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1998 Passage 1
imagination??/????????????????/ (想象;想象力)←imagin(e)想象+tion名词后缀。
Imagination is more important than knowledge.想象力比知识更重要。imagination — ①the highest kite one can fly ②a poor substitute for experience 想象——①一个人能放得最高的风筝 ②经验的劣质替代品。
symbol ?/?????????/??(符号;象征)即sym+bol,sym-共同,bol看作ball,“共同喜欢球类
运动”→这是现代人的“象征”。Light is the symbol of truth.光是真理的象征。
cement??/?????????/ (v.胶合;巩固n.水泥;胶接剂)。A sweet and innocent compliance is the
cement of love.温柔天真的依从是爱情的粘合剂。
deprive??/??????????/ (v.剥夺)即de+priv+e,de-(=away),priv词根“个人的”(如private
→priv+ate→私人的),“使某物离开个人”→剥夺。Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.贫穷常使人丧失全部精神与美德,空袋子是难以直立的。
于是“自始至终都站着”→坚持。参consistently(始终如一地),1999年Passage 5。To persist
in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.不失目标地坚持努力终将导致成功。
词根“重叠”,“重叠在一起的”→复杂的。参perplex(使困惑,使复杂化)←per完全+plex,2003年Text 2。Everything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine.凡事都比你思考的简单,同时比你想象的复杂。
go-ahead n.批准,允许。 wrong-headed 执迷不悟的。
境+al形容词后缀。What is the thing called health? Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his environment. Obviously, such states cannot be common, for the environment is in constant flux.称为健康的东西是什么?不过是一种状态,处于这种状态的人刚好一时对环境完全适应。这种状态显然不可能常见,因为环境是在不断改变的。environment — everything that isn't me 环境——除我以外的一切。
proper??????????????(适当的;合乎体统的;固有的)。Proper words in proper places make
the true definition of style.风度的准确定义就是在适当的场合说适当的话。A fool, indeed, has great need of a title; it teaches men to call him count or duke, and thus forget his proper name of fool.傻瓜的确非常需要头衔,那使人们称他为伯爵或公爵,从而忘掉他固有的名字——傻瓜。
溶解;解散)←dis+solve。The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟人。
conflict ????????????????(v.n.冲突)即con+flict,con-一起,flict词根“打”,“打在
一起”→冲突。A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crisis.没有冲突的婚姻几乎与没有危机的国家一样难以想象。
hydroelectric?????????????????????/ (水电的)即hydro+electric,hydro词根“水
at the mercy of 受??支配;stop just short of 几乎要??;far from guaranteed 根本没有保障。
assume ??????????(v.假定;承担;呈现)。Optimism assumes, or attempts to prove, that the
universe exists to please us, and pessimism that it exists to displease us.乐观主义假定或企图证明宇宙存在是为了使我们快乐;悲观主义则假定或企图证明那是为了使我们不快乐。When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.当一个人承担了公众的信任,就应该视自己为公众财产。They who assume a character that does not belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting.装模作样的人常常由于表现过火而露出原形。
lump????????(团块;使成团块)。An overdose of praise is like ten lumps of sugar in coffee; only
a very few people can swallow it.过量的赞扬有如在咖啡里放了十块糖,只有极少数的人能咽得下去。
rebound ???????????(v.n.反弹)←re反+bound跳。
→vis+ible→可见的),-ence名词后缀,“能看出来的东西”→证据。Growth is the only evidence of life.成长是生命的唯一证明。
方”,于是“放财宝的地方”→宝库。Collection of famous quotes and collection of mottoes are the most important treasure of the society.名言集和格言集是社会最可贵的财富。Let us learn to treasure only good and reject the evil in everything.让我们学会只珍视善,而排斥一切事物中的恶。
开心。anecdote — a joke in evening dress 趣闻——穿着晚礼服的笑料。
名词后缀;参profitable,1999年Passage 5。profitability — the sovereign criterion of the enterprise 有利可图——企业的至高无上的准则。
revenue???????????? (财政收入;税收)←re+venue,另可记avenue(林荫道;途径)←
a+venue。Economy is of itself a great revenue.节约本身就是一大笔收入。
consultant ????????????? (顾问)即consult+ant,consult(v.商量;查询),-ant表“人”;
