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Inside the LivingCell: Structureand
Functionof Internal Cell PartsCytoplasm: The Dynamic, MobileFactory
Most of the propertieswe associatewithlife areproperties of the cytoplasm.Much of the mass of a cell consistsof this semifluid substance, whichisbounded on theoutside bythe plasmamembrane.Organelles are suspended within it,supported by the filamentous network ofthe cytoskeleton. Dissolvedin thecyt oplasmic fluidare nutrients,ions,solubleproteins, an dothermaterials needed for cell functioning.
The Nucleus:Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)
Theeukaryotic cell nucleus isthelargest organelle andhousesthe geneticmaterial (DNA) onchromosomes.(In prokaryotes the hereditarymaterial isfound in the nucleoid.)Thenucleusalso contains o ne or two organelles-thenucleoli-thatplay arole in c elldivision.A pore-perforated sac called thenuclear envelope separates the nucleus and itscontentsf rom the cytoplasm.Small moleculescan passthro ugh the nuclear envelope,but largermolecules such as mRNAand ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA 和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。
Organelles:Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位)
All eukaryotic cells containmost of the various kinds of organelles, andeach organelle performs a special
ized function in the cell. Organellesdescribed in thissecti onincluderibosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum,the Golgi complex,vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastidsof plant cells.
The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from afew hundred to manythousands. This quantity reflect sthe fact that,ribosomes are the sitesat which amino acidsare assembled into proteinsfor export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger andone smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA,"reading"the genetic sequence codedin it and translating that sequence into protein. Several ribosomesmaybecome attachedtoasingle mRNAstrand;such a combinationis called a polysome. Most cellularproteins are manufactured on ribosomesin the cytoplasm.Exportable proteins and membraneproteins are usuallymade inassociation with theendoplasmic reticulum.
核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千,核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质的重要场所。完整的核糖体由大亚基和小亚基组成。核糖体沿着mRNA 移动并阅读遗传密码,翻译成蛋白质。一条mRNA上可能有多个核糖体,称多聚核糖体。大多数细胞蛋白是由细胞质中核糖体生产。输出蛋白和膜蛋白通常与内质网有关。
The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacyarray of membranous sacs, tubules,and vesicles, maybe either rough(RER) or smooth (SER).Both typesplay roles in the synthesisandtransport of proteins.The RER, which isstudded withpolysomes,also seems to be the source of thenuclear envelope after a cell pides.
SER lackspolysomes; it is activeinthe synthesis o ffatsand steroids andin theoxidation of toxicsub stances in thecell.Both types of endoplasmic reticulumserve as compartments within the cell wherespecificproducts can be isolated and subsequently shunted toparticular areasin or outsidethe cell.
Transportvesicles maycarry exportable mole culesfromthe endoplasmic reticulum toanother membranousorganelle, theGolgi complex.Withinth eGolgi complex molecules are modified andpackaged for exportout ofthe cell or for delivery else wherein thecytoplasm.
Vacuolesin cellsappeartobe hollow sacs but are actually filled with fluid andsoluble molecules. T he mostprominentvacuolesappearin plantce lls and serve as water reservoirs andstoragesitesfor sugars and other molecules. Vacuolesin anima lcells carry out phagocytosis (the intakeof particulat ematter) andpinocytosis(vacuolar drinking).
Asubset ofvacuolesare the organelles knownaslysosomes, which contain digestiveenzymes (packaged in lysosomes in theGolgi complex) that can breakdown most biological macromolecules. They act todigestfood particles andtodegrade damaged cellparts.
Mitochondria are the sites ofenergy-yielding chemical reactions in all cells.In addition, plant cellscontain plastids that utilizelight energy to manufacture carbohydrates in theprocess ofphotosynthesis. It is on the large surface area provided by the i nnercristae ofmitochondriathat ATP-generatingenzymes are located. Mitochondriaare self-replicatin g, andprobably theyare theevolutionary descendantsof what wereoncefree-livingprokaryotes.
Thereare two typesofplastids:leucoplasts, whichlackpigments and serve asstorage sites for starch, proteins,and oils; and chromoplasts, which co ntainpigments. Themost importantchromoplasts a re chloroplasts-organelles that contain the chlorophyll used in photosynthesis.The internal structure of chloroplastsincludesstacks of membranes called grana, whichareembedded in a matrix calledthestroma.
