Unit 3 新世纪大学英语系列教材 综合教程2

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Unit 3 Text A New words and Expressions

1. unparalleled: adj. having no parallel or equal; unmatched

With the soar of energy costs, this country is confronted with an economic crisis unparalleled in its history.

2.depression: n. 1) being depressed; low spirits

He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一时想不开, 自杀了。

2) a period when there is little economic activity, and high unemployment

Lots of people were deprived of all these property in the Great Depression.

3. priority: n.1) (a) (state of) being more important (in rank)

The Government gave top priority to reforming the legal system.


2) the thing that is (regarded as) more important than others

You must decide what your priorities are.

4. breadline: n.a very low level of income which allows people to eat but not have any extra things For those people who exist near the breadline, this policy really crushes them.


be / live on the breadline非常穷,勉强维持生活

be near / below the breadline接近/低于最低生活标准

5. banish: v.

1) to send sb. away, especially out of the country, as a punishment

He was banished from his homeland for life.

2) to drive (thoughts, etc) out (of the mind)

She banished all thoughts of a restful holiday from her mind.


6. pursuit: n. 1) the action of pursuing

She devoted her life to the pursuit of pleasure.

2) an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing

She was engaged in worthwhile pursuits for her whole life.


Collocations: in pursuit of在追求……时 in hot pursuit穷追不舍

7. intense: adj. 1) (of sensations) having a very strong effect or felt very strongly

The heat was intense.

2) (of emotions, etc) very strong

This young lady was overcome by an intense feeling of jealousy.


8.in the long run:later in the future, not immediately

The less you rely on painkillers now, the better it will be for your health in the long run.

9. overall: 1) adj. including everything, taking everything into account

There’s been an overall improvement recently.

My overall impression of his work is good.

2) adv. including everything; generally

Overall, the prices are stilling rising.总的来说,价格仍在上升。

10. in line with: in accordance to

Pensions will be increased in line with inflation.养老金将会跟着通货膨胀的水平增长。



line of business专业, 行业 drop sb. a line 给人写短信(便条)

on the right lines正确,对的 in line with 与……一致

be in sb.’s line 是某人的专长 take a firm line on 对某事采取坚定的态度

11. relative to: with regard to, concerning; in comparison with

People only feel better off if they move up relative to the average income.

12. counterproductive: adj.achieving the opposite result to the one that you want

Sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.

counter 是一个前缀,表达的意思是“相反的”。


counterattack 反击 counteract抵消,对抗 counterbalance使……平衡

countermeasure 对策 counter- revolution反革命

counterpart 两方面地位、职务相当的人

13. incentive: n. sth. encouraging people to do sth., stimulus

The chance of a higher salary and a quick promotion gives young people incentive to work harder.

14. reinforce: v.

1) to give more support to (sth.); emphasize

This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.


2) to increase the numbers or military strength of

Our defenses must be reinforced against attack.

15. in terms of:as measured or indicated by; in units of; with reference to

This is a kind of cheap entertainment, but costly in terms of time wasted.


16. derive from: get sth. from sth. or sb.

He derived some comfort from the fact that he wasn’t the only one to fail the exam.得知自己不是唯一考试没过的人时,他得到了一些安慰。

17. rank: 1) n. the position in a scale of responsibility, quality, social status, etc

He is a painter of the top rank.

2) v. to hold a particular rank

She does always rank first in the class.她在班上总是排名第一。

CF: class, degree, grade & rank






18. decrease: 1) v. to (cause sth. to) become smaller or fewer; diminish

Student numbers have decreased by 500.

2) n. decreasing; reduction

This month has witnessed a decrease of 3% in the rate of inflation.

19. ensure: v.

1) make sure; guarantee

The book ensured his success.


2) make (sb.) certain to get (sth.); assure

These pills should ensure you a good night’s sleep.

CF: ensure, insure, guarantee & pledge





20. hierarchy: n. a system with grades of authority or status from the lowest to the highest Important decisions were made high up in the management hierarchy.


21. inevitable: adj.certain to happen and impossible to avoid; unavoidable

It seems inevitable that they’ll lose.看来他们的败局是在所难免了。

22. occupation: n.1) job; profession

Please state your name, address and occupation.

2) an activity that occupies a person’s time; pastime

His favorite occupation is reading.他的业余爱好是看书。

23.evaluate: v.to find out or form an idea of the amount or value of; assess

I can’t evaluate his ability without seeing his work.

24.in effect: in essence; to all purposes

In effect, the testimony contradiced her earlier statement.证词实际上与她以前的话相反。

25. fundamentally: adv.essentially, primarily

Your religious beliefs and mine are fundamentally different.


26. intrinsic: adj.being part of the nature or character of sb. or sth.

Except salary, I don’t see any intrinsic interest in this job.

27. deteriorate: v. become worse in quality or condition

The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel.

28. collective: 1) adj. joint; shared

Only a collective government can make the best out of democracy.

2) n. a group of people who work together or to run sth. such as a business or a farm; the business or farm that is run by this type of people

The worker’s collective decided to launch a campaign against overtime working.

29. outward: adj. 1) going out or away from

He got lost on the outward journey.

2) of or on the outside

There were outward changes, but the city remained essentially the same.


30. everlasting: adj.never change; going on or lasting forever

I’m tired of his everlasting complaints.我厌倦了他没完没了的抱怨。

