13-14学年新课标高一上学期1册Unit1试题 - 图文

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Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)

一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1. — I am not crazy about playing computer games.

— . I think it’s a waste of time. A. All right C. I don’t think so A. the; 不填

B. Neither am I D. I’m afraid not

D. a; the

2. The old man walks dog after supper every day.

B. 不填; 不填 C. the; the

3. — The dog was run over by a car. — What a lucky dog! A. exactly A. has taken A. come

B. simply

C. nearly

D. hardly

4. It was the first time that Mary a plane, so she felt a little nervous.

B. had taken C. would take D. was taking B. become

C. stay C. bring C. That

D. get D. settle D. What

5. After a day’s hard work, he can’t awake any longer.

6. It is hoped that the two countries will the problem in a peaceful way. A. ignore B. meet A. He

B. It

7. is no pleasure staying at home alone on weekends, so he always goes swimming. 8. — What did he say?

— He asked for the book. A. how much did I pay

B. I paid how much

C. how much I paid D. did I pay how much 9. — I’m afraid I can’t finish the work on time. — Don’t get about it. I can help you. A. upset A. since

B. careful

C. angry

D. certain

10. The villagers didn’t realize that the water was polluted it became red.

B. once C. unless D. until

11. There is growing about their health among the public when several people died of H7N9 on the mainland.

A. concern B. dislike C. power A. that A. on purpose

B. which B. by mistake

D. danger

12. My mother wanted to know I had arrived safely.

C. whether D. what C. at times

D. in return

13. I am sorry. I took your dictionary , but I put it back on your desk just now.

14. — How long will it take my father to from his disease?

— About two weeks. A. recover A. got over

B. calm

C. suffer

D. return

15. Though Charlie one difficulty after another, he was still confident about his future.

B. added up C. set down D. went through

二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)

There were three little butterfly (蝴蝶) brothers, one white, one red, and one yellow. They played among the 16 in the garden, but never grew 17 because they were so happy.

One day there came a heavy rain, and it 18 their bodies. They flew away home, but when they got there they found the door locked and the 19 gone. So they flew to the tulip (郁金香) and said, “My dear friend, will you let us stay here till the 20 is over?”

The tulip answered, “Only the red butterfly and the yellow one may 21 , because they are like me.”

But the red butterfly and the yellow one said, “If our 22 may not find a place, we’ll stay outside with him.”

It 23 harder and harder, and the 24 butterflies grew much wetter, so they flew to the white lily (百合花) , saying, “Good Lily, will you 25 a little so we may get in?”

The lily answered, “The 26 butterfly may come in, because he is like me, but the red one and the yellow one must stay outside.”

Then the white butterfly said, “If you won’t 27 my brothers, I’ll stay out with them. We would rather be wet than be 28 .”

So the three little butterflies flew away. But the 29 , who was behind a cloud, 30 it all, and he knew what 31 brothers they were. So he pushed his face through the 32 , drove away the rain, and shone 33 on the garden. He dried the bodies of the three little butterflies, and 34 their small bodies. They danced among the flowers till evening. When they flew back home, they found the 35 wide open. 16. A. children 17. A. tired 18. A. waved 19. A. plant 20. A. meeting 21. A. stand 22. A. brother 23. A. worked 24. A. hungry 25. A. turn 26. A. rich

B. flowers B. excited B. broke B. house B. lecture B. enter B. friend B. rained B. lazy B. listen B. white

C. buildings C. surprised C. wet C. way C. storm C. leave C. neighbor C. ran C. foolish C. open C. little

D. trees D. upset D. covered D. key D. class D. watch D. parent D. blew D. poor D. move D. beautiful

27. A. ask 28. A. separated 29. A. sun 30. A. accepted 31. A. good 32. A. air 33. A. sadly 34. A. cleaned 35. A. bag

B. visit B. injured B. star B. heard B. clever B. smoke B. quickly B. kept B. window

C. call C. lost C. bird C. remembered C. calm C. clouds C. secretly C. warmed C. mouth

D. accept D. killed D. light D. collected D. strong D. leaves D. brightly D. touched D. door

三、阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)


“It’s Friday and I don’t know what to do. I can’t write!” Kurt was walking home with his friend Lavina.

“What about writing two pages?” she asked. “You’re good at writing, but English is my worst subject. If I get a bad grade, I’ll be in big trouble,” Kurt said.

They reached Lavina’s house first. “Come in and have a snack,” she said. “My mom made a cake last night.”

Lavina put her books on the kitchen table and got them each a piece of cake and a glass of milk. “The first thing you do is decide what you want to write about,” she said. “I’m writing about my dog. What about those things you are always making?”

“Telescopes (望远镜) ? Oh, sure, how exciting it would be to write about them!” “Tell me how it’s done.”

Kurt looked at Lavina like he was seeing her for the first time. “What are you doing?” “I don’t know all this so I am taking notes on what you say,” Lavina said. “You don’t have to do that. I can help you make a telescope if you want.”

Lavina kept asking questions and making notes on what Kurt said. “Here are the notes for your paper,” she said.

“My paper?” Kurt started reading Lavina’s notes. “You think this could be my report?” “Sure, just fill in the details I didn’t catch. See, you can write if you focus on what you are interested in.”

A big smile appeared on Kurt’s face. “Lavina, you are some friend!” 36. We can learn that Lavina and Kurt .

A. had to write an English article B. worried about their grades in a test C. were preparing for an English exam D. had trouble in making a telescope

37. Why did Lavina take notes while Kurt was saying?

A. To find the secret of making telescopes. B. To collect information about telescopes. C. To prepare a brief report for Kurt. D. To go over the notes in the future. A. Lavina is a true friend C. Lavina has some friends

B. Lavina is a strange friend D. Lavina is a friend to all


A boy called Mario loved to have many friends. He showed off a lot, always talking about how many friends he had at school. One day his grandpa said to him, “Mario, I bet you don’t have as many friends as you think. I am sure many of them are just acquaintances (泛泛之交).”

Mario disagreed with his grandpa. However, he wasn’t sure how he could test whether or not his schoolmates were real friends. Now his grandpa had something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there. “Take it. It’s a very special chair. Because it’s unseen, it’s rather difficult to sit on. But if you take it to school and manage to sit on it, you’ll believe its magic (魔力) and be able to tell who your real friends are.”

Mario took the strange chair and set off for school. At break time he asked everyone to form a circle and put himself in the middle with his chair. Then Mario tried to sit on the chair but always missed and fell. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair, but kept falling to the ground. Suddenly, he tried again and didn’t fall. It was then that he finally experienced the magic. Looking around, Mario saw George, Lucas, and Diana holding him up so he wouldn’t fall. Meanwhile, many others he had thought of as friends had done nothing but laugh at him, enjoying each and every fall.

39. Mario disagreed with his grandpa because he .

38. By saying “you are some friend”, Kurt means . A. didn’t like his grandpa B. had many friends at school

C. didn’t believe his grandpa’s words D. liked to have friends and show off A. find his true friends

B. make more new friends

40. Mario used the special chair to . C. let his friends see his special ability D. prove his grandpa was wrong A. George, Lucas, and Diana were tricked.

B. George, Lucas, and Diana were Mario’s real friends. C. George, Lucas, and Diana would be ignored by others. D. George, Lucas, and Diana were able to see the magic chair.

41. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

42. The story mainly tells us that .

A. the elderly are really wise

B. laughing at a friend is impolite

C. an unseen chair is really powerful D. true friends are those who care for us


The Boston Public Garden was created in 1837. It is famous for its beautiful flowers, plants, the lake, and the Swan Boats that have been operating for more than 100 years. 4 Charles St. Boston, MA 617-723-8144 Tower Hill Botanic Garden is only an hour’s drive west of Boston. This beautiful garden has color year-round, thanks to its indoor gardens, old apple orchard (果园), and hilltop views. It has many festivals and special events. 11 French Drive Boylston, MA 508-869-6111 The best time to visit the Heritage Museum and Gardens in Sandwich is the last week in May and the first week in June, when the famous rhododendrons (杜鹃花) grown by former owner Charles Dexter are in 67 Grove St. Sandwich, MA 508-888-3300 bloom. And there are many different kinds of flowers. Opening day: April 14 $15 adults; $7 kids aged 3 to 12; kids 2 and under free Green Animals Topiary (树木整形) Garden in Portsmouth, RI is great for children. This is the most northern and oldest topiary garden in the United States, started just after 1900 by Joseph Carreiro. There are more 380 Cory’s Lane Portsmouth, RI than 80 pieces of topiary throughout the gardens, including animals and birds and designs used for decorations. Opening day: May 12 $14.50 adults; $5.50 kids aged 6 to 17; kids under 6 free Please note: No strollers (折叠式婴儿车) or carriages allowed. 43. If one wants to visit a garden on Monday, April 2, he or she may choose .

Open all the year round (Swan Boats begin running on April 14) Free. Swan Boats prices: $2.75 adults; $1.50 kids aged 2 to 15 Open all the year round (closed on Mondays unless it’s a holiday) $12 adults; $7 kids aged 6 to 18; kids under 6 free A. Tower Hill Botanic Garden B. the Boston Public Garden

D. the Heritage Museum and Gardens

C. Green Animals Topiary Garden

44. If a couple with a 5-year-old child want to go to Tower Hill Botanic Garden, they have to pay .

A. $19 B. $24

C. $31 D. $38

45. What do we know about the garden at 380 Cory’s Lane, Portsmouth, RI? A. It is designed by Charles Dexter. B. It has a history of more than 120 years. C. Visitors can see real animals and birds there. D. Babies sitting in strollers can’t get in. A. a sports book C. a movie magazine

B. a travel guide D. a newspaper report


What happens when we want to do something impossible? It may seem unlikely, but it is our true nature. It may seem silly, but it is our heart’s purpose.

Once there was a strong camel. She liked dancing very much. She wanted to be a ballet (芭蕾舞) dancer. “To make every movement a thing of beauty,” said the camel, “is my dream.”

Again and again she practiced. She repeated the five basic positions a hundred times each day. She worked for long months under the hot sun, but not once did she think of stopping.

At last the camel said, “Now, I am a dancer.” She gave a performance and danced before an invited group of friends. She did very well. When her dance was over, she made a deep bow.

There was no applause (鼓掌). Instead, everyone laughed at her.

“I must tell you frankly,” said one of her friends, “you are lumpy and humpy. You don’t have any talent in dancing. You are, like the rest of us, simply a camel. You are just an animal. You are not and never will be a ballet dancer!” With these words, they moved away across the sand, laughing and joking.

“How wrong they are!” said the camel. “I have worked hard. I will be a good dancer. I will dance and dance just for myself.” That is what she did. It gave her many years of pleasure.

She practiced hard and made much progress in her dancing skills. Occasionally, the camel was chosen to perform at an animal party before her old friends. The camel was lucky because she knew exactly what she wanted and she never gave up. 47. Why did the camel want to become a ballet dancer?

A. To show her great ability. C. To prepare for a party. A. They thought poorly of it. C. They enjoyed it excitedly.

B. To win applause from others. D. To walk in a beautiful way. B. They seemed calm about it. D. They were surprised at it.

46. The passage is most probably taken from . 48. What did the other camels think of the camel’s dancing at first?

49. Which of the following words can best describe the camel?

A. Crazy. B. Confident. C. Proud. D. Unlucky.

50. What can we learn from the story? A. Choose a job you are good at. B. Dance for the pleasure of others. C. Success results from hard work.

D. Dancing needs more practice. 第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)


My father and I started our morning by rushing into the store in our small town. I waited in line while he shopped around to pick up a few things. 51 She had dirty hair and wore old clothes. It seemed that she had not had her dinner for days.

She bought only a few things and seemed quite anxious to leave. Then I found that she was moving closer behind me. 52 Without thinking, I placed a hand over my wallet and drew it closer to me. I’m afraid that this homeless woman might steal it.

Then it was my turn to order. As the waiter rang up my things, I found that I was 67 cents short. 53 He asked me to repeat what I had said.

At that time, a long, grey arm reached over from behind. She laid 67 cents out on the counter, saying, “ 54 ”

I was greatly surprised at it! 55 I had judged her wrongly! She had reached out to help me without having been asked for!

What an expensive gift this woman gave me about judging others! A. We all need some help sometime. B. Why not take enough money with you? C. I called my father, but he didn’t hear me clearly. D. It made me feel uncomfortable. E. I remembered that I had seen this woman before. F. As I was standing there, I saw an old woman waiting behind me. G. Here was a woman who clearly had very little to give and in great need herself. 四、写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( \\ )划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Should students make friends online? Different students in our class held different opinions. Some of we agree with the opinion. The reasons are as follows: first, we make more friends on the Internet. Second, we can express ourselves free. Besides, making friends online can be good for English learning. However, the others are against the opinions. The reason is because they think it is a waste of time making friends online. Besides, it has a worse influence on study. What’s more, students are easily cheating online. I think making friends online are good for us because I have made a great progress in my study. 第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)


1. 对待他人要友好; 2. 记住他人的名字; 3. 多参加课外活动; 4. 不要对自己太苛刻。

注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2. 词数100左右;

3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Tom,

I’m glad to learn that you’re about to start high school and want to make friends there. Now, I’d like to give you some advice on how to make friends in a new school. Yours, Li Hua

参考答案: 1-15 BACBC 16-35 BACDC 51-55 FDCAG 短文改错

Should students make friends online? Different students in our class held different opinions. hold Some of we agree with the opinion. The reasons are as follows: first, us

we∧make more friends on the Internet. Second, we can express can

ourselves free. Besides, making friends online can be good for English learning. However, freely

the others are against the opinions. The reason is because they think it is a waste of time making opinion that

friends online. Besides, it has a worse influence on study. What’s more, bad

students are easily cheating online. I think making friends online are cheated is good for us because I have made great progress in my study. One possible version: Dear Tom,

I’m glad to learn that you’re about to start high school and want to make friends there. Now, I’d like to give you some advice on how to make friends in a new school.

First of all, you should be friendly to anyone who you meet at the new school. Also always remember to be as kind and helpful as possible! Secondly, it would be a good idea to remember their names, because people like it when you call them by name. Thirdly, you can take part in after-school activities you like. Even if you don’t know anyone there, you share a common interest and it’s easy for you to become friends. Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself. Making new friends takes a lot of time and effort and you should believe in yourself.

I hope that you will find these tips useful.

Yours, Li Hua





