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体裁:记叙文 话题:朋友与周围的人 关键词:food I grew up in a small town in Ohio.There was a man in my town named Bob.Bob didn't go to school and couldn't talk clearly.Children all thought he was stupid and often made fun of him. One day,when I met Bob,I decided to make fun of him just like the other children.He asked what I was doing.I told him that my father had lost his job,and that we were short of money.Seeing my friends laughing far from us,I decided to continue to tell lies.I knew he was poor,so it was funny when he asked me if we needed anything.I told him that we didn't know if we would have enough food to eat.

The next morning,I went out and found a box of food outside my house.I knew it was from Bob.I looked at the small box with tears in my eyes.I felt very sad and wanted to give back the box.My father stopped me.He said it would hurt Bob's feelings. Every day,when We had dinner,I would think of the small box.I knew that I should not get that gift,but Bob gave me the best he had. 阅读短文内容回答下列问题。

1.Why did the children make fun of Bob? 2.What was in the box?

3.Why didn't the writer give back the box to Bob? 4.请将画线句子翻译成汉语: 5.Was Bob kind?

1.Because they all thought Bob was stupid. 根据第一段第四句 Children all thought he was stupid and often made fun of him.“孩子们都认为鲍勃很愚蠢,并且经常取笑他”,可推知孩子们认为鲍勃愚蠢,所以才取笑他。 2.Food.

根据第三段第一句 The next morning,I went out and found a box of food outside my house.“第二天早上,我出门的时候发现一盒食物在我家门外”,可知盒子里装着食物。 3.Because it would hurt Bob's feelings. 根据第三段最后两句 My father stopped me.He said it would hurt Bob's feelings.“父亲阻止了我,他说那样做会伤害鲍勃的感情”,可知作者因为不想伤害他而没有送回盒子。 4.我知道我不配收到那个礼物,但是鲍勃却给了我他最好的礼物。 5.Yes,he was.

通读全文可知鲍勃是个善良、有爱心的人。 100152

体裁:记叙文 话题:合作与交流 关键词:change

Amanda goes to work every day.She works in an office.She works very hard.She starts at 7 o'clock in the morning and finishes at 10 o'clock at night.She likes her work,and she wants to be a good worker,but she has one problem.Her boss is not a very good boss.

He tells her to do one thing,and then he changes his mind.He tells her to do another thing,and then he changes his mind again.He tells her to do something else,and again,changes his mind.Amanda doesn't like this.She says,\of time!\

Today Amanda decides to talk with him.She goes to his office and says,\to work.I work a lot of hours.I am a good worker.But I can't work like this.We have to work better.You need to tell me what to do without changing your mind.\ Amanda's boss listens to her.He realizes that she is right.He promises to listen to her advice.

Now Amanda is happy.She comes to work every day.She starts at 7 o'clock and finishes at 4 o'clock,but she completes much more things than before! Amanda and her boss are happy.

1.Where does Amanda work? A.In a hospital. B.In a shop. C.In an office. D.At home.

2.Amanda can finish her work at _______ now. A.seven B.four

C.ten at night D.six

3.Amanda thinks _______ before she talks with her boss. A.she can't work well B.her boss is a good boss C.she is happy

D.she isn't a good worker

4.What does the underlined word \ A.保留 B.改变 C.显示 D.隐藏

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Amanda doesn't have any problem about work. B.The boss doesn't listen to Amanda. C.Amanda works for another boss.

D.Amanda and her boss work better now. 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段中的 She works in an office.可知答案选 C 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由最后一段中的 ...finishes at 4 o'clock... 可知选 B 项。题干询问的是现存完成工作的时间,而 C 项指的是原来结束工作的时间。故 C 项错误。 3.A

推理判断题。文章前两段是她在和老板谈话前的状态:由第二段最后可知,她觉得这是在浪费时间,故由此推测她不能很好地工作。误解分析:本题易误选 C 项。由于没有审清或理解题干中的 before“在??之前”,学生易理解成题干是询问 Amanda 现在的工作心情,因而选择最后一段的首句。 4.B

词义猜测题。由第二段中的 one thing 到 another thing,然后再到 something else 可推测,老板是在不断地改变他的主意。由此判定选 B 项。 5.D

推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句可知,老板和 Amanda 对目前的工作都很开心。故选 D 项,由此也判定 C 项错误,她并没有换老板;由第四段可知,老板听了她的意见,并许诺接受她的意见,故 B 项错误。 Unit 24 100153

体裁:说明文 话题:体育健身 关键词:activity

Everyone should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day.Remember the word \:it means your body moves,but it doesn't mean doing difficult exercise every day.If you are hungry,you may eat snacks.Exercise snacks can keep you healthy.Here are some easy ways to form an exercise lifestyle: Start today.Go outside for a walk.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Instead of driving,walk or bike to places like school or a friend's house. If you have to drive,put your car far away.Then you can walk,if it's safe to do so.

Clean your room,or wash the car.It's not a chore — it's exercise!

Limit your time on watching TV,using the computer,or playing video games.Try to keep screen time no more than 2 hours a day.

Dance.Even in your room,it can help you burn more than 300 calories an hour! 1.Activity means _______.

A.doing some difficult exercise B.making your body move C.eating some snacks

D.having to move for 60 minutes

2.How many ways can you read in the passage? A.Seven. B.Eight. C.Nine. D.Six.

3.Which is not a good way to exercise? A.Wash car.

B.Dance in the room. C.Walk to the school.

D.Use the computer for 3 hours.

4.What does the underlined word \ A.延长 B.忽视 C.限制 D.留意

5.This passage is about _______. A.food and drink

B.exercise and health C.news

D.dance and music 1.B

细节理解题。由第一段中的 it means your body moves... 可知:活动就是让身体动起来,故 B 项。 2.A

细节理解题。由文章所给建议的提示符可知,应该是七条。故 A 项正确。 3.D

细节理解题。结合第六条可知:我们应该限制看电视等接触屏幕的活动,一天不超过两个小时,D 项看电脑三个小时与建议不符。故选 D 项。 4.C

词义猜测题。由第六条最后一句“尽量把接触屏幕的时间控制到不超过两个小时。”可知,此处是指应该控制、限制看电视等时间。故选 C 项。 5.B

主旨大意题。由文章首段最后一句可知,这里是给我们提供锻炼的生活方式,主要是讲述锻炼的方法和由此带来的健康。故选 B 项。 100154

体裁:记叙文 话题:故事 关键词:George Washington

George Washington was a well-known farmer before he became the first president of the United States.

Once a neighbor stole one of Washington's horses.Washington went with a police officer to the neighbor's farm to get the horse,but the neighbor refused to give the horse back;he claimed that it was his horse.

Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor,\,then you must tell us in which eye it is blind.\\.

Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye.\,I made a mistake,\said the neighbor.\.\

Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the left eye,either.\made another mistake,\.

\,\said the police officer,\you also show us that you are a thief.This horse does not belong to you.You must return it to Mr.Washington.\

1.What did Washington do before he became the first president of the U.S.A.? A.He was a policeman. B.He was a worker. C.He was a doctor. D.He was a farmer.

2.Did Washington call the police when he lost his horse? A.No,he didn't. B.Yes,he did.

C.No,he told his neighbor.

D.Yes,but he called his neighbor too.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.享受 B.承认 C.拒绝 D.道歉

4.What did the policeman do after he knew the thing?

A.He asked the neighbor to return the horse to Washington. B.He took the horse to the police station. C.He sold the horse to the neighbor.

D.He asked the neighbor to pay some money to Washington. 5.The story mainly tells us _______. A.his neighbor stole Washington's horse B.the horse was blind in both eyes C.Washington was very clever

D.the policeman made many mistakes. 1.D

细节理解题。根据第一段 George Washington was a well-known farmer before he became the first president of the united States.“乔治·华盛顿在成为美国第一任总统前是一个很出名的农民”,可知他当时是农民,故选 D 项。 2.B

推理判断题。根据第二段第二句 Washington went with a police officer to the neighbor's farm...“他和一个警察去了邻居的农场??”,可推知他报警了,故选 B 项。 3.C

词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句 ...he claimed that it was his home.“??他宣称那是他的马”,可猜测画线单词的意思应该是“拒绝”,故选 C 项。 4.A

细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句 You must return it to Mr.Washington.“你必须把它归还给华盛顿先生”,可知警察要求他把马还给华盛顿,故选 A 项。 5.C

主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文讲述的是华盛顿的机智,故选 C。而 A 是“华盛顿的邻居偷了他的马”;B 是“马的两只眼睛都瞎了”;D 是“警察犯了许多错误”,均不符合题意,故排除。 100155

体裁:议论文 话题:自然 关键词:our earth

We have only one earth.But now,the environment becomes worse and worse. As you know,there's no enough clean water for people.Also we have polluted the land,the river and the air.There are few fish in the river.We see only the tall buildings and breathe the dirty air.We can hardly see plants in cities. It's time that we had to do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them.We can save water and ask our parents to do so.We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.

If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow. 1.How is the environment now according to the passage?

A.We can see plants here and there.

B.There's enough clean water for people. C.It becomes better and better. D.It becomes worse and worse.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A.利用 B.创造 C.生产 D.污染

3.Can we see plants here and there in cities according to the passage? A.No,we don't. B.Yes,we can. C.Yes,we do. D.No,we can't.

4.What can we do to protect our environment according to the passage? A.We can plant trees and save water.

B.We should collect litter for recycling. C.We should cut many trees to build houses. D.Both A and B.

5.What is the best title for the passage? A.Polluted water. B.Only one earth. C.Planting trees. D.Our environment. 1.D

细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 But now,the environment becomes worse and worse.可知现在的环境变得越来越糟糕,故选 D 项。 2.D

词义猜测题。根据第二段可知现在的河里很少有鱼了,我们呼吸的空气脏了,城市里几乎看不到植物,故可猜测画线单词具有“污染”之意,故选 D 项。 3.D

推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句 We can hardly see plants in cities.“在城市里我们几乎看不到植物”,可推知城市中不可能到处都可以看到植物,故选 D 项。 4.D

推理判断题。根据第四段可知为了保护环境我们要种树、要节约用水、要将垃圾回收利用,故选 D 项。 5.B

主旨大意题。通读全文可知这篇文章讲的是我们赖以生存的地球所面临的问题和我们为保护地球需要做的事情,故选 B;而 A 项是“污染的水”;C 项是“种树”;D 项是“我们的环境”,均不够全面,故排除。


体裁:说明文 话题:旅游


Welcome to my country.There are many things to see.My name is Linda.I'm twelve.I live in Sydney.Sydney is a beautiful city.There are Sydney Tower and Sydney Opera House.Every year many people come to visit the city.They take photos and show them to their friends.The capital city is Canberra.It is a beautiful city,too. In my country,you can see all kinds of famous animals,for example kangaroos,koalas and platypus.There are many beautiful seas and beaches.You can play and swim there.You can enjoy the sunshine.I often go to the beach by car and play with my family there.I go to school by bus. Do you know which country I live in? 1.Linda is from _______.

