江西省高安中学2020┄2021届高三高考冲刺 英语试题缺答案

更新时间:2023-06-10 05:04:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载







Must have:

—A degree in computer science or at least two years’ relevant experience in a large—scale online technical operations environment

—Excellent English language written and verbal communication skills to facilitate effective interaction with customers

—Effective organizational skills to maintain a high standard of operations in a busy environment —Confidence to initiate,drive and manage company-wide conference calls

—Strong knowledge of the Linux operating system and good understanding of networking concepts

—Excellent troubleshooting skills

—Must be able to work in a ”follow the sun” rotation across and including weekends and holidays

—Experience of dealing effectively with customers during problem resolution and operating efficiently under pressure

1. Amazon is trying to employ .

A.a web designer B.a support engineer C.a software engineer D.a programmer

2.The ideal candidate of will do the following except .

A.providing event management for technical operations

B.working in a busy online operations environment

C.providing training courses for other engineers

D.providing high-grade systems

3.Which is not among the requirements that a candidate must meet?

A.A good knowledge of the Linux operating system.

B.At least 3 years’ relevant work experience.

C.A degree in computer science.

D.Good organizational skills.


The use of Chinese elements in some Hollywood movies has been greeted with doubts in China,because it ridicules Chinese culture and disrespects the Chinese audience’s appreciation of the film as an art form,says Han Haoyue in an article in the Beijing Times.

In contrast to its box office returns of$222.7 million after the second weekend of its release in China,the Hollywood blockbuster,Transformers:Age of Extinction,is being widely criticized for its use of Chinese elements.

To begin with,the Chinese actors play only an insignificant role in the film and the Chinese elements have little to do with the film’s story,forcing people to assume that the producers have used them to earn as much profit as possible from the Chinese market.

Han points out that the filmmakers have gone to ridiculous lengths to make money and in the process,have made a mockery of the film as an art form.Since the Chinese audience can objectively evaluate Hollywood films, too much use of Chinese elements for commercial purposes only harms the film’s production value,and social and cultural impact.

In Han’ s opinion, the directors and producers of another Hollywood film,Kung Fu Panda,set a good example of how to use Chinese elements.They conducted thorough research into past and present China,which helped them to present Chinese elements in an accurate and fair manner.

Han says other Hollywood filmmakers can learn a lot from Kung Fu Panda and other well—researched films about how to use and show the cultural and social elements of China and other countries in movies.This would make them gain the audience's appreciation and gain maximum profit as well.

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The Chinese are not so crazy about Hollywood movies.

B.The Chinese audience think highly of Hollywood movies.

C.The Chinese elements in Hollywood movies should be forbidden.

D.China has raised doubts about the Chinese elements in Hollywood movies.

5.What’s the Chinese audience’s attitude towards the film Transformers:Age of Extinction?

A.Neutral. B.Critical. C.Positive.D.Appreciative

6.In Han’s opinion.the filmmakers use Chinese elements mainly to .

A.attract the audience B.produce better films

C.make money D.show Chinese culture

7.The writer mentions the film Kung Fu Panda to show it's a film .

A.where Chinese elements are shown properly

B.which presents the amusing image of the panda

C.where too many Chinese elements are used

D.which has become a hit globally


Babies born in summer are much more likely to suffer from mood swings when they grow up while those born in winter are less likely to become irritable adults,scientists claim.Researchers studied 400 people and matched their personality type to when in the year they were born· They claim that people born at certain times of the year have a far greater chance of developing certain types of temper,which can lead to mood disorders.

The scientists, from Budapest, said this was because the seasons had an influence on certain monoamine neurotransmitters(单胺类神经递质),which control mood;however, more research was needed to find out why.

They discovered that the number of people with a“cyclothymic”temper, characterized by rapid,frequent swings between sad and cheerful moods, was significantly higher in those born in summer.The number of those with a hyperthymic temper, a tendency to be excessively positive, was significantly higher among those born in spring and summer.

Lead researcher, assistant professor Xenia Gonda,said,” Biochemical studies have shown that the season in which you are born has an influence on certain monoamine neurotransmitters,which are detectable even in adult life.

Gonda added,“We can’t yet say anything about the mechanisms involved.What we are now looking at is to see if there are genetic markers which are related to the season of birth and mood disorder.”

