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Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTO

I. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译

1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。

2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

3. 我们看待中美贸易关系必须站在一个很高的战略角度,正如中国古代著名诗人杜甫说的“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”。

4. I’m honored to appear before you. For an American of our generation to visit the People’s Republic of China is to touch the pulse of modern political history. As one of your poets wrote over 1000 years ago,” We widen our views three hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs.” We are ascending that flight of stairs together.

5. I came to China for the first time 25 years ago, the passage of 25 years is just like the flow of water, which goes on day and night.

6. 摆在我们面前还有许多困难和问题,还要我们继续进行开创性的工作。我总记着一句古训:生于忧患,死于安乐。要居安思危,有备无患。(温家宝)

7. 朱熔基开始当总理的时候,他说不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,他都将鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。和他比起来,你的工作风格会怎样?

8. 我当总理后,心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。”这就是我今后的工作态度。

9. 我始终相信,社会主义是大海,大海是不会枯竭的,大海可以容纳百川。只有吸收人类一切文明成果,社会主义才能巩固和完善。

10. 民为邦本,本固邦宁。

11. 天行健,君子以自强不息。

12. 强不执弱,富不侮贫。

13. 海纳百川,有容乃大。

14. 长江后浪推前浪,世上新人换旧人。

1. We Shanghai will earnestly do a good job in all kinds of tourist services to make them feel at home and stay a longer time, so that they are too delighted to be homesick. A nice memory of the city will linger in the heart of every tourist.

2. Yangshuo is so famous for its beautiful sceneries that it attracts/ woos thousands of tourists worldwide all the year round. Tourists will be amazed to find that Eastern and Western culture blend so well here.

3. We should judge Sino-American trade relations through a strategic vision on a high level, just as one of your famous poets Dufu once wrote,” When reaching

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

the great peak of Mt Tai, we hold all mountains in a single glance.” (Climb up to the summit and see, the moutains around and below are small.)

4. 很荣幸来访问贵国, 作为我们这一代的一个美国人我们的访问就是来触摸现代政治史的脉搏。正如贵国诗人1000多年前所写,“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”,我们正一起更上一层楼。

5. 记得我第一次访华是在25年前,25年了,逝者如斯啊!(基辛格)

6. Yet we still face numerous difficulties and problems, which requires innovation and creativity as we press ahead. I always bear in mind the ancient motto: One prospers in worries and hardships and perishes in ease and comfort. We must think of danger in times of safety and always be prepared for the worst.

7. When premier Zhu Rongji was elected the premier, he said that whatever lay ahead, be it a field of landmines or an unfathomable abyss, he would exert all his efforts and contribute all his best to the country till the last minute of his life. Compared to his working style, what are the features of your style of work?

8. After being elected premier, I recalled two verses written by Lin Zexu,” I would do whatever it takes to serve my country, even at the cost of my own life and regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.”

9. I’m always deeply convinced that socialism is like a big ocean that will never dry up and will hold all rivers. So long as we absorb all fine results of human civilization, we’ll be able to be consolidated and improved.

10. People are the foundation of a country; when the foundation is sable, the country is in peace.

11. As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.

12. The strong should not oppress the weak and the rich should not bully the poor.

13. One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers.

14. As in the Yangtze River where the waves behind drive on those before, so a new generation always excels the last one.

II. Warming-up Exercises Reading and Recitation

EU Anti-Dumping Legislation and China

Ladies and Gentlemen,

European anti-dumping duties are not targeted against China or Chinese products.

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

Let me remind you that anti-dumping duties imposed by the Council of ministers may be challenged in court or through the WTO dispute settlement mechanisms.

China, as a new member of the WTO, must continue to implement the rules of the WTO. Progress have been achieved, but there are still a number of issues which are still not solved for the moment, such as in the building sector, the automobile sector or as regards capital and ratios of the banking sector, and the intellectual property rights protection.

China---like any other member of the WTO---has to be in line with its commitments of the WTO.

The EU and China have strong business relations. Let us have fair, transparent and open trade relations, both the EU and the Chinese economy will take advantage wherefrom. Both economies have much to lose in case of deteriorating trade relations.

Ladies and gentlemen,

To be provocative---but not really unrealistic---it may be said that anti-dumping regulations whether at the level of the EU or of the WTO concur more to the development of trade relations than to the protection of home markets.