A.China B.Australia C.the U.K. D.Canada 2.You can't see _______ in Linda's country. A.Sydney Tower B.beaches

C.Sydney Opera House D.the Great Wall

3.Linda goes to the beach _______. A.by car B.by bus C.by bike D.on foot

4._______ is the famous animal in the country. A.The panda B.The dog

C.The kangaroo D.The bear

5.What's the best title for the passage? A.The famous animals. B.My beautiful country. C.Welcome to the beach.

D.The beautiful city — Sydney. 1.B

推理判断题。由第一段中的 I live in Sydney.可知,Linda 住在悉尼,由此推测她来自澳大利亚。故选 B 项。误解分析:本题易误选 C 项和 D 项。由于对地理知识不熟,而不知道 Sydney“悉尼”位于哪个国家。此题可结合文中出现的 famous animals 和 kangaroo 得出答案。 2.D

细节理解题。the Great Wall“长城”是中国的名胜古迹,故在澳大利亚看不见。A 和 C 项在第一段提到;B 项在第二段提到。故选 D 项。 3.A

细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句可知,我们通常是开车去沙滩。故选 A 项。 4.C

细节理解题。由二段第二句可知,在澳大利亚你能看到:kangaroos,koalas and platypus。故选 C 项。


主旨大意题。作者主要介绍了自己所居住的国家、城市以及这个国家著名的景点、动物等。一切都属于国家所有,故 B 项最能概括大意;A,C 和 D 项都是其中的一个方面,故不能作为题目。 100157

体裁:议论文 话题:社会

关键词:harmonious society

I think it is every citizen's duty to build a \.To achieve this goal,we have to work harder.

As high school students,what should we do?

First of all,we should love our motherland.Let's take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take all active part in our school activities. Secondly,let's fill the world with love.We should show our respect for old people,our parents and our teachers.We should also care for each other and help those in need.More importantly,all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life. Finally,let's work together to save energy and protect our natural environment,including animals,trees,flowers and grass.

_______,I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above. 1.Why do we have to work harder according to the passage? A.Because we want to build a \. B.Because we want to study English well. C.Because our parents love us.

D.Because we want to find a good job. 2.What should we be interested in?

A.The movies that our classmates want to see. B.The clothes that the students wear. C.The development of our hometowns. D.The books that our parents like.

3.What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A.照射 B.装满 C.制造 D.侵蚀

4.Who should we help according to Paragraph 4? A.The US and Japan.

B.The trees and flowers.

C.The animals that are dangerous. D.The people who need help.

5.从 A — D 四个选项中选出一个填在文中横线处,使短文意思通顺完整。 A.To be honest B.As for myself C.As a result

D.Generally speaking 1.A

推理判断题。根据第一段的 I think it is every citizen's duty to build a \society\.“我认为建设和谐社会是每个公民的责任”和 To achieve this goal,we have to

work harder.“为了实现这个目标,我们不得不更加努力地学习”可推知努力学习是为了实现建设“和谐社会”的目标,故选 A 项。 2.C

细节理解题。根据第三段第二句 Let's take a great interest in the development of our hometowns... 可知让我们关注家乡的发展,故选 C 项。 3.B

词义猜测题。根据第四段可知讲解的是人与人之间的关系。故可猜测画线单词具有“装满,载满”之意,故选 B 项。 4.D

细节理解题。根据第四段第三句中的 ...and help those in need.可知应该是帮助那些需要帮助的人,故选 D 项。 5.B

推理判断题。通读全文可知前几段讲的是人与社会、人与人、人与自然的关系,而又根据最后一段中的 I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above.“我会更加努力地学习,尽我最大的努力做好上面的”可推知此句应该是“就我自己而言”,故选 B 项。

Unit 25 100158

体裁:应用文 话题:计划与愿望

关键词:part-time job Dear Mr.Brown,

My name is Mary Lee.I'm eighteen years old.I'm studying in a college.I want to know if I can find a part-time job in your newspaper office during my summer vacation.

I'm very interested in computer,music and reading.I can sing well and I love writing stories.And one more important thing is that I can get on very well with people around me.

I enjoy talking with others.I'm not afraid of any hard work.If I can work in your newspaper office as a part-time reporter,I will be really thankful.Thank you. Yours, Mary Lee

1.Who is the letter from? A.Mary Lee. B.Mr.Brown.

C.Mr.Brown's sister. D.Mary Lee's brother. 2.What does Mary Lee do? A.A nurse. B.A doctor. C.A waiter. D.A student.

3.What isn't Mary Lee interested in according to the passage? A.Dancing.

B.Computer. C.Music. D.Reading.

4.How can Mary Lee get on with people around her? A.She doesn't like them.

B.She can get on very badly with them. C.She can get on very well with them. D.She can't stand them. 5.What does Mary Lee want to be in the newspaper office during her summer vacation? A.A part-time reporter. B.A part-time cleaner. C.A part-time writer. D.A part-time waiter. 1.A

细节理解题。根据英语书信的书写格式:顶格的第一行写收信人的称呼,结尾写写信人的名字。此信落款人是 Mary Lee,也就是说写信人是 Mary Lee,故选 A 项。 2.D

推理判断题。根据正文的第一段第三句 I'm studying in a college.“我在一所大学学习”,可推知她是个学生。故选 D 项。 3.A

细节理解题。根据正文的第二段第一句 I'm very interested in computer,music and reading.可知 Mary Lee 对电脑、音乐和读书感兴趣,而没有提到跳舞,故选 A 项。 4.C

细节理解题。根据正文的第二段最后一句中的 ...I can get on very well with people around me.可知 Mary 能够和周围的人们相处得很好,故选 C 项。 5.A

推理判断题。根据最后一段中的第三句 If can work in your newspaper office as a part-time reporter,I will be really thankful.“如果我能够在贵报社担任兼职记者,我将会感激不尽”,可推知 Mary 想在该报社谋一份兼职记者的差事,故选 A 项。 100159

体裁:说明文 话题:家人 关键词:family

Everyone has a family.I have a big and happy family.My name is Lucy.I am 14 years old.I have a sister and a brother.My grandparents live with us.We live in New York now.We speak English.

My sister is 12 years old.We study at the same middle school,so every morning we go to school together by bike.We like learning English and math.We go home at 4:00.We often do chores together.My brother is a clerk.He lives in his shop.He comes home by car.He is happy every day.

My father is very busy every day.He is a doctor.We drive to the restaurant to have lunch on Sundays,and sometimes we go to the park near our house to fly kites. My mother is a teacher.She works in Beijing now.My mother can speak Chinese well.My grandparents wear glasses.They like walking in the evening.

1.How old is Lucy's sister? A.Fourteen. B.Four. C.Twelve. D.Ten.

2.What does Lucy's father do? A.A doctor. B.A clerk. C.A teacher. D.A student.

3.How do Lucy and her sister go to school? A.By bus. B.By car. C.On foot. D.By bike.

4._______ can speak Chinese and English. A.Lucy

B.Lucy's mother C.Lucy's father

D.Lucy's grandparents

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.There are eight people in my family. B.My brother works in a hospital. C.We can fly kites in the park.

D.My grandparents live in Beijing now. 1.C

细节理解题。由第二段首句可知,Lucy 的妹妹是十二岁。故选 C 项。 2.A

细节理解题。由第三段第二句 He is a doctor.可知,Lucy 的爸爸是一名医生。 3.D

细节理解题。由第二段中的 ...we go to school together by bike.可知,Lucy 和妹妹是骑自行车去上学。 4.B

细节理解题。由第一段最后一句可知:我们说英语。由最后一段可知:妈妈也会说汉语,由此可知妈妈应该是会说两种语言。故选 B 项。 5.C

推理判断题。由第三段最后一句可知,我们有时去离家较近的公园放风筝。故 C 项正确。由文章可知 Lucy 家有:祖父母和父母、还有三个孩子,一共应该是七个人,故 A 项错误;由第二段倒数第四句可知,哥哥是名职员而不是在医院工作,故 B 项错误;由第一段可知,我们住在纽约,祖父母和我们住在一块。故 D 项错误。 能力提升篇 100160

体裁:记叙文 话题:节假日活动

关键词:National Day On October 1st,I did not go out.Since it was National Day,the 61st anniversary of my motherland,like many people,my parents and I just sat in the sofa and watched TV.

We didn't want to miss the great program.We were all excited when we saw such a beautiful and magnificent scene.There were so many people gathering together to celebrate the 61st anniversary.From their smile,I could feel their happiness,their pride and their confidence.I felt proud when I saw there were many advanced weapons to secure our country. We,Chinese,are never aggressive.We love peace.We know how to keep peace because the Chinese is the victim of war.When I saw 61 flower buses passing through Tian'anmen Square,I was so excited.I believe our country will have a better future. 1.Why didn't the writer go out on October 1st? A.Because he didn't like going out. B.Because he was ill.

C.Because he wanted to watch TV about National Day. D.Because,his parents weren't at home. 2.What did the writer think of the program? A.He thought it was interesting. B.He thought it was boring. C.He thought it was relaxing. D.He thought it was exciting.

3.What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A.采访 B.欢迎 C.旅游 D.庆祝 4.How were the people on that day? A.They were gentle and tired. B.They were happy and proud. C.They were friendly and cute. D.They were lovely and excited.

5.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.The Chinese are never aggressive.

B.There were 51 flower buses on October 1st. C.The Chinese love peace.

D.There are many advanced weapons in China. 1.C

推理判断题。根据第一段可推知 10 月 1 日是中国的国庆节,在这一天作者和很多中国人一样都待在家里看电视,故选 C 项。 2.D

推理判断题。根据第二段第二句 we were all excited when we saw such a beautiful and magnificent scene.“当我们看到那么漂亮宏伟的场景时我们都很激动”,可推知国庆节目令人激动,故选 D 项。 3.D

词义猜测题。联系上下文可猜测此句的意思是:好多人都聚在一起庆祝祖国 61 华诞,故猜测此词具有“庆祝”之意,故选 D 项。


细节理解题。根据第二段第四句 From their smile,I could feel their happiness,their pride and their confidence.可知人们很高兴,很骄傲,也很自信,故选 B 项。 5.B

细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句 When I saw 61 flower buses passing through Tian'anmen Square,I was so excited.“当我看到 61 辆花车从天安门广场前驶过时,我非常激动”,可知是 61 辆花车,而不是 51 辆,故选 B 项。 100161

体裁:记叙文 话题:语言与文化 关键词:church

Jack and Mike are on holiday in France.Mike loves visiting old buildings.Jack likes,too.

In the village Jack and Mike see a beautiful old church,but when they come into the church,some people are there.They don't know what the people are doing. \,and act like the others!\.Because they don't really know French,so they stand,kneel and sit to follow other people.

At that time,the priest says something.And the man who sits next to Jack end Mike stands up.

\,too! \.