The study may well provide a clue as to why some of the nation’s best-known personalities are good-natured, while others are slightly grumpier.The Duchess of Cambridge was born in winter, on January 9,which according to the study, means she is less likely to be irritable while Roy Keane,the famously hot—headed former Manchester United footballer, was born in August.when the scientists say people are more likely to have mood swings.

Professor Eduard Vieta, from the ECNP, said, “Although both genetic and environmental factors are involved in one's temper, now we know that the season of birth plays a role too. And the finding of “high mood” tendency for those born in summer is quite interesting.”8.According to the findings, people with a hyperthymic temper .

A.are 1ess likely to be irritable

B.tend to be extremely positive

C.have frequent mood swings

D.tend to suffer from depression

9.Which of the following does Gonda agree with?

A.The birth season is likely to have a long-lasting effect.

B.There’re genetic markers related to mood swings.

C.When you’re born has no connection with personality types.

D.Environmental factors may not be involved in one’s temper.

10.Why are Roy Keane and the Duchess of Cambridge mentioned in the text?

A.Because they suffer from mood swings.

B.Because they have a good temper

C.Because they’re used as supporting facts.

D.Because they’re best-known personalities.

11.What is the key information the author wants to give in the last paragraph?

A.The season of birth also affects your mood in life.

B.Genes and the environment are connected with your temper.

C.Genes and the environment are the decisive factors in your mood.

D.The finding of” high mood”tendency is not easy to understand·


On Sunday.the eldest resident of Dharnai, India, flipped a switch and the village officially joined the age of electricity. But Dhamai, in India’s northeastern Bihar State,did more than join a reliable energy grid(网)一it became India’s first village powered entirely by solar electricity.A few months ago,Greenpeace and two other NGOs(Non-Governmental Organization) that work in the area started building a solar power micro—grid to serve the village,and after a few months of testing,the autonomous 100 kilowatt system officially went online this past weekend.

The Dharnai grid about 450 homes,housing 2,400 residents, Greenpeace says, as well as roughly 50 businesses,streetlights,water pumps,two schools,a health care center,and other

public and private ventures. It has a battery to store excess electricity,for use during the sunless hours.

Germany’s reaching the milestone of(at least briefly)meeting more than half its electricity needs through solar power is probably a bigger feat,but projects like this in India and China will do more in the long term to counter the harmful climate effects of fossil fuel consumption.

And bringing reliable electricity to a town or village for the first time feels like a much bigger deal than switching from nuclear to solar power.It changes every aspect of life,from safety and health to entertainment and economic progress..

12.Which is not a correct statement about Dharnai?

A.Gone are the days when there was no electricity there.

B.It has become the first solar—powered village in India.

C.It used to be powered by electricity from nuclear plants.

D.It is currently using a reliable energy grid.

13.From the passage, we may know the Dhamai grid .

A.serves many other villages in India B.was built by the local government

C.only provides families with power D.can store excess electricity just in case 14.What is implied in the last paragraph?

A.Dharnai now faces no safety and health problems.

B.Thanks to solar energy,the economy of the Indian village will grow to a certain degree.C.Switching from nuclear to solar energy is something that matters so much to Dharnai D.The entertainment industry in the village will get bigger,

15.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.A village in India now runs entirely on solar power.

B.A solar power grid has been built in India.

C.India has a long way to go in using solar power.

D.Solar power is a kind of reliable energy.


How to Start a Business

Unemployment rate is so high in present society that many young people are thinking about starting their own business. However, setting up on your own will by no means be easy. 16 .

Make a business plan

If you decide to start a business, the first thing you must do is to draw up a realistic business plan-this is a working document that describes the business, its objectives, its financial forecasts and so on. 17 .


Once you have a detailed business plan and enough evidence to believe that you idea is viable (可行的),it is time to go and see the bank manager. It is important to shop around to find which bank offers the best deal and who you fell most comfortable with. Make sure what you’re getting is right for you and your business.

Develop a survival strategy

19 .One of the biggest stumbling blocks to people starting a business can be understanding all the legislation. That can be tax, employment, trade, health and safety or environment. It can be confusing if you have never run your own business.

