实验四 抽象类、接口和图形

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实验四 抽象类、接口和图形


1. 给出下面程序的输出:

Value is too small

Continue after the catch block

Continue after the catch block

2. 假设下面的try-catch块中的statement2引起一个异常:

No No Yes


3. 在下面的定义中,哪个定义了一个合法的抽象类? 4.



Number numbeRef = new Integer(0); Double doubleRef = (Double)numberRef;

5. 下面的说法为真还是为假?

(1) 除了不能使用new操作符创建抽象类的实例之外,一个抽象类可以像非抽象类一样使

用。 T (2) clone()为Object的protected方法,可以在Object的子类当中使用。

(3) 可以将new int[10]、new String[100]、new Object[50]或者new Calendar[20]赋值给一个


(4) 抽象类可以使用该抽象类的构造方法创建实例。 (5) 接口被编译成独立的字节码文件。 (6) 非抽象父类的子类不能是抽象类。

6. 编写一个方法,返回对象数组中最大的对象。方法签名如下:

public static Object max(Comparable[] a)



7. 创建一个自定制面板,它可以显示X、O或者空白。显示什么是重画面板时随时决定的。


8. 编写一个方法,求数组中所有几何对象的面积之和。方法签名如下:

public static double sumArea(GeometricObject[] a)


(GeometricObject class和Circle class在此提供,请自拟Rectangle类) // Circle.java: The circle class that extends GeometricObject public class Circle extends GeometricObject { private double radius;

/**Default constructor*/ public Circle() { this(1.0); }

/**Construct circle with a specified radius*/ public Circle(double radius) { this(radius, \ }

/**Construct a circle with specified radius, filled, and color*/ public Circle(double radius, String color, boolean filled) { super(color, filled); this.radius = radius; }

/**Return radius*/

public double getRadius() { return radius; }

/**Set a new radius*/

public void setRadius(double radius) { this.radius = radius; }

/**Implement the getArea method defined in GeometricObject*/ public double getArea() {

return radius*radius*Math.PI; }

/**Implement the getPerimeter method defined in GeometricObject*/ public double getPerimeter() { return 2*radius*Math.PI; }

/**Override the equals() method defined in the Object class*/ public boolean equals(Circle circle) { return this.radius == circle.getRadius(); }

/**Override the toString() method defined in the Object class*/ public String toString() {

return \



// GeometricObject.java: The abstract GeometricObject class public abstract class GeometricObject { private String color = \white\ private boolean filled;

/**Default construct*/ protected GeometricObject() { }

/**Construct a geometric object*/

protected GeometricObject(String color, boolean filled) { this.color = color; this.filled = filled; }

/**Getter method for color*/ public String getColor() { return color; }

/**Setter method for color*/ public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color;


/**Getter method for filled. Since filled is boolean, so, the get method name is isFilled*/ public boolean isFilled() { return filled; }

/**Setter method for filled*/ public void setFilled(boolean filled) { this.filled = filled; }

/**Abstract method findArea*/ public abstract double getArea();

/**Abstract method getPerimeter*/

public abstract double getPerimeter(); }