The opening of its markets has contributed towards a new and modern China and towards better relations between China and the EU.

I would like to conclude my speech by quoting the EU Trade Commissioner Lamy: “The question is, in the early phase of a burgeoning new relationship between the EU and China: how can we make the honeymoon last? To which my answer is, appreciated perhaps by all young or indeed not so young couples, that you have to start working on that during the honeymoon, and not after the honeymoon.”

I may add that honeymoon may only last if the couple is honest and fair towards each other. There are some issues---and some important ones---to be solved and to solve those issues is not always easy. But if there is a problem, there is a solution, and when there is no solution, there is no problem.

Dialogue Drills

(Scenario: In this conversation, Henry Blumington and Nicolas Stratverry are the trade ministers of two countries. They are discussing the trade relationship between

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

the countries.)

Henry: Welcome, Nicolas. It’s good to see you again.

Nicolas: Good to see you too, Henry. Been a while, hasn’t it?

Henry: Indeed it has. That’s a good indication of the generally solid trade relationship between our countries. There is one area of concern, though. I’m sure you know what that is.

Nicolas: Yes, the balance of trade in the computer parts industry.

Henry: Right. Your government’s high tariffs give your companies an unfair

competitive advantage. There’s been rumblings in our government about lodging a complaint with the WTO. That’s why I called for this meeting, to see if we could resolve this without resorting to that measure.

Nicolas: My government is already looking at gradually lowering the tariffs over the next 3 years. However, they want something in return. They think your

government’s subsidies in the agricultural industry are too high. With our low GDP compared to yours, they feel that the capital flow to your country because of this hurts us more than the capital flow from computer parts hurts your country.

Henry: Those subsidies were set up to help recover from a number of years of low yield, not to create an unfair advantage. Nevertheless, I see your point, and I’ll bring your request to their attention. I think we can work something out, since productivity has started to rise to normal levels again. I’ll let you know what they think.

Nicolas: That would be appreciated. Well, sorry I have to run, but I must attend some last-minute meetings in New York before the U.N. conference starts. See you there tomorrow?

Henry: Yes, you will. I’m flying in this afternoon. Until tomorrow, then. III. Interpreting Exercise Exercise I

1. free-market philosophy

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。


2. free flow of capital

3. rule of law

4. drool over 过分高兴,满怀希望

5. 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities directly under the central government, 5 special economic zones, 14 open coastal and border cities, 15 export processing areas, 14 bonded zones, some 30 provincial-level economic and technological development zones and more than 50 new and high-technology development zones.

6. preferential policies 优惠政策

7. subdue any remaining overactive salivary glands 打消过度乐观的念头

8. live up to its commitments 履行承诺

9. to the benefit of their own industries


10. on the WTO membership list

11. the short-term gains

12. be prone to

13. stagnate 停滞

The Role of Hong Kong after China's Entry into the WTO

When it comes to Hong Kong, some people seem to think the SAR will be surpassed. Replaced if you will. This doomsday group seems to forget the fact that many of Hong Kong's infrastructural and institutional attributes— including its free-market philosophy, the rule of law and free flow of capital—are attributes which are impossible for any other city in China to replicate any time soon.//

In terms of China itself, some executives of some companies still drool over the prospects of selling their goods or services to a single market of 1.3 billion people.// They seem to overlook or forget the fact that the Mainland market includes 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities directly under the central government, 5 special economic zones, 14 open coastal and border cities, 15 export processing areas, 14 bonded zones, some 30 provincial-level economic and

technological development zones and more than 50 new and high-technology development zones. At least at last count.//

And while the preferential policies of some of these special zones will

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

gradually disappear under the WTO, the complexities of doing business in such a vast market will not. A fact which —I submit —should subdue any remaining overactive salivary glands,//

Personally, I think China will work very hard to live up to its commitments and to operate within the rules of the WTO. And if they are smart—and I think they are — they will also seek ways to exploit the rules to the benefit of their own industries. In other words they will act much like every other country on the WTO membership list.//

The reality is that anyone focused solely on the short-term gains or anyone who is prone to impatience is destined to be disappointed. China is like any developing market. It takes time to build a business. Profits cannot be made overnight. It is not a place for foreign companies to improve next quarter's earnings.//