The Cytoskeleton(细胞骨架)
Alleukaryotic cellshave a cytoskeleton, whichisaconvoluted latticework of filamentsand tubules thatappears to fillall available space inthe cell and p rovides support for various other organelles. A large portion of the cytoskeleton consistsof threadlikemicrofilamentscomposedmainlyof thecontractile
protein actin.Theyare involved in many types of intracellularmovements in plant and animal cells. Asecond protein,myosin, is involvein the contractionof musclecells.Anothermain structural component ofthecytoskeleton consists of microtubules,whichare composedoftheglobular proteintubulin and toget her act as scaffolding that provides astable cell shape. Cytoskeletal intermediate filamentsappear to impart tensile strength to the cellcytoplasm. Mechanoenzymes such as myosin, dynein,and kinesin interact with the cytoskeletalfilaments and tubules to generate forcesthat cause movements.
Cellular Movements(细胞运动
Althoughthecytoskeleton providessome stability稳固to cells, its microtubules
英[?maikr?u?tju:bju:l]and filaments丝状物and t heir associatedproteins enablecellsto moveby creeping爬行orgliding 滑动.Such movements require a solid固体的substrate towhich the cell can adhere附着and canbe guided by the geometryd?i??mitri]几何形状of thesurface. Some cellsalsoexhibit[iɡ?zibit]展览chemotaxis, kem??t?ksis趋药性the ability to move toward or away fromthe sourceof a diffusing扩散
Certaineukaryoticcellscan swimfreelyinliquid
environments,propelled bywhiplike cilia
[?sili?]纤毛orflagella英[fl??d?el?鞭毛. Bothcilia andflagella have the sameinternalstructure: nine doublets(pairsofmicrotubules) arearrangedin a ring and extend thelength ofthe cilium or flagellum,and two more microtubulesrun down the center of th ering.Every cilium orflagellumgrows only from thecell surfacewhere a basal body基体islocated.Movementis based onthe activities of tiny dyn ein动力蛋白side arms that extendfrom one of them icrotubules of eachdoublet成对的东西.
?Nutrients,proteins, and other materials withinmost plant c ells are movedabout via cytoplasmic streaming. Theprocess occurs as myosin ?mai?usin肌凝蛋白proteins attached to organelles 细胞器,小器官push against microfilaments arrayed [??rei]展示throughout the cell. Microfilaments andmicrotubules are responsible for almost allmajor cytoplasmic movements.Duringcell pision, microtubules ofthe spindle assembled集合, 收集from tubutins ubunits near organellescalledcentrioles movethe chromosomes.
cytoplasm (细)胞质
The living contents ofa cellbounded externally by the plasmalemma,includingan aqueousgroundsubstance (hyaloplasm, cell sap, or cell matrix) containing organelles and variousinclusions but excluding the nucleus and visible vacuoles.
cytoskeleton 细胞骨架
Of eukaryoticcells,an internal"skeleton".Its mic rotubules and other componentsstructurally support thecell,organizeandmoveitsinteftial components. The cytoskeleton also helps free-livingcells movethroughtheir environment.
nucleus 细胞核,核(复数nuclei)
The organelle of theeukaryote cellthat contains
thechromosomes and henceultimately controls cellularactivity and inheritance through the activity of thegenetic material,DNA
ADNA-histone threadresiding in the nucleusof a cell.Eachchromosomepossesses two telomeres and a centromere, and some containa nucleolus organizer. RNA proteins are invariablyassociatedwiththe chr omosome.
nucleoid 拟核,类核,核质体
TheDNA-containing area of a prokaryote cell, analogous to the eukaryotenucleus butnot membranebound ed.
Nuclearstructures composed of completed or partially completed ribosomes and the specific parts of chromosomesthat contain the infon-nation for their construction. nuclear envelope 核膜,核被膜
A double membrane (two lipidbilayersandassoc iated proteins)that isthe outermostportion of a cell nuc leus.
ribosome 核糖体
Smallstructurescomposed of twoprotein and ribonucleic acid subunitsinvolved in the assembly of proteins from amino acids.
polysome 多核糖体
Ofproteinsynthesis,severalribosomes all translating the same messenger RNA molecule,oneaft erthe other.
endoplasmic reticulum 内质网
Folded membranesandtubes throughout theeukaryoticcell that provide alargesurface upon which chemical activities takeplace.
Golgicomplex 高尔基复合体
A stack offlattened, smooth,membranoussacs; the siteof synthesis and packaging of certain molecules in eukaryotic cells.
