
更新时间:2023-05-17 13:13:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



Pre-readingTelephones become one part of our life. But do you know who invented the telephone?

A British inventor called Alexander Graham Bell.

Discuss the following questions:1. What do you know about the inventor?

2. How useful is his invention to humansociety? Why?

Reading Task 1: Get some general information of Bell.DateIn 1847

InformationHe was born. His family moved to Boston, USA. He made his first invention. He invented the first telephone. He made his last invention.

He was young11 years old In 1876 75 years old

Choose the best answer.1. The text mainly tells us some informationabout_______ . D A. Bell and his telephone B. Bell and his telegraph

C. Bell and his helicopter designsD. Bell and his inventions

2. Bell invented ______ by chance according C

to the text.A. Morse code

B. telegraphC. telephone

D. tetrahedron

3. Which statement is true according to the text? A A. Bell made a contribution to the deaf education. B. Bell invented the telephone for the deaf. C. Bell thought that you should not think too much about something that you had never seen before. D. Bell invented a lot of flying machines while searching for a kite to carry a man into the air.

4. According to the text, Bell got such great achievement thanks to _____. B A. a straw joined to a deaf man’s ear

B. the exploring around problemsC. a moving electrical current

D. his excellent assistant Watson

5. We can infer from the text that ______. A A. doing research in telegraph helped Bell greatly in inventing the telephone B. Bell was given the patent after he succeeded in sending the first telephone message to his assistant Watson. C. in order to make the bridges stronger Bell discovered telephone D. Bell discovered so many practical solutions that he must be a millionaire

Useful expressions对…感兴趣 对…好奇 踩出来的路 一心投入 值得思考 导致 开始(做) 一次be/become interested in be curious beaten track dive into (be) worth thinking lead to set out to (do) at a time

同时 发现问题很难解决 注意到 寻找 因…闻名 的确, 事实上

at the same time find the problem difficult to solve be aware of search for be famous for Indeed

1. He believed that one should always be curiousand his most famous saying was: “Leave the

beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods.Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the result of thought.”

他认为人应该保持一颗好奇心, 他最著名的 一名话是: “偶尔离开平路, 去寻求困境。当

你这么做的时候, 你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。跟踪下去, 不断探索, 不知不觉中,



1. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. 偶尔离开平路,去寻求困境。1) beaten track: 被踩出来的路;常规;惯

例 His farm is off the beaten track. It is at least two miles from the main road. 他的农庄在偏僻的地方,离开大路至少 有两英里。

2) dive into 跳水(头朝下); 迅速把手伸入…; (对活动, 问题等) 全心投入, 潜心研究 He dived into the history of China. The boy dived into the river from the bridge He dived into his pockets and fished out one


He ____ his career and made a great Bcontribution to our country.

A. dived himself intoB. devoted himself to

C. dived into

D. devoted to

注意: dive into 作 “潜心于……” 讲时和devote

oneself to sth. 的意思一样, 但devote oneself tosth. 还有“投身于……; 把自己奉献给……” 的意思。

3) every / each time 意为“每次; 每当”,此短语在句子中经常作连接词, 引导时间 状语从句做连词的名词, 引导时间状语从句。 能用做连词的名词短语还有:

the first time 第一次 last time 上次 next time 下次 the instant / moment / minute / second … 一 ……就

第一次看见金门大桥, 我就深深爱上了它。I loved Golden Gate Bridge the first time I saw it.

上次见他的时候我告诉他我想和他合作。I told him that I wanted to team up with

him last time I met him.我一回家, 就开始下雨了。 The moment I got home that it began to rain. 下次我雇用厨师的时候, 我会打电话给你。 I will ring you up next time I hire a cook.

