
更新时间:2023-10-08 00:13:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




A means or system of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another.


A pleasure voyage by ship. It is not part of a regularly scheduled service.

car rental agency

A service for renting automobiles for short periods of time.

Hitch hike

Travel by asking for rides in passing vehicles.

charter plane

The plane which is hired for operation for an agreed time and payment by an individual, who then sells tickets to the public.

Boarding pass

A document attached to a ticket which permits the passenger to board the aircraft and claim a specific seat. Not all airlines issue boarding passes.

Schedule airline

An airline that operates its aircraft on fixed routes at fixed times. In other words, it operates according to a timetable.


A place the provides lodging and food for travelers


A location used for entertainment and recreation


A hotel especially built for traveling motorist

Resident hotel

A Hotel for people who don't want to own their homes and hire accommodations on a seasonal basis or permanently

Convention hotel

A hotel which aims at convention service


Usually one face-to-face group sharing experiences in a particular field under the guidance of an expert discussion leader. Attendance generally 30 persons or less.


Usually a general session and face to face groups of participants training each other to gain new knowledge, skills or insights into problems. Attendance generally no more than 30 to 35 participants.


A panel discussion by experts in a given field before a large audience. Some audience participation but appreciably less than a forum. panel

Two or more speakers each state a viewpoint with discussion between speakers. Discussions guided by a moderator. lecture

A formal presentation by an expert sometimes followed by question and answer period.


Usually general sessions and committee meetings; mostly information giving and generally accepted traditional form of annual meeting.


More commonly used European designation for convention (mainly international in scope).

cultural tourism

It refers to traveling to experience and, in some cases, participate in a vanishing life style that lies within human memory. The picturesque setting or \destination area are the main attractions. Typical destination activities include meals in rustic inns, costume festival, folk dance performance and arts and crafts demonstrations in\

recreational tourism

It centers on participation in sports, curative spas, sum bathing and social contact in a relaxed environment. It refers to traveling for the purpose of seeking pleasure.

business tourism

It is characterized by convention, meeting and seminars. It is frequently combined with one or more of the types of tourism already identified.


It is a nature-based form of mass tourism that seeks to minimize the impacts on the natural environment, incorporates an inherent appreciation/educational interest in

that natural environment or natural environmental feature, and includes a management effort directed at the conservation/sustainable use of that natural environment.

urban tourism

There are many who visit other countries primarily because of their cultural attractions in urban centers rather than in the countryside. Many old cities combine the attractions of old and new. Many tourists not only visit these cities while on tour, but may regard a stay in one of them as their main tourist goal.

sustainable tourism

It refers to a tourism that is based on using all tourism resources in a sustainable way.


This concept has been expressed in traditional cultures for hundreds of generations. It means to create an economy that is sustainable and consequently protected for all generations.

tourism impact

It refers to the influences that tourism have on the natural environment and the life of the local community.

英 语 翻 译

1、 It is the peak season for tourism.


2、 How much more is the air fare during peak season?


3、 There is a minimum price for off-season stay and a maximum

price for peak-season.


4、 Our service provides all kind of tours, such as individual tour,

group package tour, and specialized tours including cultural tour, regional tour, biking tour and camping tour, etc.


5、 I will send you a revised itinerary also via email as soon as



6、 Our company is an agent for plane tickets for several airlines

and train ticket within China.


7、 My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my

best to answer your questions, and be your guide and interpreter.


8、 It can be anticipant that the hotel product will be viewed as a

commodity, subject to the same pricing challenges as, for example, agriculture and mineral commodities.


9、 It is said that the movement from entry-level position to

general manager might encompass 15 years.


10、 Staffing is an ongoing challenge because of the high

percentage of employee turnover in the hotel or lodging industry.

由于酒店和旅馆业的雇员人事变更率较高,人员配备是一个持续存在挑战。(“staff” as a vi)

11、 With increased information available to assist in making a

hotel choice, pricing will become an essential competitive method.


12、 We’d like to have some specialties. Can you recommend



13、 In China we have eight major cuisines, among them Sichuan

food, Shandong food and Guangdong food are the most famous.


14、 Sichuan food is very spicy and hot, Guangdong food is crisp

and light, Beijing food is heavy and spicy and Shanghai food is oily and sweet.


15、 I’d like to try some Sichuan food. What is your



16、 Can you order some vegetarian dishes for us?


17、 Paris is a wonderful palace with art dream, which make me

enjoy myself so much and forget to leave.


18、 The people in New York are ambitious and enthusiastic. The

pace of city is very fast, that’s the reason it develops as the top in the world.


19、 Hollywood is a luxury place representing fame and treasure. It

attracts so many young men and women to make their dream true and show their ability and beauty.


20、 Americans are proud of Broadway because it provides

wonderful show and entertainment. It has always been contributing to the culture industry.


21、 India is full of the atmosphere of Buddhistic and most

architecture represents the Buddhist culture.


22、 Suzhou is a land of fish and rice where wealthy families

settled here from all over the China.


23、 Biodiversity is the material basis on which sustainable

development can be carried out, and the earth biosphere as well as humankind can sustain.


24、 Ecotourism is a new fast-developing form of travelling, and is

a hot topic in tourism industry.