Storage containerwithin the cytoplasmofacell
having asurrounding membrane.
The processby whichthecellwrapsarounda particle and engulfs it.
Theprocess bywhicha cellengulfs somemol ecules dissolved inwater
lysosome 溶酶体
Aspecializedorganelle thatholds a mixture ofhydrolytic enzymes.
mitochondrion 线粒体(复数mitochondria )A membranousorganelle resembling a small bag with a larger ba gresembling a small bag with a larger bag insidethat is folded backon itself;servesas the site of aerobic cel lular respiration.
plastid 质体
Anorganelle presentin all plants except bacteria, b
lue-green algae,andfungi; itis enclosed bytwo membr anes(the envelope)and has various functions
Aplastid in whichphotosynthesisiscarried out. Chloroplasts occur in allphotosynthetic organismsexcept photosynthetic bacteria blue-green algae.
stroma 基质,子座(复数stromata)
Regionwithin a chloroplast that has no chlorophyll.
microfilament 微丝,纤丝
Long, fiberlike structures made of protein andfoundin cells, often in closeassociation with the microtubules;prov ide structural supportandenable movement.
actin 肌动蛋白
A globularcontractile protein.In musclecells,actin i nteracts with another protein,myosin, to bringaboutcontraction.
myosin ['maiesin] 肌球蛋白
A protein that, with actin,constitutes the principal element ofthe contractile apparatusof muscle.
microtubute 微管
Small,hollowtubes of proteinthat function throughout the cytoplasm to provide structural support and enable movement.
tubulin 微管蛋白
Aprotein that is themajor constituent ofmicrotubules.
dynein 动力蛋白,动素
Agroupof at least four distinct proteinsfound intheflagella and microtubules of eukaryotic cellsandpossessing ATPase activity.
chemotaxis 趋化性
A locomotorymovementof an organism orcellin response to, and directed by,an directional stimulus.
cilia 纤毛
Numerous short,hairlikestructures projectingfromthe cell surfacethat enable locomotion.
flagella 鞭毛(单数flagellum)
Long,hairlike structures projecting from the cellsurface thatenablelocomotion.
basal body基体
A bodyidentical instructure toacentriole, found
always atthe base of a ciliumor eukaryote flagellum.
?centriole 中心粒
An organelle locatedclose tothenucleus in mostanimal andlower plant cells but absent from prokaryotes and higher plants.
Photosynthesis occursonly in the chlorophyllchlo rophyll叶绿素-containing cells ofgreen plants,algae 藻,and certain protists 原生生物and bacteria.Overall, it is a processthat converts light energy into chemical energy that is stored inthe molecular bonds. Fromthe po int ofviewofchemistry and energetics, it is the opposite of cellular respiration. Whereas 然而cellular细胞的respiration 呼吸ishighlyexergonic吸收能量的andreleasesenergy, photosynthesis光合作用requires energyandishighly endergonic.
光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞,海藻,某些原生动物和细菌之中。总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能,并将能量贮存在分子键中,从化学和动能学角度来看,它是细胞呼吸作用的对立面。细胞呼吸作用是高度放能的,光合作用是需要能量并高吸能的过程。Photosynthesis starts with CO2andH2Oas raw materials and proceeds through two sets of partial reactions. In thefirst set, called the light-dependent reactions, watermoleculesaresplit裂开(oxidized),02is relea sed, and ATP and NADPHare formed.Thesereactionsmust take placeinthepresence of在面前ligh tenergy. In the secondset, calledlight-independent reactions, CO2is reduced(via the addition of H atoms)to carbohydrate. These chemical events rel yon the electron carrier NADPH and ATP generated by t he first setof reactions.
Both sets of reactionstake place inchloroplasts. Mostof the enzymes and pigments色素for the lightdepe ndent reactions areembedded深入的内含的inthe t
hylakoid类囊体membrane膜隔膜of chloroplasts 叶绿体.The darkreactions take placeinthe stroma.基质
How Light Energy Reaches PhotosyntheticCells(光合细胞如何吸收光能的)
Theenergy in light photons in the visible part of the spe ctrum can be captured by biologicalmolecules to do co nstructive work. Thepigment chlorophyll in plant cel ls absorbs photons withinaparticular absorption spectrumsstatement ofthe amount oflight absorbed by chlorophyll atdifferentwavelengths. When lightis absorbed it alters the arrangement of electrons in the absorbing molecule.The addedenergy ofthe photon bo osts theenergy condition of the molecule from astable stateto a less-stable excitedstate.Durin gthe light-dependent reactionsofphotosynthesis, asthe absorbing moleculereturns to the ground state, the "excess" excitation energy istransmitted to other moleculesandstoredas chemical energy.