So,Jack and Mike stand up with the man.Suddenly,all the people laugh! After that,Jack and Mike walk to the priest.\English.

With a smile on his face the priest says,\,there is a new baby born,we ask the father to stand up.\

Mike shakes his head.He smiles and says,\before we act like them!\

1.Why are Jack and Mike in the church? A.They want to see the priest. B.There are many friends.

C.The church is an old building. D.They want to see the baby.

2.Mike and Jack can speak _______. A.French B.English

C.English and French D.Chinese

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.大喊 B.发怒 C.低声说 D.命令

4.The man stands up because _______. A.he is the baby's father

B.all the people laugh C.Jack and Mike stand up D.he knows English

5.The passage wants to tell us _______. A.holiday makes people relaxing B.French is very important C.the priest is very kind

D.not to act like others without asking why 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段可知,Mike 和 Jack 两个人喜欢古老的建筑,由第二段首句可知:在山村,有一个古老的教堂。由此可以判定,这是他们来教堂的原因。故选 C 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由第三段第二句可知:他们不懂法语(由首段可知,他们是在法国度假)。由 Jack asks in English.可知,他们会说英语。由此可推测选 B 项。 3.C

词义猜测题。由第三段可知,他们两个不懂法语,所以他们是在跟着别人做动作。由此情景可以推测,他们应该是在小声商量。 4.A

细节理解题。由倒数第二段牧师的解释可知:有一个小孩出生了,按传统,他们是在叫孩子的父亲站起来。故选 A 项。由倒数第四段可知,在不知为什么的原因下,他们两个人跟随孩子的父亲站了起来,由此判定 C 项错误;因为他们的错误,人们大笑,而不是孩子父亲站起来的原因,故 B 项错误。 5.D

主旨大意题。通过文章最后 Mike 的反思可知:我们不能盲目地追随别人,否则会闹笑话。与此相符的是 D 项。 素质拓展篇 100162

体裁:记叙文 话题:计划与愿望 关键词:ideal

One day,my father saw me cooking,so he said I would be a cook in the future,but I said,\is not my ideal.When I grow up I want to work in the IT(information technology) industries.\

Yes,my father bought me a computer five years ago.I like it very much.I want to succeed in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer.

But my father said I could only work in the field of testing the game.That is,when there is a new game,I always first play with it,and then report there is something wrong with the game.I think what he said is right.I always play games recently,but I hardly use those which do not have a veteran like flash.

In recent days,I think of a bad idea:I want to hack the network server of the game that I am playing.However,I am afraid to be caught by the police and that needs high computer skills.

To be a member of the IT industry is my ideal.I would like to improve my computer

skills to make my dream come true.

1.What does the writer want to be in the future? A.He wants to be a cook. B.He wants to be a teacher. C.He wants to be a waiter.

D.He wants to be a member of the IT industry.

2.When did his father buy a computer for the writer? A.4 years ago. B.5 years ago. C.3 years ago.

D.The day before yesterday.

3.Does working in the field of testing the game mean reporting the fault in the game?

A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't. C.No,it doesn't. D.Yes,it does.

4.What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A.通常 B.经常 C.有时 D.几乎不

5.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.The Internet has good rules.

B.A hacker must have high computer skills.

C.The writer is a great member of the IT industry. D.The writer has a computer. 1.D

推理判断题。根据第一段中的 When I grow up I want to work in the IT(information technology) industries.“我长大想从事 IT(信息技术)行业,可推知作者想从事信息技术行业,故选 D 项。 2.B

细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的 Yes,my father bought me a computer five years ago.可知父亲 5 年前给他买了一台电脑,故选 B 项。 3.D

推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句 But my father said I could only work in the field of testing the game.That is,when there is a new game,I always first play with it.and then report there is something wrong with the game.“可是爸爸说我只能在游戏测试员领域做,就是有新游戏出来,总是先让我玩玩,然后报告游戏中有什么错误。”可推知“游戏测试员”就是报告新游戏有什么错误的人,可选 D 项。 4.D

词义猜测题。根据第三段可知父亲说的是对的,新游戏一出现,那些老的像 flash 的“几乎不”用了,故选 D 项。 5.C

推理判断题。通读全文可知作者是想将来从事信息技术行业,而现在并没有干那行,故选 C 项。 100163

体裁:议论文 话题:个人感情 关键词:smiling

① Someone often says it is still a day whether you are happy or not.So why not smile every day? It is really important.

First,smiling is like ② sunshine because it can ③ make people feel happy and warm.If you aren't happy,you can smile,and then you will feel happy.Someone may say,\I don't feel happy.\I would say,\smile when you are sad.you will really be happy again.\

Second,you don't like crying,right? You must like smiling better,because you know smiling will let people forget everything unhappy.Every day,we see teachers or students and say.\/Hello! How are you?\,you are smiling,right? Third,smiling can let you have more friends.With a smile,people will know you're a kind person.④ They will talk with you,so you will have more and more friends. So I say smiling is important. 阅读短文内容回答下列问题。 1.将 ① 处画线句子译成汉语: 2.② 处画线单词的意思是:

3.Which do people like better,crying or smiling? 4.在短文中找出与 ③ 处画线单词 make 意思相近的单词: 5.文中 ④ 处画线单词 They 指代: 1.有人经常说快乐与否都是一天。

句义理解题。根据下文 So why not smile every day?“那为什么不每天都微笑呢?”可猜测 whether 意为“是否”,故答案为:有人经常说快乐与否都是一天。 2.阳光

词义猜测题。根据 like “像”可知画线单词为名词且是不可数名词,又根据下文中的 because it can make people feel happy and warm“因为它能使人们感到快乐和温暖”可猜测画线单词此处应具有“阳光”之意,故答案为“阳光”。 3.Smiling.

细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的 You must like smiling better...“你一定更喜欢微笑??”可知答案为 smiling。 4.Let

推理判断题。通读第三段和第四段可知与 make 意思相近的单词为 let,意为“使;让”。 5.People 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段 With a smile,people will know you're a kind person.“面带微笑,人们就会知道你是个和蔼的人”可猜测此词指代 people。 Unit 26 100164

体裁:应用文 话题:周围的环境 关键词:route Dear Linda,

Welcome to our school for a visit.I am very glad to tell you how to get to our

school.Here is the route.When you walk out of the station,please turn left,walk on and pass a crossing.You should walk on till the first traffic lights and turn right.Then you will find a park on your left.Walk along the street and pass the park.Then you will see a bank.Across from the bank is a narrow lane.Just go into the lane and walk about 100 meters,and you are sure to get to our school gate,at which the board reads No.1 Middle School in both Chinese and English. Yours, Li Ming

1.What does Li Ming do? A.He is a doctor. B.He is a student. C.He is a bank clerk. D.He is a guide.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A.助理 B.导航 C.路线 D.协议

3.Are there traffic lights on the way to school? A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't. C.Yes,there are. D.No,there aren't. 4.Where is the bank?

A.Across from a narrow lane. B.In front of a narrow lane C.Near a school.

D.Between a school and a bank. 5.What is the name of the school? A.Yuying Middle School. B.No.11 Middle School. C.No.1 Middle School. D.Yucai Middle School. 1.B

推理判断题。根据正文第一句 Welcome to our school for a visit.可推知作者是个学生,故选 B 项。 2.C

词义猜测题。根据整篇文章可知是李明在向琳达介绍去他学校的路线,故猜测画线单词具有“路径,路线”之意,故选 C 项。 3.C

细节理解题。根据正文第五句 You should walk on till the first traffic lights and turn right.“一直走,直到第一个红绿灯处向右拐”,可知在去学校的路上有红绿灯,故选 C 项。 4.A

细节理解题。根据正文的倒数第二句 Across from the bank is a narrow lane.可知银行对面是一条小巷,故选 A 项。 5.C

推理判断题。根据正文最后一句 ...you are sure to get to our school gate,at which the board reads No.1 Middle School in both Chinese and English.“??你一定会到达我们学校的大门前,大门上有个牌子,用英汉两种语言写着:第一中学”,故选 C 项。 能力提升篇 100165

体裁:记叙文 话题:娱乐活动


It's hot today.Mr.Smith wants to go to the beach with his family,so they can swim in the sea.

Mr.Smith is cleaning the car.His wife is putting something into the car.Their sons,Dave and Dick,are ready for it,too.Dave and Dick love the beach.They also love the drive to the beach.The drive to the beach takes an hour.They love to look outside the window.They love to stick their heads and arms out the window and feel the breeze.

\,boys,\Dad says,\go to the beach.\boys run out of the house.They run straight to the front door of the car.They both prefer the front seat and want to be in the front seat. Dave gets there,first,and Dick gets there second.Dave gets into the front seat and shuts the door.\.\.Their parents laugh behind them.

1.What do they want to do? A.Swim in the sea.

B.Have a travel in the car. C.Have a running race. D.Visit their friends.

2.The children love to ________ during the drive to the beach. A.clean the car

B.talk with their parents

C.feel the breeze outside the car window D.laugh in the car

3.Why do the two boys run to the car? A.They want to get there early. B.Their parents call them.

C.They want to get the front seat. D.They want to get the back seat. 4.Which of the following is TRUE? A.It's cool and windy today. B.The sea is near their house.

C.Mr.Smith is angry with their son. D.Dick sits in the back seat now. 5.What's the best title? A.My family.

B.Let's go to the beach.

C.A long travel. D.I'm first. 1.A

细节理解题。由第一段可知,他们想要开车去海边游泳,由此可知选 A 项。 2.C

细节理解题。由第二段最后两句可知:他们喜欢看车外,他们喜欢把头和胳膊伸出窗外,感受窗外的微风,与此相符的是 C 项。 3.C

细节理解题。由第三段最后一句 ...want to be in the front seat.可知,这两个男孩子是为了抢到前排的座位。故选 C 项。 4.D

推理判断题。由最后一段可知,Dave 第一个到达,并对 Dick 说:你坐后排吧! 由此可知选 D 项。由第一段 It's hot today.可知今天很热,故 A 项错误;由第二段 The drive to the beach takes an hour.可知,去海滩要花费一个小时,由此判断他们距离海滩很远,故 B 项错误;由文章最后一句中的 laugh“大笑”可知,Smith 先生没有生气,故 C 项错误。 5.B

主旨大意题。文章是围绕着去海滩这件事而展开,引出了生活中的一个小插曲,所以中心还是去海滩。故选 B 项。误解分析:本题易误选 D 项。学生易受最后一段中“Dave gets them first.”影响,把重点放到两个孩子跑步抢座位的结果上,而忽视贯穿始终的去沙滩这一事件。 100166

体裁:说明文 话题:庆祝活动

关键词:Japanese,birthday Birthday is important for everyone.Different countries have different customs.If you are in Japan,you need to know how to wish people a happy birthday. ◆You should be polite.

Japanese are polite at all times.When you talk with people,it's best to use the polite Japanese words.If you want to greet someone who is older than you,you may say something to show more respect. ◆Go to a party.

