新建 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

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Lesson 57 :

Best Wishes

照片 介绍梦想What do you like doing? What’s your dream?

What will you miss most when you graduate from junior high school?

What would you like to say to your best friend?----Best Wishes!

Learn the new words and do some exercises: (work in groups)wallet n.钱包;owner n.主人;row v.划(船); senior adj.级别高的

1.The shop ____ owner gave us a sweet smile and let us sit down. rowing boats with my friends on 2.I like ____ weekends. 3.He picked up a wallet ___ in the street yesterday. senior high school some 4.I want to visit my ____ day.

Paragraph1.Listen and answer: 1.Where did Brain and Steven find the wallet?

In the park. 2.Did Steven forget Danny’s Desk-Cycle?No, he will never forget it.

P2. Listen and translate 1.无论我们未来做什么,我们总会记得我们 在一起的快乐时光。 Whatever ______ we do in the future, we will always have memories of our time together. ___ great _______ 2.一定要保持联系。 stay ____ in touch Be sure to always ____ ____ .

P3.Listen and write true (T) or (F). 1. ( T ) It’s time for Brain to move on to senior high school. 2. ( F) Danny tried to move to the next level by climbing a ladder (梯子).

P4. Listen and translate 1.时光飞逝! How time ___ ___ flies ___ ! 2.祝愿每个人都好运! Best of luck ___ ___ ___ ,everyone!

P5.Listen and answer:1.What’s a new start for Kim?Going to senior high school is a new start .

2.What does Kim wish? She wishes her friends the best in everything they do.

Extensive Reading and find the Language Points.(泛读并找出语言点) 1.Be sure to always stay in touch.

2.I wonder what crazy experiments we will do there.

1.Be sure to always stay in touch. be sure to do “一定要做” of sb./sth./doing “对……有把握” (that)从句 “确信……” stay in touch = keep in touch( with )… (与)…… 保持联系 例:Be sure to come to my house. 一定要来我家。 I am sure he is coming. 我确信他一定会来。

2.I wonder what crazy experiments we will do there. to do “想要做……” wonder at/about sb./sth.“对……感到惊奇” 特殊疑问词+ to do if/whether/wh-引导的宾语从句I wonder at her rudeness. 我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。 I wonder whether he can come back in time. 我不知道他是否能及时赶回来。 We wonder that the little boy is a university student. 我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。

Exercise: B ! 1.How time ___ A. to fly B. flies C. flying C 2.I’ll miss you. I would ____ you by e-mail. A. make friends with B. get along with C. keep in touch with A 3.Practic more, and you are sure ____ the game. A. to win B. winning C. will win C 4.The man makes a living ____ driving a taxi. A. on B. with C. by C 5.--I wonder _________________ . --I’m afraid we’ll be late.

A. how can we be on time B. when they got to school late C. if we will arrive at the meeting on time

Try to fill the blanks according to the text. P2: We laugh, we ___, and sometimes we ___ . ____ we do in the future, we will always ____ great ____ ____ our time together. I’ll ___ all of you. ___ ___ to always ___ ___ ___ . --- Jenny P3:It’s time to ___ ___ to the next level. I’ll never ___ the time Danny ____ ___ move to the next level…by ____ on a chair in the classroom. It won’t be ____ to forget all my friends in Canada. Though we are ___ ___ ___ ,our friendship will always ____ . --- Brain P5:____ to ____ high school is a new start. I’m confident that we’ll do very ___ . I wish you the___ in everything you do. _____ your dreams , my friends! --- Kim

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Let’s sing a song : 《 Auld lang syne友谊地久天长》