Allphotosyntheticorganisms contain various classes of chlorophylls and oneor more carotenoid(accessory) pigmentsthat alsocontributetophotosynthesis. Groups of pigment molecules called antennacomplexes are presenton thylakoids. Light striking any one ofthe pigment molecules is funneled to aspecialchlorophyllamolecule,termed areaction-center chlorophyll,which directly participates inphotosynthesis. Mostphotosynthetic organismspossess twotypes of reaction-center chlorophylls, P680 and P700,eachass
ociated with an electron acceptormoleculeand an el ectron donor.Theseaggregationsareknown res pectively as photosystem Ⅰ (P700) and photosystem Ⅱ(P680).
TheLight-Dependent Reaction:Converting Solar Energy intoChemical-Bond Energy
The photosystems of thelight-dependent reactions a re responsiblefor the packaging of light energyinthe ch emical compounds ATP andNADPH.Thispackaging takesplace through a series of oxidation reduction reactions set inmotion when lightstrikesthe P680reactioncenter in photosystemⅡ. In this initialev ent water molecules are cleaved,oxygenis released,and electrons aredonated.Theseelectronsare acceptedfirst byplastoquinoneandthen by a series of carriersastheydescend anelectrontransport chain.For eac hfourelectrons that pass down the chain,two ATPsar eformed. The last acceptorin the chain is theP700re action center of photosystemⅠ. At this point incoming photonsboostthe energy oftheelectrons,and they are acceptedby ferredoxin. Ferredoxin is thenre oxidized, andthe coenzymeNADP+is reduced to the NADPH. The ATP generated previously and the NADPH then take partin the lightindependentreactions.
形成2个ATP。最后一个受体存在于光反应系统Ⅰ的反应中心里。此处光子激活电子,电子传递给铁氧还蛋白。铁氧还蛋白再氧化,并且辅酶NADP+还原成NADPH。早期产生的ATP和NADPH进入暗反应。The production of ATP fromthetransport of electrons excited by light energy down anelectron transport c hain is termed photophosphorylation. The one-way flo wofelectronsthrough photosystems II andI is called noncyclic photophosphorylation;plants also derive a dditional ATP through cyclicphotophosphorylation,in which some electrons are shunted backthrough the electrontransport chain between photosystemsⅡ andⅠ.
The Light-Independent Reactions:Building Carbohydrates
Inthe light-independent reactionsof photosynthesis, which are driven by ATP and NADPH, C02is converted to carbohydrate. The reactionsare also known as the Calvin-Benson cycle.AtmosphericCO2, is fixed as it reactswith ribulose biphosphate (RuBP), a reaction that iscatalyzedbythe enzyme ribulosebiphosphate carboxylase.Thereduction OfC02tocarbohydrate(fructose diphosphate) is completed via severalmoresteps ofthe cycle. Finally, RUBPis regenerated sothat thecyclemaycontinue.
Oxygen:An Inhibitorof photosynthesis(氧:光合作用的抑制因子)
High levels ofoxygen in plant cellscan disrupt photosynthesis and can also cause photorespiration-an i
nefficientfun of the darkreactions in which 02 is fixedrather than C02 and no carbohydrate is produced.
Reprievefrom Photorespiration:The C4 Pathway
Mostplants are C3 plants; theyexperiencedecrea sedcarbohydrate production under hot,dry conditions asaresult of the effectsof photorespiration.AmongC4 plants, however,special leaf anatomyand a unique biochemical pathwayenablethe plantto thrive in and conditions.ThusC4plants lessen photorespir ationby carryingoutphotosynthesis only in cells that are insulated from high levels ofCO2.Theyalso possess a novel mechanism forcarbon fixation.
Thefirst stagein photosynthesis, drivenby lightenergy.Electrons that trap the sun's ene rgy pass the energyto high-energy carrierssuchasATP or NADPH, where it is storedinchemical bonds.
light-independent reactions 暗反应
The secondstage of photosynthesis,also calledtheCalvin-Bensoncycle,which doesnot requirelight. During thesix steps ofthe cycle, carbonisfixedand carbohydrates are formed.
chloroplast 叶绿体
A plastid in which photosynthesisis carried out. Chloroplasts occur in all photosyntheticorganisms except photosynthetic bacteria and blue-green algae.
absorption spectrum 吸收光谱,吸收谱
Thespectrumobtained whenradiation (light, ultraviolet radiation, etc.) froma source givinga continuous spectrumispassed through a substance.
Cyclic reactions that are the "synthesis" part of thelight-independent reactionsof photosynthesis.I nlandplants, RUBP, or some other compoun dtowhich carbon has
been affixed,under goes rearrangementsthat lea
dto formation of asugar phosphate and toregeneration oftheRUBP. The cyclerunson ATPand NADPH from light-dependent reactions.
carotenoid 类胡萝卜素
Light-sensitive, accessory pigments that transfer absorbedenergy to chlorophylls.
Theyabsorb violet andblue wave-lengthsbut t ransmitred, orange, and yellow.
chlorophyll 叶绿素
The green substance ofplants by which photosynthesis is accomplished; it isusuallyloca lized inintracellular organelles calledchloroplasts.
cyclic photophosphorylation
Cyclic photophosphorylation is coupled to cyclicelectron flow, in whichATP isthe only product.
C3 plant 三碳植物
A plantin which thelight-independentrea ctionsof photosynthesis startwithathre ecarbon compound. Mostplants are C3plants. C4plant 四碳植物
A plant such as cornin which the light in dependent reactions ofphotosynthesis star with a four-carboncompound.
noncyclic photophosphorylation
Noncyclic photophosphorylationis coupled tononcyclic electronflow, theelectrons beingused to reduce NADP+ as well as to make A TP.
Aparticle that haszeromass orcharge and unit spin,the quantumof the electromagneticfield and carrier of the electromagnetic force.
photophosphorylation 光合磷酸化作用
The synthesisof ATP from phosphate andADP during photosynthesis, using lightenergy.
photorespiration 光呼吸
Alight-dependent typeofrespirationthat occurs in most photosynthetic plants anddiffers fromnormal (or dark)respiration.
photosynthesis 光合作用
The synthesisof organic compoundsby reduction of carbondioxide using light energy absorbed by chorophyll.
One of theclusters oflight-trapping pigmentsembedded in photosyntheticmembranes. PhotosystemI operates during thecyclic pathway; photosystemⅡoperatesduringboth the cyclic and noncyclic pathways.ribulose biph osphate(RUBP)核酮糖二磷酸
A compound with a backbone of five carbon atomsthatisrequired for carbonfixation in the Calvin-Benson cycle of photosynthesis.
thylakoid 类囊体
One ofanumber of flattenedfluid-filled sacsthat form the photosynthetic lamellarsystemofchloroplasts, photosyntheticbacteria, and blue-green algae.
Cellular Reproduction: Mitosisand Meiosis
The Nucleus andChromosomes
The cell nucleus is the main repository of genetic information.Within thenucleus arethechromosomestightlycoiled strands of DNA and clusters of associatedproteins. Long stretches of thecontinuous DNAmolecule wind aroundthese clusters of proteins,or histones,forming beadlike complexes knownas nucleosomes. More coiling and supercoiling producesa dense chromosomestructure.Eachlong strand of DNA combineswithhistones andnonhistoneproteinsto makeupthe substance chromatin.
A pictorial display of an organism's chromosomes in the coiled, condensed state is known as a karyotype.Karyotype revealthat inmost cells all but sex chrom osomes arepresent astwocopies, referred to ashomologous pairs.Non-sex chromosomes arecalled autosome3b2770da5d0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d377ee1452anisms whosecells containtwosets of parentalchromosomes are calleddiploid; thosewith cells containinga single set of parental chromosomes are called haploid.
The CellCycle
The cell cycleis a regular sequence in whichthecell grows,prepares for division,anddivides to formt wo daughter cells, each of which thenrepeatsthe cycl e.Such cycling in effect makes single-celledorganisms immortal. Many cells in multicellular organisms,inclu ding animalmuscle and nerve cells,either slow the cycl eorbreak out ofitaltogether.
Thenormal cell cycle consistsof fourphases.Thefirst three include G1,the period of normal me tabolism; S phase,during which normal synthesis of biological molecules continues, DNA is replicated, and histones are synthesized; and G2, a brief period ofmetabolismand additional growth. Together the G1, S,and G2phases are called interphase.Thefourth phase of thecellcycle is M phase, the period of
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