If they invite you to the party,you should feel very happy because they don't often invite too many people.The family usually go out for a big dinner to celebrate the day.People also sing the \.They also blow out candles on a cake. ◆Gift giving Gift giving is not an old Japanese custom.They learn it from the West.It's polite to give gifts with both hands,and also to receive presents with both hands.The receiver doesn't usually open the gift in front of you. 1.You should always _______ when you are in Japan. A.be happy

B.use the polite Japanese words C.give gifts to friends

D.go out for a dinner

2.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.宣传 B.宽容 C.庆祝 D.忘记

3.The passage may be for _______. A.Japanese people B.Chinese people C.visitors in Japan D.visitors in China

4.At a Japanese birthday party,which custom is different from the West? A.Singing the \. B.Singing the \. C.Blowing out candles on a cake. D.Giving presents.

5.From the passage,we can learn _______. A.Japanese history

B.Chinese birthday customs C.how to say \ D.Japanese birthday customs 1.B

细节理解题。由第二段首句 Japanese are polite at all times.可知,在日本,任何时候都要注意讲礼貌和礼仪。故选 B 项。 2.C

词义猜测题。由第三段最后一句可知,在聚会上,人们会唱生日快乐歌。由此可推测前句:人们是为了庆祝生日这一天。故选 C 项。 3.C

推理判断题。由文章第一段提出“如果你在日本”可以推断,本文是供去日本的游客或其他人员来了解日本生日习俗的。故选 C 项。误解分析:本题易误选 A 项。忽视背景提示:如果是日本人,就不需要看这篇提示日本生日礼仪的文章。 4.A

细节理解题。由第三段 ...song in Japanese at the party.可知,他们用日文唱生日歌,而西方用英文唱生日歌,这应该是与西方不同的。而第三段最后一句和第四段的第二句告诉我们:在日本,也吹蜡烛,送礼物。这与两方相同。故选 A 项。 5.D

主旨大意题。通过本文,我们了解到的是日本人过生日的一些风俗和习惯。故选 D 项。 Unit 27 100167

体裁:说明文 话题:节日与假日 关键词:Pancake Day

There is an important day in England,Pancake Day.On that day it is traditional to eat pancakes,toss pancakes and take part in pancake races.

Pancake Day is usually between February 2nd and March 9th,41 days before Easter.It started hundreds of years ago.On that day,people must eat up all their food:milk,butter and eggs,because they can't eat them next day.So women often make pancakes with all these things in a frying pan.An English pancake is a thin,flat cake. What are pancake races? Women throw and catch the pancakes when they are running.The most famous pancake race was at Olney in 1445.For most people today,it's not a serious festival,and people just enjoy eating lots of pancakes and having fun.Some other countries like France and Australia also have this interesting festival.

1.When is Pancake Day? A.It's on February 2nd. B.It's on March 9th.

C.It's between February 2nd and March 9th. D.It's forty days before Easter.

2.Who often make pancakes with all the things? A.Men. B.Women. C.Children.D.Teachers. 3.What do the women do in Pancake Races? A.Throwing and catching the pancakes. B.Throwing milk. C.Eating eggs.

D.Eating the pancakes.

4.What do people think of the Pancake Day now? A.It's a serious festival. B.It's boring.

C.It's not as interesting as Easter. D.It's an interesting festival. 5._______ doesn't have Pancake Day. A.China B.England C.France D.Australia 1.C

细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,薄饼日是在 2 月 2 日和 3 月 9 日之间,也就是在复活节前 41 天。故选 C 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由第二段第四句 So women often make pancakes with... 可知是 women“妇女”烙饼。故选 B 项。 3.A

细节理解题。由第三段第二句可知,在跑步比赛中,妇女们边扔边接饼。故选 A 项。 4.D

细节理解题。由第三段可知,“薄饼日”不再是一个严肃的日子,但人们觉得它是一个非常有趣的节日。故选 D 项。 5.A

推理判断题。由开头第一句和最后一段最后一句可知:England,France,和 Australia

都有此节日。故选 A 项。 100168

体裁:记叙文 话题:环境保护


There is a river in front of my village.Many years ago,it was so clear that we could see the fish in the water.People often got big fish from it.We got water for us and the animals.There were many trees and flowers near the river.It was so nice.We often swam in the river in summer.We went skating on the river in winter.We loved the river.

Today things are different.We can't see the green trees and beautiful flowers.People built two big factories.They pour the waste water into the river.The river is very dirty and terrible now.The air is not clean.There is no fish in the river because of the dirty water.And we can't swim there.

How can we have a clear and nice river again? I think we should do something to stop the pollution because it is bad for our health.

1.People could get _______ from the river many years ago. A.flowers B.trees C.fish D.air 2.What did the children do in winter? A.They swam in the river.

B.They went skating on the river.

C.They played with animals in the river. D.They danced on the river.

3.We can see _______ near the river now. A.two factories B.beautiful flowers C.green trees D.a park

4.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.吸取 B.治理 C.阻止 D.排放

5.From the passage,we can know _______. A.the factory makes the river clean again B.people get water from the river now

C.there is terrible pollution in the river D.people don't find the pollution 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段第三句 People often got big fish from it.可知,人们可以从河里获取鲜鱼。故选 C 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句可知,冬天孩子们可以在河面上滑冰。故选 B 项。 3.A

细节理解题。由第二段第二、三可知,河两边不再有绿树、鲜花,而是两个工厂。故选 A 项。 4.D

词义猜测题。由第后面介绍的河水的变化可知,是由于工厂污水的影响,由此推测是工厂排出了污水。故选 C 项。 5.C

推理判断题。由最后一段作者提出:我们应该采取措施阻止污染可知,作者已经意识到了小河污染的严重问题。由此可排除 D 项,选择 C 项。误解分析:本题易误选 B 项。只注意到了选项细节,而忽视了选项中的时间状语 now,因此做题时要对文章前后细节区分清楚。 能力提升篇 100169

体裁:议论文 话题:健康 关键词:health

What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money,houses,cars,or even our clothes and we can live.But if our health is taken away,we will surely die.That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily,I usually don't eat food with high fat,like French fries or cookies.I also eat little meat.I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Regular exercise is an important way to keep me healthy. What's more,I think friends are an important part of one's health.I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone.When I am with my friends,I always laugh.Laughing is also an important part of health.I like to laugh with my friends. 1.What is the most important thing for the writer in the world? A.Friends. B.Health. C.Love. D.Money.

2.Why do we eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly? A.Because we can't live without health. B.Because we want to be heavy. C.Because we want to live long. D.Because we can make more money.

3.What doesn't the writer eat to keep healthy? A.Many vegetables.

B.Fresh fruit with vitamins. C.Little meat. D.Fried food.

4.Is regular exercise important to keep healthy? A.It's important. B.I don't know. C.Yes,it is. D.No,it isn't.

5.What does the writer think of friends? A.He can't stand them.

B.He doesn't love them. C.He likes them.

D.He doesn't understand them. 1.B

细节理解题。根据第一段可知作者认为健康是世界上最重要的,故选 B 项。 2.A

推理判断题。根据第二段第一、二句可知一个人如果没有钱、房子、车,或者甚至衣服都可以活,但是如果没有健康,就会死,故选 A 项。 3.D

细节理解题。根据第三段可知作者为了保持健康吃蔬菜、富含维生素的水果、少量的肉,但是不吃炸薯条或曲奇饼,故选 D 项。 4.C

细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知有规律地锻炼是作者保持健康的很重要的一部分,故选 C 项。 5.C

推理判断题。根据最后一段可知作者和朋友在一起的时候要比一个人的时候感觉更好,和朋友在一起的时候总是笑,笑也是健康很重要的一部分,所以推知作者喜欢朋友,故选 C 项。


体裁:记叙文 话题:学校生活 关键词:teachers

Miss Li is my Chinese teacher.She is about thirty years old.She is very pretty and young.Her hair is brown and curly.

Miss Li always wears a blue coat.I think her favorite color is blue. Miss Li is very friendly.Her classes are very interesting,and we all like having Chinese class. She always smiles when she speaks to us.Sometimes she is very strict with us.When we make mistakes,she often makes us stand up.

Miss Li often sticks to having classes when she is ill;she looks weak,but still beautiful.

Miss Li loves us very much.She teaches us very carefully.I think she is a good teacher.We all love her,too.

I think teachers are like candles,giving off light for others by burning themselves.

1.What does Miss Li look like? A.She is tall and old.

B.She has brown and curly hair. C.She has two big eyes. D.She is of medium height.

2.What color does Miss Li like best? A.Red. B.White. C.Blue.


3.What do the students think of Miss Li's classes? A.They don't mind them. B.They can't stand them. C.They don't like them. D.They all like them.

4.What does Miss Li often do when the students make mistakes? A.She doesn't have class.

B.She often makes them stand up. C.She often smiles. D.She is very angry.

5.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.Miss Li is hard-working.

B.Miss Li teaches very carefully. C.Miss Li is very friendly. D.Teachers are like trees. 1.B

细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 Her hair is brown and curly.可知她的头发是卷的且是棕色的,故选 B 项。 2.C

推理判断题。根据第二段可知李老师总是穿蓝色的外套,可推断她最喜欢的颜色应该是蓝色,故选 C 项。 3.D

推理判断题。根据第三段第二句 Her classes are very interesting,and we all like having Chinese class.“她的课很有趣,我们都非常喜欢上语文课”。可推知学生们都非常喜欢李老师的课,故选 D 项。 4.B

细节理解题。根据第四段第三句 When we make mistakes,she often makes us stand up.可知当同学们犯了错误的时候,她经常让他们站起来,故选 B 项。 5.D

推理判断题。根据最后一段可知老师就像蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人,而不是像树。故选 D 项。 素质拓展篇 100171

体裁:记叙文 话题:旅游与交通 关键词:Ji'nan

Mr.Brown came to Shandong for a visit last month.He is in America now. It was the second time for Mr.Brown to visit ji'nan.During his stay in Shandong,he visited several schools.And Mr.Brown visited some other places.First,he took a train to Tai'an to climb Mount Tai.Then he went to Qufu by bus to visit the Temple of Confucius.After that,he went back to Ji'nan by bus.Then he flew to Qingdao for a visit.There he stayed for some days and gave a talk on American English.At last he took a plane back to America from Qingdao.

He thought the trip in Shandong was very interesting. 1.Where is the Temple of Confucius? A.In Canada. B.In China. C.In Japan. D.In America.

2.How many times has Mr.Brown been to Ji'nan? A.Four. B.Three. C.Twice.D.Once.

3.How did Mr.Brown get to the Temple of Confucius? A.By bike. B.By train. C.By plane. D.By bus.

4.What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A.作报告 B.乘飞机 C.听音乐 D.网上冲浪 5.How long did Mr.Brown stay in Qingdao? A.Seven days. B.Five weeks. C.Some hours. D.Some days. 1.B

推理判断题。根据地理知识我们知道孔庙是中国三大古建筑群之一,位于山东省曲阜市南门内,故推断孔庙是中国的,故选 B 项。 2.C

推理判断题。根据第二段第一句 It was the second time for Mr.Brown to visit Ji'nan.“这是布朗先生第二次来济南参观”,可推知他一共来过济南两次,故选 C 项。 3.D

细节理解题。根据第二段第五句 Then he went to Qufu by bus to visit the Temple of Confucius“.然后他乘坐公共汽车去曲阜参观孔庙”。可知布朗先生是乘坐公共汽车到的孔庙,故选 D 项。 4.B

词义猜测题。根据上下文可猜测画线单词此处具有乘坐某种交通工具之意,故选 B 项。 5.D

细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的倒数第二句 There he stayed for some days and gave a talk on American English.“在那儿他待了几天,并作了一个关于美语的报告”,可知他在青岛待了几天,故选 D 项。 100172

体裁:说明文 话题:食物 关键词:egg Eggs are often on our table.Do you often have eggs for your breakfast? (1) _______ 1.Eggs help you lose weight.If you eat eggs for breakfast,they keep you full.You don't want to eat other food.(2) _______

2.The eggs have a lot of protein.It's important for us.We can get amino acids

from the eggs,too.

3.(3) ________ Many food can keep us healthy.We can also get protein from red meat(beef,pork),but they are more expensive than eggs.

4.(4) _______ There is some choline in eggs.It can help us remember something easily.

5.(5) _______ There are two kinds of things for eyes in eggs.They can stop the damage from the sun.They also make the old people stay away from the bad eyes. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,让后从下面的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺。

A:Eggs are very cheap.

B:Eggs make your eyesight better.

C:So you eat less food and become thin. D:Eggs help you have a good memory. E:Eggs are good for our health.

F:Eggs are the only food to keep us healthy. G:You can eat many eggs every day. 1.E

第一段是总括全文,应该是以下各要点的综合:鸡蛋对我们的健康很重要。故选 E 项。 2.C

由首句“鸡蛋帮我们减肥”。再结合前句“你不想再吃其他的食物。”可知,应该与重量和胖瘦有关。故选 C 项。 3.A

由本段后面的 ...but they am more expensive than eggs.“它们比鸡蛋的价格要贵”,可知,应该与价格有关。故选 A 项。 4.D

由 It can help us remember something easily.“它能帮我们更容易的记东西”。可知与记忆力有关。故选 D 项。 5.B

由后面的 eyes“眼睛”提示,应该与视力有关。故选 B 项。 Unit 28


体裁:说明文 话题:语言学习 关键词:dictionary

Do you have a dictionary? I think almost everyone has one.But,how often do you use the dictionary? I don't believe that everyone makes good use of it.You may come across lots of new words in your study and you will ask someone for the answers.But if you have a dictionary,please don't let it sleep.You should make better use of it.It can tell you not only the meaning of the words but also the use of them.What’s more,it can tell you how to use them.

It is true that dictionaries are very useful and important to us.They are like silent teachers.When you have a question,you can turn to them.They will give you the right answer.They are also like a trusted friend and stay with you forever.You can learn a lot from them.

Don't be lazy.Don't let your dictionary sleep any more.You will find it is a new world you walk into it.

1.Does everyone make good use of the dictionary? A.No.they aren't. B.No,they don't. C.Yes,they do. D.I don't know.

2.What does a student often do if he comes across lots of new words in the study? A.He will look them up in the dictionary. B.He will ask his parents.

C.He will ask someone for the answers. D.I don't know.

3.What can a dictionary tell you? A.The meaning of the words. B.The use of the words. C.How to use the words. D.A,B and C.

4.What are dictionaries like according to the passage? A.They are like silent teachers and trusted friends. B.They are of medium height. C.They are very cute.

D.They are very beautiful.

5.Which is TRUE according to the passage? A.We should let the dictionary sleep. B.Dictionaries are like our mothers. C.Dictionaries are very useful to us. D.We can see the film in the dictionary. 1.B

推理判断题。根据第一段第四句 I don't believe that everyone makes good use of it.“我认为并不是每个人都很好地使用字典。”可推知不是每个人都很好地使用字典,故选 B 项。 2.C

细节理解题。根据第一段第五句 You may come across lots of new words in your study and you will ask someone for the answers.可知学生在学习中偶然遇到生词,会向别人寻求答案,故选 C 项。 3.D

细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知字典不仅可以告诉我们词的意思,还可以告诉我们它们的用法,更重要的是它还可以告诉我们怎么用它们,故选 D 项。 4.A

细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 They are like silent teachers.和第五句 They are also like a trusted friend and stay with you forever.可知字典既像我们默默无闻的老师,又像我们可信赖的朋友,故选 A 项。 5.C


选 C 项;而 A 项“我们应该让字典睡觉”,B项“字典像我们的母亲”,D 项“我们可以在字典里看电影”均不符合题意,故排除。 能力提升篇 100174

体裁:记叙文 话题:语言与文化 关键词:bathroom

Laura is at the airport.She waits for her flight.Her flight is to Berlin,and it is 4 hours away.Laura walks around the airport and looks at the shops.She has a nice time.

After an hour she wants to go to the bathroom.She looks for it.but she doesn't find it.\.She starts asking other people. Laura says to a man,\me,sir,could you please tell me where the bathroom is?\

The man says,\,right?\ Laura says,\,I mean the bathroom.\

\,the restroom is over there.\.

Laura doesn't understand.She asks a woman.\me,madam,could you please tell me where the bathroom is?\


Laura is confused.\tell me to rest! I don't need a restroom,I need the bathroom!\

After a while Laura gives up.She feels tired.She thinks she needs to rest. She walks to the restroom.Now she is surprised.She realizes the restroom is the name for a public bathroom! 1.Laura will go to _______. A.the airport B.the shop C.a restaurant D.Berlin

2.Laura asks _______ where the bathroom is. A.a boy

B.a man and a woman C.two men D.nobody

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.兴奋的 B.明白的 C.迷惑的 D.发怒的

4.Which of the following is TRUE? A.It needs one hour to Berlin.

B.The man doesn't tell her where the bathroom is. C.Laura finds the bathroom at last.

D.You can't buy things at the airport. 5.The passage tells us _______. A.the culture about language B.the rules at the airport C.the people are not friendly D.the restroom is for rest 1.D

细节理解题。由第一段第三句中的 Her flight is to Berlin... 可知,她是要去柏林。故选 D 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由第三段和第七段可知,她先后询问了一位男士和一位女士。故选 B 项。 3.C

词义猜测题。由后句 Laura 的话:怎么啦? 我想去 bathroom,但是人们告诉我 restroom。可知:她很不理解。由此推测应该是感到“很迷惑”。故选 C 项。 4.C

细节理解题。由最后两段可知,Laura 感到很累,她想去人们说的 restroom 去休息,结果发现原来就是她要找的“洗手间”。由此可知,她找到了,故 C 项正确;也由此判定他询问的男士已经告诉他了,故 B 项错误;由第一段第三句 ...and it is 4 hours away.可知到柏林需要 4 个小时,故 A 项错误。误解分析:本题易误选 D 项。忽视了第一段中“...looks at the shops.”的信息提示,她在逛商店,故应该是能买到东西。 5.A

主旨大意题。本文是介绍了“洗手间”的两种不同说法所带来的误会和疑惑。这是因为语言习惯的原因,属于语言文化。故选 A 项。 100175

体裁:记叙文 话题:个人信息

关键词:Madame Curie

I like Madame Curie best.Madame Curie was a world-famous woman scientist.She was born in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934.

When she was a child,she loved to study and hoped to become a scientist.She finished middle school at the age of 16.At the age of 24,she left for Paris and entered Paris University.She lived a simple life and studied very hard. Madame Curie devoted all her life to the study of science.She won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 and for chemistry in 1911.

It is not easy for a woman to succeed in her work.It is even more difficult for a woman to win the Nobel Prize twice in life.So Madame Curie will always be remembered as a great woman.I learn a lot from her. 1.What was Madame Curie famous as? A.A woman. B.A singer. C.A scientist. D.A teacher.

2.What did Madame Curie do when she was sixteen? A.She left for Paris.

B.She entered Paris University. C.She finished middle school.

D.She won the Nobel Prize for physics. 3.How was Madame Curie's life? A.Hard. B.Boring. C.Simple.


4.When did Madame Curie win the Nobel Prize for chemistry? A.In 1903. B.In 1911. C.In 1901. D.In 1921.

5.Who won the Nobel Prize twice in life? A.Madame Curie. B.Tomas Edison. C.Qian Xuesen. D.We don't know. 1.C

推理判断题。根据第一段第二句 Madame Curie was a world-famous woman scientist.“玛丽·居里是一名世界闻名的女科学家。”可推知玛丽·居里作为科学家而出名,故选 C 项。 2.C

细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 She finished middle school at the age of 16.可知在 16 岁的时候她中学毕业,故选 C 项。 3.C

细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句 She lived a simple life and studied very hard.可知她过着简朴的生活,故选 C 项。 4.B

细节理解题。根据第三段第二句 She won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 and for chemistry in 1911.可知她于 1903 年获得诺贝尔物理奖,1911 年获得诺贝尔化学奖,故选 B 项。 5.A

推理判断题。根据第三段第二句 She won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 and for chemistry in 1911.可知她于 1903 年获得诺贝尔物理奖,1911 年获得诺贝尔化学奖,又根据最后一段第二句 It is even more difficult for a woman to win the Nobel Prize twice in life.\对于一位女性来说,一生获得两次诺贝尔奖就更难了。”可推知玛丽·居里一共获得了两次诺贝尔奖,故选 A 项。 素质拓展篇 100176

体裁:记叙文 话题:故事

关键词:the paper

My name is Li Ming.I have a friend.His name is Mike.Mike is bad at English.Yesterday,We had an English test.He failed again.He didn't want to tell

his mother the low marks.But he didn't know what to do.

On his way home,he thought and thought.Suddenly,it rained.And it rained heavily.So he got a good idea.Why not take the paper as an umbrella? He just put the paper on his head and began to run home.When he got home,the paper was all wet and almost torn into pieces by the rain.When his mother asked about the marks,Mike showed the paper to his mother with an embarrassed smile. 1.What is Mike bad at? A.Math. B.English. C.History. D.Chinese.

2.Who didn't Mike want to tell the low marks? A.His brother. B.His father. C.His mother. D.His sister.

3.What was the weather like that day? A.It was sunny. B.It was rainy. C.It was snowy. D.It was cloudy.

4.Did Mike take the umbrella with him that day according to the passage? A.No,he didn't. B.Yes,he did. C.No,he doesn't. D.We don't know.

5.Which is the best title for the passage? A.A lovely boy. B.A rainy day.

