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Unit 4 单元测试题 2

Written test part (共95分)

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( ) 21. Steve has to go to an important meeting tonight, so he will be absent ______

your birthday party.

A. about B. with C. for D. from

( ) 22. —You did a good job, Cathy! You got the highest ______ in the math exam.

—Really? I'm so excited!

A. speed B. voice C. score D. record

( ) 23. Please be ______, Mario! I want to listen to the weather report.

A. silent B. serious C. honest D. brave

( ) 24. Mr. Steen is very busy. He ______ comes back home before 10:00 p.m.

A. seldom B. always C. often D. usually

( ) 25. I can't remember ______ when the Blacks left the city. I only remember it

was a Sunday.

A. probably B. exactly C. mostly D. heavily

( ) 26. These activities ______ good health. If you are not healthy enough, you

can't join in them.

A. interview B. review C. influence D. require

( ) 27. It has been about half a term ______ Sandy went into junior high school.

A. though B. when C. if D. since

( ) 28. Billy still felt weak. The doctor advised him ______ in bed for another

few days.

A. to stay B. stay C. to staying D. staying

( ) 29. Wu Fang lost the ticket, so she failed ______ the film The Jungle Book last


A. watching B. to watching C. watch D. to watch

( ) 30. —Why do you like listening to music?


—I think music can help me ______ stress.

A. look for B. deal with C. worry about D. think of

( ) 31. Kobe Bryant said goodbye to 20-year NBA career (职业生涯) with a 60-point

night. All basketball fans ______ him.

A. look forward to B. take pride in C. pay attention to D. take care of

( ) 32. Uncle Li ______ to his office in the morning, but now he ______ to work

by bike.

A. used to drive; is used to go B. used to driving; is used to go C. used to drive; is used to going D. used to driving; is used to going

( ) 33. Doing eye exercises ______ one of the best ways to protect our eyes.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

( ) 34. —______?

—He is tall and thin. A. Who is your cousin B. How is your cousin C. What is your cousin like D. What does your cousin do

( ) 35. —How about going for a drive now?

—______. I have been at home the whole day. A. I'm sure B. I see C. I think so D. I agree

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


I think I'm a late developer. I was 40 before I wrote my first novel, 62 when I went to university. My husband was a talented musician, but at 25 he had a(n) 36 . He lost his speech and the use of the right side of his body. We were so 37 , and we lived on national assistance (援助) for many years.


The life was 38 , but my daughter helped me a lot. 39 encouraged me to write, so I wrote my first novel when my husband had his weekly music therapy (疗法). One day, my daughter gave me War and Peace, and I 40 it so much. The writer of this book is a Russian and I really wanted to read the actual words. Later, a kind Russian woman began to teach me Russian. I 41 hard and I got a degree (学位) in Russian in my 60s. Don't let anyone tell you your memory goes with age. It's there 42 you want it.

I love Russia. I try to go to Moscow every year in the coldest weather. My Russian friends think I'm 43 . It's very cold in winter and they think it's terrible. But I like lying in bed listening to 44 falling.

I don't want to 45 any time. Now I'm in my 80s and I've started to learn ancient Greek. When I won't be able to get out, I'll perfect my Greek. As long as I have my books, I'll be happy.

( ) 36. A. lesson B. exam C. prediction D. illness ( ) 37. A. slow B. simple C. poor D. common ( ) 38. A. easy B. fun C. difficult D. dangerous ( ) 39. A. She B. He C. They D. You ( ) 40. A. waited B. loved C. created D. shared ( ) 41. A. cheered B. studied C. explained D. spread ( ) 42. A. so B. and C. if D. unless ( ) 43. A. careful B. clever C. lonely D. crazy ( ) 44. A. flowers B. trees C. snow D. water ( ) 45. A. waste B. change C. guess D. compare Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


I used to have a friend called Matilda. We were together at secondary school. When we were 16, she moved because of her father's job, but we kept in touch. We used to write long letters to each other. I went to stay with her a couple of times too. We lost contact (联系) after university. I'd love to see her again because we used to be really good friends.


I used to hate a couple of teachers at school, but I think the one I hated the most was my French teacher. He was really terrible. I don't think he liked children or even teaching. He used to be impatient with us and he didn't explain things well. I failed French — it was the only subject I ever failed at school.

I used to play a lot of squash (壁球), but I recently started playing tennis and now I like it better. The problem with squash is that it's pretty hard and maybe I'm just not strong enough to play it. Also the friend I used to play with always beat me. The great thing about tennis is that it's outdoors so I can enjoy the fresh air. It's less competitive and more fun. The only problem is that you can't play when it rains.


( ) 46. What does the underlined phrase “kept in touch” mean in Chinese? A. 失去联系 B. 保持联系 C. 总是争吵 D. 从不争吵

( ) 47. When did the writer and her friend Matilda lose contact? A. At secondary school. B. During high school. C. During college. D. After university.

( ) 48. The writer's French teacher was ______. A. very strict with his students B. good at playing tennis C. bad at teaching D. very humorous

( ) 49. In the writer's opinion, squash is ______. A. relaxing B. interesting C. easy to learn


D. hard to play well

( ) 50. According to the passage, the writer ______. A. hated learning French B. has more friends than before C. thinks tennis is more fun than squash D. has never lost a game in playing tennis


The Baird family's house has a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and three bedrooms. It's big enough for the family of five: parents William and Laura, 9-year-old twins Jasmine and Jessica, and 5-year-old Evan. There's even room for their three cats and a dog. That doesn't sound unusual, does it?

But the home is typical. At just 40 feet long, the whole house is about the length of a school bus! And it's only 12 feet wide. It's about four times smaller than their last house. The Bairds moved into their small house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in the summer of 2014. And they aren't the only ones living small. In recent years, small houses have become more popular across the US.

The Bairds' house is actually much bigger than many other small homes. Most are less than half its size. Like many families who have made the change, the Bairds say they want to help the planet.

“We think a lot more about what we're doing and how we're influencing the environment,” says William.

How can small houses have a big influence on the environment? For one thing, building them requires less wood than bigger homes do.

“You don't have to cut down as many trees to build it,” Jessica says. Small homes also use less of other natural resources (资源), like oil. Because the Bairds' house is so small, it doesn't take much fuel (燃料) to heat it in the winter.


( ) 51. How many pets do the Bairds keep? A. 2.