Get yourself noticed

In order to make your business a success,you must ensure that consumers know it exists. 20 .For example, if you are running a local plumbing company,then delivering leaflets in your area would be the best option.

A.So it is really important to make a business plan

B.The tips below may help you to start a business

C.A bank would not consider lending money unless you show a detailed business plan

D.Be sure to attract much attention

E.Choosing how to advertise depends on the type of the business

F.Get access to finance

G.Make sure you are running your business correctly by the law


I couldn’t believe that I was here, starting a new chapter in my life a year ago. It was time to

21 it-my high school life.

22 to all the upperclassmen around me, I felt very small. It was 23 the hardest day of my life, and even trying to make it to class on time was 24 . High school wasn’t like middle school. It was much bigger and harder to make myself 25 .

And then I saw her, Emily Butler, the prettiest and most 26 girl in the school.

As she 27 hit me in the hallway, she smiled and 28 . Following her were many boys and girls. Her 29 could be heard for miles, bringing happiness to others. I told myself that if I tried hard, one day I could be just like her.

As time went on, I joined in plenty of activities and got myself 30 in some sports and volunteer 31 , I joined one club and the captain was Emily Butler. She instructed and 32 the

meetings and was very nice to me. Gradually, we became 33 and she taught me a lot, 34 me like a little sister. When I did do something wrong, Emily would be there to point it out and correct me. When the year finally 35 , we cried as we said goodbye. She had made my freshman year more 36 than I could have ever expected.

We still keep in 37 and I hope to become just like her one day. I have already 38 to myself that I, too, will find a freshman to teach and treat like a little sister. Emily 39 me that I can do whatever I want. She showed me the true meaning of 40 , love, and the courage to be myself.

21. A. realize B. face C. control

D. occupy

22. A. Compared B. Talked C. Spoken

D. Introduced

23. A. strictly B. generally C. honestly D. carefully

24. A. unavoidable B. surprising C. boring

D. difficult

25. A. stand out B. go out C. come out

D. get out

26. A. appropriate B. popular C. respectable D. casual

27. A. occasionally B. eventually C. accidentally D. purposely

28. A. appealed B. left C. apologized D. joked

29. A. voice B. song C. sound

D. laughter

30. A. involved B. lost C. participated D. absorbed

31. A. news B. programs C. websites D. advertisements

52. A. attended B. joined C. presented

D. ran

33. A. deep B. close C. wonderful D. near

34. A. treating B. looking C. thinking D. believing

35. A. approached B. stopped C. ended

D. fell

36. A. typical B. enjoyable C. comfortable D. confident

37. A. mind B. line C. place

D. touch

38. A. explained B. described C. admitted D. committed

39. A. taught B. informed C. reminded D. warned

40 A. life B. teamwork C. friendship

D. honor


When we think about the value of exercise,we tend to focus on the physical benefits.But over the past decade, social scientists 41 (discover)more benefits of regular exercise:its impact 42 the way we think.Studies indicate that putting regular exercise into your routine 43improve concentration,memory and help lower stress.

There is also evidence 44 (suggest)that exercise during regular work hours may improve performance. Within the study, 45 (research)had over 200 employees at a variety of companies self-report their performance on a daily basis . They found that 46 employees visited the gym,their experience at work changed. 47 reported managing their time more effectively, being more productive,and getting on well with their colleagues. 48 many of us can’t take exercise regularly.The reason is that we don’t have the time. But let’s be clear: 49 we really mean when we say we don’t have time for an activity is that we don’t consider it a priority· Instead of viewing exercise as something we do for ourselves, it's time we 50 (start) considering physical activity as part of the work itself.


It was raining very heavily and the roads are flooded. I know an elderly couple who stay in a tent making of plastic sheets. The old man begs and the old lady cooks from wherever he gets

home. I thought about their hard life and went their tent carrying some food with me . They both gratefully accepted them.

The old lady asked me,“How do you come in such rains? Are you all right?” I was touching by her concern when she and her family were in so difficulty and facing hunger. Later my friends and

I went with supply to last them for some time in case of the rain would not stop.


假设你校正举行英语演讲比赛,你抽到的题目是“Friends and smiles go hand in hand”。请就该话题写一篇演讲稿,演讲稿须包含以下三个方面的内容:






