
更新时间:2024-06-10 12:24:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit 1

1. How do you understand the title of the passage?

From this passage we can know there had never been any limitations to what Jimmy’s love could accomplish. I think the title “love without limitations” is the way we treat others. Love the people around us no matter whether they are healthy, clever or kind-hearted. In our lives, we often see some people treat the disabled people badly. This is a very shameful action. We should have a kinded heart no matter what we are doing. Jimmy’s love teach the people around him love without limitations.

2. If you were in Margaret’s shoes, how would you treat Jimmy?

As Jimmy’s sister, I will help Jimmy overcome the diffculty. Even though Jimmy is diabled, he also can learn many things. And he can also help others. I will help him learn to live by himself. In the present life, he live with his family manbers, but later I will help him stand up . I will try my best to help him, help him be confident. And Jimmy has a kind heart. He also help us happy.

3. Make a survey on people’s attitude toward the disabled and make a presentation.

Unit 2

1. What do you know about the relation between iron and health? Browse the Internet and find out more in this respect,

The iron is related with our health. When our body is lock of iron , we will feel weak , tired, and out of breath. Most of the people think if we do exercise , we will be healthy . But we always ignoy the elemen. Most of the people don’t take care of the iron . To some people , they should have a yearly bood test to check blood iron reserves. If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying(修改) your diet or by taking supplements. In general, it’s better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich food to diet, so in our daily life , we need to eat more food including iron such as meat , chicken , and fish .We also can eat some dates ,beans ,and some lesfy green vegetables . Don’t wait until our bodies lock iron.

2. What do know about the relation between exercise and health ?

Exercise can help us keep healthy . More and more people in the the modern life don’t need much time to do exercise . So people don’t have a healthy body . Most of us students always be seat for a long time . We even need take exercise . But not all of the sports fit us very well . Some people like those Aerobic exercise(有氧运动). Some people like running , suffing and swimming . Do exercise is good for our health . Exercise can Increased our body function and reduce fatigue .When we feel tired , we can do some exercise . 3. Discuss what contributes to good health. Keep a good state of mind Do exercise

Keep a good diet

Unit 3

1. Give your comments on the Hyde School’s principle of running school.

Hyde School is different from other schools. It pays attention to develop the quality of students . Not intelligence or wealth. Conscience and hard work are valued , Success is measured by growth ,not academic achievement. The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement acturally follows. This is a very new principles . And Hyde School also pay attention to develop the relationship between teachers and students ,students and teachers together deal with the academics. But in the traditional high school setting, it’s tescher to material and then to students.

2. What are the main differences between the Hyde School and traditional schools? Which do you prefer? Give your reasions.

Differences: (1).Hyde School’s principle is different from traditional schools.Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership. Curiosity and concern, then academic achievenmrnt naturally follows.

(2).Hyde School’s students are required to take performing arts and sports, and provide a community service.

(3).Parents take part in the program,

(4)Hyde School is focus on the relationship between teacher and students. In traditional high school setting, it’s teacher to the material and then to the student. I prefer Hyde School

3. Do you think it necessary to involve parents in the education program? Yes, I do.

When the parents take part in the program, many students will be encouraged by their parents. And parents will set a model for their children. Children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts. So I think it necessary to involve parents in the education program.

Unit 4

1. Browse the Internet and find out more about the symbols of the US and male an oral report to the class. Time Square

Tourists flock to New York’s neon heart for the flashing lights, Broadway shows, megastores, and sheer spectacle. Pedestrian-only areas with café tables introduced in 2009 have only made it easier and more appealing to hang out here. Times Square can even be a convenient, if chaotic, base, thanks to hotels at every price point and easy access to public transportation: subways, rails, buses, and more yellow taxis than you can count。 Hollywood

The City of Hollywood is a mature and built-out community, where rapidpopulation growth in the 1950s and 1960s has given way to a population that

is stable in size but undergoing significant changes in its composition. The October 1997 issue of Money Magazine noted that Hollywood's demographics best represent what the United States will look like in the year 2022. Hollywood's racial diversity, cultural variety, and blend of the old and young are where the country is headed. Twenty-seven percent of Hollywood's residents are 55 or older; thirteen percent are 45 to 54; and thirty-one percent are 25 to 44. Hispanics make up seventeen percent; African Americans thirteen percent; Whites sixty-eight percent; and Asian Americans two percent of the population. The magazine forecasts that this will be the composition of the United States in the year 2022, with the exception that Hispanics will be fourteen percent and Asian Americans five percent. Hollywood, the \of the Future,\is proud of its cultural and racial diversity.

Silicon Valley(硅谷)

Silicon Valley is an area that \radiates outward from Stanford University. It is contained by the San Francisco Bay on the east, the Santa Cruz Mountains on the west, and the Coast Range to the southeast. At the turn of the century, when fruit orchards predominated, the area was known as the Valley of Heart's Delight \Carolyn E. Tajnai, manager of Stanford computer forum begins one of her Web-manuscript that is describing Silicon Valley history from some of WWW best personal viewpoint.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT(麻省理工学院) Harvard University(哈佛大学)

Michigan State University(密歇根州立大学)

2.What other symbols do you think uniquely American? 答案同第一题

3. What do you know about the American people from the symbols? Advocating freedom Fashion Intelligent

Focus on Education


1. What do you know about the formation of an earthquake?

Earthquake refers to the lithosphere in internal force descend from natural fracture, the earth

in the form of seismic waves can strongly released, resulting in a certain range ground vibration phenomenon.

The earthquake many reasons, according to the genesis of earthquakes, can put divided into the following several earthquake: 1. Structural earthquake

Due to the deep underground strata rupture, by the collapse of the earthquake as structural earthquake. This kind of earthquake the most times, damaging the largest, accounts for about more than 90 percent of the world earthquake. Volcanic earthquake 2.

Due to volcanic action, like the magma activity caused earthquake known as the volcano

earthquake. Only in volcanic area can occur volcanic earthquake, this kind of earthquake accounts for only 7% of the world earthquake. Earthquake collapse 3.

Due to the underground caves or mines top subsidence caused by the earthquake known as the collapse of earthquake. This kind of earthquake relatively small size, number are also few, although have, also often occur in cave cloudy limestone region or large-scale underground mining of mining area.

Induce earthquake 4.

Because of the initial impoundment of the reservoir and activities such as injection water caused by earthquake known as the induced earthquake. This kind of earthquake only in certain reservoir or oilfield area happen. Artificial earthquake 5.

Underground nuclear explosion, explosives are caused by artificial ground vibration called artificial earthquake. Artificial earthquake is caused by human activities of earthquake. Such as industrial, underground nuclear explosion caused by blasting vibration, In deep water in high pressure and large reservoir impounding increased crustal stress, sometimes also can induce earthquake.

When an earthquake occurs, the most basic phenomenon is the ground of continuous vibration, mainly is obvious shaking. In the quake area people feel great shaking before, sometimes first feel about beats. This is because seismic waves from underground to ground came that p-wave first reach's sake. S-wave then produce the large amplitude of the horizontal wobble, is the main cause of the earthquake disaster.

The earthquake on nature landscape impact, the main consequence is ground faulting and ground fissure. Earthquake ground fault often to several hundred kilometers stretching dozens, often have the obvious vertical and horizontal distance from the fault fault, can reflect source in the tectonic change characteristics. But not all surface rupture directly with focal the movements of link, they can also be caused by seismic waves cause secondary influence. Especially surface sediments thicker areas, sloping edge, rivers and both sides the path, which often appear ground fissures are often the result of terrain factors, on the side without relying on shaking that under the condition of surface baggy and split. Earthquake jolts make elongate-shaped sinking, shallow groundwater suffers extruding will rise to the surface along the ground fissures, forming sandblasting take water phenomenon. Large earthquakes can make local terrain change, or uplift, or settlement. Make urban and rural road bran, rails distortion, bridge broken. In modern city, as underground pipes burst and cable was cut off water, power and communications caused by. Gas, toxic gases and radiation can cause fire and poisons, radioactive pollution and so on secondary disasters. In the mountains, the earthquake can cause landslides and landslides, often cause bury towns tragedy. Collapse of rocks blocked rivers, formed in upstream quake lake. 地震是指岩石圈在内力作用下脱然发生破裂,地球内能以地震波的形式强烈释放出来,从而引起一定范围内地面震动的现象。

发生地震的原因很多,根据地震的成因,可以把地震分为以下几种: 1.构造地震

由于地下深处岩层错动、破裂所造成的地震称为构造地震。这类地震发生的次数最多,破坏力也最大,约占全世界地震的90%以上。 2.火山地震

由于火山作用,如岩浆活动等引起的地震称为火山地震。只有在火山活动区才可能发生火山地震,这类地震只占全世界地震的7%左右。 3.塌陷地震

由于地下岩洞或矿井顶部塌陷而引起的地震称为塌陷地震。这类地震的规模比较小,次数也很少,即使有,也往往发生在溶洞密布的石灰岩地区或大规模地下开采的矿区。 4.诱发地震 由于水库蓄水、油田注水等活动而引发的地震称为诱发地震。这类地震仅仅在某些特定的水库库区或油田地区发生。 5.人工地震

地下核爆炸、炸药爆破等人为引起的地面振动称为人工地震。 人工地震是由人为活动引起的地震。如工业爆破、地下核爆炸造成的振动;在深井中进行高压注水以及大水库蓄水后增加了地壳的压力,有时也会诱发地震。

地震发生时,最基本的现象是地面的连续振动,主要是明显的晃动。在震区的人在感到大的晃动之前,有时首先感到上下跳动。这是因为地震波从地下向地面传来,纵波首先到达的缘故。横波接着产生大振幅的水平方向的晃动,是造成地震灾害的主要原因。 地震对自然界景观产生很大影响,最主要的后果是地面出现断层和地裂缝。大地震的地表断层常绵延几十至几百千米,往往具有较明显的垂直错距和水平错距,能反映出震源处的构造变动特征。但并不是所有的地表断裂都直接与震源的运动相联系,它们也可能是由于地震波造成的次生影响。特别是地表沉积层较厚的地区,坡地边缘、河岸和道路两旁常出现地裂缝,这往往是由于地形因素,在一侧没有依托的条件下晃动使表土松垮和崩裂。地震的晃动使表土下沉,浅层的地下水受挤压会沿地裂缝上升至地表,形成喷沙冒水现象。大地震能使局部地形改观,或隆起,或沉降。使城乡道路坼裂、铁轨扭曲、桥梁折断。在现代化城市中,由于地下管道破裂和电缆被切断造成停水、停电和通讯受阻。煤气、有毒气体和放射性物质泄漏可导致火灾和毒物、放射性污染等次生灾害。在山区,地震还能引起山崩和滑坡,常造成掩埋村镇的惨剧。崩塌的山石堵塞江河,在上游形成地震湖。

The interior of the earth quake is medium rupture occurred locally produced sharply, seismic inside certain limits, thus causes the ground vibration phenomenon. Earthquakes occur began as source, just above the ground source as the epicentre. The most devastating earthquake ground vibration fierce place called huozhou huozhou and often is the epicenter area.

2. Browse the Internet for the story about earthquake that impress you most, and share it

with your classmates. On May 12th ,a powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale has attacked the village which was called Wenchuan in Sichuan Province.

I surfed the Internet from morning till night to see what were happening in that place. I fell very distressed that when I saw the pictures .The whole villages were wiped out by the terrible earthquake. Hundreds of people lost their lives or were rendered homeless. But fortunately, millions of people home or broad have given freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.

I hope all of us can try our best to help the victims out of this terrible disaster as soon as possible. China is a great nation ! Chinese are all great people ! Great Chinese must defeat all the

difficulties they meet at last !

In the sound of the whistle, the May meeting of rain and tears. This is a sad moment: the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands, lovers, teachers, students, friends, colleagues, neighbours… ... to at 14:28 on May 12 before the dull, busy, hope , Disappointed, sad, happy…… those beutiful days.

3.What will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake?

Earthquake is one of natural disasters that we should learn to live with. Not in fear of, Learning how to prepare for an earthquake makes you a bit safer After an earthquake, your home could be a mess. There are several things you can do to prepare for an earthquake before it happens. Beware of heavy books. Place them on lower shelves. Check for hazards inside your home. Hang items such as pictures and mirriors away from beds and anywhere people sit. Identify safe places in each room. locate safe places outdoors away from buildings . trees, electrical lines and bridges. Turn off gas . electrity and water. Have some disaster supplies on hand.


1. Do you think one’s personality is so important as to influence their success? Give your reasons. Yes, I do.

First , one person’s personality is related with the way he deal with the things. Every one has his own way. Someone is very conscientious(认真) and someone are not. Second, one’s person can influence what they think. And this can decide whether he can succeed or not. So personality can influnce many things. And other people also evaluate one man by his personality. A good personality is very important. Sometimes it can help you get the chance. And you will succeed. So one’s personality is so important as to influence their success.

2. How do you see one’s academic performance at school in relation to their future achievement?

I think someone’s academic performance at school can influence his future achievement in some way . No pains, on gains! One whose academic performance at school is well means he knows more knowledge. That will help him get a brighter future. But a person who want to get the most achievemrnts needs some other things , such as courage. Experience and some opportunities. That’s all my opinion.

3. Find more about Bill Gates on the Internet and make a report to the class. William (Bill) H. Gates is the world's leading personal computer software vendors - Microsoft's founder, former chairman and chief executive officer.Gates was born October 28, 1955, he and two sisters grew up in Seattle.Gates attended public elementary school in Seattle and the private Lakeside School, where he started his own personal computer software, professional experience, 13-year-old began to write computer programs.In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University a year.Third grade, Gates dropped

out of Harvard and threw himself into it with childhood partners, together with Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975.In addition to computers outside the complex, Gates is also very interested in biotechnology.Gates, January 1, 1994 and married Melinda French Gates, they have a child Jennifer Katharine Gates, 1996 was born. Bill Gates is a reading fan, but liked to play golf and bridge.

威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和首席执行官.盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。盖茨曾就读于西雅图的公立小学和私立湖滨中学,在那里,他开始了自己个人计算机软件的职业经历,13岁就开始编写计算机程序。1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级.三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴Paul Allen一起于1975年组建的微软公司。除计算机情结之外,盖茨对生物技术也很感兴趣。盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。


1. Do you think a premarital agreement is necessary? Why or why not? No

Becase I think family is based on trust. If one couple decide to make a family. They must be love each other. So they are ready to face difficultys together. They are willing to company with each other th whole life. Even if there are some contradiction, they can deal with it together . This is love. And if one couple sign a premarital agreement before marriage, that indicate they don’t trust each orther. So they can’t live happily.

2. Discuss the possible roles that a premarital agreement may play.

1. distribution of estate(财产分配)

2. The ownership of the house(房子的所有权) 3. The child's ownership

3. A topic for debate; nothing can kill romance faster than a preup.