C.Mike's test paper. D.Mike and his mother. 1.B

细节理解。根据第一段第四句 Mike is bad at English.可知迈克不擅长英语,故选 B 项。 2.C

细节理解题。根据第一段第七句 He didn't want to tell his mother the low marks.可知他不想把低分告诉妈妈,故选 C 项。 3.B

推理判断题。根据第二段第二句 Suddenly,it rained.“突然,下起了雨。”可推知那天的天气是雨天,故选 B 项。 4.A

推理判断题。根据第二段第五句 Why not take the paper as an umbrella?“为什么不把试卷当作雨伞呢?”可推知那天迈克没带伞,故选 A 项。 5.C

主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文从头至尾都是围绕迈克的试卷来写的,故选 C 项;而其他选项都只提到了文中的一部分,不够全面,故排除。 100177

体裁:记叙文 话题:旅游

关键词:trip,grow up

Spring is coming.People often go out for a walk.I am a boy.I am fifteen years old.(1) I think I'm old enough to go out without my parents.

I went to a mountain (2) _______ my friends one day.It was a good trip at the beginning.We played happily.But there was something bad On the half way.One of my friends didn't feel well.There was something wrong with his stomach and he couldn't walk.It was so scary.And we didn't know what to do.(3) One girl wanted to call our parents with her mobile phone,but we couldn't use it in the mountain.So we had to do it by ourselves.We took a tent with us.We put it up and let him have a rest in it.Then he drank some hot water,and ate some food. After half an hour,he felt better and we walked again.(4) We all enjoyed ourselves that day.We think we grow up now. 1.将(1)处画线句子翻译成汉语。 2.在(2)处填入合适的介词。 3.将(3)处句子改为一般疑问句。

_______ one girl _______ _______ _______ our parents with her mobile phone? 4.Where did we put our sick friend? 5.写出(4)处句子的同义句。

We ________ _______ _______ _______ that day. 1.我认为我已经长大,足可以不用父母陪伴而外出。 2.with

此处表示“和??”,而且在句子中作状语,故用 with。 3.Did;want to call 此句是一个过去时的句子,变一般疑问句用助动词 did,后面的谓语动词要用动词原形。 4.In the tent

由 ...We put it up and let him have a rest in it.可知,我们支起了帐篷,然后让他在里面休息。

5.had a good time

enjoy oneself 的同义词是 have a good time,意为“玩得开心,玩得高兴”。 Unit 29



话题:科普知识与现代技术 关键词:Internet

Today,I'll talk about going online.We know that there are too many net bars around us.The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable.Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet.We can learn English.We can read some good newspapers and magazines.It can make us clever by playing computer games.We can send e-mails

to our friends quickly.We can chat online with our friends.It can help us get in touch with people from all over the world.But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night.As a result,they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don't study well any more.I think we mustn't go online when it is time for us to study.We can do it in summer or winter holidays.

1.What does the writer talk about? A.Playing computer games. B.Going online. C.Chatting online.

D.Reading newspapers and magazines. 2.Do many people go to the net bars? A.Yes,they do. B.No,they don't.

C.Yes,but only students go to the net bars. D.We don't know.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined phrase \ A.抚摸 B.接触

C.和??在一起 D.和??取得联系 4.What will happen to Jim's lessons if he stays in the net bars all day according to the passage?

A.He will do better in his lessons. B.He will do worse in his lessons. C.He will be unhealthy.

D.He will know nothing about his lessons. 5.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.We can get some knowledge from the Internet.

B.We can send e-mails to our friends on the Internet. C.We can chat with our friends on the Internet.

D.It's good for all the people to play computer games. 1.B

细节理解题。根据第一句 Today,I'll talk about going online.“今天,我将谈论上网”,可知作者想说上网的事情,故选 B 项。 2.A

推理判断题。根据第二句 We know that there are too many net bars around us.“我们知道我们周围有太多的网吧”,可推知许多人去网吧,故选 A 项。 3.D

词义猜测题。根据上下文可猜测画线词组在此处的意思应该是“和??取得联系”,故选 D 项。 4.B

推理判断题。根据倒数第三句 As a result,they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don't study well any more.“结果,他们在学习上越来越差,学习不再好了”,

可推知吉姆的功课会更差,故选 B 项。 5.D

推理判断题。通读全文可知本文提到了能从网上得到一些信息,能发送电子邮件,也能和朋友聊天,而玩游戏并不是对所有人都是好的,故选 D 项。 100179

体裁:应用文 话题:点餐 关键词:cafe

New York's American Girl Cafe is the place for breakfast,lunch,afternoon tea,dinner,and parties.For reservations and seating times,call free 877-247-5223.Now reservations start through February 1st.Here are the prices.

Breakfast is $20 for one person,and there is no gratuity in it.Seating time is about 9:30 a.m.

Lunch is $24 for one person,and there is no gratuity in it.Seating times are about 11:00 a.m.,12:30 p.m.and 2:30 p.m. Afternoon Tea is $20 for one person,and there is no gratuity in it.Seating time is about 4:00 p.m.

Dinner is $26 for one person,and there is no gratuity in it,too.Seating times are about 5:30 p.m.and 7:30 p.m.

There is nice coffee for girls aged 3 and up.It's $37 for one person. 1.Where can you see the price? A.In a restaurant in New York. B.In the American Boy Care. C.In the American Girl Cafe. D.In a hotel.

2.How much is the lunch?

A.$20. B.$24. C.$26.D.$23. 3.When can you have your dinner? A.9:30 a.m. B.7:30 p.m. C.11:00 a.m. D.4:00 p.m.

4.Lily can drink _______ here. A.coffee B.lunch tea C.coke D.juice

5.Mary and her friend come here for breakfast,they may pay _______. A.$20 B.$37 C.$26 D.$40 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段第一句 New York's American Girl Cafe... 可知,应该选 C 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由第二条价格表可以知道,午饭的价格是 $24。故选 B 项。 3.B

细节理解题。由第四条价格表可知,晚饭时间是 5:30 p.m.和7:30 p.m.。故选 B 项。 4.A

细节理解题。由价位表可知由两种喝的东西:Afternoon tea 和 coffee。故选 A 项。 5.D

推理判断题。由第一条可知,早餐的价格是没人 20 美元,两个人应该是 40 美元。故选 D 项。 100180

体裁:记叙文 话题:爱好

关键词:reading My name is Mike.Many boys like basketball,soccer or volleyball.But I like reading best.I read story books,magazines,newspapers and any other material that I find interesting.

This hobby started when I was a little boy.I wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me.Then I learned to read.I started with simple ABC books.Soon I could read easy stories.

Reading makes me learn about so many things.I learned about history,famous sights,space travel,human achievements and other funny things.Reading makes me learn more about health.Also I do not have to go to the jungle to learn about the tiger.I can read all about it in a book.

Books give me so much information.They help me in my daily life.I can do things better.Or I have to learn things in the hard way. So I continue to read.It is indeed a good hobby. 1.What's Mike's hobby? A.Basketball B.Volleyball. C.Reading. D.Traveling.

2.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.器材 B.文字材料 C.事迹 D.作品

3._______ read stories for me before I could read. A.My parents B.My sister C.My brother D.My teachers

4.Reading doesn't make me _______. A.learn many things from books B.keep healthy easily C.play sports better

D.do the daily things better 5.The passage tells us _______.

A.Mike's parents make him read more books B.Mike's hobby is reading C.reading is important

D.Mike is a good boy 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段第三句 But I like reading best.可知,我最喜欢的是读书,结合后文作者介绍读书给自己带来的好处,故选 C 项。 2.B

词义猜测题。由前面的书、杂志、报纸可以推测,此处应该是和前面并列的东西,由此推测是可读的文字材料。故选 B 项。误解分析:本题易误选 D 项。由于没有分析清楚作者想表达的意图:喜欢读东西的痴迷程度,所以容易误选。因此要学会根据作者意图选择。 3.A

细节理解题。题干询问的是在我能自己阅读以前是由谁读书给我听,由第二段第二句可知,是我的父母给我读的。故选 A 项。 4.C

细节理解题。由第三段可知,读书使我了解了很多东西,让我懂得健康,由此排除 A 和 B 项;由第四段可知,读书使我日常生活过得更好,由此排除 D 项。文中没有提及读书使作者更擅长运动一事,故选 C 项。 5.B

主旨大意题。由文章开头提出,我的爱好是读书,接下来是说读书给我的好处。总的是介绍我个人的情况,故选 B 项:Mike 的爱好是读书。 100181

体裁:记叙文 话题:个人情况

关键词:Daniel Radcliffe Of all the film stars,sports stars and singers,I like Daniel Radcliffe best.He is an English actor.He is famous for playing the character in the Harry Potter film series.

Daniel Radcliffe was born on July 23rd,1989.He has blue eyes.He likes music,writing,sports,photography and art.

Daniel Radcliffe is my favorite all the time.First,he is good-looking.He is neither tall nor short.He is neither fat nor thin.Second,he has great acting skills and makes Harry Potter famous all over the world at the age of 11.He is very great.Third,he likes playing soccer like me.I know he plays it very well. It is said that Daniel's new movie will be out soon.I am sure not to miss it! I want to be the first viewer of his new movie. 1.The writer's favorite is a(an) _______. A.singer B.waiter C.teacher D.actor

2.Daniel Radcliffe has _______ eyes. A.green B.yellow C.black D.blue

3.Daniel Radcliffe was _______ when he began to act in the movie Harry Potter. A.seven B.eight C.eleven


4.What does Daniel Radcliffe look like? A.He is very tall. B.He is good-looking. C.He is heavy.

D.He has long hair.

5.What does the underlined word \ A.象征 B.机会 C.技巧 D.尝试 1.D

细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 He is an English actor.“他是个英国演员”,可知丹尼尔·雷德克利夫是个演员,故选 D 项。 2.D

细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 He has blue eyes.“他有着蓝色的眼睛”,可知丹尼尔·雷德克利夫的眼睛是蓝色的,故选 D 项。 3.C

推理判断题。根据第三段第五句中的 ...makes Harry Potter famous all over the world at the age of 11.“??于 11 岁时使电影《哈利·波特》著称于世”,可知丹尼尔·雷德克利夫 11 岁时出演哈利·波特这一角色,故选 C 项。 4.B

细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三、四句 First,he is good-looking.He is neither tall nor short.He is neither fat nor thin.“首先,他长得很好看。他既不高也不矮,既不胖也不瘦”,可知丹尼尔·雷德克利夫长得很好看。故选 B;而 A、C 两项不符合文意,故排除;而 D 项文章中没有提及,故也排除。 5.C

词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句 He is an English actor.“他是个英国演员”,可知丹尼尔·雷德克利夫是个演员;又根据第三段第五句中的 ...makes Harry Potter famous all over the world at the age of 11.“??于 11 岁时使电影《哈利·波特》著称于世”,可猜测丹尼尔·雷德克利夫具有很好的表演技巧,故选 C 项。 素质拓展篇 100182

体裁:记叙文 话题:健康


Now there are more fat boys or girls.They are overweight.It is not good for their health.Other kids may laugh at them too.So parents should ask kids not to eat too much.Here are some tips for their parents.