I know and I think all of you would agree that Hong Kong is well positioned to play a significant role in the post-entry period. And I know that I know the people of Hong Kong have the capacity and the capability to respond to new challenges. Simply put, I know that if New York is the city that never sleeps, then Hong Kong is the city that never stagnates.//

(Excerpted from the speech "China and the WTO: the 15-year Itch" by Mr. David Eldon, Chairman of HSBC Ltd. at the Hong Kong Association of New York Breakfast Meeting on April 25,2002)

Exercise II 中国入世后的政策保证

对外开放 opening up to the outside world

基本国策 basic state policy

计划经济体制 the planned economic system

综合国力 overall national strength / comprehensive national power

积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy

稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy

扩大内需 to boost the domestic demand

良性循环轨道 sound track

积极态度 positive gesture

产生广泛而深远的影响 to generate extensive and far-reaching implications 履行义务 to fulfill one’s obligation

多边贸易体制 multilateral trading system

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

实行对外开放,是中国长期坚持的一项基本国策。经过20多年的改革和发展,中国经济面貌发生了深刻的变化。// 一是中国已经由计划经济体制的国家,转变为社会主义市场经济体制的国家,二是中国综合国力明显增强,GDP列世界第6位,三是中国全方位对外开放格局基本形成,对外贸易总额列世界第7位,并已连续9年成为吸收外资最多的发展中国家。世界排名前500位的跨国公司已有400多家在中国有投资。//



朋友们都很关心中国如何应对加人世贸组织的形势。在此,我要告诉大家,中国作为一个负责任的大国,将积极履行义务和所作的承诺,遵守世界贸易组织规则。// 同时,我们也将充分利用世界贸易组织机制,努力推进与各成员间的经济贸易合作,为世界贸易组织多边贸易体制的发展做出应有的贡献。//


Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。



IMF(International Monetary Fund) 国际货币组织

GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定

dispute settlements 解决争端

多边贸易体制 multi-lateral trading system

rules-based member-driven organization 依据规则、成员驱动的组织

bloc 集团

panel of experts 专家组

appeal report 上诉报告

commitments 承诺

breach 违反,违背

countervailing measures 反补贴措施

eliminate trade barriers 消除贸易壁垒

Q: 随着经济全球化的展开,国际经济组织的作用日益凸显。那么如今主要的经济组织有哪些呢?能简要的介绍一下吗?除了都关注国际贸易活动这个共同点外,分别有什么侧重点呢? A: The three major international economic organizations are the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). //

The WTO emerged out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1995; it is an arrangement across countries that serves as a forum for negotiations on trading rules as well as a mechanism for dispute settlements in trade issues. Its main function is the management of trade relations between member states.//

By contrast, the World Bank and IMF deal with their member countries one at a time. They have little influence with industrial countries but can affect developing countries during times of economic crisis and when those countries seek additional foreign exchange resources.//

Q: WTO取代了GATT,比GATT覆盖的范围更广了,内容更丰富了。WTO是不是就是多边贸易体制,只是换种说法?

A: Well, in a sense, yes. Under a multilateral trading system, countries use multilateral negotiations to standardize international trade practices and to settle trade disputes. In that way, world trade should run smoothly and world resources should be utilized efficiently. Over the past 50 years or so, both GATT and the WTO have played a substantial role in the promotion of world trade. As you said just now, the WTO is much more than GATT. So the multilateral trading system is

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

continuously developing.

Q: WTO是个非常忙碌,又很有影响力的组织。是不是各成员的政府都要遵守它制定的规则呢?

A: No, not as such. WTO is a rules-based member-driven organization. That is to say that all decisions are made by the member governments, and the rules are the outcome of negotiations among the members. In other words, decisions taken in the WTO are negotiated, accountable and democratic.

Q: 发达国家的经济力量比发展中国家强大得多,更别说是不发达国家了。作为一个国际性的经济组织,WTO的决策是不是由发达国家来操控的呢?

A: In a word, no. All member states have an equal vote, and the number of developing countries is larger than the number of developed countries. But the WTO is an international organization, and developing countries tend to be small, with little economic power, which means that they cannot take the lead in globalization. However, the developed countries cannot control the WTO through their economic power. The WTO is a rule-based organization, and as such, the rules are not created by certain countries or blocs. All the decisions are made by consensus.

