘d better have a rest. 既然工作已经做完了,你最好休息一下。 辨析:now that/because/since/as/for

now that 说明已经成为事实的原因,常译为“既然”。

because 语气最强,回答的是用 why提问的问句,表示直接的或为人所不知的原因。 since与 as语气较 because 弱,表示显而易见或已为人所知的原因。since 侧重主句,as主从并重,语气比 since 弱。

for是连词,用来补充说明理由或提供一种解释,不一定是真正的原因,不能放在主句前面。 例句:

—Why did you do this? 你为什么这么做?

—Because it is good for you. 因为这对你有好处。 Since you have known it, I won‘t repeat it. 既然你已经知道了,我就不重复了。

Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking. 穿上结实的鞋子,因为我们要走不少路。 It rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚下雨了,因为地面是湿的。 【考点聚焦】考查强调和原因状语从句 【即时巩固】

1.In my opinion, what Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng ______ good to our country's international positions. A.did do does 【答案】B

【解析】第一个 did是 what主语从句中的谓语动词;第二个 does强调谓语 do good to,故选B。

2.Why not stay at home the road is so slippery after the heavy snow? A. when 【答案】D

B. unless

C. even if

D. now that

B.did does do C.does did do D.do do did