Don't put too many snacks at home,or they will make kids fatter.Try to drink less juice and soda.Soft drinks with sugar are unhealthy for your child's growing body.Keep snacks small.Don't turn snacks into a meal.Limit them to 100 to 150 calories.Fruit is good.Focus on fruit.Keep a bowl of fruit out for your children to snack on.Offer fruit as a sweet treat.Kid-friendly favorites include frozen juice bars,frozen bananas dipped in chocolate,nuts,strawberries,sliced apples and peanut butter.

Doing more exercise is good for your kids.They can play active indoor games.Do

chores together.Perhaps it's not your child's first choice,but doing household chores is a very good way to get exercise.

1.Being overweight is not _______ for kids' health. A.bad B.good C.useful D.useless

2.If some kids are fat,other kids may _______ them too. A.beat B.laugh at C.play with D.talk with

3.What is good for your kid if he is fat? A.Put too many snacks at home. B.Turn snacks into a meal.

C.Keep a bowl of fruit out for your children to snack on. D.Let him eat too much sugar. 4.According to the passage,we know doing more exercise is _______ for your kids. A.good B.bad C.unhealthy D.important 5.What is the main idea of the passage? A.Tips are given for overweight kids.

B.Tips are given for parents who want to lose weight. C.Kids can't lose weight.

D.Overweight is not bad for kids. 1.B

细节理解题。由第一段前三句 Now there are more fat boys or girls.They are overweight.It is not good for their health.可知对身体没有好处,故选 B 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由第一段第四句 Other kids may laugh at them too.可知其他孩子会嘲笑他们,故选 B 项。 3.C

推断判断题。由第二段中 Don't put too many snacks at home,or they will make kids fatter.Try to drink less juice and soda.Soft drinks with sugar are unhealthy for your child's growing body.Keep snacks small.Don't turn snacks into a meal.Limit them to 100 to 150 calories.Fruit is good.Focus on fruit.Keep a bowl of fruit out for your children to snack on.可知选 C 项。 4.A

细节理解题。由倒数第一段第一句 Doing more exercise is good for your kids.可知选 A 项。 5.A

主旨大意题。孩子们超重会带来不好的影响,因此我们要采取措施让孩子们控制体重,因此作者给出了几条建议。故选 A 项。 Unit 30


体裁:应用文 话题:情感与情绪 关键词:trust

Dear Gramps,

I got an ipod.My parents didn't want me to have it.And my mom saw it.She got mad.And she asked me to give it to my father.I said yes but I didn't.My mother saw it again.Then I got a laptop.My parents didn't want me to have it,too.I felt sorry.My mom said she trusted me 0%.I need my mom's trust.How can I get it back? Matt Matt,

I think the best answer is a direct answer.The best way to get your mother's trust back is by:

1.Asking for her forgiveness.When we say sorry,we must say it with real intent.It's not just the words.We must do it.Or it isn't true. 2.When your mother wants you to do something,even if you don't want to do it.do it.For example:if you have a friend,and he often lies to you with words or actions,your trust in him can also be 0%. Yours, Gramps

1.Matt's mother didn't want him to _______. A.write the letter to Gramps B.give the ipod to his father C.buy the ipod and the laptop D.watch TV

2.Matt wants to _______,so he writes a letter to Gramps. A.get Gramps' trust

B.get his mother's trust C.lie to his mother

D.get the ipod and laptop back

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.责怪

B.宽恕,原谅 C.帮助 D.道歉

4.Gramps thinks _______.

A.Matt only needs to say sorry to his mother B.Matt can ask a friend to help him

C.Matt must get his mother's forgiveness by actions D.Matt must study well.

5.From the passage,we can know _______. A.Matt doesn't trust his mother now B.Matt's parents got an ipod for him C.Matt is a bad boy

D.his mother's trust is important for Matt 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段第二句和倒数第五句可知,妈妈不希望 Matt 买这两样东西。故选 C 项。


细节理解题。由第一段最后两句可知,Matt 希望得到妈妈的信任,并希望得到 Cramps 的帮助。由此排除 A 项,选 B 项。 3.B

词义猜测题。由后句“我们必须对妈妈说抱歉,并要发自内心地说。”由此可推测是想得到妈妈的原谅和宽恕。故选 B 项。 4.C

细节理解题。在 Gramps 给出的两条建议中:首先是要对妈妈说抱歉;再次是做妈妈要求做的事,通过行动去取得妈妈的信任。故选 C 项。最后一段中,是通过朋友的例子让 Matt 理解妈妈不信任他的原因,而不是寻求朋友帮助。故排除 B 项。误解分析:本题易误选 A项。由于只看到文中建议中的“...say sorry”,而没有从整体着眼去理解这只是建议的一部分,所以容易误选。 5.D

推理判断题。第一段最后 Matt 提出:他希望得到妈妈的信任。由此推断 Matt 很在乎妈妈的信任。故选 D 项。 100184

体裁:记叙文 话题:学校生活

关键词:English teacher

My English teacher is Ms Hong.She is very pretty.She has curly hair and big eyes.She gives lessons very patiently.She always has good ideas to make us laugh,and we feel happy in her class.We learn very quickly in this way.Besides,she cares about each student in her class.She knows our likes and dislikes,and then gives us special attention according to our differences.

Ms Hong is very kind to us,too.She never scolds us.When we make mistakes in study,she will point out the mistakes kindly and tell us how to correct them.When we make progress,she feels happy,too.Ms Hong is our friend in daily life,too.She usually plays with us.We sometimes go out together.I like her very much.I hope she will be our teacher forever. 1.What does Ms Hong look like? A.She has long hair and big eyes. B.She has curly hair and big eyes. C.She has curly hair and small eyes. D.She has short curly hair and big eyes.

2.What does the writer think of Ms Hong's classes? A.They are boring. B.They are exciting. C.They are scary.

D.They are not interesting.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.喜欢 B.热爱 C.欺负 D.责骂

4.What is Ms Hong's mood when her students make progress? A.Happy. B.Excited. C.Interesting. D.Tired.

5.From the passage we know _______. A.Ms Hong is a good teacher

B.some students don't like Ms Hong

C.Ms Hong doesn't know her students well D.the writer dislikes his English teacher 1.B

细节理解题。根据第一段第三句 She has curly hair and big eyes.“她留着卷发,大眼睛”,可知选 B 项。 2.B

推理判断题。根据第一段第五句 She always has good ideas to make us laugh,and we feel happy in her class.“她总有好的主意使我们笑,在她的课上我们感到开心”,可推知她的课是令人兴奋的,故选 B 项。 3.D

词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句 Ms Hong is very kind to us,too.“她对我们也很和蔼”,即她从不责骂我们,可推测画线单词是“责骂”的意思,故选 D 项。 4.A

推理判断题。根据第二段第四句 When we make progress,she feels happy,too.“当我们取得进步时,她也感到高兴”,故选 A 项。 5.A

推理判断题。通读全文可知作者认为 Ms Hong 是一个好老师,故选 A 项。而 B 项“一些学生不喜欢 Ms Hong”;C 项“Ms Hong 不是很了解她的学生们”;D 项“作者不喜欢他的英语老师”,均不符合文意,故排除。 100185

体裁:记叙文 话题:故事 关键词:eggs

A Frenchman was once traveling in England.He could speak English quite well but not perfectly,because his vocabulary was not large.

One day,he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs.But he couldn't remember the word for eggs. Suddenly,through the window,he saw a rooster walking in the yard.He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English. The waiter told him that it was called a rooster.

The Frenchman then asked what the rooster's wife was called. The waiter told him that she was called a hen.

The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children were called. The waiter told him that they were chickens.

The Frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born. The waiter told him they were called eggs.

\.\.\ 1.Where did the Frenchman go?

A.America. B.England. C.Canada. D.China. 2.How was his English?

A.Good. B.Bad. C.Exciting.D.Interesting. 3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.出生 B.售完 C.解放 D.散步

4.Why did the Frenchman ask what the rooster's wife was called? A.Because he didn't know her name. B.Because he wanted to eat it.

C.Because he thought she was interesting.

D.Because he wanted to know how to know the word \. 5.What's the best title for the passage? A.Some eggs.

B.Traveling in England. C.A clever Frenchman. D.A bad meal. 1.B

细节理解题。根据第一段第一句 A Frenchman was once traveling in England.“从前一个法国人去英格兰旅行”,可知选 B 项。 2.A

细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 He could speak English quite well... “他英语说得不错??”,可知他的英语不错,故选 A 项。 3.A

词义猜测题。根据 The waiter told him they were called eggs.“服务员告诉他它们叫鸡蛋”,可推测画线单词是“出生”的意思,故选 A 项。 4.D

推理判断题。根据服务员的回答和他问的一系列问题可推知他想知道“egg”这个单词,故选 D 项。 5.C

主旨大意题。通读全文可知那个法国人很聪明,故选 C 项。而 A 项“一些鸡蛋”;B 项“在英格兰旅行”;D 项“一顿糟糕的饭”,均不符合语境,故排除。 100186


话题:家庭、朋友与周围的人 关键词:sister

My little sister is twelve years old.She likes playing the piano and listening to music.She likes her lessons very much and works hard at them.My mother always takes her to school in the morning,and brings her home in the afternoon.When she is at school.she listens to her teachers carefully and likes to answer her teachers' questions.When class is over,she goes out of the classroom to play games with her

friends.She is friendly to them. She thinks friendship is warm.But I don't think so.She says,\can't understand friendship is precious,but a friend in need is a friend indeed.\,maybe.\I say,but I still refuse to believe that.Although we sometimes have different views,we are concerned with each other.

1.How old is the writer's little sister? A.10. B.11. C.12. D.13.

2.How does the writer's little sister go to school? A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By bus.

D.Her mother takes her to school.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word \ A.关心 B.厌恶 C.同意 D.吹捧

4.What do you think of the little girl? A.She is very lazy.

B.She is kind but stupid. C.She is clever. D.She is beautiful.

5.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.The little girl is a good student.

B.My little sister and I sometimes have different views.