Q: WTO会不会直接影响政府制定或者是取消某些政策呢?从这个意义上说,WTO支配政府吗?

A: The only occasion when a WTO body can have a direct impact on a government's policies is when a dispute is brought to the WTO and if that leads to a ruling by the Dispute Settlement Body. Normally, the Dispute Settlement Body makes a ruling by adopting the findings of a panel of experts or an appeal report (上诉报告).

Even then, the scope of each ruling is narrow; it is simply a judgment or interpretation as to whether a government has broken one of the WTO agreements, whether a government has broken a commitment it has to conform to.

In all other respects, the WTO does not dictate to governments to adopt or drop certain policies.

Q: WTO最关心的是贸易问题,有人就认为只要能实现自由贸易,WTO什么都肯做。您是怎么看待这种说法的?

A: Well, that is one of the many misunderstandings about the organization. One of the principles of the WTO system is that countries should lower their trade barriers and to allow trade to flow more freely. After all, countries benefit from the increased trade that results from lower trade barriers. But just how low those barriers should go is something the member countries should bargain amongst themselves. Their negotiating positions depend on how ready they feel they are to lower the barriers, and on what they want to obtain from other members in return. One country's commitments become another country's rights, and vice versa.

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

Q: WTO的原则之一是“公平竞争”。国际贸易应该是公平的竞争。WTO如何确保这一原则得到遵守?

A: The WTO has drawn up a set of rules. These define what are "fair" and "unfair" practices, and how governments should respond to the latter. In the event of a breach of the WTO rules, the victims can use "anti-dumping" or "countervailing" (补偿措施)measures as a remedy.

What I’d like to point out is that the WTO is not a "free trade" organization, rather it is a "multi-lateral trade" organization. As a multi-lateral trade organization, it allows tariffs and other forms of protection to exist. However, the WTO has the goal of eliminating trade barriers and encouraging competition in a "fair, just and free" manner.

在下面的一段对话中,两国的贸易部长Henry Blumington和Nicolas Stratverry正在讨论两国间的贸易关系。

Henry: 欢迎,Nicolas。很高兴再次见到你。

Nicolas: 我也很高兴见到你,Henry。很久没见了。

Henry: 确实是。这表明我们两国间的贸易关系大体还是不错的。不过,还是有一个方面值得我们的关注,我相信你知道是哪个方面。

Nicolas: 是的。计算机零部件的进出口差额。

Henry: 是的。你们政府的高关税使你们国家的相关企业获得了不公平的竞争优势。在我国政府,很多人一直就是否要 向世界贸易组织申诉这一情况议论纷纷。这也是为什么我提出举行这次会面的原因,我想看看我们是否能不诉诸世贸组织来解决这个问题。

Nicolas: 我国政府早已考虑在未来三年中逐步降低关税。但是,我国政府也要求有一些回报。他们认为你们国家的农业补贴太高,由于我们的国内生产总值相对与你们的来说太低,所以我们觉得由于贵国农业补贴而造成的我国大量资本流入你们国家对我国造成的伤害远比因我国计算机零部件关税过高而导致你们国家资本流失对贵国造成的伤害大得多。

Henry: 那些补贴是为了帮助我们从连续几年农业低产的窘境中恢复过来,而不是为了获得不公平的优势。不过,我了解你的意思,我会向我国政府说明你们的想法。我想,既然我国生产力已开始恢复到正常水平上来,我们一定会想出解决的办法的。到时我会告知你的。 Nicolas: 我们将很感激。抱歉,我必须告辞了,我必须在联合国大会开始之前赶去参加纽约举行的紧急会议。明天会在那儿见到你吗?