参consultancy,2002年Text 3。consultant — someone who will take your watch off your wrist and tell you what time it is 顾问——把你的手表从你手腕上摘下来,然后告诉你时间的人。
1998 Passage 3
There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.世上没有一种关系、交流或陪伴比美满的婚姻更愉快、友好和迷人。The relation of genius to talent is the same as that of instinct to reason.天赋与才能的关系一如本能与理智的关
aspect?/???????/?(外表;方面);参spectacle(场面;奇观),2000年Passage 5。A real genius possesses
talents in many aspects, but they are brought into play only by chance and in a single field.真正的天才具有多方面的才能,只是处于偶然而仅在单一的领域中得到施展。
监狱里警铃大作→犯人们“造反”了!rebel(v.反叛n.反叛者)。As long as the world shall last there will be wrong, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever.只要世界继续存在就会有不公正,如果没有人反抗,这些不公正将永远存在下去。No one can go on being a rebel too long without turning into an autocrat.没有人能一直做叛逆者而不变成独裁者。rebel — a man who says no 反叛者——说“不”的人。
像“猫”一样住在“洞”里刻苦修行。As a Roman Catholic I thank God for the heretics. Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.身为天主教徒,我为异端者的存在而感谢上帝,异端不过是思想自由的别名。
harsh /????/ (粗糙的;刺耳的;严厉的)意同hard,因发音为“哈嘘”,故又表示“刺耳的”。Harsh
counsels have no effect: they are like hammers which are always repulsed by the anvil.刺耳的劝告不会收效:它们就像总是被铁砧弹回的锤。
schism /??????/ (组织的分裂;派系)←sch+ism,sch看作scholar(学者),-ism抽象名词后缀,学
superstition /??????????????/ (迷信)即super+sti+tion,super-前缀=over,sti词根=stand,-tion
名词后缀,“超出站的地方”→在理性观念之外→迷信。Superstition comes from fear, while fear in turn comes from ignorance.迷信来自恐惧,恐惧又来自无知。superstition — someone else's religion 迷信——别人的宗教。
creationism /??????????????/(神创论)←creation+ism。
elimination /?????????????/ (消除)即e+limin+ation,e-(=ex-)出,limin词根“门”,-ation
名词后缀,“拒之门外”→排除;动词形式为eliminate←e+limin+ate 。同根词:preliminary(预备的,初步的)←pre在前+limin+ary形容词后缀。Envy is more difficult to eliminate than hate between two people.在两个人之间,忌妒比仇恨更难消除。
smallpox /??????????/ (天花)即small+pox,small小,pox看作box(据说古人老外书写字母无
dispute /?????????/ (v.争论)即dis+put+e,dis-否定前缀,put看作单词“放”,e小词,有人说
“放”有人说“不放”→争论。A long dispute means that both parties are wrong.持久的争论意味着双方都是错的。
Unabomber /???????????/(邮寄炸弹的恐怖分子)是FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)造的
新词,由university and airline bomber缩略而成,原指某位专向高级行政或科研人员邮寄炸弹的遁世大学教授,后泛指类似行为者。关于Unabomber尚需补充两点:一、今年出版的某品牌考研辅导书竟将Unabomber译作“反原子弹组织”,想必是把un理解为否定前缀,在对译者丰富想象力表示由衷倾佩的同时,考研资料之良莠不齐亦可见一斑。二、那位被称作Unabomber的早年毕业于哈佛的教授于1995年出版了著名的Unabomber's Manifesto(网上到处有原文下载),书中作者将environmentalists视为同盟,并表达了scorns science and longs for return to a pretechnological utopia的观点,于是可理解真题文章中为何人们将“环境主义者”与“反科学”联系起来。
manifesto/????????????/ (n.宣言)←manifest+o,manifest(v.表明,见2000年Passage 1),o
看作张大的嘴,“用嘴表明”→宣言。Manifesto of the Communist Party 《共产党宣言》。
scorn /?????/ (v.n.轻蔑)可看作s+corn,s象形“蛇”,corn谷,蛇因不吃谷物而对之“蔑视”。Silence
is the perfect expression of scorn.沉默是轻蔑的充分表达。In the very books in which philosophers bid us scorn fame, they inscribe their names.正是在教导我们蔑视名声的书籍中,哲人们题下了自己的大名。
depletion /??????????/ (损耗)即de+plet+ion,de-(=away),plet充满,-ion名词后缀,“离开充
ozone /???????/(臭氧)←o+zone,o看作“洞”,zone区域,联想:由于全球变暖,“臭氧”层出
epithet /???????/ (称号,绰号)看作epi+the+t,epi-前缀=up,the定冠词,t他,“在他名字上面
ex emplify /????????????/ (v.举例说明)即exempl(e)+ify,exemple=example(元音替换词义
1998 Passage 4
standstill ???????????? (n.停止;停顿的)←stand+still。
enthrone ??????????(使登基;给予最高地位)即en+throne,en-前缀“使”,throne(宝座;
numerically ????????????????? (在数字上)即numer+ical+ly,numer=number(b
★prevail ?????????? (v.取胜;盛行)←pre+vail。I believe that man will not merely endure. He
will prevail.我相信人不会仅仅是忍受,他终将胜利。Culture has one great passion — the passion for sweetness and light. It has one even yet greater, the passion for making them prevail.教养有种强烈地对友善的渴望,还有一种甚至更强烈的渴望,即渴望使友善盛行。
nonstop???????????? (不断的;不停地)←non+stop。 demographer ?????????????(人口统计学家)即demo+graph+er,demo词根“人”,graph
词根“写”,-er表“人”;参democracy,2000年Passage 5。
overcrowdedness ?????????????????? (过于拥挤)←over+crowd+ed+ness。Ant says,
nothing can beat the crowd.蚂蚁说,群体是不可战胜的。
plague ??????? (瘟疫;灾害)谐音:怕累咯←怕“瘟疫”累及自身。Bad habits are as infectious
by example as the plague itself is by contact.恶习易于由实例传播,就像瘟疫的传播借助于接触。One was never married, and that's his hell; another is, and that's his plague.一个人从未结婚,这是他的痛苦;另一个结了婚,这是他的灾难。1957年获诺贝尔文学奖的法国现代存在主义思想家加缪(Camus)的代表作之一就是长篇小说——The Plague(《鼠疫》)。
urbanization ?????????????????(都市化)即urban+iz(e)+ation,urban都市的,
★discern ????????? (v.认出;辨别)←dis+cern。The beginning of all war may be discerned not only
by the first act of hostility, but by the counsels and preparations foregoing.一切战争的开端不仅可由首次敌对行动区分,也可由事前的策划和准备识别。
distinguish ????????????? (v.区别), extinguish vt .熄灭火[希望, 热情], 消灭, 扑灭
结束; 根除, 取消
使失色; 使消失; 使暗淡; 使相形见绌 压制; 压抑, 使..沉默 使失效, 废除 【律】偿清
extinguish a fire 灭火
extinguish one's faith in future 使某人对未来的信念破灭 extinguish a claim 使要求无效
She was extinguished by her sister. 她的妹妹使她相形见绌。
Titles to the estate has not been extinguished. 财产的所有权尚未失效。 参考词汇
2003年Text 2。We drink without thirst, and we make love any time, madame. Only this distinguishes us from
the other animals.我们不渴而饮,随时示爱,夫人。使我们与其它动物相区别的只有这一点。
unanimously (无异议地)即un(i)+anim+ous+ly,uni-“一”,anim词根“生命;精神”(如animal→anim+al
1998 Passage 5
interior ??????????? (内部的;内部)←inter+ior,inter“在里面”,-ior后缀。Laughter, n. —
An interior convulsion, producing a distortion of the features and accompanied by inarticulate noises.笑,名词——一种体内痉挛,造成面容的变形并伴有说不出话的阵阵难听的声音。
milestone ???????????? (里程碑)←mile+stone。The invention of the wheel was a milestone in
the history of the world.发明轮子是世界历史上的重大事件。
reminder ??????????? (n.暗示)←remind提醒+er。The music at a marriage procession always
reminds me of the music of soldiers marching to battle.结婚行列行进时的音乐总是使我想起士兵们投入战斗的音乐。
construct ???????????? (v.建设,构造)即con+struct,con-“一起”,struct词根“建造”;
同义同根词:structure(v.n.构造)←struct+ure后缀。Taking to pieces is the trade of those who cannot construct.拆卸是那些不会建造的人的行为。
readily ????????? (容易地;乐意地)即ready的副词形式,已经准备好的事情做起来当然是
“容易地”,于是做事的人当然是非常“乐意地”。Nothing is so easy as to deceive one's self; for what we wish, that we readily believe.再没有比欺骗自己更容易的事了,因为对于希望的事,我们总是乐于相信。
opposite?????????? (对立的;对立面)即op+pos+ite,op-“反”(ob-在p前变形为op-),pos
词根“放”,-ite后缀,“反过来放”→对立的。Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, not less wise, to balance it.几乎所有的格言都有意思相反的一句,其智慧并不逊色,以便使之平衡。The opposite of love is indifference.爱的对立物是冷漠。
instrument ????????????? (工具,仪器,乐器)即instru(ct)+ment,instruct指导,-ment后
缀,“能帮人们做事的东西”→仪器。Circumstances are the rulers of the weak, instruments of the wise.弱者受制于环境,智者利用环境。
★significance??????????????? (意义;重要性)即signify vt.象征,表示。有关系,有
重要性(y变形为i)表示+cance名词后缀,“表示出来的东西”→意义。 形容词形式为significant,adj.
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