C.The little girl often plays games with her friends after class. D.The little girl plays the piano well but doesn't study hard. 1.C

细节理解题。根据第一段第一句 My little sister is twelve years old.“我的小妹妹 12 岁”,可知选 C 项。 2.D

细节理解题。根据第一段第四句 My mother always takes her to school in the morning,and brings her home in the afternoon.“我妈妈总是早晨带她去上学,下午把她带回家”。可知选 D 项。 3.A

词义猜测题。联系上下文“虽然有时观点不同,但互相关心”,可推测画线单词是“关心”的意思,故选 A 项。 4.C

推理判断题。根据第一段第五句 When she is at school,she listens to her teachers carefully and likes to answer her teachers' questions.“当她在学校时,她认真听课,喜欢回答老师的问题”,可推知她很聪明,故选 C 项。 5.D

主旨大意题。通读全文可知那个小女孩是个好学生,她课后喜欢玩游戏,而且会弹钢琴,学习很努力,有时候作者和她意见不相同,故选 D 项。


体裁:记叙文 话题:故事

关键词:the sea horse

One night,a sea horse dreams that he has seven gold mountains.The next day,he decides to take seven gold coins to look for the seven mountains.On the way,he meets a fish.He tells the fish he wants to look for gold mountains,but he can't swim very fast.At the same time,the sea is very large and the seven mountains are very far.The fish says,\.Then you can swim fast.\.He gives all his coins to the fish and he can swim very fast now.Then the sea horse meets a shark,and he tells the shark the same thing.The shark says,\into my mouth and I can take you to gold mountains quickly!\mouth.The shark closes his mouth and says,\ 1.One night,the sea horse dreams that he has _______. A.seven gold coins B.seven gold mountains C.seven fish D.seven sharks

2.The underlined word \. A.金山 B.鲨鱼 C.鱼鳍 D.愿望

3.Who helps the sea horse swim fast on his way? A.The fish. B.The shark.

C.The gold coins. D.The gold mountains.

4.The sea horse meets _______ animal(s) on his way to the gold mountains. A.one B.two C.seven D.many

5.We know _______ at last according to the passage. A.the sea horse finds the seven gold mountains B.the sea horse can swim fast C.the shark eats the sea horse D.the shark helps the sea horse 1.B

细节理解题。根据文章第一句话可知海马梦到自己拥有七座金山。故选 B 项。 2.C

词义猜测题。根据文中的 Then you can swim fast.可以推出鱼给它一个“鱼鳍”,它才能游得很快。故选 C 项。误解分析:本题容易误选 B。根据句子 ...I can take you to gold mountains quickly! 学生们误认为是鲨鱼帮助了海马游得很快。 3.A

细节理解题。根据文中的 He gives all his coins to the fish and he can swim very

fast now.可知是鱼帮助海马游得很快了。故选 A 项。 4.B

推理判断题。根据整篇文章可知海马在寻找金山的路上遇到了鱼和鲨鱼这两种动物。故选 B 项。 5.C

推理判断题。根据文章的最后海马游进了鲨鱼的嘴里。可以判断出是鲨鱼不但没有帮助海马找到金山,并且吃了海马。故选 C 项。误解分析:本题容易误选 D。根据句子 Get into my mouth and I can take you to gold mountains quickly! 学生们会误认为是鲨鱼帮助了海马。


体裁:记叙文 话题:家人


A man has a 3-year-old daughter.They don't have much money.

One day,his daughter wanted some gold wrapping paper to make a box nice.He was not happy because he had to buy it for her.But he got it for her at last.The little girl gave the gift to her father the next morning and said,\is for you,Dad.\ The man was sorry for what he did yesterday,but he was angry again when he found there was nothing in it.He shouted,\you know,you can't give people an empty box?\

The little girl looked at him with tears in her eyes and cried,\,Dad,it's not empty at all.I put kisses into the box.They're all for you,Dad.\

The father couldn't say anything.And he said sorry to her.A short time later,the child died in all accident.Her father had that box for many years.When he is sad,he takes out the box and thinks about the love of his daughter.

1.Why was the man not happy when his daughter wanted some gold wrapping paper? 2.What gift did the girl give her father?

3.What did father do after he knew the reason? 4.What does the father do when he is sad? 5.What's the best title for the passage? A.A clever girl.

B.Father and daughter. C.A special gift. D.The bad father.

1.Because they don't have much money,and he had to buy it for her

由文章第一段和第二段 He was not happy... 可知,家里没有很多钱,爸爸不愿意给她买。

2.The box with kisses

由第三段最后 ....an empty box 可知,小女孩给爸爸一个包装好的盒子,结合第四段女孩的回答 I put kisses into the box.可知,小女孩给爸爸一个装满吻的盒子。 3.He said sorry to his daughter


4.He take out the box and think about the love of his daughter



文章以女儿送给爸爸的礼物为线索,告诉我们女儿送给爸爸的不只是一个空盒子。而是满满的一盒子爱。这是一份特殊的礼物。故选 C 项。 第四部分 综合能力测试 综合能力测试(一) 100189

体裁:说明文 话题:个人信息 关键词:Bob,Sally

I am Bob Brown.I like school things.I have three pens,five black pencils,six rulers and two erasers.They are in my pencil box.I have a nice English dictionary,too.It's blue and it's in my schoolbag.I am at school from Monday to Friday.At school my favorite day is Tuesday,because I have music and PE.They are very fun and relaxing.What about your school day?

I am Sally Miller.I like sports.I have five soccer balls,two basketballs,five ping-pang balls,six tennis bats and four volleyballs.I like tennis and I always play it with my friend Linda after class.I watch them on TV,too. 根据以上内容,判断下列各句正(T),误(F)。 ( ) 6.The boy's last name is Brown.

( ) 7.Bob's dictionary is in his schoolbag. ( ) 8.Bob likes Thursday because he has music. ( ) 9.Sally always plays tennis after class. ( ) 10.Sally has ping-pang bats. 6.T Bob Brown 中,Bob 是名字,译为 the first name;Brown 是姓,译为 the last name。故此题正确。 7.T

由第一段第六句 It's blue and it's in my schoolbag.可知,词典是在 Bob 的书包里。故此题正确。 8.F

由 At school my favorite day is Tuesday... 可知,Bob 最喜欢的日子是 Tuesday 而不是 Thursday。故此题错误。 9.T

由第二段倒数第二句可知,Sally 喜欢 tennis 并常常放学后去打网球。故此题正确。 10.F

由第二段第三句 ...five ping-pang balls,six tennis bats... 可知 sally有 5 个乒乓球和 6 个网球拍而不是乒乓球拍。故此题错误。 100190

体裁:应用文 话题:计划

关键词:outdoor activities

Spring is coming.People in different countries like different outdoor activities.Leo,a reporter from Learning English,is interviewing(采访) some students.Here is what they have said.


I want to go out of the city to a beautiful field.It's happy to smell beautiful flowers,touch green grass and take some photos.And I like to have a picnic in the field,because it's interesting! Jim(14,Canada)

The weather turns warmer and the days become longer in spring.It's a good time to go camping.It would be fun to sleep in a tent.I enjoy the comfortable weather,too.

Tony(13,England) In spring,I like going cycling alone.It can not only make me enjoy the beautiful season but also help me become stronger.I can write something about what I see on the way.

Wang Fang(12,China)

I'm good at making all kinds of kites.And in spring,I like flying kites with my family or my friends in the park.One of us holds the kite,and another one catches the line.It's exciting to see the kite flying high in the sky. 11.Mary maybe lives in the _______. A.town B.city C.field D.country 12.Jim thinks it fun to _______. A.sleep in a tent B.take some photos C.fly kites D.have a picnic

13.Tony likes going cycling in spring because _______. A.he can enjoy the nice weather B.it can make his body strong C.his bike is very cool D.both A and B

14.Wang Fang always flies kites _______. A.by herself B.on rainy days

C.with her family or friends D.in the field

15.Which one is WRONG according to the passage? A.Jim is the oldest one of the four. B.Mary is from England.

C.Making kites is Wang Fang's hobby. D.Tony is interested in writing. 11.B

细节理解题。由文章第二段首句“我想走出城市到田野里面去。”可知。Mary 应该是住在城市。误解分析:本题易选 B 项。此处学生易将“...go out of the city.”的意思错误地理解为“去城市里”,因此要注意 out 的方向性。 12.A

细节理解题。由第二段第三句 It would be fun to sleep in a tent.可知,应该选择

A 项:住在帐篷里面。 13.D

细节理解题。由第四段第二句可知:既享受了美丽季节,又可以使自己变得强壮起来。故选 D 项。 14.C

细节理解题。由最后一段可知第二句可知选 C 项:和家人、朋友在公园里放风筝。 15.B

细节理解题。题干要求选错误的选项:由 Mary(13,America) 可知,Mary 是来自美国而不是英国,故 B 项错误。 100191

体裁:说明文 话题:娱乐活动 关键词:balls Football

People call it \.There are two teams(队) in the football field during a game.Each(每一) team has eleven players. Tennis

There is a big net between both sides.Each player has a racket in his hand.Two or four players can play it together. Golf

Golf is from Scotland(苏格兰):It means green,oxygen,light and foot.People play it on the outdoor grass.They hit(打) the white balls into the small holes(洞) with a stick(棍子). Basketball

America is the hometown of basketball.This is famous(著名) for NBA.There are two teams with ten players on the basketball court(场).They can't run with the ball in their hands.

16.The first sport in the world is _______. A.basketball B.football C.tennis D.golf

17._______ is a very popular(受欢迎的) sport in America. A.Basketball B.Football C.Tennis D.Golf

18.Where is golf from? A.China. B.Japan. C.America. D.Scotland.

19.There are _______ players in a basketball game. A.only one

B.two or four C.ten


20.Which one is NOT RIGHT(正确的)?

A.Golfers use a stick to hit the white balls. B.Each tennis player has a racket in his hand.

C.There are two teams in the football field during a game. D.The basketball players can run with the ball in their hands. 16.B

细节理解题。由 football 一栏第一句 People call it \first sport in the world\可知,足球是世界上最早的运动。故选 B 项。 17.A

细节理解题。由 basketball 一栏第一句 America is the hometown of basketball.可知美国是篮球的故乡,由此推测在美国很受欢迎。故选 A 项。 18.D

细节理解题。由 Golf 一栏第一句 Golf is from Scotland.可知,高尔夫球来自苏格兰。故选 D 项。 19.C

细节理解题。由 basketball 一栏第三句 There are two teams with ten players... 可知,篮球比赛是两个队,十个队员。故选 C 项。 20.D

细节理解题。题干要求选择错误的选项:由 basketball 一栏最后一句可知:队员不能把球拿在手里跑。由此判断 D 项错误。 100192

体裁:说明文 话题:个人信息

关键词:personal information

阅读下面 5 段语言材料,从 A 到 F 选项中,找出与它们相对应的标题,

21._______.Hello! I am Apple.You can see me everywhere in the world.Pear is my brother,and Banana is my sister.We are different.I am round and my sister is long.I am very delicious,so people all over the world like to eat me.I am also very cheap. 22._______.Hello,I'm Jenny.Look! This is my room.It's on the second floor.It's pink.I have a purple bed.The pillow(枕头) is white.My green skirt is on the bed.I like the skirt.I have a desk in my room.There are some books and a lamp(台灯) on the table.I like my room. 23._______.I am a tall boy.I can play basketball and soccer(足球) very well.Today is Sunday.I don't go to school.I watch a soccer match on TV.It's a good match.Beckham is my favourite star.He plays well in the match.In the afternoon,I play soccer with my good friends.

24._______.My father grows(种植) rice and vegetables.He works very hard.He gets up very early every morning.He leaves home at half past six and walks to the field.His work starts at seven o'clock.He comes back home for lunch.He has a short rest.Then he goes back to work again.