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

Henry: 会的。今天下午我将坐飞机过去。明天见了。

National policies of China after Her Accession to the WTO

Opening to the outside world constitutes a basic long-term state policy that China adheres to. Twenty odd years’ reform and development have brought about profound changes to the Chinese economy. // First, China has transformed a planned economy to a socialist market economy. Second, China's comprehensive national power has been remarkably strengthened, with its GDP ranking that largest in the world. Third, an overall opening pattern has been formed up. China is now the 7th largest trading nation in terms of total trade volume, and the largest foreign investment recipient among developing countries for 9 straight years' more than 400 transnational corporations of the world top 500 have invested in China. //

Against the backdrop of the international economic and trade growth slow down in recent years, the Chinese government continues to implement the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. By boosting the domestic demand, the Chinese economy maintained a sound momentum of development. //The Chinese economy realized a 7.3% growth in2001, import and export trade grew by. 7.5%, actual foreign investment increased by 14.9%, and foreign exchange reserve reached USD21.2 billion at the end of that year. // Stepping into a brand new stage of modernization from the very beginning of the new century, China is expected to see an economic development on sound track of rapid growth, high efficiency, and low inflation. //

Accession to the World Trade Organization is a great event of historic significance for China's opening and modernization. So I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to friends who have supported China's accession to the WTO, including business people from the European Union. // China's WTO accession proves the strong determination of the Chinese government to further the reform and opening, reflects China's positive gesture to develop economic and trade relations with the whole world, and marks a brand new stage of China's opening. The WTO accession will generate extensive and far-reaching implications for the development of the Chinese economy and world economy at large. //

Since my friends are very interested in how China will face new circumstances arising from its WTO entry, hereby, I would like to say that, as a responsible large country, China will honor its commitments, fulfill its obligations, and abide by the WTO rules. //At the same time, China will also fully use the organization through which it will enhance its economic and trades ties with all other members. In this way, China will contribute whatever it can to the development of WTO multilateral trading system. //

(Excerpted from the speech by Mr. Shi Guangsheng, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China at the dinner reception of the Europe-China Business Association and the Belgium-Chinese Economic and Commercial Council on February l, 2002)

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

1 Under a multilateral trading system, countries use multilateral negotiations to standardise international trade practices and to settle trade disputes.


2 All the decisions are made by consensus.

所有的决定都是取决于多数人的意见。Or 一切决定都是建立在取得共识的基础上。

Q: With the development of globalization, international economic organizations are playing a more important role. What are the major economic organizations in the world nowadays? Could you please tell me briefly about them, not only about their common characteristics in international trade practice, but also their particular features?

A: 三个主要的国际经济组织是世界银行、国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织。 世界贸易组织是于1995年从关贸总协定发展而来,它是一个在贸易规则基础上进行贸易谈判的论坛,也是一个解决国家之间贸易争端的世界性组织,其核心作用是处理成员国之间的贸易关系。


Q: The WTO has replaced the GATT and is much more than the GATT. Could people say in another way that the WTO is the multilateral trading system?

A: 从某种意义上可以这么说,在多边贸易体制下,成员国之间采取多边谈判的方式使国际贸易规范化以及解决贸易争端。通过这种方法,世界贸易就会顺利运行,世界资源就会有效利用。50几年来,GATT和WTO在发展国际贸易方面起到了重要的作用。就像你刚才所说的,WTO比GATT覆盖的范围更广了、内容更丰富了。所以呢,多边贸易体制正在持续发展。

Q: The WTO is a very busy and influential organization. Do all member governments have to obey the rules made by the WTO?

A: 不是这样。WTO 是以贸易规则为基础的成员国制组织。也就是说,所有的决定都是有成员国政府制定的,所有的规则都是在成员国之间谈判的成果。换句话说,WTO的所有决定都是通过谈判、负责任的和民主的。

Q: The economy in developed countries is more powerful than that in developing countries, and much more powerful than that in underdeveloped countries. As an international economic organization, is the WTO’s decision-making under the control of those developed countries?

A: 总而言之,这是不可能的。所有的成员国都同等的投票权,而且发展中国家的数量比发达国家多。但是,WTO 是个国际组织,而发展中国家在经济实力方面似乎弱一些,这就意味着在全球化方面他们不能起到主导作用。但不论怎么说,发达国家不可能通过他们的经济实力来控制WTO。WTO是一个以规则为基础的组织,而这些不是由某些国家或集团制定,所有的决定都是取决于多数人的意见。

Q: Can a WTO body directly impact on or change a government’s policies? Does the WTO

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

control the government of member states?

A: 只有一种情况WTO会对政府的政策产生直接的影响,那就是当一个争端提交给WTO,而且需要通过争端解决机构进行裁决的时候。一般情况下,争端解决机构是通过专家组的决定或者是上诉报告进行裁决的。



Q: Trade is the most important matter that the WTO is concerned with. So some people think that the WTO is willing to do anything to promote free trade. What is your opinion about this?

