Pearson VUE注册考试步骤 - 图文

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Pearson VUE注册考试步骤

收到名为 “Cisco Authorisation to Test Notification”邮件以后,可以去Pearson VUE 注册考试。



1. 注册考试需创建或登录web账户


? 如果你有Pearson VUE 账户,请点击 “sign in to your existing account. ” (见步骤5)


在你预约考试之前必须创建一个VUE账户.创建账户请点击 (Create a web account now)

> 选择如图所示 Information Technology and Cisco Systems

>选择好以后点击 Next 按钮


请注意:邮箱的地址一定要与你收到确认信的地址保持一致 >点击NEXT


>点击NEXT 以后会出现以下信息


5 登录注册考试

当你收到“Candidate Profile Change”邮件以后,即可登录VUE注册考试了 邮件例子

Zhang san

The Mineral Bureau of Pan Zhi Hua City Si Chuan Province,China Shanghai CHN

Web Account Confirmation

We have completed your request for a Pearson VUE Web Account. Now you will be able to schedule, cancel or reschedule an exam at . Please use the following username and password the first time you sign in.

Username: yajing1111 这个是你收到的用户名和密码 Temporary Password: W4d48j7H (for internal purposes only)

Please note: If your password is not displayed above, this means we have found your record in our database and your original password is still valid. If you have forgotten your password and would like to request a new one, please go to: and a new password will be forwarded to you


As soon as you sign in, you will be required to choose a new password. We require this password change as a security measure for your protection. To help maintain the privacy of your personal information, choose your new password carefully to make it hard for anyone to guess.

We recommend choosing a new password that is both easy to type and easy to

remember so that you do not have to record it where someone else might see it. Your new password must contain at least seven characters and may not contain your user name. Use both uppercase and lowercase letters and also numbers and/or symbols, preferably in unexpected ways. Avoid names and words that would be easy to guess.

If you have any questions, visit us at our Web site or call the Pearson VUE office nearest you:

Americas: 1 (800) 511-3478 or 1 (952) 681-3000 Europe, Middle East, Africa: +44 161 855 7455 Asia-Pacific: +61-2-9487-5425

Thank you for choosing Pearson VUE!


请点击这个链接 “sign in to your existing account.