A: 这是对世贸组织许多误解之一。WTO体制的原则之一就是各国应该降低贸易壁垒,让贸易更加自由。毕竟,各国从降低贸易壁垒中扩大了贸易并从中获利。但是,成员国之间讨价还价最多的是究竟要降低到什么程度。他们谈判的立场取决于他们情愿降到什么程度,以及他们能从其它成员国获得多少回报。一个国家的承诺变成了另一个国家的权利,反之亦然。

Q: “Fair competition” is one of the basic principles of the WTO. International trade should be fair in competition. How does the WTO ensure this principle is obeyed?

A: WTO已经草拟一系列规则。这些规则详细说明了什么是“公平”什么是“不公平”,以及政府应该对“不公平”做出什么反应。如果违背WTO的规则,受害方可以采取“反倾销”或者采取“补偿措施”进行补救。


US Government Takes Over Two Major Financial Firms

insolvency n. 破产,无力偿还 upheaval n. 动乱,大变动,剧变

turmoil n. 骚动,混乱 default v. 拖欠

restructure vt. 更改结构,调整 symptomatic adj. 征兆的

lobbyist n. 说客 infusion n. 注入,灌输

The last year has seen a spike in foreclosures among U.S. homeowners, falling housing values in most parts of the country, and tighter credit that has made it more difficult for Americans to acquire loans.

In recent months, the picture has grown worse with news that two mortgage giants, Fannie Mae

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

and Freddie Mac, were on the verge of insolvency. Combined, the two firms own or guarantee close to half of all home loans in the United States.

In a news conference Sunday, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced that the federal government is taking control of the firms - a move he described as necessary to avoid further financial upheaval.

HENRY PAULSON: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are so large and so interwoven in our financial system, that a failure of either of them would cause great turmoil in the financial markets here at home and around the globe. This turmoil would directly and negatively impact household wealth, from family budgets to home values, to savings for college and retirement. And a failure would be harmful to economic growth and job creation.

The Bush administration says Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are being placed in a government conservatorship with new executive leadership. They will be operated by a government agency until their financial pictures improve and they are no longer at risk of failing.

Paulson says every effort will be made to spare taxpayers from having to assume massive financial burdens stemming from the takeover.

Most Americans secure home mortgages through private banks. For decades, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have made it more attractive to banks to make mortgage loans by purchasing the loans from the banks, and then selling them to private investors.

But recent years have seen mortgage loans made to millions of individuals with poor, risky, or insufficient credit - many of whom have either defaulted on the loans or are at risk of doing so. Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's exposure to massive financial losses stemming from the housing crisis has put them on the verge of insolvency.

News of the government takeover prompted swift reaction from both presidential candidates. Speaking on CBS' Face the Nation program, Republican presidential nominee John McCain said the move "has to be done."

JOHN MCCAIN: I think that we have got to keep people in their homes. There has got to be restructuring, there has got to be reorganization, and there has got to be some confidence that we have stopped this downward spiral. It is hard, it is tough.

McCain added that the woes of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are symptomatic of an overall failure of Washington to tackle important issues. He said the federal government has become less effective due to what he termed cronyism and the influence of special interests and lobbyists.

His Democratic challenger, Barack Obama, also expressed support for the government takeover. But an Obama ally, Virginia Democratic Governor Tim Kaine, said blame for the financial upheaval lies with President Bush.

Lesson Eighteen China’s Accession to the WTOI. 技巧训练—— 引用语翻译1. 上海会让游客获得宾至如归的服务,让每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”。给每一位游客留下美好的回忆。2. 阳朔极负盛名,这里美不胜收的景致吸引着成千上万的游客趋之若鹜从世界各地涌来;游客们会惊喜的发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。

TIM KAINE: It is an important step that they [the Bush administration] have taken, but they are way too late. During the Bush administration there has been a complete abdication of responsibility for regulating the nation's financial markets, and so it has come to this.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have seen their stocks plummet in value in recent months. The federal takeover includes some government purchasing of the firms' stock and an infusion of funds to assure the firms' continued operation.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-sponsored enterprises, which are among several financial service corporations created by the United States Congress.

